Scientists uncover
Sodom and Gomorrah's fiery end...
British scientists believe they may have found evidence to support the
Bible's account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. But they think a natural cause, rather than God's anger, lay behind the
The Bible describes how the cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah were were destroyed in a storm of fire and brimstone - a punishment
from God because of their people's depravity.
But now a retired British geologist, Graham Harris, believes he may have
proved that the two cities really existed, and may have explained why they
Unstable area
Dr Harris thinks Sodom and Gomorrah were built on the shores of the Dead Sea
so that they could trade in naturally-occurring asphalt. This tarry substance was used in ancient times to waterproof boats and to
hold stones together in buildings. But the ground next to the Dead Sea is very unstable, lying on the joint
between two of the Earth's tectonic plates which are moving in opposite
directions. The area is vulnerable to earthquakes.
Flammable methane
Geological and archaeological evidence suggest that a huge one took place
about four and a half thousand years ago - the time of the Biblical destruction.
Flammable methane pockets lie under the Dead Sea shores; the earthquake would
have ignited them, the ground would have turned to quicksand, and a massive
landslide would have swept the cities into the water. Experiments carried out at Cambridge University have backed up this account.
But more conclusive evidence is still needed; not unless the remains of Sodom
and Gomorrah are found under the Dead Sea's salty waters will the theory be
Bayside Prophecies
Our Lady - "There is not much time left. Many will be taken from the earth. I will not at this time, My child and My children, go into full detail. However, I want you to stress the knowledge of Sodom and
GOMORRAH. You saw in the story of Sodom and GOMORRAH, its obliteration by fire and brimstone. Can you expect less of a trial? My children, you do not listen; you do not learn from your past. You are on the same road to perdition!
"The Eternal Father has watched with hope. And with His convictions now coming to the point of great knowledge to Him, He finds that at this time many must be taken from the earth.
"Your word of homosexuality can be explained by the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Read in your Bibles or consult your clergy. Find yourselves, My children, a humble, pious clergy. Many have fallen away from the Faith. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. And this, My children, I say of all denominations!"
Scoffers laugh, deride the prophets...
Jesus - "As in the time of Noah, as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the warnings, countless warnings given through those chosen by Heaven to act as mediators for God to bring a prophecy to mankind...scoffers laugh, deride the prophets, and man has learned nothing from his past history. I promise you, your world, the earth, shall not be destroyed in the universe, but mankind shall be removed from your planet. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
The Rapture
"Man shall be working out in the field. One shall be taken. Man shall say, "Where has he gone? He has disappeared without warning.' A woman shall work at the spindle...two at the spindle. One shall be taken, and where has she gone? The mystery unfolds. It is in the plan of the Eternal Father that many shall be taken from among you. The mystery shall befound man.
"I promise in those days that those who remain shall meet with Me to establish My Kingdom of peace and joy upon your earth."
St. Theresa - "As in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Eternal Father was most merciful until His mercy could no longer be contained. So will it be for those who partake of the abominable acts of what you call upon earth, homosexuality. It is an abomination in the eyes of the Eternal Father.
Parents must guard their children, even from their teachers. Many are now direct agents of hell, though they walk in human bodies. Protect your children with their sacramentals. Teach them!"
New York City has become a cesspool of sin...
Jesus - "My child and My children, listen well to what I have to discourse with you of. The events within your area did not come by accident. I have told you in the past, and I repeat Myself anew that there will be many minor warnings given to mankind in Our concerted efforts to turn man back from his sin. As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, your city of New York has become a cesspool of sin."
You Fornicate Like Animals...
Jesus - "Immorality, homosexuality, and what do We hear now but permissiveness in sex, even from the mouths of Our trained ones known as theologians? Have you all lost your minds or your souls to satan? Human sexuality you call it? Animal sexuality I call it! You fornicate like animals. And why did the Father deem it necessary to intervene upon Sodom and Gomorrah?"
Do not twist the truth and say that Sodom and Gomorrah fell because they were inhospitable!
Our Lady - "You men who are formerly of the light an have given yourselves to the darkness, you condone this foul act of homosexuality. And why? As satan inspires you and directs you, you go about looking for excuses for sin! You condone it with permissiveness! You have taken the direction and the Commandments of your God and you re - evaluate! You take them to your scholars who have heads of fog, and in your masterly, worldly way, you delude those of less learning to believe, because of your high - sounding words and theses, and all manner of scholarly knowledge; you delude those who do not have the God - given knowledge to believe your rot! You even deny the truth of what the Eternal Father did to Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality.
"You who cry love your neighbor, do not twist the truth and say that Sodom and Gomorrah fell because they were inhospitable! Oh, no! I say unto you: hospitality had nothing at all to do with this. It was a manner of degrading, debased sin, using a creation of the Father for vile acts, animal acts, and far worse until your filth and pollution has entered into the minds and souls of the young! You defilers of mankind, the skin shall burn off of your bones soon!"
Sins Of Flesh Cast Many Into Hell...
Jesus - "Mothers and women of the world, you must no longer offend your God. You must return your country and the world to a disciplined life of modesty in the hearts of women, chastity, and a firm family foundation among mankind. Many of you do not please the Eternal Father, and you have pierced My Mother's Heart with your sins. The sins of the flesh shall have many cast into hell.
"Men shall not consort with men, women shall not consort with women, for it is an abomination in the eyes of all Heaven. The Eternal Father will destroy you for this! As it was in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, so shall it be upon the cities. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and you must not defile it, for you seek perversion and you defame your human nature.
All Who Condone Homosexuality, Abortion, Shall Be Destroyed...
"And I repeat again: all who become part of or condone homosexuality shall be destroyed! All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed! All who see, to cast out the discipline given by the Eternal Father in the Commandments, the Ten Commandments from your God - they too, shall be destroyed! All women who disport their bodies in nakedness, the flesh shall burn!"
Woe to these parents when they stand before the Father!
St. Joseph - "Children of the world, there is do much discord! Among families! There is so much deterioration among families. This is not a good sign. The family unit must be together under the true sign of the LIVING GOD! Mothers and Fathers have a great responsibility for their children. You who spend your hours, so few upon Earth, giving your children their bodily delights, their materialistic wishes and pleasures - while their SOULS are starving! And they are being led on the path that will take them farther from the kingdom! SIN - THE DARKEST OF SINS ARE BEING COMMITTED IN THE HOMES! What examples as parent are you showing to your children?
SAINT PETER, II, Chapter 2:1 - 6 "False Teachers"
"Among you there will be lying teachers who will bring in destructive sects. They even disown the Lord Who died for them, thus bringing upon themselves quick destruction; and many will follow their wanton conduct, and because of them the way of Truth will be maligned. And out of greed they will, with deceitful words, use you for gain. Their condemnation, passed of old, is not now or ever made void, and their destruction is not long in coming. For God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but dragged them down by infernal ropes to tartarus (Hell) and delivered them to be tortured and kept in custody for judgment. Nor did He spare the ancient world, but preserved (with seven others) Noah, a herald of justice, when He brought a flood upon the world of the impious. And He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes, thus making them an example to those who in the future should live impiously."
SAINT PETER, II, Chapter 2:10 - 16 "False Teachers"
"Rash and self - willed, such men do not regard majesty. They deride what they do not understand, and will perish in their corruption receiving the recompense of their wrong doing. They regard as pleasure their daylight revelry; they are spots and blemishes, they abound in wantonness while banqueting with you. They have eyes full of adultery and turned unceasingly towards sin. They entice unstable souls; they have their hearts exercised on covetousness; they are children of a curse. They have forsaken the right way and have gone astray; they have followed the way of Balaam, the son Bosor, who loved the wages of wrong - doing. But he was rebuked for his madness..."
SAINT PETER, II, Chapter 3:3 - 4
" the last days there will come deceitful scoffers, men walking according to their own lusts, saying, `Where is the promise of His coming?'"
(After escaping the defilements of the world through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, you are again entangled therein by sin and overcome, your latter state has become far worse than the former. Graces in abundance means a heavier fall when one allows Satan to take over. In other words, grace must be nourished with pure waters.)
Some will sell their souls to get to the head!
Pray for the hierarchy!
Pray for the Holy Father, he suffers much from the traitors about him!
...that woman must wear a head covering at Holy Service (Mass), and while praying.
The angels who assist at the divine Service are interested in having all done properly.
"Have you chosen to ignore the teachings of the fathers of the Church - the chosen ones of God? St. Peter, the first Pope? St. Paul, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, St. James...the Holy Bible?"
ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY, Chapter 2:9 - 12:
"I wish women to be decently dressed, adorning themselves with modesty and dignity, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothing (or nakedness) but with good works such as becomes women professing Godliness, etc."
You come to Church to profess Godliness to honor God, but dress and act as pagans now.
Man calls down a heavy punishment from God.
Eve tempted Adam to sin. Woman was to be saved by her role as a child - bearing mother and companion of her spouse (husband), but she was to continue in faith and love and holiness with modesty.
Women were not to exercise authority over men. Now they seek to "wear the pants". They have chosen to cast aside their place as woman, even rejecting the natural plan of childbearing.
"In the end days, seven women will take hold of one man and say, `I want to eat your bread.'" (Be as you are.) - Deuteronomy. In other words, seven women means that women will not be constant - lusting after another - sexually promiscuous, and demanding equal rights to their eventual identity destruction!
Men lust after men - women lust after women - divorce rate: 1 out of 2 marriages - sterilizations - abortions - murder!
Directives from Heaven...
D15 - Holy Matrimony
D16 - Role of Parents
D23 - Abortion
D24 - Homosexuality
D34 - Woman
D89 - Sin
D135 - Moral Issues
D138 - Permissiveness
D141 - Responsibility
D142 - Sin of Omission
D143 - Humanism
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