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Scottish parents sue over school board refusal to allow parental opt-out on sex-ed; children who have opted out not becoming pregnant...
"A foul
situation has come about in the schools, both public and private. They are now
teaching sex education, My children. And this is a debauchery of your young
souls. Parents, are you so blind that you do not investigate, or ask your
children what has happened in their classes today at school?"
- Our Lady of the Roses, September 27, 1986
LifeSiteNews.com reported on June 24, 2005:
A school board in a region that has the distinction of having the highest teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease rate in all of Western Europe is facing a lawsuit over a decree that would have banned parents from pulling their children from an explicit sex education program supposedly aimed at curbing the problem. “The council’s lawyers have advised that opting out from sex education lessons should be treated no differently from seeking to opt out from any other part of the curriculum,” explained Gregory Carlin, spokesman for The Rights of the Scottish Child, a coalition of concerned parents and Catholics who oppose the council’s decision. “The controversial legal advice has been contradicted by other legal experts. The policy is also contrary to the position of the Scottish Executive.”
Carlin maintains that the STD and teen pregnancy problem actually stems from programmes like the Glasgow City Council’s graphic sex-ed curriculum for children. “The dreadful record of teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases in Glasgow is largely because of the harmful sexualized environment created by educators and officials,” he said. “There is a sinister agenda in some health and education services to sexualise children, including getting the most graphic sex education materials into primary and even nursery schools.”
“The advice that Glasgow Council have been given will be tested in court and Glasgow City Council will be left to explain why they have once against gone to law only to lose in derisory fashion,” Carlin added. “Parents will fight to defend their children from what amounts to a form of sexual grooming and abuse. The protection of the courts will be sought to prevent the development of any programme of coercive sex education for Scotland.”
“This outrageous policy is focused on the children of parents who have pulled them out of the program, but those same children have not become pregnant,” Carlin said in a phone interview with LifeSiteNews.com Friday. “While Glasgow has the worst record for teen STD’s and pregnancies in northern and Western Europe, none of the Glasgow children of parents who pulled them out of the sex-ed became pregnant. Instead of re-thinking their problematic sex-ed program, these bureaucrats are attempting to ensure there are no examples left of the success which comes from avoiding the program.”
The likelihood of the policy remaining is low according to Carlin, who said that similar challenges in other areas have been successful. Add to that the dissension within the ranks of Scottish officials itself. Times On Line coverage of the measure highlighted that the Tory health spokesman in the Scottish parliament, Dr Nanette Milne, is opposed to the idea of forcing parents to keep their children in the classes.
See related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:
Scottish Schools Seek to Force Sex-Ed on Young Students, Parents to Be Barred from Opt-Out
`Growing In Love' sex education
for kindergarteners approved by U.S. Bishops...
Now the U.S. Bishops have given their stamp of approval to a sex series that fosters the acceptance of sodomite lifestyles. Growing In Love not so subtly leads children into an early familiarity and experimentation with sex and acceptance of perverted acts that should not even be discussed among adults. When Bishops endorse teaching a kindergarten curriculum with body parts, from nipples to vulvas to scrotums, and urination and defecation are taught to innocent children, it is blatantly evident that children are being courted by the homosexual/ pedophile cartel! When Bishops teach kindergarten children that there are many types of “acceptable” families, including homosexuals, they are proselytizing perversity that will destroy the family and the Faith of the young!
The desensitization begins with lesson one in kindergarten. The children are being psychologically undressed in the classroom and exposed to explicit pornographic materials. The Bishop-blessed GIL has little children exploring the sexual body parts (penis, vagina, etc.), as well as the anus and buttocks. Instead of activities for “reading readiness,” GIL supplies “sodomy readiness” lessons by adding the anus and buttocks to the sexual anatomy.
Parents may be unaware of the Program Resources book that the teacher uses to supplement the GIL lessons. The Program Resource has activities that are to be reproduced for classroom or take-home use. To deceive parents, the filthy sex material in the Program Resource is written as if it is to be a companion book to the Family Resource only and to be used for parent/child sessions. NOT SO! The Program Resource is also very important companion book to the classroom Teaching Guide, proving the interconnectiveness of the series and thus bringing all the gross explicit garbage directly into the classroom.
Read more about the gross sex ed:
Growing in Love, Part 1, sex education in Catholic schools
Growing in Love, Part 2, sex education in Catholic schools
This is the kind of diabolical garbage approved and promoted by the National Council of Catholic Bishops.
The amazing
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
Sex Education In Schools
Our Lady - "A foul situation has come about in the schools, both public and
private. They are now teaching sex education, My children. And this is a
debauchery of your young souls. Parents, are you so blind that you do not
investigate, or ask your children what has happened in their classes today at
school? Show you no interest as you go about the world gathering materialism,
and seeking to break your home apart by husband and wife going in both
directions; neither do they work together to hold the home together, but they
work apart, many leaving the children astray by not having counsel over them."
"My child and My children, I tell you now: All that I have
told you in the past will come to pass. There will be great punishments set upon
earth. The United States and Canada shall not escape. They have been actually
sentenced by the Eternal Father to many calamities that will befall them very
shortly. The Father in Heaven feels in this manner shall they bring many back to
the fold. It is not an angry God Who speaks to you, My children, but a sorrowful
One. All of our hearts in Heaven, and the hearts of the saints, are saddened at
what is to come upon mankind.(9-27-86)
Sex Education - Obligation Of Parents
Jesus - "My child, I do not wish to burden you any longer with the miseries
upon earth. I wish to talk only a while, a little bit, about the children of
earth, the young children. The parents must be very careful, My children, who
you send your children to be taught from. Much evil is being developed in the
schools in the name of sexuality. Why cannot we have our children pure of
thought and mind? How can we, My children, when the teachers there are being
taught to bring in sex education to your children? This belongs not in the
schools, but in the homes. This is an obligation of the parents. It will only
lead to much greater disaster by having this sex education in the school
system." (10-2-87)
No Sex Education In Schools
Jesus - "My child, I know much of this discourse distresses your heart, but
you can imagine well - and I know you do, My child Veronica - the sorrow My
Mother feels now that sex education has entered upon the school system. We say
unto you, and I say to you, as your God, My children: Mothers and fathers of the
world, you will not give over your children to be taught by demons! Satan has
many loosed upon earth now. They enter into the bodies of any man, woman or
child who has fallen out of grace; and they enter into the bodies of those who
teach your children error.
"It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the
home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls - the mother, the father.
But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the
sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on
upon earth - living together without unions under God. No, My children, that
shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it
will also be by sickness and death of the soul!
"My children, it was never deemed by Heaven, nor the Eternal
Father - as written in the good Book of life and love, your Bible, that man
shall not cohort with man; man shall not cohabit with man, and man shall not
seek diversion from his home by setting out to seduce another.
"My child, and My children, are there many strong homes left in the United
States, Canada, and many homes of the world? No, My children, the standards have
been lowered. And when the standards are lowered, satan takes over." (6-6-87)
Sex Education - Private Discourse Between Children And
St. Theresa - "The mind and the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore,
you will cast your eyes upon goodness and holiness and purity. You will not
watch the infernal machine - your television. You will not read books of sex
education, books that do not belong in your schools! They are a private
discourse between children and parents.
"The Eternal Father finds abominations and sins, soul - sins
and matter of sins of the flesh, being committed because of the false teachers
who now have set themselves in the House of God." (10-2-75)
Directives from Heaven...
Family - Part 1
Family - Part 2
Cardinal calls sex-ed "child abuse"
Sex education and the psychological manipulation
of children
Why comprehensive sex-ed
isn't the answer, Matt C. Abbott, December 2, 2004
Cardinal's anger at sex lessons, U.K. Guardian, August 30, 2004
Mother’s Watch web site:
Home schooling illegal in California? August 19, 2002
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