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#756 - You Will Not Be Caught Unawares
"For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall so come, as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. For all you are the children of light, and children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." - 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-5
"There shall be much gnashing of teeth and weeping in the
days to come. It is only through a merciful Eternal Father that you have not
received the Ball upon you, but it is coming. The prayers of the faithful have
gained several reprieves, but the balance is heavily to the left.
"You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer, My
children. The days ahead shall come upon you, but you will not be caught
unawares. Follow the directions given by My Mother in the past and prepare your
souls and the souls of your children. Do not sell your soul to get to the head,
for your gain nothing." - Jesus, April 17, 1976
"Great elemental tragedies, disasters, man-made and God-sent
upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers.
Remember, My children, you do not understand the supernatural, for there will be
accidents that are not accidents.
"Retain all of the knowledge of your Faith in the hearts of
your children. Do not be lax, parents, for you will cry bitter tears of anguish
if you are. The angel of death will approach the homes of many. Are you prepared
now? Have you set your house in order? Do not be caught unawares, My children.
My Mother has been among you for many years preparing you for these times.
Recognize the signs about you. Act upon them and you will not be lost." -
Jesus, May 26, 1979
"Live your life, My children, day by day as though the end
were at hand. You will not be caught unawares if you remain with Me in My houses
throughout the world. You have nothing to fear but fear itself, My children. The
Message from Heaven has not been given to you to promote fear in your hearts but
to bring to you the reality of what is to come upon mankind. It is in this
manner that We have separated and are separating the sheep from the goats. Those
who will be saved will be counted in the few, My children.
"You will wear your sacramentals and guard the doors of your
homes. Prepare your children so that when they go outside of your home, they
will not fall into the conspiracy of evil. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer.
The power of prayer is great to the ears of the Eternal Father. Ask and you
shall receive.
"Give charity of heart in action to your brothers and
sisters, but do not be deluded, My children, into comparing and bringing a
comparison of charity and humanism together. When the world and My House, My
Church, become as one, you will know that the end is at hand, My children.
Recognize the signs of your times and act upon them." - Jesus, November 20,
"How many warnings will you receive before the hand of your
Father will descend upon you? No date do I give unto all mankind, but only to
few. All those who accept the grace given freely for the asking will not be
caught unawares. They will prepare themselves. All mankind upon earth should
prepare for his death.
"We look upon a world where mankind goes about defaming
himself and the Father, wallowing in all manners of lust and pleasure,
abomination--even in the House of God! He lives as though he never will die. No
human flesh will be eternal, but the soul is eternal and will live on forever.
"Do not, My children, destroy your souls for the few years
that you will be as pilgrims upon your earth. Build up your graces; save them,
one by one. Search for these graces that you do not have to wait in the deep
pits of purgatory before you can join Us. I go, My child, many times down into
the pit to relieve these suffering children of Mine. But how great is My sorrow
as We watch those going into the eternal pits of Lucifer and We can never
retrieve them!" - Our Lady, August 14, 1974
"Many reprieves have been given to mankind, but now the
Eternal Father has deemed it most necessary to bring some of His straying sheep
back to the fold forcefully--unhappily, My child, I say this--but forcibly, by a
"You will all continue with a constant vigilance of prayer.
Pray for your leaders, and the world's leaders in the governments in all of the
universal nations of the world, and those men who have been given the power to
govern lives or destroy them. Pray that the knowledge of your God will reach out
among mankind in these few moments--I should say, My child and My children,
these final moments of your generation.
"You cannot count time, My child and My children, for your
earth-time is not akin to the counting of time in Heaven. So do not speculate on
dates, but be prepared, for it will come upon you fast, without any knowledge to
many. Do not be caught unawares.
"My Mother has counseled you well, and if you have not heeded
Her warnings, Her counsel and direction, then you are fully accountable for your
fall." - Jesus, June 18, 1981
"I ask as your God that all who can read will daily read the
Book of life and love, and you shall not be taken unawares when the Warning and
the great Chastisement befalls mankind. The second part of this Chastisement
shall be a War far greater than any war that has ever come upon your earth. And
what did you do when My Mother warned you many years ago, bishops and cardinals
in My House, My Church? What did you do to set a plan, to set in motion a plan
for saving the children, the sheep--your children in My Church? Because of pride
and arrogance you chose to keep this secret from the world. And now what will
you do? A House in darkness wears a band of death about it.
"Remember this, O pastors in My Church, pride is a great
barrier against sanctity. Pride shall destroy you! You must return by a simple
rule. You must become humble, pious, seeking God and not the ways of man. You
must return, My pastors, to a life of prayer." - Jesus, May 23, 1979
"Remember, all who are of well spirit will understand and
prepare for the days ahead by following the directions given in the past by My
Mother. We have not abandoned you to yourselves, for We support you under the
mantle of My Mother, and over My Sacred Heart I place the drops of My blood. I
shed this blood anew. I am, as your Savior, recrucified by My own.
"You will force upon mankind what was to be in the future,
but now you have forced the future to revert to your present. The pages have
turned fast, the words of the prophets ignored. Read well now your Bibles and
learn by them, for then you will not be caught unaware." - Jesus, April 10,
Veronica - The world must recognize the importance of the
Jacinta 1972 picture. Our Lady asked that all read and examine the picture well.
It is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind in these latter days, a
manifestation from Heaven. All who are in the light will recognize and interpret
the photograph Jacinta 1972, and they will not be taken unawares. - December
7, 1978
“I ask that the photograph given from Heaven, Jacinta 1972 be propagated,
made known worldwide; for within this photograph lies the date, the month, the
hour, the year of the coming Chastisement. Search it well, My children; for
those who are given the grace will find the answer to the puzzle: ‘Jacinta of
Fatima—Jacinta 1972.’" - Our Lady, October 6, 1979
"The Middle East crisis will worsen. My heart is torn with sorrow for what
lies ahead. I cry for the mothers of these lost sons. I cry for the mothers of
these broken bodies. Pray to hold back the engulfment that lies ahead. Pray
always, a constant vigil of prayer. I will give you many signs so that you will
not be unaware." - Our Lady, October 2, 1970
Veronica - . . . Our Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing
now to what looks like a map. Oh, my!
Now as I am watching—it's a map of... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt,
Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense
darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my!
And Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child." - March 29, 1975
"There will be many signs given upon earth. We promise you, My children, that
these trials and signs and disturbances of nature shall come upon you, but
not--those who are in the light, they shall not become unaware of the meaning.
Many who will go through the great crucible of suffering will go through this
time with hope and perseverance, knowing that they have been given the direction
and the plan of Heaven aforehand." - Our Lady, October 6, 1976
"All who have heard My words and heeded the warning from
Heaven will not be unaware of the trials that lie before man now. Already the
forces of evil have darkened the world and now have entered upon the governing
powers of the world. Soon the world will be embroiled in great chaos. Man will
fight a struggle for his survival.
"In My many visits to My children upon earth, I have given
you the means for your salvation. The sacramentals must be used, and the example
of all parents must be one of goodness and godliness.
"Man must not flee from the houses of My Son. Much evil and
corruption has entered into the hearts of many, even in the houses of My Son.
However, it was doomed and deemed for this time to come about, for man to pass
through a crucible of suffering, one which is a test. All that is rotten will
fall. The sheep will be separated from the goats." - Our Lady, October 6,
"The merciful heart of the Eternal Father has given you two reprieves in the
past, My children. The third reprieve shall not be given. Know, My child, that
the Warning will come upon you soon." - Our Lady, April 5, 1975
"My child, at this time there is not much that I can think of that will
explain to you in your human language the despair that fills Our hearts in
Heaven. The numbers of souls falling daily into hell are increasing because of
the lack of discipline and faults of leadership in My House. You will not follow
the ways of man, but you will bring man onto My road. When you have joined My
House with the world and it has become one, know that the end of your era has
come. You are going to receive the test of trial; in this manner shall We
separate the sheep from the goats, and those that will be left shall set up the
renewed Kingdom upon your earth.
"My Mother has been sent on this mission by the Father to warn you, then to
prepare you for what lies ahead if you refuse to turn back from the ways that
have set you onto the path of darkness. The forces of evil are rampant now
within My House and in the hearts of men. Unless you turn back now, make
atonement to the Father for the many offenses against Him, you will receive the
sword.” – Jesus, May 30, 1974
"My child, you perceive rightly. It is only in following the rules set down
by the Eternal Father that man can find a true peace of heart. There will be no
peace upon your earth without My Son. Reject Him, and you will reject life. You
will follow the rules given by the Eternal Father, your Commandments, for if you
break these rules, you will break your spirit.
"Your country and many countries of the world have given themselves to satan.
They seek now to unite My Son's houses, churches, with the world. And know now
that should this take place, when the world and My Son's Church become one, the
end has been reached.
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Shout My message from the rooftops!
Hurry, My children; I must beg you to make great haste, for the time is coming.”
– Our Lady, February 10, 1975
"There is great delusion and deception in the world. You must make it known
to My clergy that We grieve much over the actions of many. They are leading many
of Our sheep onto the road to the abyss. Many do this in obedience; many are
misled; but most of all, many are selling their souls to get to the head.
"Those who have the highest rank in My Son's House, in the houses throughout
your world, are using their rank to destroy many souls. Pray, pray much for
them, for they, too, shall burn in the fires of hell.
"The plan for the arrival of demon 6 is in motion. This will come about when
the world and My Son's House, Church, have united as one. Know now when the
Church and the world have become one, the end is at hand. You are being warned,
and I have warned you many times, My children. But these warnings now will
become fewer and fewer, for the hourglass is running low.” – Our Lady, August
14, 1974
“The tide of iniquity has closed in about your world. Know and prepare for
the greatest of punishments. Your baptism will be by fire. We do not wish to
fill you with fear, but you must be made aware of the days to come.
“You will not set yourselves to judge others, for My Father is always the
final judge. We ask you to act with charity among your brothers. Show by
example, and you will find your efforts more fruitful. All Heaven stands by and
watches the battle. Man, on his free will, will hold the decision for the fall
of his soul.
“We do not wish to have one of Our children fall into the abyss. Therefore,
guard your souls well. Use the armor that My Mother has given to you, of prayer,
penance, and sacrifice. Learn, My children, to cast aside the things of your
world that bring your soul into darkness. Keep your minds filled with pure and
holy thoughts, for it is the main point of entrance for the evil spirits.” -
Jesus, September 28, 1972
"Continue with your prayers of atonement. They have great power to balance
the scales which lean heavily to the left. When the peak of iniquity has been
reached, My child, the great Chastisement will fall upon mankind. Shout My
Message through the rooftops, My child. The time is growing short. The great
Warning is approaching." - Our Lady, April 5, 1975
"The battle that rages now, My child, upon earth, is not one of the body but
of the spirits. The spirits of wickedness and darkness now fight the light. When
the peak of iniquity has gained its fullness, know that the end is at hand. The
Father will allow this as a chastisement to His children." - Our Lady, April
13, 1974
"The balance is being added to the left. Therefore, when your world has
reached the peak of iniquity, you will be planet-struck. A glorious mystery will
be sent upon earth through the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His
errant children. However, this will be the final act to bring you back before
the cleansing with fire.
"We do not intend to completely destroy earth as in the past, but We shall
cleanse the earth by steps. Suffering shall be your vessel for cleansing. Man
has allowed demons to direct his actions. Man has desecrated the temple of the
Holy Spirit by succumbing to the wiles of satan. Man offends his God with his
way of life." - Our Lady, April 14, 1973
"My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I have asked you many
times not to speculate on dates, but I give you one indication that the time is
ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when
you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the
time is ripe." - Jesus, September 14, 1976
"There will be a tremendous explosion, and the sky shall roll back like a
scroll. This force shall go within the very core of the human. He will
understand his offenses to his God." - Our Lady, June 12, 1976
"All who remain in the light of grace will have no fear. They will pass
through this great Warning without suffering." - Our Lady, April 5, 1975
Veronica - It's as though everything has exploded in the sky--the flash! And
it's very hot! It's very warm! Oh! Oh! It feels like a burning. Oh! Now the sky
is very white. Colors--blues, purples--it's like a huge explosion. Now this
voice, the voice. . . . And the voice, Our Lady says, is a voice within you:
"Your warning before Chastisement! Flash, fire, and the voice within you. The
final Warning before Chastisement!" - Our Lady, April 21, 1973
"As the day follows night, so shall this Warning follow
soon. Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky--the flash! Beware of the
sunrise! Do not look up to the sky--the flash! Close your windows; draw your
shades, remain inside. Do not venture outside your door, or you will not return.
Pray! Prostrate yourselves upon your floors! Pray with arms outstretched, and
beg for mercy of your God the Father...
"Keep blessed candles, water, blankets, food within your homes. The candles
of those who have remained in the state of grace shall not be extinguished, but
the candles in the homes of those who have given themselves to satan shall not
burn!" - Our Lady, June 12, 1976
"I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of earth, and Mediatrix of all graces. I
will stand here through the turmoil that lies ahead within the holy House of
"You will all recognize the sign of him who seeks to destroy. He will have on
his coat of arms the sickle, the half-moon sickle. You will all make atonement
for your bishops and cardinals." - Our Lady, October 6, 1972
"Discipline, rigid discipline must be restored. The founding Fathers gave you
the example and the knowledge, but you want change. The Father expects no
change. Truth is truth. It is only satan who wishes to destroy the truth in
change. The rock has always withstood the test of time. But one will be entered
into the House of God, and woe to man when he places him upon the Seat of Peter,
for then the great Day of the Lord shall be at hand." - St. Pius X, March 18,
"How many shall be prepared? Do you have your candles? Do you have your
water, your canned food, and your blankets? It will become an extremely cold day
with the start of the tribulation, and you will welcome having these on hand, My
children." - Jesus, November 1, 1985
"My children, I caution you now, and I wish that you remember these
instructions from several years ago in earth's time that I gave to you, to keep
in your homes a good supply of canned good. They have shelf value, My children,
they will not spoil. But better that you keep them and they spoil than to have
come upon you the great Chastisement. It will be a ball of fire which will
ignite many of the chemicals that are being stored up for the destruction of the
"My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but
you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best
keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of
the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination."
- Our Lady, July 1, 1985
"My Son, the Eternal Father, and the Spirit have deemed the time, the places,
and the hour for the final battle. No dates will be given to you, My child, to
give to the world. Preparedness--be ready at all times, for you do not know the
day nor the hour. I have promised that you would not meet your trials without
warning or knowledge. Those who have given themselves to the Eternal Father in
Heaven in love and dedication will find that they will go through these trials
and survive in spirit and body much better, My child, than those who have
rejected the light." - Our Lady, May 17,
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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