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#211 - Changes, Part 1

"It is unlawful to alter the established customs of the Church . . . Remove not the ancient landmarks which the fathers have set." - Saint Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church

"My children, do not cast aside your sacramentals. They are your armor in the days ahead. Do not desert My Church. Do not judge it by the man who has stood there in ignorance or in pride and changed it until it will almost be unrecognizable. I am still with you, My children. Do not leave. You must stay and fight. In this manner, My children, shall the sheep be separated from the goats. It is a form of cleansing." – Jesus, July 15, 1977 

"My children, you must retain Tradition; you must retain a firm foundation of your faith by keeping all of the good publications. Do not accept the changes that have been made by satan to seduce your souls.” – Jesus, November 19, 1977 

Veronica - The books are being changed to cover the evil being perpetrated now. The young are being indoctrinated to accept changes which will take away Tradition and even doctrine. Our Lady said we must all pray a constant vigilance of prayer. It has a great power over the demons. – November 19, 1977 

"I must, My child, make it known at this time that you must go back in the immediate years and bring the knowledge to mankind that these changes, the changes that have given bad fruits, have not been given to you through the Holy Spirit and through your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. It is the web of satan reaching out. Many are now, My child, puppets. The strings are being pulled by Benelli, Villot, and Casaroli and their followers.” – Our Lady, September 27, 1975 

"O My children, how far you have strayed from the truth! The knowledge given to you by your prophets were written down in truth to guide you, but now you change the words to suit your basic carnal human natures. Go back and read, My children, the true words of your prophets. But do not accept changes in the Book, for these changes have been promoted by satan. Heresy, O mournful heresy, whatever shall become of you!
     "Parents, I caution you anew to guard the souls of your children by your teaching and example. You cannot save your children's souls by giving them to false teachers and the world, for the world has now been given to satan.” – Our Lady, June 5, 1976 

"You will understand also that changes must not be made in your Bible. They will distort, confuse, confound, and destroy. There must be no changes made now in the Book of life and love.
     "Unless you all return to your Faith with the hearts of children, you will be destroyed. This destruction you will only answer to yourself for, My children. Remember, as you sow so shall you reap. And a church in darkness wears a band of death about it.” – Jesus, June 9, 1979 

"Come out of the darkness, my sisters. You have been misled. Do not follow the fashions of your world. There is no fashion in Heaven. Jesus never changes. There is great punishment ahead for those who follow the world. Do not leave when you are discouraged by those who satan has sent into your convents. Stand forth as an example of purity and godliness. You will not be cast aside by your God, as you will by man, as you stand to defend your God. Pick up your cross and carry it. You will return the habit to the floor." – St. Theresa, November 20, 1972 

"It has grieved Me much in the past, as it grieves Me now, that mankind is making changes to My words. I assure you, My children and pastors within My houses, My Church upon earth, there is no necessity to change My words. Heaven, hell, purgatory, and especially, My children, the word 'hell' must be retained in your prayers.
     "Repeat, My child, the confessional prayer.
     O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I confess to all my sins, because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because I love Thee, my God, Who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

     "Yes, My child, We do not condone variations and changes. It is the enemies of your God that have set themselves to promote change upon My words. The word of your God is eternal and must not be changed.” – Jesus, February 10, 1977 

"We ask--the Eternal Father speaks, and demands that all bishops in the houses of God throughout your world must turn back to prayer. They must turn back from the road they have chosen, a road filled with error, corruption, and sin. Man will not make changes in the House of God to please the basic carnal nature of mankind! But man in the House of God--the leaders, the clergy chosen by the Eternal Father, shall turn man from his path of destruction and bring him into the House of God. This he will not accomplish by lowering the rule or standards. Man must change his ways and follow the ways of God.
     "You are, My children, living in the era of Antichrist. Recognize the signs of your times, and you will not fall into error. Read the Book, My children. You read books of corruption and vile debauchery. Restore the truth in your heart, into your children and homes. Open the good Book, the Bible, and read it in your homes.
     "My Son has already set up the rule for the houses throughout the world, the churches. They are written in the Book of love and life, the Bible. Read and learn, and follow the truth!
     "There is no time or change in Heaven. The Father never changes. It is only satan who seeks change to disturb, corrupt, and degrade. Satan roams wherever there is darkness of spirit. He will debase mankind in a manner so foul that you will know that no human could conceive of such vileness of sin.” – Our Lady, March 22, 1975 

"Pastors, those who have in their care Our sheep, you must stop now these changes that you seek in novelty, for they are destroying the young souls and scattering Our sheep.
     "I repeat, My children, the great Council in Rome of Vatican II, the promises were great, but satan sat among you and he played you like the chess board.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1976 

"My children, I--My heart is greatly saddened at the distortion of doctrine in My Son's Church. I understand that man can be misled, for I have often counseled you that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. You must examine your Bible, the Book of life. Genesis, chapter 3. There must be no changes in the story of the origin of mankind. 'She' must remain. 'He' must not replace it in the story of the serpent's attack upon Eve.
     "The Eternal Father has stated that the serpent shall crawl on his belly, stomach, My children. I use several words to illustrate the manner in which man is describing this time. He will crawl, the serpent, as the lowest animal among the beasts because he has deceived Eve. But the Eternal Father in His mercy has stated that He will place enmities between the serpent and the woman, between, enmities between the serpent's seed and the woman's seed; and the serpent shall have his head crushed by the woman and the serpent shall lie in wait for her heel.
     "Be it known that the Eternal Father has deemed that man shall not change the words to 'he' and 'he.' I say this not to bring any false notions in your mind, My children, that I repeat this in pride. Far be it from Me, for I have not sought, neither on Heaven or earth, to be prideful; but, My children, I must bring to you the words of truth. Many are changing the words to suit their own interpretations of the Book of life, and these interpretations are based upon man's own seeking.” – Our Lady, September 28, 1978 

“You will not cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural. You will not cast aside the truth of Faith and set up a faith based on the immorality of man. No! You will retain the Faith and Tradition as given to you, not making changes that cater to the basic carnal nature of mankind. You are misleading Our sheep. Pray! Get down on your knees now and pray! You will gain nothing by socializing. You have idolized money and become money changers in My Son's houses!
     "My Son shall fling you out of the temples again. Moneychangers in the houses of God! Destroyers of the Truth! Turn back now, for your judgment will be far greater than those given to an ordinary man, for you as a priest of God have been chosen by the Father to represent My Son. And as such, your judgment for misleading and denying the basic truth of your Faith will be far greater!” – Our Lady, October 6, 1974 

"The words of My Son are timeless. They cannot be called outdated. There is no reason to change. The Father never changes the rule. There is, My child, no easy road to the Kingdom. It is a straight but narrow road. Should you wander from this onto the wide road, you will find the road back very difficult.
     "There is in My Son's House a complete casting aside of the knowledge of the supernatural. Know, My children, that it is not a myth or fallacy, the existence of Lucifer and his agents. They are loosed now in full force. You are living in the days, the latter days, as written for you by John. You will read the writings of John, his Revelations, and you will not be in darkness. You will recognize the signs of your times. Your world will be baptized by a great fire. The Ball of Redemption will pass through your world, and many will die in the great flame of this Ball of Redemption.” – Our Lady, December 6, 1974 

"There are many theologians, even in My Son's House now, that are bringing to mankind doctrines of demons. They are teachings of man and not of God. Many have set themselves in their arrogance to change the wordings in the Book of love and life, the Bible. These changes were to seduce mankind into bondage of sin.” – Our Lady, June 2, 1979 

"The rules, My way was given to you in the Book of love and life, your Bible, and I say unto you, you who go about adding to My words and making changes, I shall visit upon you every plague that has been written in the Book of life!*
     "Man has not learned by his past. He continues upon his way, giving himself over to all pleasures of the flesh, never caring for his future, his future over the veil.
     "I gave you My human life upon earth, and what have you done? You crucify Me again in My own House, My Church! You crucify those who stand in righteousness in My Church and cast them out, as you rebuild My Church. For what? A renewal? And what are you renewing? What is your renewal? What are you renewing? Have you found fault with My way? Shall you create a new way of man? I say unto you, you blaspheme! You have cast yourself out of the light into the darkness, O pastors.” – Jesus, February 1, 1978 

* “For I testify to every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book.” – Apocalypse 22:18

"Do not be deluded by those in your world who take the true knowledge they have written down, from you. Read, My children, not the new modernized version of your Bible, but read one that is worthy of your reading, that has not been changed. For the changes are not of God but of man." – Jesus, November 1, 1976 

"My Mother has given you My way. It is a simple road that must be followed. The rules have been given to you that must not be changed, as you cater to the basic carnal nature of man, a generation that has fallen! You will not make changes within My House, for you have dispersed My sheep. You will restore My House to its former glory. Strip you hearts of your pride! Recognize your errors and restore My House!
     "I say this to you for your Creator, as your God: Restore My House, or I shall come down and restore it Myself with a firm hand! And shall you stand before Me, O pastors, and say that your teachings have been pure in My sight? I shall take you and spit you out as spittle into the fires of eternal damnation! Vermin that came out of the flowers!”  – Jesus, December 28, 1976 

"And I repeat again to all clergy in My Son's House: you shall not rationalize sin. Abortion is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! Euthanasia is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! The Commandments of your God must be followed, and no changes will be made upon them to suit the basic fallen nature of mankind.”  – Our Lady, November 20, 1979 

"Dear sister, Veronica, I have all sensitivity to what is taking place upon earth. I have even looked into my former home on earth. It distresses us all here in the Kingdom to find the changes promoted by satan. You must not accept change, my sisters, to please man if it does not please the Eter­nal Father. Return your habits to the floor. Bring back the fast, my sisters, the fast of sacrifice. Do not go outside the gates, for satan is waiting there for you.”  – St. Theresa, March 18, 1975 

"My children, My Mother did not come to you to bring fear into your hearts; She came to counsel you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Do not question Her message. You cannot cast aside any of Her words of counsel to suit yourselves. No changes shall be made in My Mother's message, for no man shall set himself above My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and earth. She is your Mother also, and that is the reason She persists in begging for your repatriation.” – Jesus, June 18, 1977 

"My child and My children, make it known to all that the road to Heaven was never easy, but you can make it much easier upon yourselves and your families if you follow the rules, if you follow the Commandments from the Eternal Father. The changes that We see taking place in My House and upon earth are not good, for many, many souls are falling into hell. And a great measure of responsibility now is with those who have been called to the holy orders, who have given themselves to represent Me upon earth. Shall I say that I have found many Judases now within My House? Cannot this situation be changed?
     "There is only one way that this can be stopped, this evil that has seeped into My House and into the hearts of all mankind. You must stop now your seeking for change and novelty. You must restore My Church to its former glory. Admit your error. Do not conceal this with pride and arrogance.
     "Remember there was the time when it was necessary to cast Luciel and his followers from Heaven--Lucifer, who now goads you on to hell with him, upon earth. He had to be cast from Heaven because he, too, became prideful and arrogant, seeking to make himself another living god. This cannot be done. You cannot be above your Creator.” – Jesus, September 7, 1978 

"The rule must be continued. The changes brought into your world have been to corrupt the sisters of the convent. Those who choose to follow the fashions and fads have been misled, and many are on the road to hell. Their example has also placed many souls with them on this road. The habits of the sisters are abominations in the eyes of the Father!
     "There will be no strength in the House of God for man unless he returns to his ways that have proven strength in the past. By your fruit will you be known, and many now lie rotten upon your earth. They have also fallen from the trees before they grew to bear fruit.” – St. Theresa, March 18, 1973 

"Bishops and cardinals in My Son's Church, whatever shall become of you? You have cast off the light and proceed farther into the darkness. You are running about making changes, introducing novelties. And for what? For the ultimate destruction of My Son's Church. No, I say to you, you shall be cast out of My Son's houses. A church in darkness wears a band of death about it; a church that consorts with evil and evildoers shall close its doors.
     "My children, I repeat and repeat to you the warning from Heaven. I go forth throughout your world as a Mediatrix between God and man. Hopefully, I implore you as your Mother, to restore My Son's Church to its former glory. You must repent of your sin.” – Our Lady, April 9, 1977 

"Confusion, delusion, misrepresentation. Man must not rewrite under the direction of satan. Pray for the light. The words of the founding Fathers have always passed the test of time. Novelty in the House of God will bring darkness and open the door for entrance of the evil spirits. Return to the rules. This foolishness is bringing upon you the wrath of the Father.
     "It is arrogant of man to set himself above the Father. It is pride of man who wishes to place himself above the founding Fathers. The rules for your salvation and the way was given fully in the Book of life and love. No changes will be made. The contents will not be altered to follow the fancy of man. When you start burrowing into the foundation, you weaken the structure. However, the foundation of the House of God is in the light. The walls may crumble, but the foundation is always there. Rebuild the walls, patch the cracks, and return the sheep that have strayed.
     "We see, we look with consternation upon the actions of those who should be setting by their rank good standards. We find the houses of God being emptied. The House is abandoned by the whims of man, man who has turned to satan. Prayer has been abandoned in the House of God and in the lives of the laity.  Unless you pray, you will be lost.” – St. Thomas, November 24, 1973 

 Next Directive:  #212 - Changes, part 2

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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