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#338 - Temple of the Holy Spirit
“Or know you not, that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God; and you are not your own? For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body.” - 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20
"Men shall not co-habit with men. Women shall not co-habit with women. These
acts are an abomination in the eyes of the Father. The sacred temple of the Holy
Spirit, your body, is being desecrated, defiled, and destroyed! And not only the
temple, but the soul within is condemned, without repentance, to eternal
darkness in the abyss!” – Jesus, August 5, 1974
"We see the greatest of abominations being committed upon your earth--the
defilement of the sacred temples, your bodies. The Holy Spirit cannot enter into
a defiled body. It must be cleansed first. This cleansing will be done of your
free will or, in the mercy of the Father, you will receive this cleansing
through chastisement.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1974
"My children, listen to Me now as I explain to you. Your men, your theologians
have lost one truth. It is not one man, as they refer scripturally, 'the man of
perdition,' a man whose number will be known as 666. It is a general term. It
refers to Lucifer in the body of a man.
"And listen well, My children, as I repeat to you this truth. Quoting from
the scriptures, that 'He will sit in the temple of God and proclaim himself as
God.' Antichrist will sit in the temple of God and proclaim himself as God.
"Now, My children, think and follow along with Me as I explain to you this.
When you are baptized and become a member of the House of God upon earth, My
Son's Church, and as a child of God, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, this passage in the Bible does not mean a structural, brick and stone
and mortar temple, but the body of a man. You must keep your body free of
contamination, for it is the abode, the housing of the sacred species of the
Host, My Son's Body, and also for reception in purity of the Holy Ghost within
you.” – Our Lady, November 20, 1978
"My children, it will become evident to you all why My Mother counseled you in
the past to avoid all occasions of sin. And sin through the senses of sight is
one of the major obstacles confronting mankind in the days ahead. Man has given
himself over to pleasures of the flesh far beyond what is safe for the salvation
of his soul. Fornication and all manners of desecration to your body, the temple
of your spirit, the temple of your God, the light in you--this light has been
extinguished by sin.
"Every man, woman, and child of the age of reason knows right from wrong,
for he has been given an inborn conscience. At the moment of his conception life
is within the womb, and at the moment of conception a life is forming,
regardless of what the agents of hell now pollute the minds of mankind with,
creating murders of the young! I say unto you, life begins at the moment of
conception and all who extinguish this light are murderers, and without
repentance shall be condemned to hell!” – Jesus, June 18, 1977
"My heart has carried a burden of sorrow because of the manner in which Our
dedicated nuns disport themselves. O misguided souls of My children, whatever
shall become of you! As brides of My Son, you pledged a life of purity and
dedication. Have you forgotten your vows as you have taken yourselves into the
world, misguided by humanism and your modern trend? There has been and there
will be no change in Heaven. The Eternal Father commands that you keep your body
pure, because it is the temple of your spirit.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1976
"The Father, your Eternal Father, has the plan for the redemption of mankind.
Mankind shall be redeemed by fire. The sins being committed are the sins of
great abomination and destruction to your eternal soul. Your bodies are the
temple for your soul. You are defiling the temple of your spirit. The sins of
the flesh shall send many into the abyss.” – Our Lady, November 20, 1974
"All who desecrate the temple of the Spirit, the body, shall set themselves on
the road to eternal damnation. For the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit." –
Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"My children, you do not know what you are doing. Scientists must stop at once
their pryings, their experimentation into a realm that has brought them in
league and contact with the very forces of hell, Lucifer and his agents. Man has
defiled his body in many ways, and man has darkened his spirit and has now
contaminated the temple of his spirit, his human body.
"O My children, if I could only take you to the edge of the abyss and allow
you to watch the souls that are falling daily into hell, forever damned by their
sins committed in their lifetime upon earth.” – Our Lady, August 19, 1978
"Remember, My children, that none will enter into the Kingdom except through My
Son, for He is truly the way.
"Your body is the temple for your spirit. You clothe yourselves in filth
and all manner of abominations. Chastity, piety--your words are being lost,
being changed to corruption and immorality.
"The road to the Kingdom, My children, is a narrow road. Many seek it but
haven't the perseverance nor grace to remain on this narrow road. Once you have
left it, My children, you will find it very difficult to return.” – Our Lady,
February 10, 1975
"The struggle has been from the beginning of time, My child. The struggle for
souls will continue until My Son arrives. The Mystical Body upon earth will go
through great tortures as of a woman in labor. I repeat Myself, the numbers
saved will be counted in the few.
"You must keep the sacramentals upon your body. Your body is the temple for
your spirit. Many sacramentals have been given to you through time.
"When man has fallen, he will have been given every opportunity to save
himself. And when he falls, he will have made his own decision.” – Our Lady,
December 6, 1974
"It grieves Me much as a Mother, for I am truly a Mother of great sorrow--grieve
as I watch My children succumb to all the snares of satan, giving themselves to
the lusts of the flesh. Paganism, lewdness, nudity--whatever shall become of you
and your children! Unless you keep pure and holy thoughts in your mind and keep
your body clean, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Your body is the
temple of your eternal spirit. Your eyes are the mirrors for your soul!
"Why do you put abominations--place abominations in your homes to destroy
the souls of your children? Why do you not have the monuments of your God? All
who keep the monuments in their homes shall be saved.” – Our Lady, July 25,
"Mothers and women of the world, you must no longer offend your God. You must
return your country and the world to a disciplined life of modesty in the hearts
of women, chastity, and a firm family foundation among mankind. Many of you do
not please the Eternal Father, and you have pierced My Mother's heart with your
sins. The sins of the flesh shall have many cast into hell.
"Men shall not consort with men, women shall not consort with women, for it
is an abomination in the eyes of all Heaven. The Eternal Father will destroy you
for this! As it was in the time of Sodom and Gomorrha, so shall it be upon the
cities. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and you must not defile it,
for you seek perversion and you defame your human nature.” – Jesus, June 2,
"No man shall murder--and it is murder, My children, when he shall give the
excuse of saying an individual is no longer living or a part of the world
because he has become emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help
of all scientific means. The Eternal Father has placed a soul in that body. That
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! No man can know when that soul must
return to the Eternal Father. No man shall hasten its exit from a body by
murder! Euthanasia is murder! Shall you become a judge over the living and the
"I give fair warning, as your Mother, that the world has set itself upon a
course for its own destruction. In My Son's House it shall be bishop against
bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst.
It shall be mother against daughter, father against son. There shall be discord
in the home as the family heads struggle to maintain the Faith.” – Our Lady,
June 5, 1976
"Know with great hope, My children, and trust that the eventual victory will be
with My Son. The Father has set His plan. He will let these abominations run
their course unto the final cleansing of the earth.
"Your country will not be free from the chastisements and warnings long due
a country that has given itself to satan.
"Pagans roam the world, pagans walk into the House of God. Man, you have
reduced yourselves to the state of an animal. Your intellectual pride has set
you down the ladder to the fires.
"The greatest sorrow in My heart, My child, is the debasement that man has
allowed for his body, the sacred temple of his spirit. He has now lost the
knowledge of sin. His life has become a way of sin. The word of God has lost its
way from his heart.
"Shout, My children! Shout from the rooftops the truth. The world can no
longer escape the punishing hand of the Father. The world must be cleansed, and
cleansed soon. Too many souls now are entering into the Kingdom of the prince of
darkness. How many tears I have shed to see these souls that have gone into
hell." – Our Lady, August 5, 1973
"As you continue daily, the sins of the flesh are increasing. The offenses to
morality are increasing. Man has taken his body, his human body which is the
temple for his spirit, and is defiling his flesh, casting out the light until
you will have living bodies with dead souls. My children, when this happens,
will you call yourselves human, as murders will abound upon earth? Charity will
grow cold. All sins of the flesh being committed and multiplied unto murder! I
could go on, My children, listing again and again the aberrations to you, and
for what?
"Do you go about now saying, "There is time! And where is this promise of
His coming?' My children, believe Me when I say unto you: the day and the hour
is known to Heaven. It will be a time when you least expect it. Will you be
prepared? How well are you preparing yourself for your exit from earth? Can you
stand there as a human creature, whether in the light or in darkness, and say
that you will not pass over the veil?” – Our Lady, August 5, 1978
"Those who have remained in the light and accepted the graces given to
strengthen them in these dark days will be saved. This I promise you as your
Mother. My Son, and in the Father, does not wish that any be lost. Every
opportunity will be given to man to prepare himself and be made ready for the
"The Day of days is at hand. The Day of the Lord, and the Coming of My Son,
is not far off. Do you not recognize the signs of your times? Have you not read
the words of the prophets of old? No! You have destroyed the temple of the Holy
Spirit, and the spirit within it, by casting your eyes and absorbing yourselves
in the creations of satan. Take up the Book of life, your Bible, and bring
yourselves back to the truth!" – Our Lady, July 25, 1973
"You have in your midst a group united to promote peace and security. You cry
'peace and security' and there is no peace or security; for there shall not be
peace or security unless you follow the rules given by your God. Man shall not
replace them by a man-made set of rules based on humanism and modernism. The way
to Heaven is a simple way, and in your sophistication you reject it.
"You all go about with your heads in the clouds, saying that all are saved.
And what are you saved for but the abyss! Who has saved you? Your bodies are the
temples of the Holy Spirit, and what have you done but you have destroyed the
"I say unto you: come out of the darkness, restore My Church to its former
glory, cleanse your souls by penance. For if you do not choose penance of your
own I will set upon you a far greater penance!
"My children, I do not come to set fear into your hearts. Shall I join the
ranks of the deceivers and give you words of comfort in days of desperate times?
Shall I not as a loving father admonish you and chastise you?
"My children of the world, listen and learn by the Message from Heaven. The
time is growing very short. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going
throughout your world. The power of prayer is great. Bring the knowledge of the
truth of faith and tradition to your brothers and sisters. Plant the seed,
nourish it with truth, and it will grow!” – Jesus, May 3, 1978
“The heavy hand of chastisement hovered over you, held back by the few. And now
We see those who were lukewarm growing cold; the good, apathetic; and the bad
becoming worse.
"As you go forward in your sin, you shall promote major insanity throughout
your world: murder, corruption, immodesty, immorality, all manner of foul deeds
being committed to destroy the temple of your God, your bodies profaned! My
children, all will go through the test. Every man, woman, and child of
conscionable age shall meet this test, and all that is rotten shall fall!
"You would do well now, parents, to prepare your household. There will be
much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the earth by the evil one. The agents of
hell, known by you as 666, are now loosed in full force upon mankind. And now
666 has entered into Rome, the Eternal City, seeking to set upon the Chair of
Peter an agent of hell!
"My Church, My House upon earth, shall not crumble by the onslaught of
satan! It will be a good and just battleground allowed by the Eternal Father for
separating the wheat from the chaff. The harvest shall be great, and all that is
rotten shall fall! And the chaff shall be gathered and cast into the fires! The
numbers to be saved shall be counted in the few, but better, My children, a few
with quality than quantity with nothingness!” – Jesus, June 16, 1977
"Women of the world reject their places as helpmates to their husbands. What
manner of creature have they become? The Day of the Lord approaches fast upon
you, for what has been foretold is coming to pass.
"Immorality, uncleanness, destruction of the temple of God--the blackest of
evils have entered into the hearts of many. The children--whatever shall become
of the children? The teachers--lying teachers, with falsehoods, half-truths, and
abominations!" – Our Lady, March 24, 1974
"Sin, the most abominable of sins, has become a way of life with your country
and many countries of your world. It is for this reason that mankind, this
generation that has become perverse, will have visited upon it trials such as
have never been seen since the beginning of creation. It is in this manner that
the sheep shall be separated from the goats.
"Persevere, My children, in the days ahead. Many shall be martyred for the
Kingdom of God. Always keep in mind, My children, that your body is only a
shell, a housing for your spirit which lives on forever over the veil. Your body
is the temple for the Holy Spirit.” – Our Lady, December 31, 1974
"Bring to the world, My child--pray for those in darkness, but bring to the
world the knowledge that all must pass beyond the veil and be judged. So many
have given themselves to the world, to the pleasures of the flesh. The pleasures
of the flesh will destroy the souls and cast them forever into the abyss.
"Mothers, whatever shall become of your children? Only you can save now
your children. The leaders have gone astray. They have scattered the sheep.
Gather your little ones before they, too, become lost. Fortify their souls
against the evil about them by placing the sacramentals upon their body. For the
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within.” – Our Lady, May 22, 1974
"Your country, with the symbol of the eagle, the proud bald eagle so pure and
white, has been plucked! It is but a skeleton of its former glory, slowly
starved of the light.
"Lucifer, 666, working through the man of sin to destroy you in your human
nature until your soul is bare to him and he may destroy that, too. Your bodies
are the temple of your spirit, the abode of the light, unless you cast it out
and accept the prince of darkness, who now seeks to be the master of your world.
The majesty of darkness--is this what you want?
"My Son has accepted His cross. Are there so few who will not accept a
cross to save your world now? To save your Vicar now? Woe to the inhabitants of
the earth! Could I take you now and open to you into sight what is coming upon
mankind, you would soon be groveling upon the dust, praying on your knees and
walking on your knees, to avoid the terrible destruction that shall be wrought
by the Ball of Redemption! Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of
Redemption.” – Our Lady, September 28, 1979
"The balance is being added to the left. Therefore, when your world has reached
the peak of iniquity, you will be planet struck. A glorious mystery will be sent
upon earth through the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant
children. However, this will be the final act to bring you back before the
cleansing with fire.
"We do not intend to completely destroy earth as in the past, but We shall
cleanse the earth by steps. Suffering shall be your vessel for cleansing. Man
has allowed demons to direct his actions. Man has desecrated the temple of the
Holy Spirit by succumbing to the wiles of satan. Man offends his God with his
way of life.
"Man has chosen to destroy life created by the Father. Innocent souls are
sent on the road to the prince of darkness. With the coming plague, many of the
young will be removed before they become of the age of reasoning, held
accountable by the Father for their actions. It is an act of mercy from a
sorrowing Father.
"The sign of the Son of Man will appear before the great Chastisement.” –
Our Lady, April 14, 1973
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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