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Michael Savage Speaks Out Against the Dem Death Worshipers… 

"And I repeat again to all clergy in My Son's House: you shall not rationalize sin.  Abortion is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance!  Euthanasia is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance!  The Commandments of your God must be followed, and no changes will be made upon them to suit the basic fallen nature of mankind." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1979

Michael Savage says:  "The radical Democratic left is an army of soulless ghouls.  Being of the living dead, they live in a world of death and try to impose it on we the living.  Witness who led the charge: a radical homosexual, Barney Frank.  A radical abortion Mafiosa, Barbara Boxer.  What is difficult for we the living to comprehend is the reason they can engage in such anti-life abominations is because they have no souls.  They have said that the tears of Terri Schiavo are mechanical.  They have said that her smile is reflexive.  They can rip an emerging child from the womb, murder it, and call this a compassionate act.  Like Mengele – the doctor of death from the Nazi concentration camps - the radical, soulless Democrats keep referring to “the doctors,” as if a medical degree guaranteed humanity.  Therefore, choose life. God bless, George W. Bush."

From the Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases of 14 July 1933

(1)i. Anyone who has a hereditary illness can be rendered sterile by a surgical operation if, according to the experience of medical science, there is a strong probability that his/her progeny will suffer from serious hereditary defects of a physical or mental nature. ii. Anyone is hereditarily ill within the meaning of the law who suffers from one of the following illnesses: 1. Congenital feeble-mindedness 2. Schizophrenia 3. Manic depression 4. Hereditary epilepsy 5. Huntington's chorea 6. Hereditary blindness 7. Hereditary deafness 8. Serious physical deformities iii. In addition, anyone who suffers from chronic alcoholism can be sterilized.


(7) i. Proceedings before the Hereditary Health Courts are not public. ii. The Hereditary Health Court has to make the necessary inquiries; it can call expert, and other, witnesses, as well as order the personal appearance and medical examination of the person to be sterilised, compelling him to do so in cases of non-appearance without adequate excuse. The provisions concerning the conduct of civil hearings are to be applied correspondingly to the examination of and swearing in of witnesses and experts, as well as to the disqualification and rejection of members of the court. Physicians who appear as witnesses or medical experts are obliged to testify without regard to professional confidentiality. Courts and administrative authorities, as well as hospital institutions are obliged to supply information to the Hereditary Health Court on request.

(12) i. If the court finally decides upon sterilisation, the operation must be performed even if it is against the wishes of the person to be sterilised, unless that person was solely responsible for the application. The medical officer is responsible for requesting the necessary measures to be taken by the police authorities. In so far as other measures prove insufficient, the use of force is permissible. Reasons for the law. Since the National Revolution public opinion has become increasingly preoccupied with questions of demographic policy and the continuing decline in the birth rate. However, it is not only the decline in population, which is a cause for serious conceThe Nazis Used the Courts to Sterilize the Handicappedrn but equally the increasingly evident genetic composition of our people. Whereas the hereditarily healthy families have for the most part adopted a policy of having only one or two children, countless numbers of inferiors and those suffering from hereditary conditions are reproducing unrestrainedly while their sick and asocial offspring burden the community.

"Euthanasia" Killings in Nazi Germany

In October 1939, Hitler himself initiated a decree which empowered physicians to grant a "mercy death" to "patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health." The intent of the so called "euthanasia" program, however, was not to relieve the suffering of the chronically ill. The Nazi regime used the term as a euphemism: its aim was to exterminate the mentally ill and the handicapped, thus "cleansing" the Aryan race of persons considered genetically defective and a financial burden to society.
      The idea of killing the incurably ill was posed well before 1939. In the 1920s, debate on this issue centered on a book coauthored by Alfred Hoche, a noted psychiatrist, and Karl Binding, a prominent scholar of criminal law. They argued that economic savings justified the killing of "useless lives" ("idiots" and "congenitally crippled"). Economic deprivation during World War I provided the context for this idea. During the war, patients in asylums had ranked low on the list for rationing of food and medical supplies, and as a result, many died from starvation or disease. More generally, the war undermined the value attached to individual life and, combined with Germany's humiliating defeat, led many nationalists to consider ways to regenerate the nation as a whole at the expense of individual rights.

    Fearful of public reaction, the Nazi regime never proposed a formal "euthanasia" law. Unlike the forced sterilizations, the killing of patients in mental asylums and other institutions was carried out in secrecy. The code name was "Operation T4," a reference to Tiergartenstrasse 4, the address of the Berlin Chancellery offices where the program was headquartered. Physicians, the most highly Nazified professional group in Germany, were key to the success of "T4," since they organized and carried out nearly, all aspects of the operation. One of Hitler's personal physicians, Dr. Karl Brandt, headed the program, along with Hitler's Chancellery chief, Philip Bouhler. T4 targeted adult patients in all government or church-run sanatoria and nursing homes. These institutions were instructed by the Interior Ministry to collect questionnaires about the state of health and capacity for work of all their patients, ostensibly as part of a statistical survey.

      The completed forms were, in turn, sent to expert assessors physicians, usually psychiatrists, who made up "review commissions." They marked each name with a "+," in red pencil, meaning death, or a "" in blue pencil, meaning life, or "?" for cases needing additional assessment. These medical experts rarely examined any of the patients and made their decisions from the questionnaires alone. At every step, the medical authorities involved were usually expected to quickly process large numbers of forms.

There are four sins that cry out to Heaven for Vengeance (extreme punishment):

1) Willful murder.
2) The sin of Sodom.
3) Oppression of the poor.
4) Defrauding the laborer of his wages.

Euthanasia, abortion, physician-assisted suicide, mercy killing, and homosexuality cry out to Heaven for extreme punishment on the United States.

"No man shall murder--and it is murder, My children, when he shall give the excuse of saying an individual is no longer living or a part of the world because he has become emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help of all scientific means." -  Our Lady of the Roses, June 5, 1976

"Who will be safe in your land, My children? You will one day grow old. Will you be a burden to your family, to be removed without heart? When you grow sick, you are ill, will you become too much of a burden to your society and they will remove you?" - Our Lady of the Roses, March 25, 1972

The awesome Bayside Prophecies...  https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/default.htm  
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

“The time will come, My child, when those who are upon the earth will envy those have passed beyond the veil. Insanity, sin. Sin is insanity. The aged will be put to death, the crippled will be put to death, the mentally ill will be eliminated. The value of life will be gone. The value for life will be destroyed. Murderers! Sanctioned among those with the power to destroy the souls!” –  Jesus, March 18, 1974

"No man shall murder--and it is murder, My children, when he shall give the excuse of saying an individual is no longer living or a part of the world because he has become emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help of all scientific means. The Eternal Father has placed a soul in that body. That body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! No man can know when that soul must return to the Eternal Father. No man shall hasten its exit from a body by murder! Euthanasia is murder! Shall you become a judge over the living and the dead?" - Our Lady, June 5, 1976

"And I repeat again to all clergy in My Son's House: you shall not rationalize sin. Abortion is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! Euthanasia is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! The Commandments of your God must be followed, and no changes will be made upon them to suit the basic fallen nature of mankind.
     "The road to Heaven, My children, is a narrow one; too few stay upon it. For they are often carried away with the cares of the world, and the pleasures of the materialistic pursuits, and their gathering of money and prestige and power. For what? For the few short years allotted to each human upon earth. I ask you to ask yourself: is it worth it to lose your soul? Many will sell their souls to get to the head." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979

"The Eternal Father is much distressed by mankind's actions. They must not try to control the start and expiration of a life. Abortion is murder, My children, for you bring to an untimely end a mission of a soul. The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life into the body at the moment of conception. No man shall destroy this body until it has completed its mission as directed by the Eternal Father, for any man who destroys the mission and the body is guilty of murder. Euthanasia, untimely death, My children, man has transgressed into a form of evil far worse than in the time of Noe or Sodom. Therefore, how great shall be the punishment to mankind!" - Our Lady, June 12, 1976

"My child and My children, the murders of the unborn will bring great chastisement upon the United States, Canada, and the nations of the world, that are now contributing not only to the delinquency of your children and the world's children, but are condoning murder and euthanasia. Euthanasia, My child and My children, is murder!
     "We have been very patient. The Eternal Father has voiced His decision within My hearing, and I tell you, My children, your chastisement is just at hand." - Jesus, July 1, 1985

"I have, O woe to man, this saddest of stories: one of man against man, brother against brother, mother against daughter, father against son, in the battle of the spirits. Now, O poor aged and helpless, poor on earth, you will now be victims of your own. Doctors of the earth, what have you done to yourselves in your practices? You do not seek to preserve life, but to destroy.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1973

Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

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Pope John Paul II says euthanasia "seeks to establish who can live and who must die"


Michael Savage on the Savage Nation Radio Program 

The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II, March 25, 1995

Bush signs bill to save Terri: House votes overwhelmingly to make Schiavo case federal, WorldNetDaily, March 21, 2005

Bush making surprise return to Washington because of Schiavo case, Seattle Times, March 19, 2005

Attorney: Terri cried at news, claims brain-injured woman said she wants to live, WorldNetDaily, March 18, 2005

License to kill, Mark Alexander, March 18, 2005

Prayers for Terri, David Limbaugh, March 15, 2005

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses  May 26, 1976

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