Great earthquakes coming to Los Angles and New York...
Jesus - "There will be pestilence anew. There will be earthquakes in
many places. The present ones have been nothing compared to what will happen
next. There will be a great earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and also New
York. I told you this before, My children and My child, but I must repeat to
you: Many prayers are needed now, for the balance is most uneasy." (6-17-89)
There is a great split in the earth (U.S.) that is widening...
"There will be a great earthquake in the area of New York.... There is only one
thing that you can do with an errant child when they do not listen, and that is
to shake them up, My child. I realize this is not something for jest; it
is but a reality that is coming upon mankind. Another area that shall be shaken
will be California, My child. There is a great split in the earth that is
widening. This is not generally being given to you in your news tabloids. They
are trying to lull you to complacency. We have given you the road away
from these disasters; and that road is only guided by prayers, penance, and
atonement." - Our Lady, March 18, 1989
Tragedies and disasters shall increase . . .
Jesus - "Great elemental tragedies, disasters, manmade and God - sent
upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers.
Remember, My children, you do not understand that supernatural, for there will
be accidents that are not accidents." (5-26-79)
The world shall be seized by tremors . . .
Michael - "Listen well, all mankind of earth.
You have received fair warning from the Queen of Heaven. You will listen, or
you will receive a just punishment.
"The world shall be seized by tremors, the firmament shall be aflame in
explosion, and all that is rotten shall fall!" (5-14-77)
Work to accelerate when tremors come . .
Jesus - "I assure you, My children, the work for Heaven will accelerate
when the tremors come to the earth. Be ye warned that houses will blow in the
wind. And if this does not bring man back to his senses, then skin shall dry up
on the bones and blow away as if it had never been! Many will see this, My
children, and still not believe that it is the hand of God upon man, because the
hearts of man have been hardened by sin; because sin has become a way of life
among you.” (6-18-77)
Hunger in America . . .
Our Lady - "My children in the United States of America,
must you go hungry? Many parts of your country shall suffer from want of food,
for the winter will be cold. Many shall die in the coming year, My children.
There will be accidents that are not accidents. Hunger shall be in the homes of
many." 12-7-78)
Store canned goods, water and
blankets . . .
Our Lady - "My children, I caution you now,
and I wish that you remember these instructions from several years ago in
earth's time that I gave to you, to keep in your homes a good supply of canned
good. They have shelf value, My children, they will not spoil. But better that
you keep them and they spoil than to have come upon you the great Chastisement.
It will be a ball of fire which will ignite many of the chemicals that are being
stored up for the destruction of the nations.
"My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but
you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best
keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of
the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination."
Earthquakes, famine, starvation. . .
Our Lady -
"Earthquakes in your country, the United States, extending up through Canada,
earthquakes in placed never before known to exist, or the possibility of. And
they will know it comes but from the hand of God. Famine, starvation, your crops
will rot. The heat will burn, the cattle will starve. And why? Because you
refuse to turn back, complacent in your arrogance." (5-30-81)
US - another tremendous earthquake...
Our Lady - "You cannot count your earth - years as being long any
longer. If only I could show you, the prideful and boastful United States and
Canada - if I could show you what the enemy has in store for you now, you would
grovel on your knees to make restitution to the Eternal Father. But now this
must be taught to you in a most sorrowful way.
"Your country, My child, the United States, shall know of another tremendous
earthquake. I know this grips your heart with fear, My child, but you will see
and understand." (3-18-89)
Eruptions and manifestations shall bring
terror to the hearts of many . . .
Veronica - The sky is taking on a very strange glow. The usual blue
lights are replaced now by a deep green. Now coming out of the center of the
sky, the shadowy green coloring is separating, and Michael is coming forward.
Oh! Michael has the balance in his right hand, the golden balance, and in his
left hand is a very long sword, pointed, sharply pointed on the end. Michael is
pointing the sword downwards.
Michael - "Hasten, harken, and listen to the words of warning to a
generation that has become perverse, degraded - and abominations committed to
offend your God. In justice and for penance, there will be visited upon your
earth great trials - droughts, famine, rotting crops, hurricanes, floods, all
manner of earth tremors and disturbances of nature, increasing in volume,
spreading throughout your world. There will be eruptions and manifestations
that shall bring terror to the hearts of many, in places that have never seen
nor heard of such volume of sound and fierce eruptions of the earth.
"Be ye warned that houses will blow in the wind, and skin will dry up and
blow off the bones as if it had never been. Eyes will see and still not
believe, so hardened are the hearts of mankind.
"The warnings, the numerous warnings that have been given to mankind have
gone by unnoticed, and man continues upon his road to his own destruction. Sins
of the flesh have multiplied, and many souls are falling fast into the abyss,
their eternal reward being damnation in hell." (8-21-76)
How can we protect our homes, families and loved ones from an earthquake?
We will be spared of earthquakes if we keep crucifixes on all our outside
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I
ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must
have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your
areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors."
Directives from Heaven...