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#241 - Fear, Part 1
“The fear of the Lord is honor, and glory, and gladness, and a crown of joy.” – Ecclesiasticus 1:11
"My child, persevere to the end. Have no fear of the days ahead, for with My
Rosary and this, the Scapular, We shall crush the head of satan.
"There will be a great war. Many will be lost to Us, as they have not
prepared themselves for this great war. Many have not recognized the signs of
their times, being too involved, My child, with the pleasures of their world.
Their search for riches that will rust and rot have taken them away from their
search for eternal life.
"The Chastisement which will be sent upon mankind will be, My child, a
great ball of fire." – Our Lady, June 15, 1974
"I know, My child, that My directions this evening have given you great
discomfort and fear. It is not often that My message has to be so severe, but if
We cannot bring you onto the proper road, My children, by reasoning with you,
shall the fear of God the Lord be sent upon you to turn you back?” – Our
Lady, June 15, 1974
"Yes, My child, you will feel faint at the knowledge of the existence of hell.
Better that mankind has fear of the Eternal Father if he does not have love! For
now many are in a void of spirit. They neither know their God, nor do they care
to know their God.” – Our Lady, March 29, 1975
"Remain in communion with My Son, for He will protect you. Visit My Son often.
You have many friends in Heaven. Be not guided by fear, but by prayer. Fear not
the darkness, for I carry the light.
"Veronica, you must shout My message from the roof! Fear not the suffering,
for We will wipe away your tears. All will be joy in the Kingdom." – Our
Lady, September 14, 1970
"Yes, My child, there is nothing to fear but fear as an emotion. Face this fear
and it will soon disappear.
"There is no man on earth that you must fear. The agents of hell and those
in darkness are many. If there is to be fear, fear those who seek to destroy
your souls.
"We ask obedience, My child, to your elders but not when it is misleading.
You must search out the sheep and the goats. We do not expect you to join the
goats. Remember, My child, all will be judged with a firm hand.” – Our Lady,
October 2, 1974
"Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you who
cry to you of no space left for man. There is space, for My Father has a plan
for every life He sends.
"There is, My children, a fear campaign to cause confusion among you. None
of these fears are based on the fear of their God. No, these fears are only
built on the socializing of man, and his humanism being exploited to cover every
sin, that even the mind of satan could not conceive such diabolical folly.
"We do not want to see your country destroyed. We do not wish the earth
destroyed, but rather than see souls fall in the abyss . . . . But those who
remain with My Son have nothing to fear.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1971
"I place, My child, your hand in Mine, knowing that I protect you in the days
ahead. I place My blue mantle over all My children. What is there to fear but
fear? Face fear, My child, and it will soon disappear.” – Our Lady, November
23, 1974
"Yes, My child, the words in your Book of life are true. There are two standing
out in the field: one will be remain, and one will be taken. Yes, My child,
there is nothing to fear. All that happens will be good for those of well
spirit. Fear is truly a tool of satan. Confidence, My child, always confidence
in the power of the Father.” – Our Lady, November 23, 1974
"I have wandered throughout your world, crying bitter tears of remorse for the
punishment that will come to mankind. I do not come to bring fear to your
hearts, but to admonish you, as your Mother, to prepare for what is to come upon
your world." – Our Lady, November 22, 1975
"My Mother has traveled throughout your world, preparing you for this time. All
who have listened and gained by Her counsel will have nothing to fear. All who
have cast aside Her direction and have given themselves to the world and the
ways of the flesh will have much to fear.” – Jesus, November 22, 1975
"My child, you will continue your mission without fear. You must remember that
fear is a tool of satan. You will face fear, My child, and it will disappear.
Satan works into the minds of man with fear." – Our Lady, September 7, 1977
"When the reign of iniquity has met its peak, then it will be necessary to stop
it. We will not allow you to corrupt the souls of the young much longer. You
have taxed the patience of your God with your pride, your intellectual pride,
your vanity, your materialism, your humanism, excluding your God from your life.
"We do not set fear into your hearts, My children. Only those who have
turned from Us have need to fear. Only those who allow themselves to be led into
the darkness have need to fear.” – Our Lady, August 21, 1971
“You must have great confidence, for you have been given much knowledge of the
power of the Father. Fear is a tool of satan. I repeat: face fear and it will
disappear.” – Our Lady, September 28, 1974
“Do not be afraid to accept the message, My children. If it is not against the
Father and His will, if it does not detract from holy Church set up by My Son
with the lawful successor of Peter whom He has chosen, you shall have no fear of
the message, for the Holy Spirit is working among you now." – Our Lady,
September 28, 1974
"I hear voices, My children, voices that state that it is not I Who is speaking
to you because I spread words of fear. I do not spread words of fear upon you,
My children. I give you the truth of what is to be! In your human nature you do
not wish to understand any form of punishment. The Father is merciful, but He
will chastise those He loves if it can save their souls from satan.” – Our
Lady, September 28, 1974
"I give you, My children, graces: graces for cures, graces for conversions:
cures of the spirit, and cures of the body. Many miracles and prodigies shall
now be found upon earth; but beware of those that satan creates. Test the
spirits. Satan cannot hide long his plan, My children and My child, so do not
fear him. Fear is a tool of the devil. Just prepare to thwart him by wearing
your sacramentals, keeping your holy water in your homes, keeping your statues,
your monuments. For I promise, My children, all who keep the monuments, the
statues, in their homes will be saved." – Our Lady, August 13, 1977
"Fear, My child--what have you to fear but the loss of the Kingdom. Fear is
promoted by Lucifer. You will fear no man, but pray for them. Be humble of heart
and pray that they, too, may be given the light.” – Our Lady, December 7,
"The blind shall not enter My Kingdom unless they repent on free will. Every man
will be held accountable for the fall of his soul and the soul of those
entrusted to him. I am warning you now.
"My Mother, Her voice grows weak. My heart is ever torn. I look upon My
Mother in deep sorrow, for as a Mother She is anguished. If you had not
listened, and you do not listen now, the sorrow is greater than you could
"It is not Our methods to instil fear, for fear is the work of the evil
one; but laxity and ignorance in knowledge can only bring confusion and
misleading influences.
"Had you remained true to My prophets who sought to enlighten you with
written direction from Us, these symptoms We see would not have grown.” –
Jesus, May 30, 1971
"All who have remained in the light, seeking to rid their soul of all
contamination of the outside world, will have nothing to fear. I bring you this
message of warning, My children, not to place in your heart a feeling of fear,
but to make you ready.” – Our Lady,
November 1, 1975
"This, My child, is reason for a dirge. For this nation of Russia shall bring
much sorrow to the world. In many years past, I begged of you to convert Russia,
but instead, there is a fear of Russia that should not be. There is only one
individual to fear in your world, and that could be, My child and My children,
the fear of an angry God.” – Our Lady, October 5, 1985
"We look down upon mass insanity. The legion of sick souls is growing. Fear
fills the hearts of those falling in darkness." – Our Lady, November 1, 1970
"My child, I hear the words of many who claim that I set fear into the hearts of
My children. It is not My intention to bring fear among you, but to prepare you
for what lies ahead. If--and I say if, My children, for the Father is
persevering and waiting. He is waiting for you to turn from your present path.
You have given yourselves to satan, the pleasures of the flesh. You have cast
aside the basic truths that will keep you on the narrow road to the Kingdom. You
have replaced them with a delusion sent by satan. This, My child, I will explain
with only three words: humanism, modernism, and satanism.” – Our Lady,
November 1, 1974
"Live your life, My children, day by day as though the end were at hand. You
will not be caught unawares if you remain with Me in My houses throughout the
world. You have nothing to fear but fear itself, My children. The Message from
Heaven has not been given to you to promote fear in your hearts but to bring to
you the reality of what is to come upon mankind. It is in this manner that We
have separated and are separating the sheep from the goats. Those who will be
saved will be counted in the few, My children.” – Jesus, November 20, 1976
"There is a time, My child and My children, when a little fear and caution is
healthy. Fear, major fears are a tool of the devil himself, but you cannot be
arrogant or prideful: you must be prudent also. My children, even in My Son's
priesthood, a man of the cloth can be wise and yet be stupid.” – Our Lady,
December 31, 1977
"Many of Our children are wandering without direction, falling prey to all
humanism and modernism that has darkened the souls throughout your world.
Pastors, you shall be called and shall you stand before, in judgment, the
Eternal Father and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? Better
that you fear your God than man! Obedience? Obedience is commanded by the
Eternal Father for good, not for evil!" – Our Lady, May 26, 1976
"My children, your earth has evolved now into a state of immorality and sin far
worse than it was in the time of Noe. What can I say further to you, My
children, but to counsel you and warn you that the Eternal Father is making
ready a great trial for mankind. The heavens shall explode and roll back as a
sheet. Hearts shall stop in fear of what is to come upon mankind. This coming
Warning, My children, is minor in comparison to the Chastisement, the great
Chastisement that shall then follow.” – Our Lady, December 31, 1977
Next Directive: #242 - Fear, Part 2
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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