Foot-and-mouth plague

Foot-and-mouth disease - 
    a global livestock threat

LONDON, March 14 —   One by one, nations began slamming the door on livestock trade with Europe on Wednesday while stepping up surveillance at entry points as the United Nations’ world food body warned that foot-and-mouth disease is a global threat from which no country is safe.

Pigs are incinerated next to La Baroche Gondouin in western France on Wednesday as a precautionary measure since they were raised near the farm in which France's first case of foot-and-mouth disease was detected.

      “IF FOOT-AND-MOUTH disease were to enter the United States, the cost is in the billions,” said Kevin Herglotz, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which banned the import of livestock and fresh meat from Europe on Tuesday.
       Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Norway were the latest countries to announce bans on imports of livestock and meat products from the 15-nation EU after foot-and-mouth disease was found Tuesday among cattle in northwestern France.
       Japan, Estonia and Latvia on Wednesday announced they were banning livestock products from France. Belgium, Spain and Portugal shut their borders to French meat or livestock earlier in the week.
       Some countries even said they would return meat and dairy products to France, which could cause an immediate $27.9 million loss in export business, according to Claude Thieblemont of the French Federation of Meat Industries and Commerce.
       French Agriculture Minister Jean Glavany said in an interview published Wednesday that France is “very exposed” to the risk of more foot-and-mouth cases because of the 20,000 British sheep it imported in February — animals that were scattered in 80 farms around the country.
       The highly contagious disease, although not a danger to humans, is ravaging herds in Britain, where at least 215 separate outbreaks have been discovered since last month. France’s Feb. 29 decision to destroy British sheep, along with 30,000 French sheep, failed to keep the disease at bay.
       Foot-and-mouth disease strikes cloven-hoofed animals such as sheep, pigs and cows, either killing the animals or reducing their production of milk and meat. It is easily transmitted by the wind, people or cars, or spread by contaminated hay, water and manure.

       The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) warning on Wednesday of the global threat of foot-and-mouth disease underscored existing fears of the rapid spread of the disease. The FAO also urged stricter controls on immigrants and tourists who they said increased risks of spreading the disease and on imports of foods, including those carried by travelers, and on wastes from aircraft and ships.
       “Any country around the world might be contaminated,” Yves Cheneau, chief of FAO’s animal health service and the organization’s senior expert on foot-and-mouth, told Reuters in an interview at the organization’s headquarters in Rome.
       No country can consider itself safe from the disease because of increased international trade, intensified farming, immigration, tourism, the movement of animals, animal products and foodstuffs, Cheneau said.
       FAO said more aid should be made available for developing countries to tackle the disease in the endemic areas in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America.
      One of South America’s largest meat producers, Argentina, confirmed Tuesday the existence of foot-and-mouth disease in a central province and said that it suspected further outbreaks of the highly contagious virus in the South American country.
       The confirmation ended weeks of government denials that the world’s No. 4 beef exporter has been infected with the virus amid mounting farmer and industry complaints that cattle were suffering from the ailment.
       In a short statement, the Farming and Food Health Agency said it had spotted an outbreak of foot-and-mouth in Buenos Aires province, a crucial cattle farming area.
       It added that “numerous” other outbreaks were suspected and pledged it was working to eliminate the scourge.
       Officials in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also reported cases of foot-and-mouth disease on Wednesday, the first known cases in the Mideast.
       Saudi agricultural officials said they found two animals with foot-and-mouth in the Red Sea province of Yanbu, 544 miles west of the capital, Riyadh.
       “Since the discovery of these two cases, all precautions were taken from the concerned authorities in the region,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
       In the United Arab Emirates, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Saeed al-Raqabani said eight animals were found to have foot-and-mouth there. The government has banned imports of animals and birds without prior permission, he said, according to the Emirates News Agency.

The incredible Bayside Prophecies say:German meat market

A plague in England . . . 
Our Lady
- "Remember, My child, they turned away and did not listen to the message of the prophets of old. Nineveh fell, Sodom and Gomorrah; and so will your country and your city. I place upon you the word 'if', My child, this 'if' can only be used for a short time for the time allotted to mankind to make redemption to the Father is short.
    "Have great pity, My children, My child, for the soul that will be lost. In the Holy City of Rome and in the country on the sea there will be a plague. In the country on the waters of England there will be a plague." (4-5-75)

Far worse plague to come...
- "My child, and My children, are there many strong homes left in the United States, Canada, and many homes of the world? No, My children, the standards have been lowered. And when the standards are lowered, satan takes over.
    "You have your chance now, as My Mother pleads for your cause, to stop what you are doing now, that displeases the Eternal Father; or you shall be sent, within the next year, a far worse plague upon mankind, if the great Chastisement hasn't already overcome you." (6-6-87)

A Plague...
- All, Jesus said, all My prayers must be retained. There will be accidents that are not accidents. And there will be a plague. A plague that shall take many. (6-9-79)

The Heavens in upheaval...
- "My children, as time proceeds further onto the road that leads to the great Chastisement, as man goes further into darkness of spirit, there will be set upon the world great trial. You have entered into the time of great sorrows. You will find the heavens in upheaval; plagues, floods, great heat will befall mankind. My children, it will be a test for all." (6-4-77)

Floods, earthquakes, famines, plagues...
Our Lady
- "My children, there is insanity from sin now in your world. Man, in his pride and arrogance and materialism, has brought about a state in which sin is becoming a way of life now. As it was in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, as it was in Noah's time, My children, you are traveling the same road. You learn nothing from your past but commit the same errors; only now, My children, they are far worse than in the time of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Noah.
    "My children, the homes, the refuge for children, whatever shall become of your family life? Parents have turned from their roles as parents, giving themselves over to pleasures of the flesh - pleasure - seeking, feeding themselves with all manner of corruptive influences while the soul is starving.
    "My children, why do you not recognize the signs of your times? Why is man, in his blindness, calling down upon himself many chastisements? Floods, earthquakes, famines, plagues, until all shall be cleansed by the Ball of Redemption!" (7-25-77)

Plagues upon mankind...
Our Lady -
"O My children, if you only realized and acted upon My counsel! If you only realized what is coming fast upon you! Be it known to you in the past that there will be many eruptions of nature resulting in hurricanes, whirlwinds, floods, great heat and plagues upon mankind." (4-1-78)

I shall visit upon you every plague...
- "The rules, My way was given to you in the Book of love and life, your Bible, and I say unto you, you who go about adding to My words and making changes, I shall visit upon you every plague that has been written in the Book of life!
    "Man has not learned by his past. He continue upon his way, giving himself over to all pleasures of the flesh, never caring for his future, his future over the veil." (2-1-78)

Change now or suffer another plague...
Our Lady
- "The existence of the Trinity, too, is being attacked. We are fully aware of what is going on. And I can tell you, My children, if there are not immediate changes, another plague shall be sent upon your country and other countries of the world. Eventually the suffering will be so great, if man does not repent, that there will be few souls left on earth." (6-18-90)

Scientists cannot strive above the laws of His God ...
Our Lady -
"A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, soul destruction, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis many will be cleansed! Understand, My children, that science (scientists) cannot strive above the laws of His God." (4-1-72)

External links:

Foot-and-mouth Disease Information 

USDA News Release 

Foot-and-mouth virus: A global dilemma 

Don't put that foot in my mouth!

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