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#723 - Catechisms
Q. Why did God make you?
A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.
- Baltimore Catechism
"The catechisms, My children--We find abominations, lies, and sinfulness
abounding in these books. Your children, their minds are being corrupted and
destroyed. The eyes are the mirror of the soul.
"Each parent has an obligation to his
children to remove these diabolical books from his school. The laxity of
parents, the apathy of those who have influence . . . O My children, tears shall
be shed; there will be gnashing of teeth soon! I ask you, I plead to you as your
Mother to prepare your household now." - Our Lady, May 29, 1976
"The catechisms--the truth is not being given as given by the Holy Spirit to
mankind. The truth is going into darkness. In my city there will be a great
meeting of those hierarchy who hold responsibility for these atrocities. In the
good Book, in the books that teach the children, there is much to be restored.
"Many have entered upon a life of self-indulgence. They no longer understand the
value of their calling by living a life of poverty, humility, and chastity.
Strip yourselves now of those trappings of the world that ensnare you and snare
your souls, my brothers, and destroy your vocation.
"The years left to you are few to recover
the flock, the sheep that you have scattered. Awaken now from your slumber, O
you of little faith! The Red Hats, the Purple Hats wandering in darkness of
spirit! O my brothers, I am fully aware of your trial; I am fully aware of the
errors that have entered upon you. Your obedience is to the Eternal Father. No
man shall be justified in promoting error and heresy! I say unto you that you
shall be judged in the least! Turn back, my brothers; you are crumbling the
walls. But Jesus is the foundation, and you shall stand before Him and He shall
ask you of an account of your time, and how many souls have you brought to Him?"
- St. John Neumann, June 5, 1976
"You saw, My child, the Book in great
darkness. I have warned you many times to caution those about you not to buy in
print any publications after the year of 1964 or 5 earth-years. Grave errors are
abounding in these publications." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"My child and My children, you see all
about you the souls who suffered through trial upon earth and gained their
eternal reward. They stand before you and all mankind as examples to be
followed. You must follow them in order to reach the eternal Kingdom, My
children. The knowledge of their existence, the story of their lives, are being
removed from among you for a diabolical reason, My children. That is why My
Mother and I caution you again to retain all of the old books, the publications,
for your children. Do not discard them for the modernized versions, for they are
not of the truth." - Jesus, November 1, 1976
"You will
remove now from their sacred schools set up within the district and parishes of
the houses of God the filth and abominations in print. You will restore truth in
the schools controlled by the houses of God.
"All clergy who
do not accept the truth and follow their vocation with pride and godliness as
representatives of their God shall meet the fate of the fallen angels.” -
Our Lady, March 18, 1973
"My Son's
teachings have been removed from the schools. Only those that call themselves
Catholic shall receive if but a glimmer of light of the true Faith." -
Our Lady, March 18, 1983
"There is much
needed in change. We see, My children, in the schools, both your public schools
and your private schools, even those who call themselves Catholic--they are
Catholic, My children, in name only, for they have sold themselves for pieces of
silver." - Our Lady, December 31, 1974
"My child,
satan has a most terrible plan. You must make it known to the world that he will
try to discredit all those whom We have chosen in the past to bring to you the
truth. You will gather, My child, all the copies of the Books that are being
discarded from your shelves, the Books of life and love, the Books of truth.
Many are being burned, for they have been replaced by books that have been
written by the agents of hell. Hurry, My child, rescue these Books, for soon
they will be few among you. Read them well and they will be forever in your
hearts. Direct your children in the light. Do not allow them to fall into the
darkness of error." - Our Lady, June 15,
"My children,
make your homes a fortress against the evils that enshroud your earth. Gather
the works of truth in your home, even if you have to search them out. You will
not find the truth being printed now. Find the old books, My children, and keep
them as treasures of truth." - Our Lady,
April 1, 1972
"My child, you
must work with great haste. The enemies of the Father in the Kingdom have set
themselves to destroy the knowledge that has been given to you through the ages.
You must gather the books of truth. Many have been rewritten to destroy your
"Remember, My
children, that none will enter into the Kingdom except through My Son, for He is
truly the way." - Our Lady, February 10,
"You will
gather the books of truth that still remain with you. Save them, My child, and
store them well, for the books that your children receive now are created by
satan. There are still many that can be gathered as treasures of truth. Look, My
child, in your stores. Many are being thrown from the schools as they shutter
their doors. Gather these books and keep them, My children. You will need them
in the future." - Our Lady, December 31,
"You will ask
Our children of good spirit to make known the lives of those who have gone
before you, known as the saints. They have given good examples for your
children. Satan wishes to take them from the minds and hearts of your children.
Go, seek out the books of truth that still retain these stories of truth of
these departed souls, those who have given themselves to the Eternal Father
during their lifetime upon your earth." -
Our Lady, August 5, 1975
"My child, I do
not wish to burden you any longer with the miseries upon earth. I wish to talk
only a while, a little bit, about the children of earth, the young children. The
parents must be very careful, My children, who you send your children to be
taught from. Much evil is being developed in the schools in the name of
sexuality. Why cannot we have our children pure of thought and mind? How can we,
My children, when the teachers there are being taught to bring in sex education
to your children? This belongs not in the schools, but in the homes. This is an
obligation of the parents. It will only lead to much greater disaster by having
this sex education in the school system.” -
Jesus, October 2, 1987
"O My children,
I have counseled you through many appearances upon your earth, in countless
earth-years, to guard your homes, protect your children, and bring a firm
foundation of their Faith to them, because when they leave your homes they enter
now a world that is in now full control by Lucifer and his agents from hell.
They form the group known as 666, the forces of evil.
“O My children
and parents, I counsel you as your Mother, I come to you with dire forebodings
for your children in My heart because many are now straying into the web created
by Lucifer of false religions and the occult.” –
Our Lady, July 14, 1979
"There are many
false prophets now teaching doctrines of demons. You must protect your children
from falling in with them--false prophets trying to build a church of man, and
no angels to guide them. A church of secularism, humanism, socialism, communism,
and satanism.
"The Eternal
Father, My children, is most merciful. I stand before Him daily, pleading for
your cause, asking for more time for penance to be done by many. But these many
have become few.” – Our Lady, July 14,
"Parents, you
cannot now expect your leaders in government--city, state, or national, to
protect your children, for the forces of evil are solidly entrenched now in your
government. Your medias of communication are controlled. Each and every parent
must assume now full responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls.
"Those who call
themselves pastors in My Son's Church upon earth have given themselves over to
worldly pursuits and living, while they scatter Our sheep.” –
Our Lady, February 1, 1978
"As in the time
of Sodom and Gomorrha, the Eternal Father was most merciful until His mercy
could no longer be contained. So will it be for those who partake of the
abominable acts of what you call upon earth homosexuality. It is an abomination
in the eyes of the Eternal Father.
"Parents must
guard their children, even from their teachers. Many are now direct agents of
hell, though they walk in human bodies. Protect your children with their
sacramentals. Teach them!” – St.
Theresa, June 18, 1991
"The major
offense being committed in your world is an offense far above any sin committed
in such majority in the past. You have committed the great sin of heresy. You
have opened the doors of your Eternal City, the home of your Vicar, to all
manner of heretics and non-believers." -
St. Michael, February 1, 1977
"Pastors in the
houses of your God, you must return from your wanderings and gather your
straying sheep. Discipline must be returned. Holiness and piety must be
returned. Heresy and heretics must be taken out of Rome! The power of
excommunication must be used. You will cleanse the Eternal City now, or you will
accept the sword!" - St. Michael,
December 27, 1975
"Your children
must be protected from the evils that abound in your school systems in your
country and most nations throughout the world. They are being taught immorality
and a loss of faith in the supernatural and the knowledge of their God. All
manner of heresy has been indoctrinated into their youthful minds. It is a
diabolical plan of Lucifer." - Our Lady,
June 18, 1979
"Many homes
shall be torn asunder by the fall of the children. Parents shall shed tears of
anguish. Therefore, prevent this now while your children are at a young age.
Give them a firm foundation of their faith. Be not afraid to speak out against
heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy. For
many now have fallen in with the modernists, the socialists, the communists, and
some the satanists. Therefore, My children, I make known to you the crisis that
lies ahead." - Our Lady, June 18, 1979
"Because of the
arrogance and pride of My clergy, many of Our sheep, Our children, are lost to
the Kingdom of Heaven. Many mitres are destined for the abyss. Heresy and
apostasy abounds upon earth." - Jesus,
June 18, 1979
"Heresy, O
mournful heresy! Pastors, this shall not be tolerated. You must not destroy Our
young flowers, the children. You must nurture them with pure waters of faith.
This faith must not be tainted by modernism and humanism. You have set upon the
world a confusion of mind and a darkening of spirit." -
Our Lady, November 20, 1975
"There are many
deceptions taking place among you, and one being the falsification of the manner
of the salvation of souls. When I was upon earth, I established the rules and I
gave you My Church, My House. However, now I watch as many have gone forward
with itching ears and novelty, and they are setting upon the world a new
religion. Though their hearts may have started with good intent, this novelty
and experimentation--My children, I assure you, what you are calling
'Pentecostals' and calling down upon you the 'Spirit,' it is a devious and
insidious evil created by satan to take away from you the knowledge and the need
for the institutionalized Church.
"My children,
you must understand that satan is at war now with My children and will use every
means to close My House, My Church upon earth. The war now is entered upon Rome.
There must be direct application of prayer, and knowledge applied through the
Spirit of your God.
"My children,
understand that, with all of your modernization and your intent for good, you
have been deceived by satan. Humanism and modernism is bringing about bad
fruits, My children. A great measure of responsibility shall be given among
those in My hierarchy in My Church that have allowed these errors to come in." -
Jesus, May 20, 1978
"Theologians in
My Son's churches and seminaries have implemented doctrines of demons in My
Son's House--Church. Theologians have set many onto the path to hell." -
Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"There are many
theologians, even in My Son's House now, that are bringing to mankind doctrines
of demons. They are teachings of man and not of God. Many have set themselves in
their arrogance to change the wordings in the Book of love and life, the Bible.
These changes were to seduce mankind into bondage of sin." -
Our Lady, June 2, 1979
"Do not fall
into the errors of modern thinkers. Your scientists and your new theologians in
My House who have cast aside the knowledge of sin and the penance for sin--yes,
I died upon the cross to open Heaven to all mankind, but all shall not enter. My
death upon the cross does not guarantee every man entrance into Heaven unless he
merits it by grace.
"Graces are
given in abundance for the asking, but you must seek it, or some charitable
brother or sister upon earth must seek it for you. Graces are given in abundance
through My Mother's intercession for you. You will listen to Her counsel. Her
words are not given to you in idleness but in preparation for what lies ahead in
your near future." - Jesus, May 30, 1978
"My child and
My children, how long can I go about your earth going from place to place,
hinder and yon, as your Mother, praying with you, solacing the nations that
suffer from their own laxity. We ask for prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. And
what do We get? We have theologians who now consider themselves as gods upon
earth. They are setting up a new world religion, a one-world religion based on
humanism and modernism. This will not continue much longer, My children. It has
taken many earth-years to develop these theories. And those who have their heads
in the clouds, though they wear the purple hats and the red hats, those who have
become blinded from the excessive love of luxury and materialism, shall be lost
in the chaos." - Our Lady, September 27,
"There are many
false prophets now going throughout the world. They come to you as angels of
light, but they are distorting the Book of life, the Bible. They are reprinting
it to suit their own ideas, ideologies, and a new-found theology. You must not
accept these modernistic printings, for they do not carry the truth nor the true
word of God.
"Your children
must be protected from the evils that abound in your school systems in your
country and most nations throughout the world. They are being taught immorality
and a loss of faith in the supernatural and the knowledge of their God. All
manner of heresy has been indoctrinated into their youthful minds. It is a
diabolical plan of Lucifer." - Our Lady,
June 18, 1979
"I have
cautioned the priests, the hierarchy in My Son's Church, to remove their pride
and arrogance from their beings and their hearts. Their way has become a way of
the world, governed by man and not by his God. This new way will only lead to
total destruction, of not only the souls but the body.
"The pages of
John's writings, the Apocalypse, the Revelations, are turning faster and faster.
Man controls the speed to his destruction. Your country, My child, the United
States, and many countries of the world have become paganized. My Son's Church
upon earth shall go through a great crucible of suffering with chaos.
"The good shall
be called the bad, and the bad shall be glorified. It will not be easy, My
children, to remain upon the narrow road. You have been given many graces to
retain you. Wear your sacramentals, and protect your children. Your home must be
a fortress against evil." - Our Lady, October 6, 1978
"Now, My child,
I must tell you, since much of your penance for the priesthood has been
accepted, My child, I at first chose not to mention the sorrow We have because
of the manner in which My House upon earth is being continued--a House--because
of modernism, satanism, and seeking the profound, not in the history of My
House, but in the new modern way of doing things. This new modern way has been
promoted by satan.
"Yes, My child,
even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took
over the scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the
highest league of the hierarchy, until it saddens Me to say that many priests
now are on the road to perdition and taking many others with them." - Jesus,
July 25, 1985
"My pastors,
those who have dedicated themselves as teachers of the young souls, you are
scattering the flock! Turn now from your worldliness and your seeking of
materialism. What have you gained for yourselves or those whom you have taken a
vow to protect and guide to the eternal Kingdom of the Father? You are leading
them down, by your example, the road to perdition!
"Pastors of the
world--those given to guide the sheep to Heaven--shall you stand before My Son
and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? He will cast you into the
eternal fires of damnation, you who have forgotten your role as pastor!
"Through the
merciful heart of the Eternal Father in My Son, I have come to you as a
Mediatrix between God and man, a bearer of tidings from Heaven. I wish them to
be tidings of great joy, but you have darkened your spirit and set upon your
world a complete blackness, a darkness of the spirit. Therefore, I must bring to
you tidings of warning, for the Eternal Father has poised His hand. He will let
loose upon you a Chastisement that has never been seen or set upon mankind in
the past!” – Our Lady, August 14, 1975
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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