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Orders and Consecrated Life:
Pope Pius XI warned religious orders to maintain rigorous discipline...
"Rigid discipline is necessary in the rule of all dedicated. Discipline and obedience to the will of God, and not the will of man, must be restored upon earth. Your offenses against your God and your destruction of souls leading more onto the path into darkness have not passed unnoticed by the Father. You have received your warning. Men of God in the House of God, turn back from your ways of satan! Recognize the hand of satan upon you! Starve your souls of the demons that you have allowed to enter upon you! Return to discipline and the rule! You will not take our words and rewrite them to satisfy the desires of mere man! Have you placed yourself beyond the angels? They, too, were cast from the Kingdom for their arrogance. Intellectual pride has led you down the wrong road. Many mitres will fall into hell." - St. Thomas Aquinas, February 1, 1973
In 1938, Pope Pius XI addressed the Capuchin General Chapter and passed on these words of wisdom for the preservation of religious orders:
"I am one of the oldest Tertiaries living and so I may
speak a word of affectionate advice. Keep your standards of discipline high and
be rigorous in testing those whom you admit to your Order. You are
numerous, but beware of the danger of a mere crowd. The ideas of wild
indiscipline and independence are rife in the world today, and if you are
reproached with rigor in the selection of your subjects, you can answer, 'the
Pope said it.' And I give the same advice to all superiors and bishops
today. I say it not because you have any particular need of the warning,
but because it is a need of the days in which we live.
"Be severe! This is a hard saying, no doubt, but full of love, for only severity can satisfy true love, worthy of the friends of our Lord. This recommendation, for which we take all responsibility, must be received as fatherly advice inspired by nothing but the desire for the good of all religious orders. A certain rigor is especially suitable when there is question of the discipline of an order or religious families or different houses, because discipline keeps life on the alert; without it, life is not, perhaps, completely absent, but it is then feeble, intermittent, and idle.
"We recommend this discipline, not only to religious families, but also to bishops, to priests, to the clergy in general, for the air is today thick with pernicious principles of indiscipline and independence, and it is necessary to prevent them from being propagated even in the ranks of the clergy, for, to repeat, without a rigorous discipline, there is scarcely anything left for the glory of God, the honor of Jesus Christ, and the salvation of souls."
The Pope then applied this principle to accepting candidates for the priesthood and the religious life: "We do not mean by these words to refer merely to the severity of discipline in general, but above all, and in a special manner, to the severity with which trial should be made of postulants. If some should say that there is already too much severity in this respect, we authorize you to reply that it is the Pope who wishes it, because, in his position and with his responsibilities, he can clearly see the necessity for it, and all the more because Providence has granted him a fairly long pontificate, thus permitting him to acquire great experience in this matter. If one wants to preserve religious life in its splendor, one must be severe, especially about vocations, because divine grace aids but does not destroy human nature, and so the necessity for the struggle remains."
"The present leaders of My Church in the city of Rome, in your arrogance you have set up My Church without honor, without holiness! In the name of peace and brotherhood, you have whittled away the foundation. I am the foundation! You must now rebuild My Church, for a church in darkness wears a band of death about it. I say unto you; it is better that there are few with quality than quantity with nothingness.
"The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. I say unto you, that satan has entered into the Holy City of Rome.
"You have been warned in the past by the descendants of Peter to guard My Church from humanism, modernism and satanism. When the world and My Church become as one, know that the end is at hand. Many of the descendants of Peter, men of knowledge and piety, gave you the reasons for shunning modernism and liberal attitudes. Many of those wearing the Red Hats have sold their souls to satan to get to the head." - Jesus, December 31, 1977
Our Lady of
the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
"My child, We watch and
see the houses of My Son crumbling, being destroyed throughout your world. Doors
are closing, convents are emptying, and the dedicated are leaving and falling
into all manner of sin and abominations. Who shall be in the remnant? Only a few
will be saved." - Our Lady,
May 26, 1976
"Yes, My child, I spoke to
you of the evil ones who have infiltrated into the clergy. They are not entering
with dedication and spirits of light, but they are bringing in the spirit of
darkness. By their fruits will you know them, My child. I have asked you to be
not fooled by those who wear the garments of the dedicated but have fouled their
garments. You must pray more for the light and recognize the faces of evil about
you, My child." - Jesus,
June 5, 1975
"In the cause of
obedience, pastors and Our dedicated nuns, remember this: you cannot be obedient
to one who has defamed his habit, to one who has cast aside his Faith, to one
who goes forward as a destroyer of souls. The rabat is the teacher of life, but
do not be fooled by those who foul these habits." -
Our Lady, August 5, 1976
"Will you not, My
children, you who are children of the light, come forward and become nuns, nuns
with good hearts, with a good foundation of the Faith and the truth, and nourish
Our sheep?" - Our Lady,
June 18, 1982
"Jesus the Lord, your
Lord, my sisters and brothers, has made the rule. You cannot change it to suit
yourselves. You have been blinded by satan. The liberation in your hearts has
been placed there by satan. You gain nothing but your own destruction. Nuns,
those who have accepted the rule and taken the habit, must remain in the habit."
- St. Theresa, October 2,
"Holiness and piety! Man—men
of God, you must wear your garment of purity, dedication, and piety. What manner
of foul deeds do you perform for the destruction of your sheep! For what?
Material gain and pride and arrogance? You shall be cast into the abyss! Rank
shall give you no advantage when you come over the veil." -
St. Michael, December 24, 1975
"And woe to the clergy who
has given himself over to worldliness and sin! Woe to the clergy who rejects his
vocation and chooses a life upon earth after he has taken his vows! I say unto
him: the judgment will fall great upon him." -
Jesus, August 4, 1979
"Know now, my brothers and
sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you
will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom." -
St. Francis, May 28, 1975
"I see, My children, a
great evil transpiring upon earth. Those who have the power to stop the evil
have chosen to go downstream like ducks upon water, letting everything slide off
their backs, neither caring nor visualizing the future. And why? Because they
have given themselves to the world.
"Just as My Son stood before Pilate and he washed his hands and said: 'This
man is innocent; I see no wrong in him,' however, in his heart he knew of
innocence but he feared reprisal from the crowd, My children; he valued his
life, he loved his sin, and he was too much involved with the pleasures of this
life and the world.
"You see, My children, it is taking place all over again for those in
command in rule. They go along 'passing,' as you say, 'the buck,' each one not
willing to admit his error or his participation in evil, but only too willingly
allowing others to take the blame or the responsibility. And I assure you, My
children, if evil is being allowed, the 'buck passer' is just as guilty as the
original one who had started the evil.
"If you know in your hearts, O pastors, that souls are in danger of being
corrupted, misled, and even destroyed, and you do nothing about it, because you
do not wish to offend your superiors, because you value your life in this world
too much and your good living; I assure you, O pastors, you shall stand before
My Son and He shall not know you. You will be disowned, banished from eternal
life in Heaven, and you shall join your father who is the father of all liars,
satan, and the prince of darkness." -
Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Do not leave when you are
discouraged by those who satan has sent into your convents. Stand forth as an
example of purity and godliness. You will not be cast aside by your God, as you
will by man, as you stand to defend your God. Pick up your cross and carry it."
- St. Theresa, November 20,
"Modernism must not be a
way of life for Our dedicated. Our nuns have to have discipline, My children. Do
not bring the world into the convents. I ask that the convents remain free of
all television and radios, and return to their prayer life." -
Our Lady, June 18, 1990
"Pastors, you shall be
called and shall you stand before, in judgment, the Eternal Father and say that
your teaching has been pure in His sight? Better that you fear your God than
man! Obedience? Obedience is commanded by the Eternal Father for good, not for
evil!" - Our Lady, May 26,
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D159 - Religious Orders and the Dedicated: Part 1
D160 - Religious Orders and the Dedicated: Part 2
D161 - The Great Apostasy
D165 - Apathy and Indifference
D233 - Vocations, Part 1
D234 - Vocations, Part 2
The sources of growth and decline in religious orders
The new Commandment of Jesus
Love of God and love of neighbor
Beware of groups forming that have alienated themselves
from their hierarchy
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September 02, 2018