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#685 - Send Out the Bayside Message in Great Haste, Part 2

"And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath shewed to us. And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child." - St. Luke 2: 15-17

"The greatest strength for you, My children, is to remain with My Son by the tabernacles of your world. Go to them, My children, while you still can, for the day will come when they will be closed to you. Weep with My Son; pray with Him, for you hold the balance for the destruction or the salvation of mankind.
    "What was to happen in the future shall be now, My child. It is for you to help change this by getting out the message in great haste. Many arms shall be given to help you in this mission, My child." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976

"Work with great haste, My child, to spread the message of Heaven. There is not much time left.
    "You will pray much for your Vicar, Our beloved son Pope Paul VI, who is undergoing much trial from those he trusts. Know that nothing is hidden from the Father. The time will come when you shall be sifted like the wheat. The chaff will be separated from the solid kernels.
    "Remember, My children, the souls upon earth are placed in God's garden. They are flowers that must be nourished with pure waters of teaching so that their stalks will be strong and grow to the heavens, their faces turned upwards to receive the rays of light from the heavens. These stalks are bending. They are breaking. Who will save them in the ill winds that blow now?
    "The strong, My child, must carry the weak. Labor for souls, for it is truly a labor of love, My child. We will send many arms to you in this great crisis." - Our Lady, November 1, 1974

"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, both public and private. No fence can reach high enough to shut out the spirit. I promise, My children, to be here on the sacred grounds with you. These grounds have been deemed by the Eternal Father to be a center of atonement, an oasis in a barren land.
    "The spirit cannot be claimed by satan. The spirit will not be broken by man if you pray and wear your sacramentals. The knowledge of the supernatural, My child, has been taken from My children. Refresh their hearts with the truth, My child. Send out My message in great haste.
    "There will be established in your country a refuge, a sanctuary. You will be guided, My child and My children, to this sanctuary. The basilica shall be built on the sacred grounds. Patience and fortitude will win you your crowns.
    "You are all being tested and tried. Many will fall away from the cause, for they have not prayed enough. They have not made enough sacrifices to remain in the fold." - Our Lady, December 31, 1974

"My children, My Mother's counsel, Her directives, must go with great haste throughout the world. Mankind has not made amends to the Eternal Father for his blasphemy, mankind's blasphemy and his cursing. The voices of blasphemy have reached all Heaven. The saints who suffered upon earth to win their crowns cry out now with hearts heavy with sadness: 'Oh when, O Lord, just and true, shall you set upon mankind a firm and just punishment for their continued disobedience to the law of the Lord high God in Heaven? Oh when, Faithful and True, shall you smite mankind with a chastisement that will be necessary to cleanse Lucifer and his agents from earth?'
    "My children, in the past My Church, My people have gone through crucibles of suffering, but I say unto you: My House, My Church upon earth is passing through a trial far greater than any in past history." - Jesus, June 18, 1978

"My child, We are much pleased, the Eternal Father is very pleased at the manner in which the Message from Heaven is being dispersed throughout your world. As I promised you, My child, your afflictions shall not stop the message from being sent throughout your world. Time is of great importance. You must work with great haste.
    "You must, My children, tell your brothers and sisters that they must not at this time separate themselves from your ruling bodies within your Church. Satan has set upon the world much con­fusion and error. You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer that you do not fall into error. Do not be concerned of the con­fusion that satan has set upon all at this time. Believe and you will be given the way. All that is rotten shall fall. The enemies of your God shall be exposed, for by their fruits shall they be known." - Our Lady, March 18, 1976

"The warning being given by My Mother must be acted upon, I repeat, because the remaining time is counted. The Eternal Father has watched your actions, the actions of those who are entrusted by the Father with Our sheep, and He has found many wanting. You are being admonished before you will be chastised. Heed the warning being given to you now.
    "You must, in the time given to you, make a complete reversal of your ways that offend the Father much. You'll do this not for mankind in his earthly life, but for the salvation of souls. Awaken from your slumber! Leaders, you have fallen asleep. You have been lulled into darkness because you have given yourselves to the pleasures of the flesh. As leaders of Our sheep, My clergy, do not be misled by your modernist and your humanist. You are being led into the darkness. A deep darkness covers your world. You will know the hand of the Father upon you! As day goes into night and the sun will set, you will know the hand of the Father upon you.
    "I do not give you this warning to place fear in your heart but to bring to you a fact, for your future is now. What was to happen in the future shall be now! It is for all of you to help change this by sending out with great haste the Message from Heaven. The day and the hour is known to the Eternal Father. Make no mistake in being misled in fallacy that you may sin and offend the Eternal Father without punishment. As you sow, so shall you reap. And as of now, My children, you are reaping a whirlwind!" - Jesus, March 22, 1975

"My child, work with great haste to give My message to the world. The time is growing short. Satan has set upon you an attack, My child. No man of science will recognize this illness. He seeks to slow you, My child. Recognize, but keep going. You will be given the stamina and the fortitude to proceed. Rest will cure all, My child. I admonish you now to not consider at this time entering a hospital.
    "The forces of evil, My child, are gathering." - Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"The Father is all-merciful, wishing none to be lost. However, many chastisements will be sent upon mankind. This will be tempered with a great, majestic celestial manifestation from the Father. And after this, My child, should man not recognize the signs of his times, there will be sent upon him the Ball of Redemption. The few with faith have held back this great Warning and Chastisement. However, the scale must be balanced, as time is running out, My child. Work with great haste; persevere in your mission. Accept the will of the Father.
    "Know that in His providence He is all-knowing and seeks for the redemption of mankind. The great Chastisement will be a baptism of fire upon mankind. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice--My voice has cried, has pleaded, has begged for mankind to turn back now from his path or receive a just punishment from the Father.
    "Your country, America, the United States--I had promised to protect and spread My mantle of love upon you. Even now many plot and plan to dethrone My Son and to cast Me aside. How foolish of mankind to reject the graces the Father gives with abundance! Gather them, My children, I cry to you. Gather these graces now. Treasure them and bring them to your children, for great trials are approaching mankind. Your country, for its many abominations and sins of immorality, shall not be free from chastisement." - Our Lady, May 22, 1974

"Parents, parents of good heart and faith, continue to gather your children in your homes. Instil in their heart the knowledge and truth of their God, for when they leave your homes they are going out like innocent sheep into pastures, pastures beset by ravenous wolves.
    "I must, My child, make it known at this time that you must go back in the immediate years and bring the knowledge to mankind that these changes, the changes that have given bad fruits, have not been given to you through the Holy Spirit and through your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. It is the web of satan reaching out. Many are now, My child, puppets. The strings are being pulled by Benelli, Villot, and Casaroli and their followers.
    "My child, you must work with great haste to spread this message throughout the world. I cannot give you the future at this time, My child; but you must now proceed, for the future is now, My child, the future is now!" - Our Lady, September 27, 1975

"As a victim soul, My child, We cannot promise you happiness upon this earth. But We will give you--if you remain steadfast and true, My child, in your own free will--We will give you a reward that far surpasses all of your imagination, your inclinations, and anything that is beyond the human mind to understand now, you will be given in return for yourself. Do you understand this, My child?
    "You will continue, My child, to send the messages throughout the world with great haste. Satan has come with his agents to try to stop you. They are now planning a measure of retaliation. Be prepared, My child; when it happens you will know that it is straight from satan." - Our Lady, June 18, 1986

"My children, My Son, in the Father and the Spirit of light, blesses you all for coming to attest to your love, devotion, and dedication to the Mission from Heaven.
    "My children, graces are given in abundance far beyond what your human mind could understand or comprehend. In due time you will all realize the fruits of your dedication. It is truly for you all a labor of love.
    "My children, you must continue to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. Work with great haste. The elements of nature shall be used against you to try to stop the word from reaching all of your world." - Our Lady, February 10, 1978

"Being of free will in the image of the Eternal Father, mankind has refuted and refused his redemption. Mankind has returned civilization to its corrosive state of the past when it was necessary to destroy mankind in his sin in order to bring forth another flowering generation with promise for growth without the necessity for chastisement. However, the prayers of the few have held back the Warning and great Chastisement.
    "My child, I have counseled you many times, and I must counsel you all again that what was to happen in the future shall be now. It is for you to help change this by getting out the message with great haste.
    "My children, to be My disciples, disciples of the latter days, you must remain now out of the world as much as possible. I do not ask you to deny your livelihood, as you must earn your bread with labor. However, you do not have to sell your soul in this procedure." - Jesus, September 28, 1978

"But you will continue to shout it from the rooftops. The strength will be given you. Every message from Heaven must be duplicated and sent out in great haste. The time is growing short. The enemy is at your door!
    "Yes, My child and My children, My voice has not weakened, but My heart is more torn. For how many years have I traveled throughout your world pleading with you, as a loving Mother, to listen to Me. And how many have listened to this counsel from Heaven? How many have hardened their hearts, closed their ears, so involved in worldly pursuits and pleasure.
    "Pride, arrogance, lust, money, murders--all manner of corruption is set upon mankind because he will not listen. I will not say cannot listen--he will not listen. Therefore, he who will not listen must receive a just chastisement, so his ears will be forcefully opened, and he will bend his knee to his God." - Our Lady, June 18, 1981

"My child, you are approaching a desperate time of your mission. My Mother has directed you in the past to proceed in haste with great purpose and not being obstructed in your work by public opinion. It is through the mercy of the Eternal Father that My Mother was given to mankind as a Mediatrix to bring peace to your earth. This peace cannot be obtained unless mankind follows the direction given by My Mother." - Jesus, April 10, 1976

"Bless you, My children and My child, for the many hours you spend in sending the message throughout the world. When we are all gathered together at the end of this great battle, you will understand the many, many souls that have been brought to Heaven through your efforts--uncounted now upon earth, but counted, I assure you, My children, in Heaven.
    "My child, you must not slacken the pace of the written work. The message must continue to be dispersed with great haste.
    "Needless to repeat, My children and My child, man has brought himself to this point of time. We had all begged, we had waited and hoped that man would not push himself faster into what was to take place in the future. But earth-years have gathered, and too few have accepted the counsel from Heaven.
    "Every man, woman, and child of conscionable age shall be tested in the days ahead. Keep the sacramentals in your homes and on your persons. Guard well your household from the infiltration of evil." - Our Lady, March 15, 1978

"All parents must set a strong example of faith in the home. Your children are being subject to much error and much soul destruction outside your home. Discipline and truth must be brought to the children. The greatest responsibility for these children will be given to the parents. Guard their souls well.
    "The time grows short, My child. Make great haste! Shout from the rooftops! The warning from Heaven must go throughout the world. The time grows short." - Our Lady, July 1, 1973

"How long, you ask, My child, shall it be? This decision lies only in the hearts of mankind. When the abominations have reached a peak of great iniquity, know then that the end is at hand.
    "Death, famine, destruction, seeds of evil flourishing to the extent that you will fear that mass insanity has set upon your world. Sin, My children, is insanity. Wars are a punishment for your sins! Awaken! Take the darkness from your hearts! Make atonement for yourselves, for no man can say he has not offended his God!
    "We send you the graces necessary for your salvation. Accept them, nourish them, and share them with your brothers. My Mother shall be with you to guide you through the days ahead. Work with great haste, My child. The message must go quickly." - Jesus, December 28, 1974

"My child, listen carefully and repeat what I have to say.
    "In your world now there is a great delusion. Error, confusion abounds.
    "I do not have to repeat My Mother's direction, Her directives to you. Needless to say, the Message from Heaven has gone throughout the world. You must all pray more and work with great haste.
    "In your country, the United States, you must pray for your leader. There is a great necessity for God-fearing men to be among you in positions, high positions in your government.
    "My children, I am certain that you all are familiar with the corruption and the evil that has entered upon your government and all of the governments throughout your world. I have watched with dismay and sadness of heart as your governments gather together in a united nation. I feel that they have surrendered themselves now to the enemies of your God, for the major powers are gaining forces, forces of evil to destroy their fellow men." - Jesus, March 18, 1977

"My children of the earth, you are fast approaching a great War. The gauge that measures the extent of a chastisement upon mankind is carried as a balance for the extremity or the lessening of this chastisement.
    "My child, Veronica, and My children, you are already at war: a war of the spirits, the supernatural. However, because many have failed to listen to the counsel of My Mother, you are fast approaching a war far greater and more destructive than mankind has ever experienced in the past. And without the counsel from Heaven being adhered to, the directions strictly followed, many will die upon earth, and nations shall disappear from the face of your earth.
    "As a nation, your country, the United States, had been a beacon of light for the world, a guide for Christendom. However, your country, because of materialism, has cast aside the armor of light, the protection from Heaven; your country has given itself over to all manners of paganistic practices, pursuits, and debasement. Therefore, great trial shall be set upon your nation." - Jesus, December 24, 1979

"My child and My children, We are very pleased at the manner in which you are getting out the Directives from Heaven. Do not slacken your pace. There are many souls to be reached. They must understand the signs of the times.
    "The biggest threshold for the United States and other countries of the world is if they are willing to go forth and overcome the evil within their own countries. The morality has fallen in most nations of the world now, and this cries to Heaven for either repentance or punishment." - Our Lady, June 18, 1992

"My children, you cannot now slacken in the pace of your work for Heaven. The mission must be continued. Many will come and many will go; many seeds fall away as the plant is flowering.
    "My children, I have warned you often that when you are of heart to do the work of the Mission from Heaven, you must not fall to pride and avarice. Your heart must be open to all. My Message from Heaven is free to free spirits. No man shall set himself to enslave others to do his will and command. Man must be a free spirit.
    "It is sad, My children, that in your world there are many who are given strength from satan to command and enslave others far from their will.
    "My child, you must understand I have cried to you often to recognize the faces of evil about you. They come as angels of light with ravenous hearts. You will not judge, My child, but you will pray for these who have fallen away." - Our Lady, June 4, 1977

"Veronica, my sister, please send out the Message from Heaven in great haste. The time grows very short. The great offenses to the Sacred Heart of our beloved Jesus multiply. Therefore, the scale grows most uneven." - St. Theresa, June 8, 1973

"I will be with you always on these sacred grounds. Though I have asked for dates for special vigils, this does not mean that the grounds will not be open in perpetuity.
    "All who come here will be solaced and nourished with graces to prevent the infiltration of satan upon their human souls, so that they will be able to withstand the pressures of satan in their lifetime upon earth and return in glorious triumph to the Kingdom.
    "You have been placed as children of God upon earth, as champions of Heaven. We are saddened when one is captured by satan. We are joyful, and there is great joy in Heaven among the angels and the Father when you are able to take back from satan just one child for Us. So, My children, go forth with great hope and spirit and rescue your brothers and sisters. Disperse throughout the world in great haste My words from these sacred grounds.
    "I have visited on your earth many places throughout world's time, but now We are in the time of crisis. Each who have the grace will go forth as a disciple for My Son. By this manner you will climb the ladder fast into the Kingdom." - Our Lady, March 25, 1973

"What was to happen in the future shall be now. It is for you to help change this, My child, by giving out the Message from Heaven in great haste." - Jesus, September 28, 1974

"You must warn--and make haste, My child--warn Our clergy. They are setting the road for the entrance of the greatest one of evil, the exponent of all that the prince of darkness can set upon the world. He is entered among you and he will bring about the full destruction of mankind.
    "Pray much, My child; pray that all who hear My voice and heed the message will act with great haste to bring this message to mankind, for the time grows short for your redemption.
    "There have been upon earth many voices heard in Heaven, voices of speculation. Dates are not necessary, My child. What need is there for dates, but that you be prepared at all times. Were I to give you a date, mankind would turn and mend their ways. But of what actual value will this be to the soul of mankind, for when the danger to his human nature is over he will return to his sinful ways. No, My child, I shall not give dates. I shall tell you to be prepared at all times.
    "This assurance I will give to My children of the light: they will not be caught unprepared, for I have promised to be with you through the battle ahead." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974

"My child and My children, you must keep the Message from Heaven going throughout the world with haste, great haste, for no one knows the day or the hour. But We have recognized the signs and have given these to you, My children.
    "The Eternal Father knows all and sees all, and knows every heart that has been placed upon earth. However, the Eternal Father has said there will be a great destruction upon mankind very soon, because of their lack of listening to the cautions of My Mother and Our appearances throughout the world. War is a punishment for man's sins. There will be wars and more wars, and yet their hearts are hardened, and their ears have deafened to the fact that this can happen in the United States, Canada, and any part of the world that the enemy has infiltrated into.
    "My child, this is not a lesson in politics. This is but a lesson of reality, what will happen if you do not accept the messages from Heaven and pray, do penance; do much to help My Mother in Her mission, for so many are needed, so many prayers are needed for those poor souls who have no one to pray for them." - Jesus, June 18, 1984

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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