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#351 - Divide and Conquer

“And Jesus knowing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate: and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” – St. Matthew 12:25

"I have asked many times that all of Our legions of workers unite in a common cause to save souls. We are much grieved to see that there is much dissension among the ranks of workers. Satan will promote confusion and dissatisfaction, for it is his way to disunite. To divide will be to conquer!” – Our Lady, July 25, 1974 

"Satan will attack and try to divide, and I ask you all to pray that satan has not singled you out to be the next victim. My children, much is allowed for your edification, and much shall be painful to you. But you will learn, My child and My children, in this manner. Experience is sometimes the greatest of teachers.” – Our Lady, May 20, 1978 

"My children, pray for your bishops and your cardinals. Be a good example to all. I ask you to remain in your parish churches for reason. Accept the cross, the suffering that you must persevere in.
     "I do not want new churches arising all over the land and throughout the world, for united you can stand, but divide and you will truly fall! Satan wishes division within My House.” – Jesus, May 30, 1978 

"My child, one more word of direction to the world: We find great discord among the workers of earth. United you will form a strong front, but you are all divided. You must unify as Mary workers, and set a strong front against the forces of evil. If you do not unify, you will be infiltrated by the agents of hell.
     "United you will stand against satan. If you divide, he will conquer many. This is a simple lesson that must be learned by Our workers in the mission of saving souls.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1973 

"The road to sanctification is not an easy road. We expect all to fall and tumble. But you will pick yourselves up and continue to carry your crosses.
     "We find it necessary at this time to uniform all Mary workers, to unify them. The greatest advantage satan has is when he can divide. All Mary workers must unite for the common cause. Spiritual jealousy and disunity accomplishes nothing." – Our Lady, July 15, 1973 

"Pastors in My House, you are scattering the sheep with your teachings, false teachings created by demons. You will bring a bloodbath to Rome. Turn back from your folly. Have you not now seen the results, the bad fruits that you have grown? The road to hell is paved by good intentions.
     "We will not tolerate division in My Church. Satan knows to divide is to conquer. The captains always remain upon the ship, even when it is sinking. The strong, those with faith, shall bail it out, the ship, keep it afloat until help arrives from Heaven.
     "All manner of heretics and unbelievers seek to enter My House, My Church upon earth. You must not compromise the Faith, for you will not win souls by lowering the standards. I gave you through the prophets the rule, the way, for I am the way, the truth, and the light!
     "O you hypocrites in My House, you who teach fallacy, errors, and lies, whatever shall become of you? Shall I abandon you to your sin? If I abandon you, you will gain a reprobate sense, and you shall be destroyed in your folly.” – Jesus, March 18, 1978 

"We hear voices rising to Heaven: 'How long, O Lord, shall You allow these abominations to continue?' My child and My children, the time is growing very short.
     "Already as you watch the days go by, you cannot avoid noticing the acceleration of evil. It will be truly father against son, mother against daughter. There will be division within the home as satan seeks to divide and conquer.
     "Parents must now exercise discipline in the home. Your children now will be subjected to all manner of evil and corruption from the forces of darkness that are loosed upon your earth.” – Jesus, December 7, 1977 

"You will find in your country a great split in My houses. Watch and pray much, for you will divide among yourselves. But you must remain loyal to Rome and your Holy Father, Our Vicar upon earth, Pope Paul VI.” – Jesus, June 5, 1975 

"Compromise, My children? What have you to gain when you compromise your Faith? You divide yourselves so that the enemies of God will conquer you.” – Our Lady, April 6, 1974 

"My child and My children, much cannot be in discourse with you at this time. But I must stress the urgency of your remaining in My Son's Church regardless of the turmoil. I stress again this urgency for the salvation of your soul. You must not tear it asunder. You cannot run hither and yon setting up a new church, for to divide is to conquer, and that is the plan of satan against My Son.
     "The adversary, the prince of darkness, knows that his time is growing short. He will do great battle now with the children of God. Prepare now, for you will see days ahead such as have never taken place within your country, My child. That is why I stress the urgency of this message. There will be much suffering. No class shall be excluded. Those who do not suffer shall be damned to hell. For they have sold their souls to get to the head.” – Our Lady, June 13, 1981 

"Do not fight among yourselves, My children, for satan will seek to divide you. When you find there is discord with your workers you will pray, for you will not settle the score with argument. Pray, and you will be given the way.” – Our Lady, February 1, 1974 

"You, My child, will continue to see that the message goes out to all mankind. I ask you to put aside all your differences among you, for to unite is to stand, to divide is to fall. Therefore, you will have to not widen the wedge but close it up. You may ponder upon that, My child, and I am certain that you will understand as I speak to you what you are to do. You will make your own judgment of which is most important: to pull through one soul who does not have the grace at this time to come in on his own, or to cast aside and start chasing like rabbits, as My Mother said to you, things that are immaterial and unnecessary within the circle of light.” – Jesus, March 26, 1983 

"You see, My children, satan always says: to divide is to conquer. But I do not want to see the world in chaos, and a Third World War. That is why, My child, I brought you here this evening, though I knew that your strength was waning by this afternoon. There is only one recourse for mankind now to avoid a Third World War--that is more prayer, more penance, and more sacrifice for sinners. Those who are keeping the laws of the Eternal Father must remember that they have been given a special grace from the Father, and have an obligation to seek out the souls who have not received this grace. Bring them the light; show them the way. For they are wandering, and they can be seduced in nature by others who are not in the light. Your example, My children, is very important.” – Our Lady, May 17, 1986 

"We hear all names coming forward to Our ears of churches being born anew, called the Traditional Roman Catholic Church. My child and My children, We need no more Traditionalists running around and creating new churches. We have to remain steadfast and firm in our convictions that with enough prayer, and also the firm example of holiness among many, this will not happen.
     "We do not condemn those who make these side churches, the Traditional Roman Catholic churches; they mean well, but they are being led astray. There will be eventually an American Catholic Church if this continues. This is not approved by Heaven. Man's judgment can always err, especially when he discounts the knowledge of the supernatural.
     "Remember, My children, I have asked you to remain steadfast in your parish churches, even though it will be a crucifixion to you. We cannot have schism in the United States and Canada. For those who are united shall stand, and those who divide themselves shall fall. My child and My children, do not discount this part of the Message from Heaven. It is most urgent that this breaking away stop now before it evolves into a major schism.” – Jesus, September 14, 1985 

"My heart, My Son's heart has been grieved, as We go about the world and see the carnage taking place within His Church. We can see a division bordering on schism. My children, I have asked you in the past--We cannot have this division, for it is promoted by satan. The adage of old remains forever true: United you will stand but divided you will fall.
     "Do not judge My Son's House, His Church, by the man. Though he is a representative--legal, a legal representative of My Son in His House, he is but a human in his nature. But during the time that My Son comes to you, this man will be used through the Holy Spirit, regardless of the state of his human nature, be it sin or a saint--be it a sinner or one who has led even those astray--at the time that My Son comes in the Consecration, He shall not turn aside from you, My Son. Therefore, you cannot say the Mass is invalid. This has brought great sorrow to Our hearts, for many have left the fold on this matter.” – Our Lady, August 14, 1981 

"O My children, there are doctrines of demons being given throughout your world now. The teachings of the prophets of old are being cast aside as being too old for a modern world.
     "We do not wish to see a division among Our children. Slowly we see a 'tug of war,' a long road for both Christian and non-Christian, the struggle for existence in the world, with the soul as the price to pay for this existence. Who are you selling your soul to? Satan?” – Our Lady, April 9, 1977 

"The Message from Heaven has entered upon the Eternal City and has brought about a division. My child, with much prayer and sacrifice, those who have divided themselves, set themselves from within the light and have become agents of darkness, will, through your prayers and sacrifice, return.” – Our Lady, April 17, 1976 

"My children, the way? I am the way. The way, the plan was given to you. It is a simple plan of childlike submission to truth, doctrine, and Tradition. Man seeks to build a new way for himself based on humanism and modernism, and all of the other defilements, division, and destruction of souls that shall accompany these efforts.
     "My children, I counsel you to turn back now while there is still time. You must counteract now the evil that you have allowed to accelerate in your world. You must not compromise your Faith. When you leave your human body, your immortal soul will be judged by merit. None shall escape this judgment.
     "You, all of you, My children, have been placed upon earth to do battle with satan for the glory of Heaven. And now all of the personages of Heaven weep with My Mother, for they see the great crisis and turmoil in My House upon earth and in the hearts of mankind.
     "Only the truth and Tradition shall keep you free from enslavement. There are the forces of evil now loosed upon earth, and the master of deception walks now upon your earth. Satan, Lucifer, is now out of the abyss and walking upon earth. Prepare your home now as a fortress and safeguard the children's souls.” – Jesus, November 19, 1977 

"You must understand now, upon earth now there is a division: the children of satan and the children of God. As this battle advances on, My children, there will be a true separation; for the homes will be divided: father against son, mother against daughter. Children shall rise up and put their parents to death.
     "Slowly but surely man is erasing the true values and traditions. In this manner satan has dulled their reasoning, and sin has become a way of life, leading to murders in abundance, fornication, robberies, immorality, sodomy, and all manner of perversions, reaching even into the hearts of the young and the children.
     "The evil has accelerated. The Eternal Father grows weary as you continue upon your road to destruction. You have now been abandoned to a reprobate sense. The Eternal Father has a plan for all, but all cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. For many shall reject the Message from Heaven, and to their sorrow will find themselves unable to return to the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom.” – Jesus, May 3, 1978 

"Do not set yourselves to judge your brothers or sisters. Satan will seek division among the ranks. You will pray for those who have fallen away.” – Our Lady, May 13, 1978 

"There will be many voice-boxes throughout the world. The time is growing short. United you will go forward. Do not set back your work by division among the ranks of workers.” – Our Lady, September 6, 1975 

"My children, sin has become a way of life, and your children shall turn upon you. It will be father against son, mother against daughter, division in the household--all because you did not prepare your house for these times. Recognize now the signs of your times!
     "Satan walks the earth, entering into the body of any man, woman, or child to work his will in the world. You will see murders; you will see acts committed by your children so despicable that you will say that only satan, from the abyss, the depths of hell, could create and conceive of such evil!
     "There will be degradation, for the morals of your country are being destroyed. There will be no honor, for there is no honor among thieves; and there are thieves who have stolen into My House, My Church. They are robbers, seeking to destroy My children.” – Jesus, October 1, 1977 

"The sin of pride and the arrogance of many in My House, Church, have set a pattern of soul-destruction among the young. I have asked that all who have been given the glory from the Eter­nal Father to follow My road as pastors, shepherds of Our sheep--there is much lacking in their direction. I do not have to give a listing by name; the plan of the Eternal Father shall reach those who permit and commit evil in their vocations.
     "We ask that all remain steadfast in their missions. We ask that all do not leave now, but remain and await the Warning that will soon be given to mankind. We do not wish a separation or a division among Our sheep. You shall not compromise your Faith. You shall not be misled into error in the name of humanism and modernization.
     "Heresy abounds in My House. All manners of aberration and impurities are being tolerated by My pastors. I say unto you that you must now clean your House! No man who has been chosen from among the multitudes to be a representative from Heaven shall use his rank, his vocation to gain worldly treasures and fall into the pattern of worldly living to the sorrow of those souls entrusted to him. You must awaken now from your slumber. I repeat: cleanse My House now, or I shall set a Chastisement upon you!” – Jesus, March 18, 1976 

"In the city of Rome there will be great confusion and trial. Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. Lucifer has controlled Rome and continues this control now. And I tell you now, My children, unless you pray and make My counsel known to all of the ruling fathers of the Eternal City of Rome, My Son's Church, His House, will be forced into the catacombs. A great struggle lies ahead for mankind. The eventual outcome is for good of all, for this trial in My Son's Church will be a true proving ground for all the faithful. Many latter-day saints shall rise out of the tribulation.
     "My child and My children, I need not repeat to you the necessity to retain tradition. It was like a valve, a safeguard from the eruption of My Son's Church, a schism, a division within My Son's House upon earth. I cry unto you, your Mother, as I hasten back and forth bringing you the message, the counsel from Heaven. You must recognize--bishops, cardinals, and pastors, you must recognize what is happening now in My Son's House. There is being rebuilt before your very eyes another religion, another church of man. No angels are helping in this building.” – Our Lady, September 7, 1978 

"We do not want division within the Church. That will solve nothing. You cannot separate yourself from the Holy Father in Rome. And once you are baptized as a Roman Catholic, you must die within the fold; you cannot reject it. There are many false prophets going throughout the world now seeking to take your soul to satan. They come as angels of light.” – Our Lady, September 27, 1986 

"You must pray, pray much for your Holy Father. He suffers greatly from disobedience of those under him in his rule. Yes, My child, it appears now that there is a form of insanity taking place in Rome, for priests, prelates, cardinals, and bishops are all running around with their heads in a fog. They have great plans, My child, to build a new church, a church of man. But My Son has other plans. Their time is running out.
     "My child, My children, this new church they are building but no angels help to build, only demons; they are building a church of man, using as a foundation the basic carnal nature of mankind. There is nothing beautiful of spirit; it is all humanistic, My child, modernistic. And what are they doing but they are building the church of man with satan as the director!
     "O My children, pray much! We do not want to see a division in My Son's House. The Roman Catholic Church must remain one! But this does not mean, as the church of man states, that you will bring all manner of heretics and separated brethren in. No, My children, that is an error, a delusion from satan. You cannot change My Son's House and bring them in and change for them! They must change and come back to the original rule given by My Son and those who were with Him in the building of the foundation.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1977

"The way, a simple way, was given to mankind. I gave the keys to the pastors of My Church, My House upon earth, and these keys have been tarnished through greed and avarice and the lust for power. My House now is producing bad fruit, and I shall soon shake the tree. All that is rotten shall fall! Remember, My children, the world and My Church shall not be as one. Conform and you will die on the vine!
     "I ask you this: do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you.” – Jesus, May 27, 1978 

"My child, one more word of direction to the world: We find great discord among the workers of earth. United you will form a strong front, but you are all divided. You must unify as Mary workers, and set a strong front against the forces of evil. If you do not unify, you will be infiltrated by the agents of hell.
     "United you will stand against satan. If you divide, he will conquer many. This is a simple lesson that must be learned by Our workers in the mission of saving souls.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1973 

"You will go forward in the days ahead, retiring from your world that has been given to satan. Do not allow your parish doors to close, My children. By your example, unify as a parish group and you will patch the cracks. Do not lose faith in My Mass; it is valid. Man may distort but it is valid, I say. When a legally-ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church conducts this Mass, it is valid, I say.
     "My children, raise up your voices in thanksgiving to your Eternal Father that your country has still the tabernacles open to My sheep, for the time will approach when you will go searching, and the doors will be closed to you.” – Jesus, December 7, 1976 

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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