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#730 - Cowardice
"Fear is not in charity: but perfect charity casteth out fear, because fear hath pain. And he that feareth, is not perfected in charity. Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us." - 1 John 4: 18-19
"You cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father, My
child. The sheep are now being separated from the goats. Yes, My child, take
courage and speak the truth. You must tell the bishop that he has placed himself
among the goats, and he must remove himself immediately! The Bishop of Brooklyn.
"Do not shudder, My child. You must save this soul. Each soul
is precious to the Eternal Father, My child. No, you will not be accused of
judging, for you are only bringing the Message from Heaven. Hurry now, My child;
hasten to send the letter to him. In time you will understand why." - Our
Lady, January 31, 1976
"And why, My children, will this great War come about, the
war to end all wars? Because of man's sin! In your country, My children, in your
seminaries in the United States and Canada, My children, and the world, you have
professors now so steeped in sin . . . they who call themselves My Son's chosen
priests, they are vile sons of satan who are now rationalizing sin! There shall
be no rationalization placed upon sin. The commandments shall not be looked at
objectively and given to excuses, or reasoning to condone sin! No, My children,
it is the minds poisoned by satan that spread this filth and error, this
distortion of doctrine, this distortion of Tradition, and this distortion of
your Faith!
"Awaken, pastors, from your slumber! Can you, O bishops, not
spare but the little time to look into your seminaries? I say but one expression
to you: they have become hell-holes of error and heresy! Clean out your
seminaries, My bishops! My Son will lay upon you a heavy hand in penance! Is
this what you want? Do you not have the courage of your convictions to stand by
the truth of your Faith? Have you given yourselves to such foul sin, O bishops,
in your personal lives that you do no longer recognize sin as being a way of
life? Are you also condoning sin to become a way of life? And what will you
gain, for as you live so shall you die in sin!
"O pastors of My Son's House, I beg you, as your Mother--for
it truly rains teardrops from Heaven--restore My Son's House to its former
glory. Do not give yourselves to filling your coffers. The Eternal Father wants
none of your gold or your silver or your power over mankind, if this power
destroys the souls He has entrusted to you. Yes, Heaven looks upon those who
have entered My Son's House to destroy it! You cannot hide your hearts from the
Eternal Father. He allows you to go about your way, hoping that in your error
you will come out of the darkness and restore yourselves to the light." - Our
Lady, October 2, 1976
"Yes, My child, your letters have reached their
destinations. Now you must pray for these poor souls that the grace shall be
given to them by the Eternal Father to turn from their ways, that they shall
receive the courage to come forward and acknowledge their God in truth.
"I ask all of Our children upon earth to read the Holy
Scriptures. You shall not fall into error if you start this reading by
imploring the Spirit of light to aid you in your readings. The enemies of your
God have massed now throughout your world to change and confuse the minds of
many." - Our Lady, March 18, 1976
"My Son is much
grieved by the manner in which His Sacrifice is conducted within the churches of
the world. Pastors! Shepherds of Our flock, have you not the courage to stand up
for the light? Do you fear mankind? No man shall save you from your eternal
reward if you receive the recompense of your abominations! You shall be cast
into the abyss, counted among the least. You have been given a divine vocation.
You scandalize those who have been entrusted to you! Awaken now from your
blindness! Bishops, the salt--what have you done to your vocation? You have
brought scandal, destruction of souls!
"I beg, as your Mother, for you to listen to My warnings. My
urgent plea is of major concern to your world now. For if you do not listen to
Me now, you will set fast into a major World War. Wars are a punishment for
man's sins." - Our Lady, March 18, 1975
"And My good children, you do not pray for your priests. You
do not pay--I say the word 'pay,' for them--in other words, ransom them from
purgatory. Ransom them even from hell. We do not wish to see Our priests be cast
into purgatory or hell. But there are many now in purgatory, and you must do
penance for them, and pray for them, for they are misled. They do not have
courage, the courage of their own convictions to stand up and fight. They have
lost the realization of the existence of the immortality of the soul. And there
are many now who are going about, be they true, truly ordained priests, or are
they infiltrators into My Son's House? Only you as a parent can find out. Seek,
and you will find them out. By their fruits will they be known." - Our Lady,
June 18, 1982
"I understand, My child, what you are thinking, of the complications you fall
into when trying to prove to the world the truth. Those who do not have the
courage to keep their grace--for graces are given and graces can be taken
back--therefore, it is most important, My child, that you will pray for the two
individuals that have made it most difficult to get their cures together." -
Our Lady, October 1, 1988
"The major downfall in the House of God lies with the fact, My child, that
the pastors prefer worldly living with world treasures, never counting the
merits needed to enter the eternal Kingdom of God the Father. These merits are
not gained by your gatherings of world treasures. They come from your heart.
These hearts of Our pastors have been hardened. Their ears are clogged, My
child; they do not listen. Their eyes are blinded, not seeing the miracles We
send to open them.
"Pastors, do you reject the Message from Heaven because you fear it? Or do
you prefer to ignore it because it will expose your error?
"Pride! False pride, My children, is the downfall of many. Cast aside this
worldly pride! You have only one to face when you come over the veil: it is the
judgment of the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your priests,
cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a delusion has been set
amongst them to test their valor, to test their holiness, to test their fidelity
to My Son's Church! Oh sorrow of sorrows from your Mother's heart, that as We
now go throughout your world, can We say that there are one hundred true priests
left in My Son's House? Shall He return and find even a flicker of faith left
among His sheep? The shepherds don't carry the light.
"My children, parents, protect your children. You must now assume a great
responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. Do not expect this to
come from Rome, for Rome now is under great attack. 666, satan--Lucifer and his
hordes of demons now are in control of Rome. Heaven will allow now the bishops,
the cardinals to be tested. The kernels shall be taken from the chaff, and all
that is rotten will fall.” – Our Lady, May 23, 1979
“Cardinals, bishops, priests of the order of God, if you are guilty, turn
from your ways. I make no accusations by name, though the list is growing long,
to the Eternal Father. You who were given the God-given grace to be leaders of
the flock have now scattered Our sheep! Bishops, what has become of your
vocation? You are becoming despoilers of the human race. You cannot hide your
sin from the Eternal Father. Turn back while there is time!" – Our Lady, June
18, 1993
"My Church, My House, was given to you in entirety. There is
no need now to change. The only change necessary now, My children, is to go back
and restore the light.
"Holiness, piety, dedication must be returned to the
churches, or the vocations will fall. The churches will be emptied, and the
leaders will be imprisoned by their enemies that have come to them as angels of
light, but with ravenous hearts.
"The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled.
Pray for all men of sin, for their judgment lies with the Eternal Father Who
sees into their hearts.
"The Eternal Father, My child, is always the final judge.
Speak once with the Message from Heaven. If not hastened, speak no more but keep
in heart that it may not be their decision.
"Give them, your clergy, by your example and prayers, the
courage to stay in the light.
"You do not join the enemy to win the battle, My children,
for when you join them, you become tainted. When the world and My Church become
one, know that the end is at hand." - Jesus, June 5, 1975
"Great courage will be needed in the days ahead. You will
pray much, and the Father will counsel you on your next recourse. Spread the
message, My child, with great haste.
"Did I not warn you that the agents of darkness would try to
stop the truth? Have no fear, My child. It is not man that you should fear. Man
has lost his way; he is in deep darkness. Darkness has entered into the hearts
of many. Many in My Son's House now have gone down the road to darkness. Pray
for them, My child. Do not castigate them in any way, but pray that they may be
given the light." - Our Lady, November 1, 1973
"I promise you all, when you wear My brown Scapular, you
shall not be condemned to hell. I repeat: If you pass on over the veil and are
wearing the brown Scapular, you shall not see the fires of hell.
"My child and My children, it will take great courage for you
to fight, for the others in your parish, and those who are your friends, who do
not have the courage of their convictions--courage to go forth and promote the
brown Scapular. I do not go back on My words to mankind: I have often said to
the world that if you wear My Scapular, you will be saved.
"To understand this better, My child, I will converse further
with you. Now this be it known: that the Scapular cannot keep you from
purgatory. I purposely gave this knowledge to Saint Simon Stock, the knowledge
of the existence of a sacramental so powerful that a man who would fall fast
into hell shall escape, through the mercy of his God, and the existence of a
shadow of faith that he may have." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985
"Continue the prayers of atonement, the Rosary. Wear your
Scapular; it was given for great reason. One day you all will understand. Pray,
My children; a constant vigilance of prayer must go throughout your country and
the world. Prayer now is the only means with action for saving the souls in your
country and your countrymen, for destruction is about to come upon you.
"Remember, My children, in the days ahead, your great comfort
is the knowledge that there is no death. Life will continue beyond the veil for
all. Many will be asked to sacrifice in the name of the Lord. But how great a
sacrifice is this? Very little, in comparison to the great reward that lies for
him over the veil.
"Pray, My children, for strength. It will take great courage
to remain in the fold in the days ahead; but your courage shall be the cross and
the knowledge of the truth.
"Remember, do not become a worshiper of the creature, but of
the Creator; for the creature is the world, and the world is satan. The Creator
is your God, and His world is the Kingdom of Paradise. This choice will be yours
to make. Each and every one of you will have to make that choice soon. No man
shall be lost unless he is lost of his own free will." - Jesus, June 18, 1980
"You must learn to recognize the faces of evil about you, My
child. They will come forward with a semblance of piety and an exterior of the
"You ask Me, My child, for a sign for the world, a major
miracle. No, My child, you are not being presumptuous, but you must give to the
will of the Father.
"Perseverance and courage will be necessary in the days
ahead. The strength and grace will be given to continue the mission.
"The Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix to bring this warning
to the world. You must turn from your present ways that offend the Father much,
for you are bringing upon mankind a great Chastisement. Many warnings have been
given in the past, but they have gone by unrecognized as coming from the
Father." - Our Lady, July 25, 1974
"Know that the forces of evil have gathered to try to silence
My voice, My child. I cry great tears of sorrow upon mankind. When the Father
chose you, My child, He knew of your perseverance and your great courage in
faith. Therefore, We depend much upon the message being sent through you, My
child, throughout the world.
"Satan has the power to attack your body. You will increase
your internal prayers to fight his agents who have set themselves to drain your
strength. I have asked you to remain in seclusion. This is for your protection
and for the propagation of the message.
"The message, My child, that I have entrusted to you will be
rejected by many. Know and learn a simple lesson. I do not speak to you in
riddles or symbols, but in plain truth in the light. Those in the darkness will
not understand, for they have not penetrated this darkness of spirit." - Our
Lady, August 5, 1974
"Remain in communion with My Son, for He will protect you. Visit My Son
often. You have many friends in Heaven. Be not guided by fear, but by prayer.
Fear not the darkness, for I carry the light.
"Veronica, you must shout My message from the roof! Fear not the suffering,
for We will wipe away your tears. All will be joy in the Kingdom." – Our
Lady, September 14, 1970
"Yes, My child, there is nothing to fear but fear as an emotion. Face this
fear and it will soon disappear.
"There is no man on earth that you must fear. The agents of hell and those in
darkness are many. If there is to be fear, fear those who seek to destroy your
"We ask obedience, My child, to your elders but not when it is misleading.
You must search out the sheep and the goats. We do not expect you to join the
goats. Remember, My child, all will be judged with a firm hand.” – Our Lady,
October 2, 1974
"I place, My child, your hand in Mine, knowing that I protect you in the days
ahead. I place My blue mantle over all My children. What is there to fear but
fear? Face fear, My child, and it will soon disappear.” – Our Lady, November
23, 1974
“You must have great confidence, for you have been given much knowledge of
the power of the Father. Fear is a tool of satan. I repeat: face fear and it
will disappear.” – Our Lady, September 28, 1974
"Fear, My child--what have you to fear but the loss of the Kingdom. Fear is
promoted by Lucifer. You will fear no man, but pray for them. Be humble of heart
and pray that they, too, may be given the light.” – Our Lady, December 7,
"I see, My children, a great evil transpiring upon earth. Those who have the
power to stop the evil have chosen to go downstream like ducks upon water,
letting everything slide off their backs, neither caring nor visualizing the
future. And why? Because they have given themselves to the world.
"Just as My Son stood before Pilate and he washed his hands and said: 'This
man is innocent; I see no wrong in him,' however, in his heart he knew of
innocence but he feared reprisal from the crowd, My children; he valued his
life, he loved his sin, and he was too much involved with the pleasures of this
life and the world." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Awaken now, My pastors, from your slumber. You are like ducks traveling
downstream, heading for a whirlpool that will take you deep down into the abyss.
You are playing follow the leader, and who are your leaders but enemies of My
Church! Open your eyes! Do not harden your hearts because you have become soft,
My pastors. You care more for the pleasures of the world. You have become
worldly. You have lost your way, and the sheep are astray. Shall you stand
before Me and say that you have completed your mission in the light, in good
sight before Me? O woe to the pastor who neglects his role, his vocation! O woe
to the pastor who sells out My Church for silver and gold. I will say unto him:
Be gone from Me. Like a viper, you shall be destroyed in the abyss." - Jesus,
August 14, 1979
"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy.
I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to
hell. Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980
"I hold, as your God, I hold you responsible, O wearers of the Red Hats and
followers of the Purple Hats, who are following like ducks upon water
downstream—and I say downstream—to the rapids that shall engulf you until there
is no turning back, and you shall receive the Ball of Redemption. You shall
receive a baptism of fire, and many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of
Redemption." - Jesus, November 1, 1976
"Many are now proceeding as sheep to the slaughter. They travel with their
leaders, neither thinking nor caring nor reasoning for the truth. They are
truly, My children, like ducks fast going downstream and caught in a whirlpool
to their own destruction. It is a game most disastrous of playing follow the
leader. And who are your leaders, My children? They are souls that have been
taken over by satan, and now are under his rule. Pray for them. Until they leave
their human bodies, they still can be recovered. Pray for their conversion." -
Our Lady, August 5, 1976
"It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan
will set himself in their midst. Like a game of chess, he manipulates for his
benefit, not mankind. Like a game of chess, he will play cardinal against
cardinal and bishop against bishop.
"In the Council of Rome, Vatican II, man set out to use his own deviations to
promote peace. Look about you, My children, and learn what peace has been
brought to mankind. Man cries peace, peace, and he goes farther away from peace.
There shall be no peace without faith. There shall be no peace without the plan
of God in the hearts of man!" - Our Lady, May 18, 1977
"Learn a simple lesson, My child. You will meet with rejection by many, for
by rejecting My message they can place it as far from mind as possible. When one
does not wish to accept a truth they try to disprove and sully this truth." -
Our Lady, July 25, 1975
"It will take courage, My children, to carry this Mission
forth. But you will be guided by Our Blessed Mother. My Mother has accepted Her
role and She promises you, as I do, also, that We will be with you until the end
of time, and the beginning of a giant, great renewal. That, My child, shall be
given in time to all mankind." - Jesus, July 1, 1985
"One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside, and I will appear
over the old church building. Your Bishop then cannot deny My appearances." -
Our Lady, May 17, 1986
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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