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#755 - Life After Death
"Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." - St. John 14:6
"My children, you must make it known that there is life after death. You must
find a means to write off the word called death, for it is inappropriate when
given in mentioning your going over the veil. There is no death but the death of
a fallen soul who is lost forever.
"When you, your body dies, your spirit,
your soul remains living with full consciousness. I have told you this before
and I repeat it for reason. There is no death over the veil. There is judgment,
and this judgment cannot be understood in the minds of man, for the Eternal
Father is all-knowing." - Our Lady, June 18, 1979
"There is no life beyond earth, only the
life given by the Eternal Father as a gift to mankind, eternal life after the
death of the body, in the Kingdom of Heaven." - Jesus, June 18, 1979
"My child, in counseling others you must stress the immortality of the soul.
There are many false witnesses who do not believe any longer in hell and
"There is no death of the soul. There is life immediately after physical
death--life beyond the veil, be it Heaven, the Kingdom of your God, purgatory,
or banishment forever in hell, the abode of the damned.
"The false theory of the non-existence of
life after death is only proposed to bring about the fall of man. For if man
believes there is no life, he will disport himself in all manner of sin and
abominations. There is discipline from the beginning of time asked, and there
are rules to be followed, My children. It is the way of Heaven, but it is a
simple way." - Jesus, June 9, 1979
"I ask, as your Mother, all cardinals, all bishops, to come forth from your
lethargy, to speak out against evil. Do not deny the existence of immortality.
Do not deny the existence of life after death, and the realms of purgatory and
hell, the abode of the damned.
"O My children, how My heart aches, and is torn over and over, as I watch the
young being destroyed physically and morally. Teachers that have accepted
doctrines of demons! My children, open your eyes! You have become blinded to the
truth. Open your eyes! Can you not see that your country has become
paganized--worshiping false idols and giving themselves over to the worship of
the adversary, Lucifer. There are only two forces upon earth--good and evil. You
are expected to make the right choice, the only choice: to follow My Son to the
Kingdom of Heaven.
"Every single man, woman, and child must one day die in his human body. Is it
worth renouncing your Faith, rejecting the light, and giving yourselves over to
pleasures of the flesh, materialism, and all manner of political pursuits of
communism and humanism. For what? For your own destruction.
"Life is eternal. Your body will die, but
your living entity will continue over beyond the veil. My children, I repeat:
there is no death; you live on. Once you leave your body, with full knowledge
you live on, and come to Us for judgment." - Our Lady, November 20,
"And I repeat again: what will it gain you if you gather all of your world's
treasures and lose your soul? How long is a lifetime upon your earth? What does
it compare with your life over the veil, your eternal life that has no ending?
Only you must decide where you will spend your eternal life: with the Father in
Heaven or long tormented years in purgatory for purging, or shall you spend
eternity in damnation and the fires of hell?
"My children, you must well understand the
plan of the enemy. If he can take from your minds the knowledge and the
realization of the existence of hell and purgatory, he will condone sin in your
society. And sin has become a way of life for many of you. Awaken from your
blindness and search for the light. I have set many candles about in your world.
You will not remain in darkness if you will seek the light. My Son is the way.
Ask; send your voices in supplication to the Eternal Father and you will be
guided out of your darkness." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
"My children, believe, just believe and you will be given the way. Even if your
faith is only a flicker, don't let it go out! It must be nourished, My children,
or it will die, and you will die eternally.
"All of the sufferings you must endure are
but short and small crosses, My children, in comparison to everlasting life over
the veil. Accept these crosses, carry them for My Son, and He will acknowledge
you before the Eternal Father. He will await you with a crown for your
perseverance and faith." - Our Lady, April 9, 1977
"The Eternal Father is only the judge for mankind. My children, man judges in
his human way; the Eternal Father judges by your heart! He sees your heart; He
knows your heart. Nothing is hidden from Him. And everyone who enters the
Kingdom of Heaven must enter by merit.
"My children, I repeat, you are only on a short pilgrimage. Some will end this
pilgrimage sooner than others, but all of you will one day end your pilgrimage.
Life upon your earth is but a temporary time; life over the veil is eternal,
forever, eternity. You will have full knowledge through your spirit when you
come over the veil. You lose no consciousness of thinking; you have full
knowledge, My children. And could I open to you the scenes that come before Us,
the weeping and the gnashing of teeth as they are turned away from the gates of
Heaven, and must be turned over to the agents of the fallen angels.
"My children, you cannot understand the
judgment of Heaven upon mankind. You must accept it by faith, and the evidence
given throughout the centuries in the supernatural. Reject the supernatural and
you will be lost!" - Jesus, August 5, 1977
child and My children, you are all My children. I judge you not by color or
race, and I do not judge you by your creed; however, should the knowledge of the
One True Church be given to you, and the way to Heaven along the narrow road be
given to you, you will follow it or you will be rejected." - Our Lady, August
21, 1985
for the Father in Heaven. Do not give yourselves to the world, for your only
true home is with Us over the veil." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974
the general resurrection of all souls and bodies, My Son shall take the bones
and rise them up, knitting them and uniting them, and placing upon them
incorruptible flesh, for death will be conquered. Pain shall be no more. Sin
shall be no more. Joy will abound. Charity will abound--goodness, mercy,
kindness, and all the goodness created by the Eternal Father." - Our Lady,
August 5, 1975
Eternal Father has set upon earth His rule. He has sent My Son to you as a pure
Sacrifice to open this Kingdom to you. None shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven
except through My Son." - Our Lady, March 18, 1975
children, Heaven and the way does not change. It needs no improvement. It is a
simple way, given to you from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father, and
made known to you by the visit of My Son to earth." - Our Lady, February 1,
baptized Roman Catholics must die as baptized Roman Catholics, or they shall not
enter the Kingdom of Heaven!" - Jesus, June 9, 1979
"If I,
My children, could open to you for just a few short moments the doors to the
Kingdom of Heaven, how glorious would be your suffering! How glorious would be
all the trials of your life when you will be able to see beyond the gates of
this glorious Kingdom of eternal life!" - Our Lady, May 10, 1972
not be affrighted, My child. For all who receive great graces, much is expected
of them. There is a price, My child, to pay for Heaven. This price we ask of all
is suffering, the way of the cross. No man shall ever be greater than his
Master." - Jesus, November 20, 1978
"Continue, My children, now with your prayers, for many are needed to hold back
the darkness.
"Before this battle is over, many who remain to stand forth to protect the honor
of My Son will be subjected to torments from their own. Many martyrs will enter
into the Kingdom. The persecution within the House of God will be heavy. The
agents of hell seek to destroy My Son's House on earth. Many of the dedicated
will grow weak and fall in with the plan of satan, preferring to accept a life
without suffering on earth, refusing and casting from their minds the reality of
the eternal life of the Kingdom." - Our Lady, February 1, 1973
child and My children, do not be affrighted. Were it to be that I can come to
you as a Mother of glad tidings, I should be the first to come to you and throw
My arms about you, and solace you with the great knowledge that you have
received a time permitted only by the Eternal Father to settle your estates, and
your way of life to change it, to be on the narrow road to Heaven. Do not
forfeit your life, your eternal life, by wishing or coveting material gains of
this world, for none shall follow you over the veil to plead your cause.
enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My
children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be
consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be
converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again." - Our
Lady, August 21, 1985
"Intellectual pride, My children, intellectual pride has sent many, set many
onto the path of hell. Yes, do not cast aside this knowledge, this truth of the
existence of hell. The agents about you working for the prince of darkness have
made it their business to take from your minds the reality of the existence of a
realm of punishment." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974
child, tell the world now there is a hell. The evil one seeks to remove the
thought of punishment from sin. Sin will then be a way of life. It becomes
easier to delude you then, to capture your soul. Open your eyes! Do not be
blind, for the blind walk in darkness." - Our Lady, May 30, 1971
"Impress, My child, upon your world the existence of hell that man seeks to
deny. There are fires of hell. These fires will be felt on those who have lost
their modesty to modernization, who expose the sacred temple of God, placed when
their spirit entered their body--expose them to ridicule! The flames will burn
every inch of that which is exposed." - Our Lady, November 20, 1971
man shall be above the Creator for all men will eventually return to the dust.
The soul is eternal, life continues; the word "death" should be removed as such,
from your books. There is no death. Your body is but a casing, a temple for your
holy spirit. When you desecrate this temple, you desecrate your spirit. You
blacken this hold edifice of the Father and as such, without redemption, you
must be given to satan." - Our Lady, August 5, 1974
child, it truly rains teardrops from Heaven. Chastity and virtue--whatever has
become of them? I look upon My children and I am filled with great shame, for
sin has become a way of life among you.
you accept this way of life filled with sin and abominations of the flesh, you
cannot enter, My children, into the Kingdom of Heaven. The few short years given
to mankind upon earth, My children--is it worth this to throw away eternal life
for these few short years upon your earth? When you cross over the veil, My
children, it is forever--forever and ever, in the hereafter. There is no return
once you leave your body, no return unto the General Judgment by the Eternal
Father." - Our Lady, August 14, 1975
"Remember, My children, when you come over the veil, there is no one to defend
you. You will only bring with you love and prayers, and your own merits to bring
to the Eternal Father for your judgment.
what does it benefit or gain a man if he gathers all the riches of the world and
suffers the loss of his soul? Can any man who hears My counsel and My voice defy
Me and tell Me that he will live forever upon earth? O My children, you seek
eternal life upon earth. You seek to create life upon earth. You shall not
Eternal Father has been deeply offended and hurt by the man of science who is
ever seeking but never finding the truth, because the truth is too simple for
him. In his arrogance, in his scientific searching and knowledge, he is ever
seeking but never coming to the truth. Better that man seeks a simple way of
life and he shall not pass into the web of satan." - Our Lady, August 14,
man is and was a creation of the Father, but not all man--or all men--will enter
into the Kingdom of the Father! Only a few will be numbered in the final count.
You all will receive this chance and you may reject it, or accept the graces and
the path given to you to win eternal life with the Father, or eternal damnation
in the abyss!" - Our Lady, August 14, 1974
wish, My child, that all who have given themselves to the work from Heaven, the
mission upon earth, to go forward fearlessly with great perseverance and
courage. Know at this time, My child, and in the future that no man has
precedence over your life. Your life is the eternal life in the Kingdom of the
Father. What will it profit one of My children if he gains the whole world and
suffers the loss of his soul? Many will sell their souls to get to the head! And
what have you gained, but eternal damnation in the kingdom of the prince of
darkness!" - Our Lady, November 1, 1974
will make it known to the world of the existence of the Heavenly guardians, the
angels! The children must be given this knowledge. They must be taught the
truth. Call upon your angels who are ever present with you, sent to you from the
merciful heart of the Father to guide you in your pilgrimage. You are, My
children, but pilgrims upon your earth but for a short time. You have been
placed as warriors against satan by the Father. Know, therefore, that you will
have no rest upon earth, but you will have a constant struggle against the
forces of darkness. Never cease your prayers, never remove your sacramentals for
they are the greatest armor given to you in your battle to gain eternal life in
the Kingdom of My Son." - Our Lady, November 20, 1974
poor children, hopeless of heart, know now that the future after the cleansing
will be glorious, far more glorious than your human mind could ever conceive.
Beauty of beauties! Emotion superb! The pursuement of every desire that man
could conceive on earth will be yours in the Kingdom. Is this, My children, what
you will discard for the few short earthly years given to you, as you run about
aimlessly seeking the pleasures of your world and the riches, willing to close
your hearts and your ears to the truth? Many have chosen this path, for they
find to shut out the truth will take their conscience, God-given to them, away.
How mistaken they are! They cannot run from the Spirit." - Our Lady, March
18, 1973
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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