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#363 - Wisdom

“And coming into his own country, he taught them in their synagogues, so that they wondered and said: How came this man by this wisdom and miracles?” - St. Matthew 13:54

"There is a massive web of evil now fanning out from a nucleus of power. There is a plan now to engulf your world into a united center of power with a central head of man--man uniting all nations into a common dictatorship, man seeking to discard My House and set up one to his own liking and nature. I allow you to proceed but for a short time.
     "I shall not add to the words of My Mother. She has counseled you well. She has counseled you for many years. You have your choice now to accept Her wisdom, to accept or reject Her God-given knowledge of what is to come upon mankind.” – Jesus, December 24, 1976 

"Many manifestations shall be given in the days ahead, as there is now a supernatural war in progress. For those with wisdom, listen and understand; for those who have grace to see, recognize the signs of your times and the war of the spirits you are engaged in. Read the Apocalypse of Saint John, the Revelations, and you will follow the unwinding of the scrolls.
     "All who are graced to hear the Message from Heaven, listen, act upon it. Treasure this grace given to you from the Eternal Father, that you have the opportunity to be redeemed out of this world of satan.” – Jesus, June 18, 1978 

"As My Mother counseled you in the past, sin is insanity, and you will see all manner of actions coming forth from the darkness within your children, even your neighbors.
     "Watch, My children, and pray always. Keep your homes a fortress for your family and your children. I tell you this to counsel you as My Mother counsels you. I do not intend for you to be filled with fear, for fear can be a tool of the devil, of satan himself. But I counsel you that you may learn wisdom, and I pray that as the Eternal Father directs you from Heaven in the light that you do not have to gather and learn your wisdom from sorrowful experiences.” – Jesus, September 14, 1979 

Veronica - Oh! Now it's growing dark. The blue lights are all about the trees. Oh, the blue lights are all about the trees, but it's growing dark. And Our Lady now is going behind the trees. I can barely see Her.
     She has now the Baby still in Her arm. He's very beautiful. I'm still looking into His face. And He doesn't have the face of a usual child. His face . . . His face has the . . . only one word--the "wisdom of the ages" in His face. – August 14, 1973 

Veronica - Then someone, a man in a white gown, poked his head through the opening into the cave, but he didn't hear the music or see the angels. It would have been evident in his face. The man started to talk to Joseph. I could not catch his words.
     I am convinced it is only by the special grace given by the Father that one can share in a supernatural manifestation.
     The face of the Infant Child was most unusual, for He looked so young, and yet His face held the wisdom of the ages. Mary looks so lovingly happy. But there is also a tinge of wistful sadness, for She knows already the path ahead. The sorrow She will face in the future has been made known to Her. She said, in the softest of tones:
Our Lady - "Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Do with Us as You will."
     The angel came to Mary's side and said:
     "This Child will be nourished by the light." – December 24, 1970 

"I ask, My child, that all parents give themselves to reading the Book of life and love to their children, be it in the morning or afternoon, or a small measure of their evening free time. You will find that it is not a dull source of reading as many think. It is a Book of true wisdom and knowledge.” – Our Lady, September 28, 1974 

"My child, you must understand I have cried to you often to recognize the faces of evil about you. They come as angels of light with ravenous hearts. You will not judge, My child, but you will pray for these who have fallen away.
     "I allowed you to suffer, My child, so that you would learn from it. Wisdom is gained through suffering. In all humility will you go forward, My child. I will send many hands to help you.
     "Understand now, My child, why the Father allowed man to fall in his human nature. It is a lesson for all. You will now recognize the power of satan among mankind. It is repeated over and over that satan will enter into the body of any man, woman, and child who will fall away from grace, and they will become his chattel to do his bidding. And the greatest bidding that satan has now is for man to stop the prayers!” – Our Lady, June 4, 1977 

"O My children, how happy were the days when I could look down from Heaven upon you and find that America was so beautiful--a Christian nation, devout, pious, and following the road as given by the Eternal Father, through My Son and the Holy Spirit of light. And now the light has been darkened.
     "O My children, what can I do to open your ears, to open your hearts and your intellect? Graces are given in abundance for the asking, but you must also use your God-given sense.
     "Yes, My children, many times you must suffer, for in this manner will you learn wisdom. Some decisions that you make upon your own shall not bear good fruit.
     "My Son, His heart is torn by the manner in which you have rejected His way--even reaching into the hearts of the clergy. He has been turned away by many of them, for they have given themselves over to pursuits and pleasures of the flesh, succumbing to the errors of modernism so prevalent now in your nation and throughout your world. The modernism has produced bad fruits.” – Our Lady, December 24, 1979 

"Each and every man, woman, and child upon earth has now the hour, the day, and the month counted to leave the earth. Prepare your passage, My children, for the time is growing short for many. You, My child, will have to defend the Faith, neither caring for the opinion of mankind, nor the objections or consolation of any man or friend upon earth. The Mission from Heaven will always be first, and the Faith as given you through the countless years of earth's time must be not watered down nor changed to meet the needs of your so-called modern age of scientific advancement.
     "The Eternal Father gave the plan in the redemption of mankind, and this plan must be followed, or your world, the earth, will have set upon it a great destruction.
     "My child, you will take but one set of pictures and then repair home. You will continue to bar your doors to all but your immediate family and close workers. Remember, My child, that wisdom will come through experience. You must make now some decisions upon your own will, guided most necessarily by the direction in the messages." – Our Lady, September 7, 1979 

"You must always pray for your priests. We do not condone evil, nor will We condone fallacy and errors; however, the Eternal Father in Heaven shall be the final judge.
     "I repeat the direction of My Mother to you many times, that prayers without works shall be fruitless, My children. Good example and words spoken out with wisdom, given to you from the Holy Spirit, shall help gather My sheep in these dark days.
     "In exhortation, I repeat to all the pastors of My House--remember these words and ponder upon them, O pastors: shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight?” – Jesus, November 22, 1976 

"You will not receive a kind ear from the clergy, for man can be wise but stupid. Man had grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life. Man no longer seeks the revelation in the Bible.” – Our Lady, February 1, 1971 

"You have, My child, received now the full story of the approach of Antichrist to the Eternal City of Rome. It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness. There is much that was not revealed, but these are the days of the Revelations.
     "You will read the visions of John, the Apocalypse, and you will find yourself filled with the spirit of knowledge and wisdom. The story of the end days will unfold as you read. You will not be found without knowledge if you will take the Book of love and life, your Bible, and read it.” – Our Lady, October 2, 1975 

"My child and My children, man can be wise but stupid. He goes forward scientifically searching for truth. And what is truth? Truth is My Son in God the Father and the Spirit of light.
     "My children, your earth has evolved now into a state of immorality and sin far worse than it was in the time of Noe. What can I say further to you, My children, but to counsel you and warn you that the Eternal Father is making ready a great trial for mankind. The heavens shall explode and roll back as a sheet. Hearts shall stop in fear of what is to come upon mankind. This coming Warning, My children, is minor in comparison to the Chastisement, the great Chastisement that shall then follow.” – Our Lady, December 31, 1977 

"When I return, can I be assured that there will be even a flicker of faith left upon earth? The numbers saved shall be counted in the few. My children, man can be wise, but stupid, not seeing what is happening before his very eyes because he is blinded by sin!
     "Sin has become a way of life in your country and all of the nations of earth! I say unto you: many hearts shall grieve, but too late will they seek to do penance! Too late will they seek to right the wrong. As you sow, you shall reap! And as you are sowing now, you shall reap the fury of an angry God.” – Jesus, May 28, 1977 

"My child, I feel the shudder of fear that comes from you to Me. You have, My child, seen much in the past and what was to come in the future. Weep not, My child, for lost souls; but go forward and find Our straying sheep. Many are ignorant of truth, My child; many are misled. We ask you not to judge. You will leave all judgment to the Eternal Father Who looks into the heart of man.
     "You must counsel with charity of heart and reasoning. There are times, My child, when you must exercise your God-given knowledge for your own edification. Much wisdom will come from experience. As I told you in the past, My child, suffering is of great value to all.
     "Penance, atonement, and sacrifice, I beg of all who will listen. Penance, atonement, and sacrifice. Bring this message to all. The Eternal Father does not wish one to be lost to Him.” – Our Lady, May 18, 1977 

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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