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#255 - Reality
“For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.†– St. John 18:37
"Do not be concerned,
My child, of the world's opinion and mankind's rejection, for My own will know
Me. I am truly the light in a darkened world, My child. I say this not in pride,
but in fact and reality. I bring the light, the Message from Heaven, in the will
of My Son. I come to you as a Mother, a Mother of great heart, with great hope.
I come to prepare you, as your Mother, and to warn you that you must now change
from your ways that offend the Eternal Father much.†–
Our Lady, December 6, 1975
"There must be change,
My children, but a change back to reality and Tradition. My Son has given you a
true founÂdation, but many come now with axes and they chop away. They seek to
build a church without spirit, a church of man. The walls will crumble, the
earth will shake. The Eternal Father will send His wrath upon mankind.†–
Our Lady, December 6, 1975
"What can I tell you,
My children? Shall I cover you with hope and optimism and delude you in the face
of reality? I give you hope over the veil. What can I promise you upon your
earth? Mankind himself now holds the balance for his own destruction.†–
Jesus, December 6, 1975
"My child and My
children, I, too, have watched--the Eternal Father made it known that I must see
what is going on in the world today. And I, as your Mother, have given My
decision to the Eternal Father to go forward throughout the world, appearing in
numerous places now, to awaken the world to the reality of everlasting life.†–
Our Lady, October 2, 1989
"O My child and My
children, how many disasters must come upon your country and the countries of
the world before the peoples will become awakened to the reality of a very angry
"Yes, My child, I
know at one time that you did meet up with one of Our priests who tried to
disclaim the evidence about you of sin, and mankind's sinning and abandoning
himself to all the pleasures of the world, leading to all measures of degraded
"My child and My
children, I say unto you again, that man must make a complete reversal from his
present way of life. While the body lives, the soul is dying within. That, My
child and My children, explicitly explains to you the condition of mankind in
this generation, which cries out to Heaven for the stopping of this generation,
the cleansing. Is this what you want? Have you no fear of your God? If you
cannot express a love to your God, better that you at least know fear and that
many of you will be taken from this earth in the next year. Are you ready to go?
Have you forgotten the reality of the places you can go to when you leave your
"There is a
Heaven--yes, you know that. But there is also a hell and a purgatory. And at
this moment, this very moment throughout your world, there are many souls that
are being taken now into hell, the abode of the damned, forever lost.†–
Jesus, May 21, 1983
"You must not be
apathetic to the situation in your country, My children, for if you sit back you
will be removed from your homes in your land. You must organize a solid
front--yes, link to link, soul to soul, across your land--a solid Rosary, My
children. Prayer and sacrifice: this is not too much to ask of you in face of
the reality of what is coming upon you.
"We will manifest
to many in these latter days.
"The Father has
allowed a delusion to enter upon your world. In this way He shall separate the
sheep from the goats. For all who cry 'Lord' shall not enter My Son's Kingdom.
The Father looks into your heart. You cannot pretend what is in your heart, My
children, for you may fool the world but you will not fool your God.†–
Our Lady, November 20, 1971
"Our Kingdom is just a
sleep away. Bring the reality of this to My children. Your world here is only
temporary." – Our Lady, July 15, 1970
"Do not cast aside the
reality of indulgences, My children. The truths I gave you are being discarded.
Even now We look upon abominations in My House. As it was in My crucifixion upon
earth, so it is that I look upon a total re-crucifixion by My own!†–
Jesus, February 10, 1977
"Detach yourselves from
these secret societies! Do not be fooled by their honeyed words of humanism and
modernism, brotherhood and love, love, love. So many words of love do We hear,
and what do you breed but hate and murder! By your fruits will you be known.
"Many have joined
these societies not knowing their true intent. Investigate; do not be misled by
the wealth that is offered to you in worldly goods and worldly enjoyment. Dig
deep into the reality of their existence and know that they seek your
destruction from within.
"It is under the
pain of sin and demand from the Father in Heaven of excommunication all those
who enter into the secret societies of the synagogues of satan--the sons of
satan.†– Our Lady, September 7, 1974
"The Father will
chastise those He loves. Many will return in this hardship. Know that the Ball
of Redemption is a reality that will come upon your world. The Ball of
Redemption nears.†– Our Lady,
September 7, 1974
"You will all keep a
constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. If you
recognize, if you accept the truth and the knowledge of the supernatural, you
will know the great power of prayer to disperse the demons. I give you this
lesson of reality, My children: the demons cannot stay with the sound of prayer
ringing in the air.†– Jesus,
September 14, 1976
"You see, My child,
satan seeks to take the reality of hell from the minds of man. There is hell,
there is the kingdom of satan. And all who enter this kingdom will have done so
of their own free will. The Father shall not force anyone onto the narrow road.
For man, when he is placed upon the earth, the Father has done this so that he
may eventually return in glory, triumphant over satan, to the Kingdom.†–
Our Lady, March 18, 1974
"Many manifestations
will be given to bear witness to the reality of My visit to your grounds. Many
instruments of Heaven have been chosen to bring the word in this battle of the
spirits. The word of God shall be forever. The Kingdom of God will be triumphant
over the darkness. However, these are the Days of days, and the battle rages." –
Our Lady, March 18, 1974
"Satan has placed many
enticements upon the earth. O My children, recognize the truth. They are there
to nourish your worldly passions, your worldly instinct for body pampering.
"The spirit is a
distinct enclosure within your worldly body. The shackles and fetters of your
body will fall to dust, but you must live on!
"You use in your
world the word 'death.' My children, there is no death. There is no death. Your
life will continue. The life hereafter will be eternity and forever. Satan has
sought to remove the reality of hell from among you. You can sin when you think
there is no punishment. Recognize the truth! You are walking in blindness.
"I promise all who
come to Me on My hallowed grounds to comfort them in their suffering. Many
graces of cure and conversion will be given from Our hearts. There is nothing
the Father would not do to rescue you, My children. Do not turn away from Us so
your ears are closed to Our pleas. Close your eyes to your world; close your
ears. Listen with your heart, and you will receive the light.
"You will find
that love is in unity. My children, unite now against the common enemy of your
God. Turn from the enticements of your body he has set forth.†–
Our Lady, June 8, 1972
"Satan now is loosed
upon earth, taking on human form to work the will of the prince of darkness and
his consorts from hell. All sacramentals were given for this reason: the forces
of darkness are great.
"Unless the
parents teach their children of the existence of this other world unseen to the
human eye, the children cannot then be protected from the attacks of these
agents from hell. My child, they are real, they are living, and they have great
power. They, too, possess names as do the high angels in the Kingdom of your God
in Heaven.†– Our Lady, March 15,
"I bless you all, My
children, and send among you graces, graces for cure and conversion: cures of
the spirit, cures of the soul and the body, cures that will bring to many the
reality of the Mission from Heaven." –
Our Lady, December 24, 1976
"Make it known, My
child, the world that lies beyond the veil. Make it known, My child, for so many
have forgotten the reality of hell, purgatory, and the Eternal Kingdom of the
Father, Heaven.†– Our Lady, March
18, 1975
“You have nothing to
fear but fear itself, My children. The Message from Heaven has not been given to
you to promote fear in your hearts but to bring to you the reality of what is to
come upon mankind. It is in this manner that We have separated and are
separating the sheep from the goats. Those who will be saved will be counted in
the few, My children.†– Jesus,
November 20, 1976
“We must go forth now
to plead with Our children upon earth to forsake their evil ways. They now are
being guided by satan throughout the world. This cannot be accepted by Heaven.
There is only one thing that you can do with an errant child when they do not
listen, and that is to shake them up, My child. I realize this is not something
for jest; it is but a reality that is coming upon mankind.†–
Our Lady, March 18, 1989
"Do not become
complacent or lethargic, My children. There is no time to cast aside the truth,
covering it with all optimism. My Mother did not come to you as a prophet of
doom, but She came to you from Heaven with a message of reality and what is to
take place upon the earth. You will listen to Her, for I assure you, My
children, very soon there will be much gnashing of teeth and woe set upon the
earth.†– Jesus, September 7, 1978
My children, I have
promised to guide you in the days ahead. I cannot promise you a life of ease,
wealth of material value. I can only bring you the reality of what will be. Your
country will go through great trial. All who will stand forth in defense of My
Son shall receive great persecution.†–
Our Lady, August 21, 1974
"Satan rules your world
now. He goes about as a ravenous wolf among you. Your free will now is your
balance. The reward is great for all who stand with My Son in this conflict.
"You have but two
final destinies: Heaven and hell. Know that satan will try to remove the reality
of the existence of his kingdom, hell, from you. If he makes a farce of his
existence among you, he will deceive you so that you will sin and remove
yourselves from the Spirit of light. And when you remove yourself from the
Spirit of light, you remove yourselves from eternal life in the Kingdom of your
Father, the most high God in Heaven.†–
Our Lady, February 1, 1975
"Retain, My children, the
statues, the monuments, all sacramentals in your life, for it will build the
light within the souls of your children. The enemies of your God, the Eternal
Father, and the truth, they set themselves to take these from you for one
reason: to remove the knowledge of the reality of the existence of your holy
saints.†– Our Lady, November 1, 1975
"You must understand
and set your values straight. I am the Bread of life eternal. You may fill
yourselves up with the bread of the earth and the world. You may seek pleasures
and riches and the destruction of your soul with the pleasures of the flesh, but
can you say in all reality that you will have time to change or to make amends
before you are struck down and come across the veil?
"My children,
there will be a great loss of life with the great Chastisement that is fast
coming upon mankind. The scoffers may laugh and turn away, but do not heed them
in your discipleship, My children. Go forward with the truth. Make every effort
to save your brothers and sisters. You may expect from them derision and
laughter and scorn. This was My road upon earth. This was My Mother's road upon
earth, but they stayed together, united in faith.†–
Jesus, September 28, 1978
"My child, I want you
to understand and bring to the world the absolute truth and reality of this
realm. There are mitres and there are cassocks there. I want you to tell the
world that there are clergy who are now falling into purgatory, if not some in
hell, because they are misguiding the sheep.†–
Our Lady, June 18, 1993
"Yes, My child, Lucifer
was always a murderer. Lucifer promotes the breaking of the rules and the
Commandments of your God. That is why We always tell you, My children: Lucifer
cannot remain hidden, even though he promotes in your world a cover of ignorance
and a cover of darkness. And the cover that shall destroy many is by casting
aside the reality of the existence of demons and the world beyond.†–
Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"I do not, as your
Mother, seek to fill your heart with fear, but you must now face reality and the
facts. The days given in the Book of life, the Bible, the days spoken of and
written of by your prophets are here. I caution you to read the Book of
Revelations, the Apocalypse of Saint John, My children. Read and learn; read
again! For soon there will be darkness and you will be unable to read. You will
store it all in your hearts and your memory.†–
Our Lady, November 1, 1977
"There will be upon
earth great opposition to this message, My child. It is natural in the reality
of satan's plan to try to take every soul from the Eternal Father in Heaven. He
is going about now throughout your world, and when you remove him from his
present body, he will proceed on into another.†–
Our Lady, September 13, 1977
"A center of
atonement--Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers. Send this message, My
child, to your clergy.
"They must pray
more and seek the light. The knowledge of the reality of My mission here will
then be given to them. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and all will be
given the light.†– Our Lady, October
6, 1974
"My children, satan has
taken from your minds and your hearts the reality of the world to come beyond
the veil. In this manner, he gives you all the delights that pamper your human
nature, making you succumb to the temptations of the flesh. Therefore, recognize
the faces of evil among you. Do not follow like sheep to the slaughter. In your
hearts, if you do not fall from the road and remain close to My Son in His
House--come to Him often for counsel, and you will not be led astray by the
agents of the prince of darkness who now roam throughout your world.†–
Our Lady, October 6, 1973
"My children, there
have been voice-boxes chosen from among you to send throughout your world the
Message from Heaven. I assure you, My children, this message that has been given
to you must be acted upon, for it will all come to pass in reality. All warnings
from Heaven were conditional and are conditional to man's response.†–
Jesus, September 28, 1976
"Prayer, atonement,
sacrifice: is this too much to ask of you in the face of what you will soon find
coming upon you? I do not come to earth to fill hearts with fear, but I bring
reality of what is to befall an unrepentant generation.†–
Our Lady, June 8, 1973
“However, you will be
given many manifestations, and then My Son will perform from these sacred
grounds a major miracle that will bring all to the knowledge and reality that
there exists a God Who is the Creator and rules Heaven and earth." –
Our Lady, May 30, 1973
"Call upon your
guardians often, My children. You have forgotten your angels. Do not listen to
the mockery of the world. They seek to take the reality of the guardians of
Heaven from you so that they can send you to Lucifer.
"When you have
great sorrow or trial, call to your guardian. Ask My Son for His help in the
Father. Do not seek comfort among man, for he has none to give you, for man has
become arrogant. Man has become self-seeking and lovers of pleasure. Man has
become uncharitable.†– Our Lady,
June 16, 1973
"Little by little,
through the years, man has orientated and made the human being in his mind, with
his loss of free will through drugs and brainwashing through other mediums, man
has now been reduced to almost a robot state.
"Do not, My
children, be deceived by the father of liars, and his deception in raising up
armies that gather under the banner of communism, atheism, satanism,
agnosticism. And while they work both day and night to gather the powers and the
arsenals to enslave your country and the world, what do you do? You are like
children going through the fields picking daisies, tripping along merrily, high
on your way of life; your drugs and your alcohol and your dreams created by
false mediums.
"My children, I
ask you and I have asked you through Scripture to remain as children in your
hearts, but I did not ask you to be stupid and not recognize the difference
between light and darkness. They have no compatibility.†–
Jesus, April 2, 1977
"Generation through
generation, man carries the same stigma of blindness and hardness of heart. Many
have hardened their hearts and closed their eyes to the truth. Why, My child;
you ask Me why? Because, My child, it is sad to say that should they open their
eyes and their heart should melt, and they should look with their hearts, they
would have to give up their sin which they love. They care more for the
pleasures of the world than for the things of Heaven.†–
Our Lady, June 18, 1974
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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