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#709 - True Meaning of Love
"This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you." - St. John 15: 12-14
"Thou shalt not kill, and yet you kill. Thou shalt not bear
witness, and yet you condemn others to death with your testimony. Where is your
love that you call out for? Love, My children, how many of you know the true
meaning of love? Love is in giving, love is kindness; love is not murder, love
is not selling your soul to the devil for power. Many of the rulers throughout
the world are doing this now." - Jesus, July 25, 1985
"My child and My children, if I could take you with Me and give you the eyes
to see and the ears to hear, you'll understand why I have cried out to you in
the past to protect your soul, your children's souls, your families, and accept
as a victim soul the graces given to you from Heaven to reach out with to save
others. For charity and love of heart knows no bounds, no restrictions, but in
giving does one really bring forth the true meaning of love." - Our Lady,
June 18, 1981
"Remember, My child and My children, no matter what course you proceed upon,
if you do not have charity for your neighbor, you have stopped in your progress
to sanctity." - Our Lady, May 20, 1978
"Remember, My children, love is the outstanding word being used in your world
today, but so few know the true meaning of love. So few have practiced the true
meaning of love, for much of this in your world, My children, is based on
self-love." - Jesus, October 1, 1983
"I have a simple lesson to give to all mankind at this time, My child. It is,
as We know, charity among mankind. All works and all acts of sacrifice, have
they a value when they are not covered by charity? And what is charity, My
children? When you come across lives that have been darkened by sin and evil,
you must not become smug; you must not feel secure in your own piety and graces
given to you, but you must feel a sadness of heart for those who have fallen
into the darkness. You must not judge, for the Eternal Father has the only key
to an individual heart." - Our Lady, March 18, 1976
"Yes, My child, you acted well to feed the hungry, clothe the
naked, comfort the afflicted, and you will visit the sick.
"You understand now, My child, with your experience, why I
cry bitter tears throughout your world, crying for the true meaning of love to
be expressed by mankind. Love means the corporal works of mercy.
"Do you, My children, truly know the meaning of love and
practice it in your daily life? Or have your lives been given over to luxury and
seeking pleasures of the flesh? Selfishness abounding in the hearts of many, and
even in the hearts of the clergy. The corporal acts of mercy must be practiced
by the clergy in My Son's House." - Our Lady, September 7, 1979
"My children, without charity you have nothing! Does holiness reign, and
charity, in the hearts of the clergy in My Son's House? Or shall I give to you
the measure of offenses by count as My Son suffers for these offenses by count?
For when you do not clothe your brother in his nakedness, when you do not feed
your brother in his hunger, when you do not comfort him in his affliction, you
offend the Father in Heaven and the Trinity; for even the most humble and
smallest among you, as human beings upon earth, are the children of your God,
and each and every man, woman, and child has been created in the image of God.
But now you have given yourselves over to seeking worldly pleasures; you have
given yourselves over to the worship of Lucifer and false gods." - Our Lady,
September 7, 1979
"Those who have been given the leadership in My Son's House
will one day stand before the Father, and will they be able to say that their
leadership has been just in His eyes? Shall you stand before Him and say that
your teaching has been clean of impurity?
"It is sad, My child, but true, that many care more for
recognition by man than for their eternal salvation.
"My child, many turn their eyes and their hearts from the truth. They do not
care. Love! The word 'love' We hear constantly coming to Us. Love--so few know
the true meaning of love. So few are willing to sacrifice the things of this
world of yours, so temporal in nature. Better that you store your treasures in
Heaven." - Our Lady, June 8, 1974
"Love--why has the world forgotten the true meaning of love? Why has my habit
been replaced and substituted for all the creations of satan? O woe to these
souls that are going into the darkness!" - St. Theresa, October 2, 1971
"You will be measured by the extent of your sin. The degree
of punishment upon your country and the world will be held in measure by the
extent of man's sin and acts and commissions of folly against his God and the
laws of the Eternal Father.
"A wise soul knows the true meaning of saving. Prayer,
sacrifice, atonement are your measure for recovery. There is much talk going
upon the winds, talk which is destructive and not constructive. This We find in
the holy House of God. Better they turn now, go down on their knees, and beg
forgiveness for their offenses against their God. Rank shall not spare the
wicked. Remember Luciel: he was cast from the eternal Kingdom. All who turn
their backs on the commands of the Eternal Father will join Luciel in his dark
world." - Our Lady, October 6, 1972
"We hear, My children, cries of 'love' throughout your world,
but is there the true meaning of love being exercised, or is it just a word that
mankind uses in his seeking, his searching for the truth but never finding it,
My children? Oh, yes, My children, only love can be given by the Eternal Father
the true meaning.
"My Son gave you a perfect example of His love. In His time
of suffering many also rejected Him, My child, and many now have forgotten His
suffering." - Our Lady, July 25, 1975
"Love, love! We hear the words of love constantly, but so few
know the true meaning. The word is being abused. All manner of sin is being
permitted in the name of love and brotherhood, all manner of corruption in your
life and government in the name of brotherhood.
"Pray for the light. There is much darkness among you.
"When I speak of the darkness, My children, We speak of the
forces of evil: all that is not of God, blindness of the spirit; We speak of the
state of the soul. The state of the soul can be often recognized by the actions
of the man." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974
"Accept the life given you upon earth by the Father, and use every moment of
it to please the Father and to sanctify your soul. Love is the way, the road to
Heaven. If the world can only recover the true meaning of love, for love is
truly the essence, the odeur of divinity." - St. Theresa, December 31, 1972
"There is now upon your earth the legions of hell; five major
adversaries of the abyss roam your world. There will be accidents that are not
accidents, sudden deaths that are not in the plan of the Father.
"Children grow more disobedient and arrogant to parents. Man
has lost the true meaning of love and charity of neighbor.
"I counsel you all to take your Book of life, Bible, and
become knowledgeable of these latter days. The plan for the days ahead is
covered quite thoroughly in this Book of life." - Our Lady, July 15, 1973
"It is through My voice-boxes throughout the world that We
must send this warning of caution to all of Our cardinals and bishops. The
Father will not tolerate their entering into secret societies! The discipline
and rules set down by My Son and those He chose to write the Book of life and
love must be adhered to. We direct, in the name of the Trinity, that you bishops
and cardinals of the world must use your full powers as hierarchy to
excommunicate and defrock all who seek to dethrone My Son and destroy the Faith!
"Many of you are in disobedience to Our Vicar! Many of you
set yourselves up as gods in your own parish. Where is your charity? Where is
the piety? Love, love--the word 'love' We see everywhere, but so few know the
true meaning.
"Your separated brethren--yes, My children, We wish that they
return to the fold, but you will not change yourselves and meet them on their
road. You must bring them back to the narrow road.
"My Son set His House upon earth. All who left, left in
rebellion, in protest. Are you to join them? Shall you compromise your Faith?
No! All who sell out the houses of My Son shall receive a recompense of eternal
damnation." - Our Lady, August 21, 1974
"My children, many are turning from your Sacraments,
searching for a new world, a world that is abounding with the word 'love, love!'
But who knows the true meaning of the word love? How many are willing to
sacrifice for this love? How many are willing to starve themselves of their
worldly desires for this love? How many would be willing to give their lives for
this love?" - Our Lady, June 15, 1974
"In My travels throughout your world, My children, the warm heart of your
Mother has been extended to you with the knowledge of how to save yourselves and
your children and those you love, and, in your charity, to extend this love and
reach out for your brothers and sisters--those who have not been given the
graces you are gathering now--reach out and gather them for Us." - Jesus,
November 22, 1976
"Know, My children, that nothing has been wasted--no act of charity has been
wasted, and none shall say that they didn't try; because that is also the secret
of success into the Kingdom of God, is that you will try to follow in My Son's
steps." - Our Lady, June 18, 1984
"My child, as a Mother you will understand. I have a world of children, whom
I am losing every day upon earth. I warn and I caution, and I cannot seem to
save all. I shall wander to and fro, My child and My children, hoping that, as
My voice goes through the voice-boxes upon earth, you will listen to Me. Even if
I recover one of My children, My heart shall be eased. Pray with Me; weep with
Me, My children. Extend charity to all." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979
"You see, My child, how deep is My sorrow. I am truly the Mother of Sorrows.
Make many sacrifices, My child. Instruct My children to follow the rule. Many
shall fall into the abyss because they have no one to pray for them and do
penance for them. Charity, My child, charity must be extended to all. Works
without charity are works that are dead, My child." - Our Lady, November 23,
"Charity of heart you shall extend to all your brothers and sisters, for
without charity, My children, you have grown cold. Without charity you have
become in a mass of darkness. Without charity, My children, the world will be
lost." - Jesus, November 1, 1977
"In the general resurrection of all souls and bodies, My Son shall take the
bones and rise them up, knitting them and uniting them, and placing upon them
incorruptible flesh, for death will be conquered. Pain shall be no more. Sin
shall be no more. Joy will abound. Charity will abound. Goodness, mercy,
kindness, and all the goodness created by the Eternal Father." - Our Lady,
August 5, 1975
"Pray much for your neighbors, your brothers and your sisters. Your prayers
have great power. It is of great charity to pray, My children, for many have
prayed for you all, or you would not be here among those counted upon this
sacred mission." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
"Yes, We do have hope that your prayers, your understanding, your charity,
will bring back those who have gone astray. This can also be accomplished by
your example. Pray, My children, keep a constant vigil of prayer. We will shower
many graces on you all. We are always with you. Remember, My children, wars are
always a punishment for your sins." - Our Lady, June 17, 1971
"Sorrowfully in the past, I have warned you all and counseled you, as your
Mother, as a Mediatrix from God to man, that you must mend your ways and do
penance. And what did you do to stop any chastisement upon you? Very little, My
children, very little! The good have gone upon their way, neither caring to save
their brothers. Selfishness has entered into the hearts of even the good. My
children, without charity you are as nothing." - Our Lady, October 6, 1977
"My child and My children, charity must be exercised at all times, but this
charity does not mean that you must compromise the Faith or the doctrines of My
Son's Church." - Our Lady, June 18, 1979
"My child, weep with Me, pray with Me. Have mercy in your heart for the
sinner. No man is without sin, and therefore charity must not grow cold among
mankind. You are the creation of the Eternal Father, and as such you are
brothers and sisters upon earth, with a destiny similar to all mankind. Sooner
or later, you will fulfill this destiny by coming over the veil. Sadly, many are
coming to Us unprepared, and not warranting entrance into the Eternal Kingdom of
Paradise." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980
"My Mother is rising up many armies throughout the world, candles in a dark
world. Continue to unite all for the salvation and redemption of mankind. Pray
now. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Be the soul of charity to all." -
Jesus, July 25, 1978
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, ever upon your knees to your God the
Father. Beg Him! Do penance, if not for yourselves, but share, in charity, your
graces for those who, without your prayers and sacrifices, shall be lost forever
to the eternal Kingdom. For those who receive in abundance, much is expected of
them." - Jesus, October 2, 1976
"Pray, My children, for your priests, your bishops, your cardinals. Too few
pray for them, for in their awe and their knowledge, they believed in the past,
My children, that these Hierarchy had a special passport to Heaven. No, My
children, they have a human nature also, and human frailties, and must be
protected by prayer and penance and sacrifice, and this means the prayer,
penance and sacrifice of others also, for them. In your charity of heart, in
your love of human nature that We hear man speaking of as he falls into the
errors of modernism and humanism--true love lies in prayers and sacrifice for an
individual, for when you come over the veil, I assure you, it is only love and
prayers that can follow you." - Jesus, May 20, 1978
"Listen carefully, Veronica, to my words.
"I gave my life upon earth as a child. My little way was a
way of love. True love seeks no self-gratification, but the well-being of the
beloved. It is only in giving that you shall receive.
"All must now retire from your world that has been given to
satan. You will not have both. You must now pick up the cross and carry it. Only
in this way will you stay on the road. It is a narrow road, and when you leave,
it is difficult to find the way back." - St. Theresa, March 25, 1973
"Yes, many have joined Us here at this sacred place, blessed
by the Father. Do they raise their hearts in prayer, or to seek selfish
entertainment or self-gratification? Unless you reach out to help gather the
souls of all your brothers and sisters, you will not be counted among those
gathered during the destruction. Love is always in giving.
"My child, care not for the judgment of mere man, but
shoulder your cross. Keep the words given to you by My Son in your heart, for
they will comfort you in your trials." - Our Lady, April 10, 1971
"Penance, atonement, and sacrifice, My children, I beg of
you! The family is disintegrating; there is no discipline. I hear the word
'love' expounded throughout your earth in all medias. But love has been lost!" -
Our Lady, August 14, 1979
"A simple lesson has been given to you in the past, My child.
You will pray for those who castigate you. Pray for those who have made
themselves enemies of your household. Even they may be returned in the light of
"It is easy, My child, to love those who extend their warm
hearts to you, but it is a great virtue to love those who have closed their
heart to you." - Jesus, June 18, 1975
"Prayer, sacrifice, atonement--We ask little of you. All can be summed up in
one word, My children: love." - Our Lady, November 1, 1971
"A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when
you will expect it the least. Your world cries peace, peace, love, when there is
no peace; love, when the meaning of love is no longer known.
"My Mother has shed many tears upon an ungrateful generation,
an unworthy generation that has taken Her sacrifice and cast it back into Her
face! Woe to those who share a responsibility in desecrating and offending the
heart of My Mother! Measure for measure shall he receive his just reward!
"Mercy and charity is not practiced among you. Awaken now
from your blindness! My clergy, you are swimming fast down a current that will
take you over into the abyss. Return to My teachings of truth. They are simple
in knowledge, but they are truth. Scatter My flock and I shall gather you and
cast you fast headlong into the abyss!" - Jesus, December 24, 1974
"You shall not modernize My Church. For you shall not change
My Church to suit man, but you must reverse the course of man to bring him to
his God. For I have given you the grace in your vocations to gather My sheep,
and you have chosen to scatter them!
"Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
Many mitres shall fall into hell. A heavy cross will soon be placed upon the
world. Have you prepared My sheep for this test?
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer now in your country. You
who go about crying love and brotherhood for My Vicar--but how many of you pray
for him? While you give him all the gifts of the world, how many of you pray for
him? You cannot take satan from his course by your gifts of money, your gifts of
outward displays of 'love'! For it is by 'love and brotherhood' that you shall
destroy yourselves. For as your world cries 'love and peace and brotherhood,'
you go faster to your end!" - Jesus, October 2, 1979
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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