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#739 - Good Words Kept in a Closed Mouth

"Good things that are hidden in a mouth that is shut, are as masses of meat set about a grave." - Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 30:18

"There are many voice-boxes throughout your earth, and We say to them: Shout the message from the rooftops! Good words kept in a closed mouth is like placing meat, meat on a dead man's grave. I repeat: good words kept in a closed mouth is like placing meat on a dead man's grave." - Jesus, June 5, 1976

"666, My children, the agents of hell, have entered upon the world. 666, the agents of hell, have taken major positions now in the Eternal City of Rome. And what must you do now? Good words in a closed mouth is like placing dead beef on a dead man's grave. Take yourselves away from those who are destroyers of the soul, for you have nothing in common with them. What is there between or commensurate between the light and the darkness? Do you have, you who have gained the knowledge and retained your faith and remained pure of spirit, what do you have in common with the forces of evil? Avoid all occasions of sin. Do not be partakers of their sin, for birds of a feather shall surely flock together.
    "My children, you must remember all of the directions I have given you in the past to prepare for the Warning. You must review in your leisure time all of the directives from Heaven. When this battle has reached its finish, My children, all will have been tested." - Our Lady, August 5, 1976

"O My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Keep the truth in knowledge of your Faith within your heart. Expound it widely; do not close your mouth when you may bring the truth to others. Good words kept in a closed mouth is like putting messes of meat on a dead man's grave. Good words kept in a closed mouth is truly, My children, a waste. It is like placing meat on a dead man's grave.
    "O My children, do not cast aside the teachings of your founding Fathers. They were given to you for reason. And now man, in his arrogance and his searching for a truth that is not of their God, man in his arrogance and pride seeking to reach Heaven without knowledge of the supernatural--whatever shall be his end but destruction. Man of science is ever searching, but never coming to the truth!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1976

"Stand up, pastors in the houses of My Son, and give firm discipline by example and words chosen from the Book of love and life, the Bible. Remember all that can save a soul must be given to mankind. Good words kept in a closed mouth is like placing meat on a dead man's grave. What good is it to keep this knowledge to yourself, for would it not be, My children, selfishness not to share the way with the sheep? Awaken from your slumber, pastors! There is not much time left. You will have to account to My Son for your errors and for your arrogance and for your sloth. Awaken, pastors in My Son's houses! You are misleading the sheep.
    "O woe, O woe! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. O woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth!" - Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"You must hasten, My child, as the time grows short, to warn Our clergy that they must not follow the plan of satan. There is a great delusion sent upon them. In the ranks of Our clergy and in the ruling bodies of My Son's houses, there are many who have fallen to satan. Can I deny this truth and allow you to go as sheep into the slaughtering pit? No, My children! My voice cries out from your sacred grounds. I have been sent throughout the world as a Mediatrix between God and mankind. I have been shut out of many places. My voice has not carried far. However, My children, the awakening will be soon, and it will be a sad day and night for many.
    "Many follow because they are misled, My child. When they are given the knowledge of the truth and the blindness is removed from them, they, too, will come into the light. Pray much, for with prayer many souls will be recovered. These prayers must not be without acts of sacrifice and works. For what good are good words without work? For these words, unless they go forward to mankind, it is, My child, like placing meat on a dead man's grave." - Our Lady, September 7, 1974

"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell. Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980

"I see, My children, a great evil transpiring upon earth. Those who have the power to stop the evil have chosen to go downstream like ducks upon water, letting everything slide off their backs, neither caring nor visualizing the future. And why? Because they have given themselves to the world.
    "Just as My Son stood before Pilate and he washed his hands and said: 'This man is innocent; I see no wrong in him,' however, in his heart he knew of innocence but he feared reprisal from the crowd, My children; he valued his life, he loved his sin, and he was too much involved with the pleasures of this life and the world." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977

"Awaken now, My pastors, from your slumber. You are like ducks traveling downstream, heading for a whirlpool that will take you deep down into the abyss. You are playing follow the leader, and who are your leaders but enemies of My Church! Open your eyes! Do not harden your hearts because you have become soft, My pastors. You care more for the pleasures of the world. You have become worldly. You have lost your way, and the sheep are astray. Shall you stand before Me and say that you have completed your mission in the light, in good sight before Me? O woe to the pastor who neglects his role, his vocation! O woe to the pastor who sells out My Church for silver and gold. I will say unto him: Be gone from Me. Like a viper, you shall be destroyed in the abyss." - Jesus, August 14, 1979

"As you go through the coming days, My child and My children, you will give the Message from Heaven to all. Speak once, and if not hastened, speak no more; but keep in heart that it may not be his decision. By that I mean, My child, that many are playing 'follow the leader' onto the road to damnation. They are swimming downstream like ducks, heading for the destruction of the rapids.
    "Your country and the world is heading fast to a dangerous climax, My child." - Our Lady, July 25, 1975

"Charity has grown cold in the hearts of most. And those who profess a vocation in the clergy have become neither lukewarm nor active, but they go downstream to their destruction like ducks, neither caring whether the abominations destroy souls in My House. They call forth the heavy hand of the Father upon them! All manners of violations to all humanness and dignity is taking place even within the portals of My Church—violations against sanctity." - Jesus, October 6, 1977

"The spirit of darkness has set upon mankind the separation of the sheep from the goats. Many of you, My clergy, have given yourselves to the world. You follow downstream into the abyss! You are like ducks, on midstream." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

"I hold, as your God, I hold you responsible, O wearers of the Red Hats and followers of the Purple Hats, who are following like ducks upon water downstream—and I say downstream—to the rapids that shall engulf you until there is no turning back, and you shall receive the Ball of Redemption. You shall receive a baptism of fire, and many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption." - Jesus, November 1, 1976

"Many are now proceeding as sheep to the slaughter. They travel with their leaders, neither thinking nor caring nor reasoning for the truth. They are truly, My children, like ducks fast going downstream and caught in a whirlpool to their own destruction. It is a game most disastrous of playing follow the leader. And who are your leaders, My children? They are souls that have been taken over by satan, and now are under his rule. Pray for them. Until they leave their human bodies, they still can be recovered. Pray for their conversion." - Our Lady, August 5, 1976

"I ask you not to judge your brother or sister but to counsel them. Permissiveness is not accepted in the redemption of souls. It is one thing, My children, to maintain discipline, and another to become lackadaisical and going along like ducks in water, letting everything roll off your backs, neither caring nor searching for the truth. Many of My pastors, the leaders in My House, My Church upon earth, have joined the groups of the ducks. And I must say that many are goats now, My children; and I assure you We are busy now from Heaven separating the sheep from the goats." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

"I look upon you, O Red Hats, and find you wanting. I look upon you, O Purple Hats, and find you in ignorance and going downstream like ducks, playing follow the leader to what, as your leaders lead you over the brink to the abyss! Where shall My straying sheep go to find the truth?" - Jesus, February 1, 1977

"Do you understand Me, My children? I ask you not to abandon My Son's Church in the crisis of Faith* now, but to keep the Bark of Peter afloat. I ask you not to remain silent when you meet with wrongdoing, but to speak out and act to correct a situation that is offensive to your God and destructive to your soul." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979

“The Father is always the final judge, but We do not condone evil, and you must speak out in defense of the truth. If you are silent in the face of destruction, you hold great responsibility for the loss of souls. If you cannot stand and fight for My Son, can you expect Him to recognize you and stand before the Father in your defense when you come over the veil? All who deny My Son shall be denied.” - Our Lady, April 6, 1974

“We hold the pastors of My Son’s House, We hold them as being responsible for the fall of the children. Be ye warned now, My children, that woe to the man who has this responsibility upon his conscience and his soul. Scandals have been brought into the lives of your children. Perversion, homosexuality, immorality, perverted sex, My children—where shall you stop but at the abyss!” - Our Lady, December 7, 1977

“Parents must struggle now to retain the Faith in the lives of their children. You must accept the responsibility for the salvation of your children’s souls. Teach them; prepare them; fortify them against the rigors of the attacks of satan when they leave the comfort and the safety of their homes. Do not expect your pastors to guide you now. Many have fast fallen into darkness, and must be brought out themselves.” - Our Lady, December 28, 1976

“There are many children without the light now, and the measure of responsibility is with My shepherds. You must understand that the supreme and first commandment of all and to all mankind is honor to his God. And the Eternal Father is your God in the Trinity. If you reject Him, if you build a new house, a new church upon earth, it will not have the angels at your side; you will have demons of humanism and modernism to your own destruction.
    “The Eternal Father waits with a heart of mercy, waiting for you to return.
    “Pastors, you are going downstream like flocks of ducks, neither caring nor knowing nor searching for the truth. You are playing follow the leader to your own destruction.” - Jesus, July 15, 1976

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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