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#741 - Real Presence
"I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world." - St. John 6: 51-52
"All who wish to be saved must remain with My Son in the
Eucharist, for it is truly the Bread of life. You cannot have the light within
you without partaking of this Bread of life. You must not reject the Real
Presence of My Son. You must not make this Sacrifice a mere meal, for you have
then brought the greatest of desecrations and abominations before mankind. My
Son, your God, is, was, and always will be.
"You cannot in your human nature, My children, understand
all, for surely it would no longer be sacred. Much shall be revealed to mankind
in the days ahead. Learn by the example and the directions being given from
Heaven, My children. Do not wait until it is too late." - Our Lady, August
14, 1976
"You violate your sacred trust. You have taken the Body of
your Creator, the Son of your God in the Trinity, and violated Him. You must do
your eating at home! When you come to the great Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass, you come in reverence. You must go down upon your knees and do penance
now for the offenses to your God!
"During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is a change of
the bread and a change of the wine, and it is the real Presence, the Body and
the Blood of your God!
"As in the past, cannot you recognize the mystery of Heaven
and earth? Did not the staff of Moses turn into a serpent in the will of God?
Did not the river in Egypt turn into blood in the will of God? And cannot God,
in His will, come to you changing the bread and wine into the actual Presence,
the real Presence, the factual Presence of His Body and Blood?" - St.
Michael, February 1, 1977
"I am much grieved to know the terrible abominations being
committed within My Son's Church. The evil men of the cross now are taking the
Real Presence and defiling My Son's Body.
"Alone I stand before you now and say unto you, O wicked men
of the cross: the Eternal Father looks into your hearts and finds you wanting.
You cannot escape much longer the Chastisement that shall be sent upon you. O ye
men of little faith, whatever shall become of you? Heresy, O mournful heresy!" -
Our Lady, February 10, 1977
"Many do not know the existence now of My Son upon earth in
the Eucharist, for you, O pastors, in your permissiveness, in your negligence,
have allowed errors, falsehood, and defamation of My Son to take place within
His very House! Whatever shall become of you?
"My Son's hand grows heavy. I cannot hold it back much longer." - Our
Lady, May 15, 1976
"You must all stand firm in your Faith. Do not abandon My
Son's House, Church. Know that you must not judge My Son's House by the actions
of man. Man has been created by the Father, and man in his human nature can
fall, My child. Do not judge My Son's Church by the actions of man. Know that
regardless of the actions of man, My Son will always be there in the Eucharist.
A duly ordained and consecrated hand of a legal representative, your priest,
will always be able to bring to you My Son's Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
The enemies of My Son wish to take this truth from you. They say that the Mass
is not valid. That is not true, My child. Through the power of the Father in the
Spirit, My Son comes to you. He comes to you physically and spiritually in
presence. Do not accept the error of your day that this is a story or myth, My
children. I assure you, My Son is there with you.
"I repeat, My children, you must eat of the Bread of life to
be nourished. That Bread is My Son! He nourishes your eternal soul. Without this
Bread of life you will not have the light within you. Remain close to My Son in
the tabernacles of the world, for He is very lonely, My child.
"The agents of hell seek to ravish My Son's Body, My child.
Protect Him! Do not allow the agents of satan to desecrate Him! Foul and unclean
hands snatch Him. My child, save My Son! I plead with My children not to place
My Son's Body in unclean hands. You must not give My Son's Body over to unclean
hands. O woe! Whatever shall become of this degenerate generation!" - Our
Lady, November 23, 1974
"Remember, My child, shout it from the roof. My Son is with
you until the end of your time. It is truly His Presence, His Real Presence, His
divine Presence, His Body and His Blood. Do not treat Him with disrespect! Bow
your knees; cover your head! Do not chew Him!
"Who knows the full Divinity? Who can recognize this
knowledge? Satan blinds many to this knowledge. Pray for the light.
"You will only accept My Son in the manner due the Kingship,
due your God. Honor My Son; do not dishonor Him before mankind." - Our Lady,
June 8, 1974
"Hasten, repair to the tabernacles of the world, My children,
while the doors of My Son's houses, His Church upon earth are still open to you.
Many countries shall be deprived of this source of great grace, and there shall
be anguish of heart. Accept this elixir of love, My children--the Bread of Life,
the Eucharist." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979
"You will make it known to the world, My child, that the
Father is much distressed by the manner in which His Son, My Son, comes to you
in the Eucharist. Many are bringing Him with disrespect." - Our Lady,
November 23, 1974
"Do not make a mockery of the Sacraments in My Son's House. Do not blaspheme
in My Son's House. My children, you will bring the wrath of God upon you." -
Our Lady, December 7, 1976
"I do not, at this time, intend to point out any individual, but My voice
goes out to you, as My Mother; you know if you are guilty of any sins against
the Sacraments.
"There are seven Sacraments commanded of you by Heaven, My children, and you
will keep them. You shall not take them apart by using rationality, and
modernism, and humanism. This cannot be." - Jesus, June 18, 1987
"You must not reject the Sacraments in My Church; you must not reject the
teachings for new modes of modernism and socialism." - Jesus, June 2, 1979
"The greatest sorrow that smites My Heart, My children, is the desecration to
My Son's Body. These abominable acts are being committed by His own in His
houses, His churches upon earth.
"I repeat again that none shall bring the sacred Body of My Son, His Body and
Blood, to another but a legally-ordained priest with consecrated hands. I say,
My children, consecrated hands, blessed hands, washed clean by the Holy Spirit!
No man shall render excuses for defilement of My Son's Body." - Our Lady, May
14, 1977
"My children, kneel before your God in the Eucharist. Do not stand like you
stand in meeting halls, but kneel and give Him a just love and observance of
honor." - Our Lady, July 14,1979
"Remember, My child, shout it from the roof. My Son is with you until the end
of your time. It is truly His Presence, His Real Presence, His divine Presence,
His Body and His Blood. Do not treat Him with disrespect! Bow your knees; cover
your head! Do not chew Him!" - Our Lady, June 8, 1974
"All honor must be given to My Son in the Eucharist. Man must kneel. My Son's
House is the House of God and a house of prayer, and it must not be turned into
a meeting hall." - Our Lady, July 25, 1979
"Why must you insult My Son? Can you not bend your knees? Is He not your
King?" - Our Lady, November 21, 1970
"I cry also, My child, when I watch the desecration of My Son's Body. This
desecration is being promoted by many who had been given the outstanding honor
of representing My Son in His houses throughout the world, the churches." -
Our Lady, December 6, 1974
"The agents of hell seek to ravish My Son's Body, My child. Protect Him! Do
not allow the agents of satan to desecrate Him! Foul and unclean hands snatch
Him. My child, save My Son! I plead with My children not to place My Son's Body
in unclean hands. You must not give My Son's Body over to unclean hands. O woe!
Whatever shall become of this degenerate generation!" - Our Lady, November
23, 1974
"My Son is not pleased with the manner in which His Body and Blood is being
given to all of the humans upon earth.
"Communion in the hand has not been, and will not be accepted by Heaven. This
is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for
you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been
found to be unpleasing to the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, June 30, 1984
"I ask you, My children you ask Me many times in your prayers, shall you
accept My Son's Body in your hands? I say no! And no again for reason!
"You cannot judge all those about you, My children, who have accepted this
diabolical practice under the guise of leadership. No, My children, this was
brought about to desecrate My Son, to take from Him the truth of His divine
nature. No one who hears My voice must accept My Son's Body and Blood in the
hands! The chalice shall turn, and you shall be bathed in His Blood!
"It was, My children, a sinister plan from the depths of hell to remove the
knowledge of the divinity of My Son from among you." - Our Lady, February 10,
"Again and again I wander to and fro directing My children to remain close to
the Eucharist, the Bread of life. But do not become misguided: Do not accept My
Son's Body in your hands.
"Satan, Lucifer, came as an angel of light and set his agents among the
hierarchy of My Son's Church and deluded them. All manner of abominations are
being committed upon My Son's Body now." - Our Lady, July 15, 1978
"Less and less honor is being given to My Son in the Eucharist. Will you not
love Him? Express and act upon your love by comforting My Son in the tabernacles
of the world. Visit Him more often, for He grows lonely in His House. Graces in
abundance shall be given to all who seek My Son in the Eucharist." - Our
Lady, November 20, 1979
"My Son is much grieved, My child, in the manner in which many come to Him in
His House. They come with disrespect. They do not have love for Him in their
hearts. My child, please, they lead themselves onto the road to satan. They must
not accept My Son with sin in their hearts. Many do not go to Our
representatives. They accept My Son with sin on their souls! Shout it, My child,
from the roofs: you must honor the Eucharist!" - Our Lady, November 23, 1974
"My children, I repeat: do not leave your parish church, but remain as an
example. The Eucharist, My Son, is always with you. Comfort Him, as His heart is
torn by the many abominations being committed in His House and by many of His
"It will not be an easy road for you and all who carry the light. The forces
of darkness are great upon your world now, but remember, My children, at the end
of this battle, it will be victory for Heaven and all who have given themselves
as children of God and remain faithful and true." - Our Lady, February 1,
"My child, please, you must make it known to Our clergy that they are
defiling My Son's Body in many ways. Disrespect and dishonor—how many tears have
I shed at the sight! Only consecrated hands shall give and bring My Son to the
peoples of earth, legally ordained and given the Holy Spirit—the clergy chosen
by the Father to bring His Son to you! Unclean hands shall not touch My Son's
Body! You must not allow My Son to be defiled any longer. No children shall
carry My Son's Body in the hands!
"Know, My child, that only one exception can be made: when a legally ordained
priest is unable to reach the dying, he will send his deacon to bring My Son to
him. But only in severe trial and need, I say! Only to the dying. All others, My
child, will be given the needed grace if they pray.
"If Our clergy become deluded by satan and lax in their responsibility to My
Son, they will be set in judgment before the Father for their part in the
defilement of My Son's Body.
"You must warn My clergy, My child, with your message. We are not pleased by
the manner in which they honor the Son of God.
"A thorough cleansing must be made within the House of God, the Church. Women
shall not receive My Son dressed as pagans—naked, and without absolution! Many
have made a farce and a meal of My Son. They come to receive Him without
penance. What manner of abomination is this, My child? Mankind must do penance
and prepare himself for the reception of the Host, My child." - Our Lady,
December 31, 1974
"My Son is much grieved, My child, in the manner in which many come to Him in
His House. They come with disrespect. They do not have love for Him in their
hearts. My child, please, they lead themselves onto the road to satan. They must
not accept My Son with sin in their hearts. Many do not go to Our
representatives. They accept My Son with sin on their souls! Shout it, My child,
from the roofs: you must honor the Eucharist!" - Our Lady, November 23, 1974
"When a man has stepped over the threshold and allowed himself to fall into
mortal sin, he must be purified by trial, but he must also, My children, be
purified by the rule of penance and confession.
"What manner of evil is being set now upon mankind that compels him to lose
his soul by rejecting the Sacraments, by no longer confessing to his confessor,
but coming to receive My Son in sacrifice, while his soul is degraded by sin of
mortal nature!" - Our Lady, September 7, 1976
"My child and My children, it is the will of My Son that only man—not
woman—shall give His Body to the multitudes. Only a man, a priest, legally
ordained, a true descendant of Peter, must bring My Son's Body to the
multitudes." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979
"My Son is lonely. He has been abandoned in His tabernacles and His home. The
doors have been locked. He remains there, a prisoner of His own. My Son is very
lonely in His House. Won't you come with compassion and ease His loneliness? You
do not abandon those you love. Have you no love for your Creator? Have you no
love for He Who gave His life upon earth for you? Have you no love for He Who
still sheds His blood for you?" - Our Lady, March 18, 1973
"Pray, pray long hours of prayer for those who are falling or who have fallen
into the web of deceit and darkness that now covers the earth. You must remain
with My Son, through His gift of His heart to you, in the tabernacles of the
world. You will not become infiltrated when you develop the daily habit of
visiting My Son. He grows lonely. He has been locked out from many hearts." -
Our Lady, May 10, 1972
"Visit My Son often in the tabernacles of your world. He grows very lonely,
My children; there are so few visitors now to His House. Won't you come often
and solace Him?" - Our Lady, June 16, 1973
"I repeat, My children, you must eat of the Bread of life to be nourished.
That Bread is My Son! He nourishes your eternal soul. Without this Bread of life
you will not have the light within you. Remain close to My Son in the
tabernacles of the world, for He is very lonely, My child." - Our Lady,
November 23, 1974
"Yes, My child, many shall be tested in the days ahead. You must all, My
children, fortify your souls with grace. Graces are given freely for the asking.
Come, seek, and you shall find the way. My Son is the way and the light. Will
you not console His sorrowing heart at your tabernacles throughout your earth?
He grows lonely; He is forgotten by many." - Our Lady, December 24, 1975
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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