Devil-worship teenagers jump to their deaths in Germany...

THE suicides of three teenagers who leapt together to their death from a bridge, their bodies daubed with pentangle symbols, have increased concern among officials in Germany about the spread of Devil-worship among disaffected, often unemployed, young people.

Kurt Biedenkopf, Premier of the state of Saxony, where they died, has called for an investigation into Devil- worshipping. There have now been 15 occult-linked suicides in eastern Germany in less than two years.  The boys have been identified only by their first names — Mike, 17, Michael, 14, and René, 18. One left a note at the base of the 78-metre high Göltzschtalbrücke, connecting Reichenbach and Plauen, saying: “We are unhappy with this life and seek a better one.”

Dietmar Kipry, the public prosecutor, said: “They were known as being involved in Satanism. They went to parties in cemeteries and listened to the music of the scene.” The boys were found with pentangle symbols on their bodies. The oldest and youngest were manacled together before they jumped at the weekend.  The police investigation centres mostly on an occult group called Blue Rose. Police and social workers say that the cult has made suicide glamorous among bored teenagers in small towns.

Internet sites help to spread a message that satanic rituals are in some way “cool”. Computers and mobile phones are being confiscated in an attempt to halt the trend.

Last summer two 17-year-olds sent text messages over their mobile phones to friends in Berlin reading: “Today is a good day to die.” That night they drove at 90mph into a tree on the outskirts of the village of Klietz, killing themselves.  On October 27 their friend Marko Schmidt, also 17, killed himself in the same way three miles away. In December Peter Müren, 17, was seriously injured when his copycat suicide attempt failed.

That same month two other teenagers killed themselves in separate villages, one of them leaving a suicide note reading: “I give myself to Satan.”

Police say that there have been seven other deaths and at least four more suicide attempts.  A meeting earlier this year of the youth authorities in Stendal concluded that 15 to 20 young people in and around Klietz were at serious risk of committing suicide. Some were offered immediate psychiatric help. The worried parents of others sent their children to stay with friends and relatives far away.

Many youngsters have had Internet memberships and mobile phones confiscated to stop them from contacting the suicide promoters.

The Blue Rose group encourages youngsters to talk in Internet chat rooms about the uselessness of their lives, the pointlessness of their existence and the glamour of death. In a region of high unemployment, where many towns have no cinemas or discotheques, the group has hit a deep nerve with disillusioned youth.

Teachers have told police and youth authorities about a “depressed atmosphere” hanging over classes. “It is very troubling what is happening to our youth,” one headmaster said.

Black mass candles have been found in graveyards. Andreas Breit, a local vicar, said: “The occult scene is thriving in this region. They have held black masses in the ruins of buildings and in the open. They have rituals and swear oaths.”

Police say that they have also found the remains of slaughtered animals. In nearby Havelberg, police said Blue Rose followers regularly cut each other to drink their blood. In Salzwedel, 43 miles away, police found a number of severed goats’ heads earlier this year. The animals were sacrificed by a group known as the Thelema Order.

This upsurge in the occult and satanic worship culminated in the region at Whitsun last year when 30,000 youths gathered near Leipzig to hear bands like Wolfsheim and Elegia sing morbid songs of suicide and depression.

Herr Biedenkopf has promised a full investigation “to determine what forces are driving our children to these desperate acts”.

Bayside Prophecies

Veronica - Oh! Our Lady is also pointing over with a very angry look on Her face. And I seeoh, a terrible . . . oh, it'soh, my goodness! I know what it is; I see . . . I know they're human beings, but they're wearing black garments and slit holes in their faces. And Our Lady said:
Our Lady - "See, My child, the worship of the prince of evil. You are shocked, My child? Do not delude yourselves that this does not exist upon your earth now, the worship of satan. Pagans! Pagans in the House of God! Pagans roaming your nations, leaders of your nations giving themselves to satan!" June 15, 1974 

"My child, the great delusion in your world today is the darkness of spirit created by talk leading to evils of humanism, modernism, and the worst of all evils, satanism. The evil, My child, is so great that man has set himself up as an idol." Our Lady, November 23, 1974

"Already, because too few listened to and acted upon My counsel in the past, already, My children, your nation is covered now by secret societies and churches of satan, being founded by the master of deceit and the father of all liars, the prince of darkness, satan.
     "My children, I do not have to explain to you the evils that he will create and manifest through your children and all those who have given themselves to seeking the occult, whether it be, My children, in the homes or in the classrooms of your nation, your schools. Satan has planned his role well. It has taken many earth-years for him to reach this point, My child.
     "You understand that the knowledge of the supernatural has been stilled and has been rejected among mankind. The knowledge of the supernatural has now been placed in the minds of man as a myth to be laughed at and meet with derision."
Our Lady, October 1, 1977

"I have always asked you, the Eternal Father has written it in the good Book, your Bible, to always test the spirits. My children, the evil, the spirits of darkness always reveal themselves with time. They cannot conceal their farce and lies. My children, you will understand now that satan is trying to conceal his nature and his being to mankind to deceive you. If you do not believe in the existence of Lucifer, satan, and his agents, demons, he can go forward working his will among you unseen, unknown, unbelieved, but creating disaster and death to souls. 
     "My children, the man you call 'Sam' is satan in a human body. He has powers beyond what most human beings could understand." Our Lady, November 21, 1977 

"Listen well, My children, and understand that I ask you to remove all diabolical musical recordings from your homes. Your children are bringing demons into your homes because, at the time that these records were produced, called 'rock, hard rock'they were produced in the temple of satan, consecrated to satan. You do not understand, My children, but many of your companies, your record companies, are under the control of Wicca, the international organization of witches and warlocks. Do not laugh! It is true! Lucifer has given them power over mankind. However, the power is allowed by God the Father in Heaven to test all of mankind." Our Lady, November 25, 1978 

"I have given you the sacramentals, and you must wear them. All who discard them to accede to the mockery and jest of those who follow the road of satan must then join the ranks of those who will fall. Without your armor, you will not be protected against the infiltration of the agents of hell. These agents of darkness, these agents of the prince of darkness exist as beings, beings that you are unable to see with your human eyes." Our Lady, September 13, 1973 

"Remember, keep your sacramentals constantly upon you: your brown Scapular, your St. Benedict medal, the Miraculous Medal, and also the medal of Our Lady of the Roses. You must keep them upon you, with a crucifix. We demand a crucifix, because demonsmany of the highest ones in the realms of hell cannot stand the sight of a crucifix. They will not approach your door. I give you this knowledge, My children, though it is not common knowledge upon earth, that the crucifix has great power against satan." Jesus, June 18, 1987

"My child, persevere to the end. Have no fear of the days ahead, for with My Rosary and this, the Scapular, We shall crush the head of satan." Our Lady, June 15, 1974 

The ultimate victory against the forces of evil are with Us, My children. Go forth as disciples of My Son with this knowledge in your heart that the victory lies with Us. For the time will come when I shall crush forever the head of satan." Our Lady, March 24, 1974

Directives from Heaven...

D89   - Sin 
- Moral Issues
D138 - Permissiveness
D143 - Humanism
D149 - Satanism, Part 1 New
D150 - Satanism, Part 2 New
D151 - Possession New
D152 - Angel of light New
D153 - Astrology New

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