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#768 - Offer Up Your Prayers and Sufferings

"Be you also as living stones built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 2:5

"Every moment of your life is not wasted if you will learn a lesson, a very simple lesson, on the road to sanctity. You will use every moment of your life and give up your hardships as a sacrifice, as a penance for your soul or the salvation of other souls. Think, My child, throughout the hours of your day, how many graces you may accumulate for the waiting souls in purgatory, especially those who have been abandoned by their loved ones, forgotten. For when you are out of sight, you are slowly out of mind.
    "Remember these poor souls, My children, those who have been abandoned and those who no longer have anyone upon earth to pray for them. Unless you offer your sacrifices and prayers, many will have to serve long terms of waiting before entering the Kingdom. There are many, My child, without your prayers, who will be here in this place of suffering until the end of earth time." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"My child and My children, We have asked for many victim souls, children of God who will offer themselves to the Eternal Father in sacrifice for the repatriation of souls.
    "Your world, the earth, is now covered in deep spiritual darkness. It is a sad fact, My children, that man has not profited by his past nor learned through a sad experience. Therefore, I have come to warn you over and over that unless you turn from your ways that offend your God and return the state of earth into even a small resemblance of its glory under God, you will receive a most terrible Chastisement. And many shall die in the Ball of Redemption.
    "My children, it is a sad fact also that human nature must often be brought to a chastisement to awaken mankind from his slumber. The Eternal Father watches with great anguish as man proceeds in becoming more debased and immoral." - Our Lady, May 3, 1978

"All that has been given through the years shall come to pass, My children. But I ask you in all charity not to wish for any destruction to come upon mankind; for you may be guilty in your hearts of pride, knowing that you have received the word and have prepared. But, My children, there are many souls now to reach, and you must not slacken in your work. The mission will go forward. You will be given many hands, My child, in your mission.
    "You understand, My child, the Eternal Father deemed it necessary that you do penance. You do well, My child, to offer your sufferings for another.
    "As there are saints through the ages, My children, there will be many saints coming forward out of these latter times. The children of light must go forward as beacons for others. They must retain the knowledge of the Faith." - Our Lady, May 3, 1978

"As you advance in virtue, you will cast aside all barbs and accept them, if you do, with great joy. Now all suffering will become a joy when you know the value of this suffering for the repatriation of your soul.
    "You do not have to find occasions to turn to man for solace; just open your heart to Us in prayer. But you must find more solitude in your prayer.
    "You may gain many graces by offering up your discomfort and every unpleasant work for the recovery of souls and the release of these souls in purgatory. There isn't a waking moment of your lifetime on earth that cannot be used fruitfully." - Our Lady, November 20, 1972

Our Lady - “My child, do you wish to repeat what we have between us of your mission?”
    Veronica - “If it will save souls, I will.”
    Our Lady - “Well then, My child, repeat what I have asked of you.”
    Veronica - “I must accept my sufferings and offer it for the priesthood. There are not many prayers rising to Heaven for the priesthood, for many believe that the priesthood has a special passport to Heaven.”
    Our Lady - “My child, I have to tell you in all truth, that there are many priests who have gone to hell because too few prayed for them; and they did not accept the road to penance, dedication, and truth.
    “I know, My child, this comes as great shock to you, but you must understand that We did caution the world, and the pastors, to mend their ways now. For even many mitres have fallen into hell. Do not be shocked, My child. I know this puts great strain on your weakened heart, but you must make it known to the world that many must offer themselves in compensation, we will say, for those who have not received the grace to enter even into purgatory." - June 6, 1987

Veronica - Our Lady said satan is seeking to capture the souls of all the dedicated. It will be with those of true faith and compassion to offer their sacrifices for the recovery of the souls being captured within Her Son's House. - August 5, 1972

"You cannot see into the next world. All about you there are creatures. Should you lose your grace in defense, they will enter you. And as such, you will fall under the master of hell; and under his guidance you will continue to grow until you have formed a web to destroy your brothers and sisters.
    "Until you leave your earth life, you can be rescued. Those who have the grace for their own salvation will offer all graces for the salvation of the wandering souls. Give, My children, and it will be returned to you double.
    "Many agents of hell, they have infiltrated into every part of your country: your schools, your government, your medias of entertainment. Where shall you go but to stay within yourself and hope that you do not be enticed into the web." - Jesus, June 8, 1972

"Open, My children, My children of the light, your hearts to those who have gone into darkness. Offer, in your charity, My children, prayers of atonement for your brothers and sisters who have gone into darkness. Only a few will be saved in the final count." - Jesus, May 28, 1975

"We allow many sufferings to you, My child. It is for reason. We find that your state of worldly occupation has left little time for silent meditation.
    "It is only in suffering, My child, that you will learn compassion for the sufferer. The world, My children, has forgotten the value of suffering. How many graces you earn when you make good use of your suffering and your trials, for you have within your power graces that can retrieve from purgatory many souls who are waiting. Your acts of sacrifice and sufferings may also rescue your brothers and sisters who otherwise would fall fast into the abyss, for they have no one to sacrifice or do penance for them, My child. We ask for many victim souls, My child, vic­tims for the merciful heart of My Son, victims who will offer themselves for the balance to mankind." - Our Lady, February 10, 1975

"My Mother and all Heaven watch the reaction of mankind to the Message from Heaven. Many hearts have hardened. Many refuse to accept this warning, and unless there are others who are willing to offer themselves as victim souls for their fallen brothers and sisters, these souls shall be lost forever to Heaven.
    "My Mother has counseled you well to prepare your household. As parents, as human beings created by your God, you have become as a nation degenerate in your seekings and godless in your rule until the saints in Heaven cry out for all Heaven to stop the abominations being committed now upon earth." - Jesus, September 14, 1979

"The world must know the value of suffering. All who came into Heaven came here by the way of the cross. If one would understand the great value of suffering she would ask this regardless of her human inclination to avoid pain and suffering. The graces gained from physical suffering when offered for a just cause, a meritable cause, for those in purgatory the graces are threefold.
    "Remember, My children, to offer your trials, your penance for those who are in purgatory, for very few come directly to Heaven but must spend a time of purging just beyond the veil. They are helpless without your aid. You will pray for the souls in purgatory, and in the Lenten season ahead you will gain many graces for them.
    "Much of the supernatural cannot be understood in your human nature, but must be accepted by faith." - Jesus, February 1, 1978

"My children, you cannot have the light within you unless you partake of the Bread of life. Come to Me in all of the tabernacles of your world. Refresh yourself in the Blood of the Lamb. What is there in common between the light and the darkness? Have you chosen your way? The way given from Heaven is a simple way; the rules have been laid down. And why do you make your own rules now and change the rules to suit your carnal human nature? And for what? To bring about your own destruction!
    "All must persevere in the days ahead. You have no one but yourselves now to save and your children. And if you have charity of heart and additional graces to offer to the world, go seek your brothers and sisters who otherwise would be lost without your help. Guard your children well and you shall not cry for them; for, My children, all knowledge is given to you when you come over the veil, and how bitter the heart will be torn with anguish of a mother who sees her child cast out of the light." - Jesus, June 16, 1977

“Also, you will understand fully when I tell you the value of suffering. You can always offer this for the souls that need the repatriation. Yes, my sister, no suffering is ever wasted. For you must accept it in the right light, knowing that even our dear Jesus suffered upon earth at the hands of those He loved. But one thing you know now is He never gave up loving them, even as they recrucified Him." - St. Theresa, October 2, 1989

"Many graces, many manifestations will be given to those who have assembled here on the grounds chosen by the Father. I come among you as a Mediatrix of graces, graces free for the asking. I am a consoler of mothers, a director of the wandering young, and above all, a light on the road to the Kingdom. Won't you, My children, light your candles with Me and follow Me as I direct you on the road to Heaven?
    "Prayer, atonement, sacrifice--cast aside the things of your world and offer yourself, consecrate your lives to the heart of My Son. All who do this will be saved." - Our Lady, September 13, 1973

"You will suffer much in the days ahead. This We ask of you because We cannot promise you everything upon earth, for your reward will be great in the afterlife, My child. Accept your suffering, and offer it always for the priesthood." - Jesus, March 18, 1989

"Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Many voice-boxes have been used to give you this message. We are offended in Heaven by the actions of many of Our clergy. We do not have to set you in names. You are well aware of your actions. Know that they will not go by unchastised.
    "Pray, My child and My children; pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Offer your sacrifices and your prayers for those who are leading the sheep astray. Your prayers can keep them from going farther into the darkness." - Eternal Father, October 2, 1974

"You must understand, My children of the world: you cannot cast aside the protection of the sacramentals given to you. All your armor must be used now, for Lucifer is gathering his armies for another onslaught far worse upon mankind. The plan is not unknown; the Eternal Father will turn all evil to good. However, the battle that rages, you will find that many will fall; and sadly, the souls have been falling into hell, counted as numerous as the snowflakes that will soon fall upon your earth.
    "And who prays for these souls, Our straying sheep? Who will offer sacrifices? Have you forgotten so soon the value of suffering, the priceless treasure you have for your redemption?" - Our Lady, October 6, 1979

"However, there are many souls, My children, waiting to be taken from the place of purging, purgatory. They are helpless without your aid. Will you not give to them these graces that you can gain so freely upon earth in your lifetime? They will reward you threefold for your warmness of heart. Many shall be in purgatory to the end of your world unless you help them. Many discard and forget the memory of a loved one as time erases it from their minds.
    "Remember, My children, one day each one of you will be in the same position. Shall you have someone to pray for you unless you give this example now and this teaching? Who will pray for you when you come over the veil? Who will offer indulgences and sacrifices for you? Would it not be better, My children, to start now to safeguard your entrance into the Eternal Kingdom?" - Our Lady, November 1, 1975

"For unless We have others who offer full dedication in that manner, giving their wills to the Eternal Father for the salvation of souls, your world will face within a short time the final destruction. Not the end of the world, My children or My child, but a destruction such as mankind has never experienced before, nor shall it ever again—so few will be left.
    “Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Protect your children. Guard their souls well. And do not cast off the sacramentals. Do not care more for the acceptance of mankind. Do not be guided, or misguided, by the derision of the multitudes against you. For remember My words again, My children: Only a few will be saved!" - Our Lady, May 30, 1981

"The world--your world does not know the value of suffering, My child. If they did, there would be more who would offer themselves to My Son for the mercy of the Father in the days to come. Accept all suffering with joy." - Our Lady, June 8, 1973

"I warned many years ago of the state of this world to come, but who listened? You do not have those years now to speculate or to hesitate. You will act now upon My counsel, or you will fall!
    "Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice--save yourselves; save your souls and the souls of those you love. And if you have the charity of heart for your brothers, you will offer your sacrifices for their salvation, for many will be lost because they have no one who cares to pray for them. The greatest weapon you have now is prayer; you will use it. Man has many opportunities to make atonement to his God, but he has become involved in a materialistic world.
    "You must retire from this world that has been given to satan. Recognize the evils that are created for your downfall: humanism, modernism. They are satanic--creations of satan to place you and blind you to the truth, place you on the road to damnation. For the man of perdition now is loosed upon your world. He roams your world, and he is gathering many agents." - Our Lady, May 30, 1973

"My Son is God, was God, and will always be God. Recognize the evil plan of satan. My Son came to earth to be among you. He is God, was God, and always will be God. Recognize the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost as one: one in the Father, one in the Son, one in the Holy Ghost. Jesus is, was, and always will be!
    "I hear all the entreaties of your hearts, My children. Some I will cure, others must carry their crosses. Do not misunderstand My words, My children. Those who will carry their crosses will be doubly blessed. We have asked for victim souls in these dark days. Carry your crosses, My children, with purpose. Offer your sufferings with My Son, Who suffered much for you.
    "Know that all sufferings will one day be ended for you. All tears will be dried, and the peace and beauty of the earth as We gave it to you will be restored. There will be trials ahead that I shall not give you full description of at this time, for We do not wish you to continue in fear. But there will be trials for My Son's House and in your country." - Our Lady, March 25, 1972

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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