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#410 - The Narrow Road, Part 2

“And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few that are saved? But he said to them: Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.” – St. Luke 13: 23-24

"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My child and My children. Many prayers are needed for your hierarchy. Many have sold their souls to get to the head, so great is the power of satan in your world.
     "No man can fully understand, My child, why the Father al­lows the world to go forward in great spiritual darkness. It is to separate the sheep from the goats. For those who have given themselves to satan and the world shall fling themselves headlong into the abyss and hell! And those who have set themselves on the narrow road that leads straight to the eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven shall find their road filled with crosses--thorns. They shall be cast aside and called different. They shall be abused in all manner of worldly punishments. However, know that this is the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not an easy road, but one that is strengthened by suffering.
     "Many martyrs, My child, shall come in the days ahead--defenders of the Faith. Carry your crosses, My children, for those who will be saved shall be counted in the few." – Our Lady, November 20, 1975

“As you fight your way through the darkness of the world, you will remain on the narrow road. It will be a road filled with thorns. We cannot promise you a life of great happiness and approval in your world. But, My child, is this what you want? You cannot have both. But I assure you, give up the world and remain dedicated to the work given to you and your reward will be great in Heaven. Do not be swayed or grow grieved by the judgment of mankind upon you, for as they judged My Son, so will you receive the same. Only those who listen to Our direction shall recognize the signs of the times.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1974

"You must not reject the Sacraments in My Church; you must not reject the teachings for new modes of modernism and socialism.
     "And I say this unto My pastors: you will not change the way to suit man, but you must change man to bring him to My way! This way has been given to you in the Book of life and love, your Bible. You will not change the wording or the meaning to please man! It is a narrow road to Heaven, and so few remain on this road. Many of My priests are on the road to perdition and taking many souls with them.” – Jesus, June 2, 1979

"The road to the eternal Kingdom of God your Father is a narrow road, one that can only be followed with penance, one that asks you: 'Come, follow My road.' But it will be a road filled with thorns and heavy crosses.
     "If it were not otherwise, I could give you a picture of ease. But all I can offer you, as your God, is facts and truth and hope. Your hope at this moment is in receiving the Message from Heaven and acting upon it." – Jesus, July 24, 1976

"I have heard the words of scorn and derision that have followed the message that I give to the world, My child. It is sad that this warning is being ignored by many. I have come as a Mediatrix between God and man. I have been sent by the Father to warn you that unless you change your ways and go back onto the narrow road set forth by the Father, I can no longer hold back the punishing hand of My Son. There are many seers throughout the world now who have been given the light and are instruments for the dispersal of My message throughout the world.
     "Priests in the houses of My Son, why do you waste your time trying to disprove My warnings to the world? You are rationalizing My supernatural manifestations. Pride and arrogance have set many onto the road to destruction, soul destruction.” – Our Lady, December 24, 1974

"In the name of modernism, in the name of communism, in the name of humanism you have fallen into error and discord. Chaos in My Son's Church, the falling away of souls from the Eucharist, the Bread of life--My children, without the Bread of life within you, you cannot sustain yourselves long in your world now.
     "The way to Heaven is not an easy way unless you remain on the narrow road. It has restrictions. I ask you now, My children, to avoid even what may appear to be pleasures of the world that may seem to you, as you become blinded by medias, by friends, by associations, blind to the fact that they are soul destroyers. You must limit yourselves now to seeking outside diversions from your home. For when you open your door, you go out now into a world that is now being guided through governments, and even through agents in My Son's Church, financial dynasties, national and international governments, heading fast to a collision.” – Our Lady, August 14, 1981

"My Son left you a legacy of faith. He gave you very clearly the plan for your redemption. It was written down in clear, precise language for all to know, and what have you done, but you have darkened the pages of your Bible. You have rewritten them so that you would gain, and gain what but damnation! You are rewriting the Book of life to satisfy the basic foul carnal natures of mankind! The road to the Eternal Kingdom is a narrow road. Many have left it now and are wandering farther into darkness.
     "O pastors, whatever shall become of you? You have scattered the flocks. Your recovery can be a simple measure. You may balance the scale by turning back and accepting the simple way of life and the truth as has been given to you. You must not innovate and use all manner of modernism, which has been created by satan. Many who wear the Red Hat are misleading the Purple Hats.” – Our Lady, May 26, 1976

"Amen, amen I repeat to mankind, you must awaken from your slumber and delusion. When your world enters into My Church and you seek to set up man as an idol to worship, know that the sword shall be placed down upon you.
     "Hasten, harken, and listen, for the time is growing short. Soon words will not be sufficient. The Eternal Father commands great penance from mankind at this time. You hold the balance, My children.
     "You will keep a constant vigilance. All manner of diaboli­cal temptation shall be set upon those who are destined to be­come the children of their God in the eternal Kingdom. As you travel on the narrow road to the Kingdom do not slacken, do not let down your guard, for you will find that the closer you ap­proach the eternal Kingdom, the more you will be attacked by satan. His frustration--in his frustration, My children, to claim your souls, he will send all manner of aggressors to you. So watch and pray much. Pray that your children do not become victims.” – Jesus, December 24, 1975

"The true Church of Jesus in Rome is being attacked by the forces of 666. It is a world-wide involvement that cannot be fully described at this time. It is a diabolical involvement that will be made fully known with the Second Coming of Jesus.
     "The battle rages now, and all who have given themselves to the world will not understand, for they are of the world. And many now have adopted and accepted a new father--not the Eternal Father in Heaven, but the father of all liars, satan. All who do not recognize Jesus as the Christ is the Antichrist. Learn by this!
     "The clergy who have given themselves over to errors and are misled, and some of great determination to destroy My Son's Church_ why? Because they have lost the Faith. Pray, pray much for your clergy, My children. Without your prayers, many mitres shall fall into hell.
     "Your photograph, My child, shows the priesthood on the wide road to destruction and damnation. The narrow road to Heaven is not an easy road, for it requires discipline and sacrifice, but above all, a steadfast determination to retain the Faith." – Our Lady, April 17, 1976

"The pages of John's writings, the Apocalypse, the Revelations, are turning faster and faster. Man controls the speed to his destruction. Your country, My child, the United States, and many countries of the world have become paganized. My Son's Church upon earth shall go through a great crucible of suffering with chaos.
     "The good shall be called the bad, and the bad shall be glorified. It will not be easy, My children, to remain upon the narrow road. You have been given many graces to retain you. Wear your sacramentals, and protect your children. Your home must be a fortress against evil.
     "My children, I ask that a constant vigil of prayer be conducted throughout your country and all of the nations of earth.
     "The time is fast approaching when many nations shall disappear from the earth. War is a punishment for the sins of mankind. Man cannot live without his God, for he will die both spiritually and physically.” – Our Lady, October 6, 1978

"My child and My children, and especially My children of the United States of America, you are surrounded now by reconnaissance planes and, also, you are surrounded by missiles. Know that your world is not safe any longer. This must be told to you, My children, to try to waken you up to the fact that now is the time to pray, that now is the time to do penance. Do not put it off for another day, for many of you shall not see the dawn of that day.
     "I admonish you all, My children, as the Father in Heaven admonishes you in the Holy Spirit, to do what you can, with your heart and your love of charity, to help others and help them back onto the narrow road. So many have lost their way and are traveling the wide road that leads to hell. Lucifer is upon earth; you understand that his powers are great. That is why you must always test the spirits and say the Saint Michael Exorcism when it is possible.” – Jesus, June 18, 1984

"Slowly but surely man is erasing the true values and traditions. In this manner satan has dulled their reasoning, and sin has become a way of life, leading to murders in abundance, fornication, robberies, immorality, sodomy, and all manner of perversions, reaching even into the hearts of the young and the children.
     "The evil has accelerated. The Eternal Father grows weary as you continue upon your road to destruction. You have now been abandoned to a reprobate sense. The Eternal Father has a plan for all, but all cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. For many shall reject the Message from Heaven, and to their sorrow will find themselves unable to return to the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom.
     "There are many false teachers and false prophets loosed upon the earth now. You will read and read again the words written by John, the Revelations to mankind.” – Jesus, May 3, 1978

"My children, if you would only try and pray, and I say search for knowledge of the truth, of the existence of the supernatural, you will avoid many pitfalls and save many souls. Because man now has rejected the truth and has turned away from the teachings of his God, he is left now to his own diversions, and he has found satan.
     "My children, I have counseled you in the past that you are now passing through a period of trial and test. It is in this manner that the Eternal Father has planned to separate the sheep from the goats. Will you be lost to Heaven or will you stay with perseverance on the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal joy, peace, and happiness?” – Our Lady, June 9, 1979

"You will pray, My child and My children, for your cardinals, your bishops, and all who are being misled or misleading others. Do not judge: you may despise the sin, but you must always love the sinner. Do not judge, for as you judge, so will the God in Heaven judge you. Therefore, I say, let no man out of malice judge another. But pray that this soul, this human being, My children and My child, that has fallen astray, will return to the narrow road that leads to the eternal Kingdom of Heaven." – Our Lady, May 23, 1979

"Man is creating many new gods, gods to feed his human nature; and it is a basic carnal nature. Idolaters abound. When you worship in abundance things, My children, you are worshiping idols! If you spend your time gathering things, money, power, you are worshiping idols. Remove yourself from these worldly pursuits.
     "It is a narrow road to the Kingdom of your God, Heaven. Many are called but few are chosen. The road with satan is wide. Many walk it and can never leave, because there are too few prayers said for them and by them.” – Jesus, March 18, 1978

"My children, parents of the young, you must keep the Faith in your homes. Your example must be one of godliness. You must keep your children upon the right road, the narrow road. Do not foster in them a love of the material; do not foster in them by your example the love of pleasure, the love of pleasure that exceeds, far exceeds the love of their God.
     "Parents, I must warn you again. I do not wish to repeat upon My Mother's counsel, but I must warn you again that unless you, too, as adults, do not accept worldliness into your heart, unless you in your heart remain as little children, trusting with faith, learning by example from your elders, these elders that were instructed through the ages of time in My Church--do not succumb to the modes of the world: humanism, modernism, satanism. And I repeat: what will you have gained for yourselves and your children if you gather all of the world's treasures and you have stored nothing for your redemption in Heaven?” – Jesus, February 10, 1977

"Since mankind refuses to mend his ways, to return to his state of sanctity in My holy Church throughout the world, there is no other recourse but to send upon mankind chastisements to return him to the fold.
     "I need not repeat now the chastisements planned by the Eternal Father for mankind. I am certain that My Mother has made this quite clear to you in the past.
     "You will now set yourselves onto the narrow road to sanctity by penance and sacrifice and making atonement to the Eternal Father, both privately and publicly.
     "The lukewarmness of many of Our clergy and the laity--the lay peoples of Our houses throughout the world, the churches, My child--leave much to be desired. It is by their example that many souls are being placed onto the road to perdition.
     "Man shall not use his rank to mislead! Man shall not change the rules of his God, change them to satisfy the basic fallen nature of mankind. Man must change himself to please his God!” – Jesus, June 5, 1975

"My child, do not be affrighted; do not be fearful of the message given to you by My Mother. The truth must come to the light. There are grave dangers ahead for mankind if he proceeds on his present course of soul destruction. The world will be cleansed by a baptism of fire. All that is rotten must fall. In this crucible of suffering many of the good must carry a heavy cross.
     "The world will reject the message of the spirit, for their hearts have been hardened and their ears are closed.
     "The road to the eternal Kingdom is a narrow road, and when you leave it, My children, it is difficult to return. You must now wait and watch in the days ahead. My Mother has directed you well; She has prepared you for this future which is now. All who are of well spirit will go through these times with much hope, perseverance, and fortitude in the knowledge that the victory is with Heaven. It is a testing of mankind. The sheep shall be separated from the goats.” – Jesus, September 27, 1975

"We ask obedience, My child, to your elders but not when it is misleading. You must search out the sheep and the goats. We do not expect you to join the goats. Remember, My child, all will be judged with a firm hand.
     "You will pray for all men of sin. Satan has poisoned many minds.
     "All the children of earth are being tested like metals in the fire. Many have turned from the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom and have set themselves upon the road to damnation.” – Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"Remember there was the time when it was necessary to cast Luciel and his followers from Heaven--Lucifer, who now goads you on to hell with him, upon earth. He had to be cast from Heaven because he, too, became prideful and arrogant, seeking to make himself another living god. This cannot be done. You cannot be above your Creator.
     "No man can live forever in the body upon earth. And when he comes before Us in the spirit, he will be judged for the time he has spent upon earth. If he has not worked for the salvation of his soul and for the glory of Heaven, he will be condemned to hell! Many mitres, bishops, are leaving the narrow road and turning off onto a wide road that is leading them to hell. They start with all good intentions and then they lose the road.” – Jesus, September 7, 1978

"Your separated brethren--yes, My children, We wish that they return to the fold, but you will not change yourselves and meet them on their road. You must bring them back to the narrow road.
     "My Son set His House upon earth. All who left, left in rebellion, in protest. Are you to join them? Shall you compromise your Faith? No! All who sell out the houses of My Son shall receive a recompense of eternal damnation.” – Our Lady, August 21, 1974

"In your Book of life, your Bible, you will find the words of guidance and truth. You shall not cast the words of your prophets aside and cater to the basic carnal nature of mankind. Man will not change to please man; man will stay on the narrow road and please his God.” – Our Lady, November 20, 1974

"My child, My Mother's heart is torn. I look upon your world and We find that those who are good are becoming lax; those who are bad are becoming worse, and a few now hold the flag for many.
     "There will be many martyrs coming out of the coming tribulation, My children, saints of the latter days. The road to the eternal Kingdom is a narrow road. It is not an easy road to travel, but, My children, persevere and you shall remain on the way.
     "Share your graces with your neighbors. Be not fast to condemn or judge, but pray for your neighbors. Do not in pride set yourself from them, but search in the darkness for those who shall otherwise be lost to the eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven. For those who have received much in graces, much is expected of them. Go forward, My children, and rescue your brothers and your sisters for Heaven. The sheep are scattered; the shepherds have fallen asleep. Won't you help gather the sheep, My children?" – Our Lady, May 28, 1977

"I have asked you to read your Book of life, the Bible, so that you will know the truth and not be led astray by the men who come to you as angels of light, but are ravenous wolves. They are sons of satan! Recognize they have crucified My Son, and they are now setting to recrucify Him again. This they will accomplish through His Mystical Body. But know you this: they will be given only a set time by the Father, and they will be cast into the abyss.
     "The gates of hell are open wide, but they shall not prevail against the Church of My Son. This He left to you as a guide, as you go on the narrow road and make your way back to the Kingdom. Too many have set themselves on the wide road and given themselves to satan. Oh, the anguish of heart, oh, the gnashing of teeth at that moment when they pass beyond the veil! What does it gain you now if you receive the whole world and lose your soul?” – Our Lady, April 6, 1974

"You must be reborn; re-dedicate your life to the Father.  There is no easy road to Heaven. It is a narrow road, My children, of prayer, sacrifice, and atonement. You cannot bargain for your soul. There is no price for your entrance into the Kingdom. You cannot buy your way in. Many upon your earth have sold their souls to get to the head. Their souls have been given to satan. There will be crying and gnashing of teeth when the realization of their eternal damnation is made known to them.” – Our Lady, May 30, 1974

"Do not be misguided, My children, by the fallacy being promoted, even from the mouths of Our pastors, that all will enter into the Kingdom of the Eternal Father in Heaven. It is a fallacy. Many are called, but few are chosen.
     "Each child who reaches the age of reasoning and has been baptized by the waters of the Holy Ghost must then, at this age of reasoning, make his way with parental guidance onto the narrow road that leads to the eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven. While on this road, without proper guidance, and in full knowledge in judgment of the Eternal Father in Heaven, many choose to leave the road, go onto a wide one that leads to eternal damnation in the abyss or many long earth-years of suffering in purgatory.” – Our Lady, November 22, 1976

"I gave my life upon earth as a child. My little way was a way of love. True love seeks no self-gratification, but the well-being of the beloved. It is only in giving that you shall receive.
     "All must now retire from your world that has been given to satan. You will not have both. You must now pick up the cross and carry it. Only in this way will you stay on the road. It is a narrow road, and when you leave, it is difficult to find the way back.” – St. Theresa, March 25, 1973

"My children, the numbers who will be saved are in the few. Every man, woman, and child of conscionable age will have made his and her choice before the battle is over. No soul shall be claimed by satan unless he has paved his road to satan.
     "I have asked you in the past to take yourselves out of your world that has been given to satan. You may be in the world, but you must not join it in its corruption and loss of Faith. If you wish to attain the glories and joys of the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, you must merit it with discipline and by following the rules.
     "The road to Heaven is a narrow road, filled with many thorns. You must carry your cross across this road. The road to Heaven is not an easy road for many; but I assure you, the results will be magnificent, for you will receive a crown that far surpasses any thorns you have received upon earth.” – Our Lady, September 13, 1977

"My children, you may expect great opposition in the promotion of My Mother's mission. You will go forward with great perseverance and courage. The grace will be given to all to remain steadfast in the truth.
     "You may expect to be persecuted as I, too, was allowed by the Father to go through this trial. Know that this battle will rage with great ferocity, but the final outcome will be a triumph for all Heaven. You are being tested, and you will be given great trial. Stand fast in your Faith, keep the truth in your heart, and remain on the narrow path. Cast aside all your human inclinations for worldly gain or recognition. You will be treated and you will be forced to grovel, but do this and you will save souls. They will trample you, but know that the prophets before you had to be trampled before they rose above their persecutors. Your example will save many souls, My children, so continue with the Mission from Heaven." – Jesus, July 25, 1974

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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