God’s response to
abortion and homosexuality

 GOD'S FINAL WARNING TO AMERICA  This documented book delivers a message with overwhelming evidence that God is warning America with disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires that occur during acts of national disobedience.  Gay Pride day June 1993 brought a monumental judgment from God.
   These are some excerpts from God's Final Warning to America. 

Massive flooding . . .
"During the late winter and entire spring of 1993, heavy rains fell on the Midwest.  The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers rose and approached flood stage.  By mid-June the rivers were just at flood stage.  On June 25, shipping was halted on the Mississippi.  As Gay Pride Day, June 27, 1993, approached, the rains increased until the USA Today newspaper reported that, "Then the skies opened up on June 19-21 filling the tributaries; and on June 25-27, finally putting the rivers over their banks."
    What national sin was connected with the 1987 stock market crash?

Stock market crash . . .
On October 19, 1987, the Stock Market dropped over 500 points for the greatest one-day crash in history.  The crash resulted in a one-day drop of 22.6 percent in the market and a loss of over 500 billion dollars.  By comparison, the crash on October 28, 1929, which was attributed to the start of the Great Depression, was only 12.6 percent.  The effect of the 1987 crash was felt well into the 1990's.  The U.S. economy was increasing at a six percent rate during October 1987, but as a direct result of the crash it contracted to a negative four percent by 1990. 

    Just eight days before the Stock Market crash on October 11, 1987, the largest gathering of homosexuals, probably in world history, took place in Washington, DC.  The newspapers reported over 200,000 people marched past the White House and gathered near the Capitol.  Some reports claimed the marchers numbered 500,000.  The homosexuals were marching to end discrimination and increase funding for AIDS research.  The newspapers reported the crowd carried signs stating, "Thank God I'm Gay," and "Condoms, Not Condemnation."  Others were saying, "I'm gay and I'm proud."  Has there ever been a time in history when such a huge group of homosexuals gathered in a nation's capital to demand their rights?

    God answered this march, just eight days later with the greatest Stock Market crash in U.S. history.  In fact, the week immediately following the homosexual march the Stock Market dropped 235 points.  For the eight days immediately following the march, the Stock Market dropped 735 points for a loss of 32.1 percent!  October 1987 marked the high-water mark for the U.S. economy as it was growing at over six percent.  After the crash, the economy began to contract until it hit a low of negative four percent growth in the Fall of 1990.  The economy contracted 10 percent in just three years!  With the size of the economy, this resulted in the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars.  As late as August 1992, the newspapers reported 20 percent of the stocks had not recovered from the crash.  The recession of 1991 and 1992 can be traced primarily to the crash of 1987.  Many American firms downsized after the crash and hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost.  This crash had a powerful impact on the economy.  The downsizing of corporations continued into the late 1990's.  The crash permanently changed the face of corporate America.

    God shook America with a powerful economic warning.  On October 19, 1987, America had an economic "heart attack!"  This "heart attack" happened just eight days after the massive homosexual rally!  The crash of 1987 did not result in a 1930's type depression.  America survived the crash, but continued to amass huge amounts of debt.  America went into huge amounts of debt to keep the economy from a depression.  By the late 1990's, the Federal government was over 5.1 trillion dollars in debt.  The combined debt of all levels of government - plus corporations and individuals, totals over 11 trillion dollars and is growing fast.  This debt could prove to be a burden from which the nation can not escape.

    The homosexuals marched in the nation's capital, and the entire country was shaken through the Stock Market crash.  The largest gathering of homosexuals in history was immediately followed by one of the greatest Stock Market crashes in history.  This timing of these events was no coincidence!  America continues in many ways to promote and encourage the homosexual lifestyle.  The surest and quickest way to touch the entire nation is through the economy and especially the Stock Market.  God has clearly warned America about the promotion of open homosexuality.  The next Stock Market crash of this magnitude could destroy the economy and completely alter America forever.     

Earthquake and LA riots . . .
April 25, 1992: During a fierce counter protest in Buffalo against Operation Rescue, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake, the sixth most powerful in this century, struck Northern California.  Operation Rescue is a nonviolent Christian organization that uses peaceful means to block abortion centers.  The counter protest was led by homosexuals and lesbians who chanted such phrases as, “God is a lesbian, God is a dyke.”  Also during the 10 days of Operation Rescue, the jury in California was deliberation the verdict of the police officers for beating Rodney King.

    The Operation Rescue protest ended on April 29, 1992, with fierce opposition from pro-abortions and homosexuals.  That very same day, the jury made its decision and Los Angeles went up in flames.  The sixth and eleventh greatest earthquakes this century, plus the worst rioting since the Civil War, took place during this ten-day protest to save the lives of the innocent unborn.  Was Our Lord again sending a series of warnings? 

Catastrophic tornadoes - Chelsea’s tree house destroyed . . .
January 1999:
Late on January 21 and into the early morning of January 22, a series of powerful tornadoes roared across Arkansas and then into Tennessee.  This was a powerful storm that did over $1 billion in damage.  This was a record setting storm.  The previous record for most tornadoes in one day in a state in January was 20; however, 38 hit Arkansas in less than 24 hours.  The record for total tornadoes nationwide in January had been 52, but January 1999 witness 163.  The majority fell in Arkansas and Tennessee.  The center of the storm was Little Rock, Arkansas, where tremendous damage occurred.  The governor’s mansion was in the direct path of the storm.  Although the mansion was not damaged, several trees on the grounds were destroyed.

    On January 21, ex-senator Dale Bumpers of Arkansas spoke on behalf of President Clinton before the United States Senate.  Senator Bumpers made a passionate speech to have the Senate dismiss the impeachment charges against the president.  What was disturbing about Bumpers’ speech was that he actually used the name of Jesus Christ on the floor of the Senate in a joke!  Senator Bumpers told a story about an evangelist at a revival meeting.  The evangelist asked a question; “Who has ever known anybody who even comes close to the perfection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?”  This question then led into a joke.  The purpose of this joke was to show that no one is perfect-including Bill Clinton.  A man who twice made a statement in front of the Senate, which twice failed to overturn the president’s veto of the partial-birth abortion ban, made the use of the Our Lord’s name.  In addition, Bumpers had a nearly one hundred percent pro-abortion voting record while he was a senator.

    Soon after Bumpers’ speech, this powerful storm tore into his home state and zeroed in on Little Rock.  Meteorologists reported that it was one of the most unusual storms ever seen in January because it was strong and volatile.  The storm triggered a phenomenon called “training” in which one tornado follows another like a freight train.  The tornadoes came out of the sky in waves-one after another.  This storm generated 292 warnings during the twelve-hour period beginning at 4:00 p.m. (EST).  This was a record amount of warnings in a state for a storm.  This was the second major storm to generate tornadoes in Arkansas in a week.  This was the first time since records were started in 1878 that there were two storms in January that generated tornadoes.  This storm broke several records.

    On January 22 was the 26th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand.  On this day Hillary Clinton addressed the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL).  She said that the president was going to seek $4.5 million dollars from Congress to protect abortion centers.  While Mrs. Clinton was making this speech, her home state was being declared a disaster area by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  The tornadoes that hit Little Rock literally tore down a tree on the governor’s grounds, which was called Chelsea’s Tree.  Chelsea is Clinton’s daughter, and when the president was the governor of Arkansas, he had a tree house built for her.  The tree, which held her tree house, was destroyed by these violent tornadoes.  The destruction of Chelsea’s tree received national attention.  The headline of the Associated press stated, “Twister Rip South, Wreck Chelsea’s Old Tree House.”

    From the time ex-Senator Bumpers ended his speech defending the president until Hillary Clinton ended her pro-abortion speech, 48 tornadoes fell on America, of which 38 fell on Bumpers’ and Clinton’s home state.  After hitting Arkansas’ the tornadoes then hit Tennessee.  The storm destroyed thousands of homes, left 100,000 homes without power, and did $1 billion in damage.  The states of the most pro-abortion president and vice-president in U.S. history were devastated on the anniversary of Rose v. Wade. 

The wrath of God is here and now!
The people in Arkansas and Tennessee paid a big price for voting for pro-abortion candidates.  The last Sunday in June is designated as "Gay Pride Day."  What will happen this June?  Watch for future homosexual and abortion events and watch for more warnings and judgments from an almighty, merciful and just God. 

The Bayside Prophecies say:

"All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed! "- Jesus, June 2, 1979

"For that one reason among many, the United States will suffer unless there is placed into your government a group that fears the Lord if they cannot love the Lord. They will fear Him and find measures to stop the slaughter of the unborn. "- Our Lady, April 14, 1984

"Learn a simple lesson from the past, My children. When the morals of a country start to go down into darkness, and the teachings turn from God to man, that country will soon be ended. First the spiritual life and then the material life of your country shall be destroyed." - Jesus, October 2, 1976

"You must remove from your homes these diabolical agents of hell, the recordings of Lucifer [rock-and-roll], that will put into your child a spell, a hypnotism leading to promiscuity, deviant sex, homosexuality, drugs, murders, abortions, and all manner of foul deeds that could only be conceived in the mind of the prince of darkness, Lucifer himself."- Our Lady, September 14, 1979

"Sorrowfully, the penance that is to come upon the world for the murders of the unborn shall be a chastisement far greater in severity than man has ever witnessed in the past nor ever shall pass through again. Your world is plunging into a deep chasm of suffering and destruction."- Our Lady, May 20, 1978

"When a priest tells you that you do not have to speak up, out against homosexuality, because you are judging another person, and you should love your neighbor and therefore never set him up to be judged, you are not judging. If a person is doing wrong, and you tell him in a kind manner, a charitable manner, that they are committing a sin, and that they will lose their soul and go to purgatory, or even hell, that is not judging. You are helping and loving your neighbor. What is love?"
- Our Lady, June 18, 1982

"How dare you debase My Son's heritage by allowing all evil to be condoned in His Church! You men who were formerly of the light and have given yourselves to the darkness, you condone this foul act of homosexuality. And why? As Satan inspires you and directs you, you go about looking for excuses for sin! You condone it with permissiveness! ... You even deny the truth of what the Eternal Father did to Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality. You who cry love your neighbor, do not twist the truth and say that Sodom and Gomorrah fell because they were inhospitable! Oh, no! I say unto you: hospitality had nothing at all to do with this. It was a manner of degrading, debased sin, using a creation of the Father for vile acts, animal acts, and far worse until your filth and pollution has entered into the minds and souls of the young! You defilers of mankind, the skin shall burn off of your bones soon!" - Our Lady, April 2, 1977

"Since women have exchanged their roles as women, preferring to be as men, and have abandoned their true, true value of life have abandoned their role as a mother to carry the creation of their God within their wombs. They, therefore, will also find that their husbands and sons will find rejection of women, and men will seek lustfully pleasures with men, known, My child, as homosexuality. And they will be given and abandoned to their lust, until all creatures upon earth would live in fear. Women then will find themselves turning lustful eyes to women-lesbianism, My child. And then will set in all manners of iniquity: murders, covetousness, idolatry, adultery! 0 My child, the evil abounds upon earth!" - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"And the great issue now of homosexuality in your country, that shall be on the balance that Michael holds. Unless this balance is evened by removing this evil from your country and bringing in just laws to prevent the spread of homosexuality, you cannot be saved; your country cannot be saved." - Jesus, November 1, 1985

Directives from Heaven:

D23 - Abortion
D24 - Homosexuality
D34 - Woman

D47 - United States (Part I)
D48 - United States (Part II)
D95 - Law  
D134 - U.S. Government Leaders

D135 - Moral Issues
D138 -
D141 - Responsibility
D142 - Sin of Omission

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August 01, 2022       