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"Hariri’s death could have global impacts and increase tension in the Middle East."

Massive crowd chants anti-Syrian slogans, marches at funeral of former Lebanese Prime Minister in Beirut...


"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 30, 1981

Fox News reported on February 16, 2005:

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Hundreds of thousands of screaming mourners chanted "Syria out" as they mobbed the flag-draped coffin of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri at his burial Wednesday, two days after a huge bomb killed the man credited with rebuilding post-civil war Lebanon.

Suspicions over Syrian involvement in Hariri's assassination charged the atmosphere, with his family and supporters warning officials of the pro-Syrian Lebanese government to stay away.

While a previously unknown Islamic group initially took credit for the blast, many suspect Syria was behind the attack. Syria has an estimated 15,000 troops in Lebanon and has been adamant about keeping them in place, despite demands for withdrawal by the late Hariri and others, including the U.S. and the United Nations. U.N. resolution 1559 was passed in attempt to get Syria to leave Lebanon, to no avail.

Hariri’s death could have global impacts and increase tension in the Middle East. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said relations with Syria are worsening and more sanctions against the nation are a possibility.

Syria and Iran, whose nuclear ambitions have Washington on edge, are pledging to work together against a perceived bias against them, according to Reuters.

International pressure has mounted to find Hariri's killers, with Washington recalling its ambassador and the U.N. Security Council demanding Lebanon bring those responsible for Hariri's slaying to justice.

In Beirut, more than 200,000 people crowded into a central square around the towering Mohammed al-Amin Mosque, which Hariri built. It is also where the billionaire businessman, who was Lebanon's prime minister for 10 of the 14 years following the end of the 1975-90 civil war, was to be buried.

French President Jacques Chirac's was in Beirut to pay his condolences to Hariri's wife and family. Chirac and Hariri were friends.

Numerous regional and foreign officials, including U.S. assistant secretary of state responsible for Middle East affairs, William Burns, joined the thousands of Lebanese mourners in paying respects.

The crowd was the largest seen in Lebanon since the 1997 mass delivered in Beirut by Pope John Paul II, which attracted almost 1 million people.


Our Lady - "Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Syria holds the key to peace at this time. However, I place in front of you, My children, a graphic picture for you to understand. It will be a parable for some, and some will turn away not willing to hear what Heaven has to say in these desperate times."
Veronica - Our Lady is pointing up with Her finger, like this, to Her right side, and high above Her the sky is opening up—all the clouds are floating away and the sky is opening up and I see a map of the Mideast. And then Our Lady is pointing up farther and that's another map of China and Russia. Our Lady is turning back now: She was looking upward also.
    Our Lady - "My child and My children, there are scoffers who will say there shall not be a Third World War. They do not know and cannot conceive of the plan of the Eternal Father. Be it known now that the Father has great heart for all His children, but when the sin reaches a peak only known to the Father the amount of sin among mankind, then the Father will take action."
- May 28, 1983 

The amazing Bayside prophecies...  https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/default.htm 

Veronica -  . . . Our Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what looks like a map. Oh, my!
     Now as I am watchingit's a map of... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my!
     And Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child." -- March 29, 1975  

Veronica - ... and there's another map. And I see Israel, and countries about it; they're all aflame....
"The wars shall increase, and the carnage shall increase, and those who are living will often envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind.... When he left the Eternal Father he turned to satan, and this is his reward." - Our Lady, June 30, 1984

Veronica - And I can see now Jesus and Our Lady are going high up into the sky, and there's forming directly over Our Lady's statue, high in the skyit is a cross, a very large cross. The handle, though, of a . . . daggerit looks like a dagger, a knife. It's a strange-looking dagger with a loop at the bottom, like. It's a symbol. And Jesus is nodding.
Jesus - "You will understand, My child, soon."
Veronica - Yes, it is a, like a saber. Gee, it, it's a very strange-looking, dagger-like saber, with a cross on a handle. Likeit's not the kind that you seeit looks almost like Arabian or something. I can't explain itlike a very strange-looking Arabic, or something. I don't know where I have seen that before, but it's a very odd-looking type of dagger-like sword, with a hook on the end of it, though. That's strange. Oh, now it's beginning to fade; I can't see it anymore. - December 24, 1979  

Our Lady - "Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Syria holds the key to peace at this time. However, I place in front of you, My children, a graphic picture for you to understand. It will be a parable for some, and some will turn away not willing to hear what Heaven has to say in these desperate times."
Veronica - Our Lady is pointing up with Her finger, like this, to Her right side, and high above Her the sky is opening upall the clouds are floating away and the sky is opening up and I see a map of the Mideast. And then Our Lady is pointing up farther and that's another map of China and Russia. Our Lady is turning back now: She was looking upward also.
Our Lady - "My child and My children, there are scoffers who will say there shall not be a Third World War. They do not know and cannot conceive of the plan of the Eternal Father. Be it known now that the Father has great heart for all His children, but when the sin reaches a peak only known to the Father the amount of sin among mankind, then the Father will take action." - May 28, 1983 

"Syria has the key to the solution of world peace or the Third World War. It will be the destruction of three-quarters of the world. A world aflame, with also the Ball of Redemption." - Our Lady, May 30, 1981

"Wars are a punishment for man's sins. My children, My heart is torn. I stand with you observing your road, the path you are traveling. Many lives shall be lost in the great War.
     "The forces of evil are gathering about the city of Jerusalem. I walked there, My children. My home will be destroyed. There shall be much blood shed upon My home." - Our Lady, June 24, 1976 

Directives from Heaven...  https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

    D136 - Visions of the Great War: The Mideast  PDF Logo PDF


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Saddam, Syria, colluded under U.N. watch, Fox News, October 15, 2004



Shells from Syria fired at U.S. troops in Iraq, The [Fort Wayne] Journal-Gazette, October 14, 2004


U.S. to Syria: Kick out terrorists, get out of Lebanon, Israel Insider, September 12, 2004


Syria could be next, warns Washington, The [U.K.] Observer, April 13, 2003


After Saddam falls, Syria targeted next? WorldNetDaily, April 8, 2003


Syria smuggling arms to Baghdad, WorldNetDaily, December 15, 2002

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