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#425 - Repentance, Part 3

"The Lord delayeth not his promise, as some imagine, but dealeth patiently for your sake, not willing that any should perish, but that all should return to penance." - 2 Peter 3:9

"The aberrations and abominations being committed in the holy House of God have had no precedence from the time of Noe, and before the time of Noe. The offenses to your God call down justification for the end of your civilization. Man in your country and in the world has made sin a way of life.
     "You will remove from your country the abominations in print. The desecration in print and practice to the Sacred Heart of My Son must be stopped now! Is there none who will stand forth and protect My Son from these abominations? Are there so few who care? If you do not care for My Son, do you have no worry for the condition of your after-life?
     "Yes, many of you have cast aside the truth and deny the existence of the other world. How sad when you come over and receive your judgment! You will be met, those who do not repent now, by the agents of hell and taken for a life of eternal damnation in the fires, forever to be tormented by the very desires that drove you to discard life everlasting for your place in hell." -
Our Lady, September 14, 1972

"The rule must be followed within the convents. My sisters, you will gain nothing by leaving and going into the world. It is a deception of satan to destroy your vocation and true purpose as brides of Christ. Come out of the darkness, my sisters!
     "It is the Eternal Father Who is the final judge, but a nun who has left her convent and given herself to the world and seduces a priest, a representative of Christ, to leave his vocation and destroy his soul--that nun shall enter hell!
     "Turn back, if you have been deceived! The merciful Father shall forgive if you repent of this great sin. If you do not repent and return to your vocation and allow the priest whom you have blinded by seduction--if you permit him to remain in his sin, your punishment will be two-fold, for not only have you sinned but you have caused another to sin!" -
St. Theresa, October 2, 1975

"The blind shall not enter My Kingdom unless they repent on free will. Every man will be held accountable for the fall of his soul and the soul of those entrusted to him. I am warning you now.
     "My Mother, Her voice grows weak. My heart is ever torn. I look upon My Mother in deep sorrow, for as a Mother She is anguished. If you had not listened, and you do not listen now, the sorrow is greater than you could subjugate.
     "It is not Our methods to instil fear, for fear is the work of the evil one; but laxity and ignorance in knowledge can only bring confusion and misleading influences." -
May 30, 1971

"Your men of great learning upon earth, My child, have risen to the heights of Heaven with their arrogance, their pride, and their satanic diversions. They have risen far beyond what the Father would call a safety line for mankind. As in the days past, man is following the road of the fallen angels. The Eternal Father cannot accept into the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, man who does not repent of his arrogance, his pride, his false teachings, and his sin. No man shall enter the Kingdom of the Father unless he repents of his pride, his arrogance, does penance now while there is time.
     "The abyss is open wide and daily, My children, claiming many young. Who has the responsibility for the fall of these young souls? False teachers! False parents, birthing a child and not following the path of the Eternal Father!" -
Our Lady, May 17, 1975

“My child, it is Our wish that none should perish in the days ahead. Convert the unbeliever. Michael, the guardian of Our House, makes it known to you that you must make every effort to convert the unbeliever. The good stalks are being fed the pure waters, or they would have wilted, My child, long ago. Satan has destroyed many minds. Satan has captured many souls from Us. We ask now those with strength in the light, to reach out and save your brothers." - Our Lady, February 1, 1972

“There are two crosses in your world now, My children: the cross of the living God and the one that man has built for himself to worship. There are two churches on your earth now: the Church of your living God and the church of man.
     “Remember, do not condemn My Church, My children, for I gave it to you with truth and purity. It is man—in influence of satan—using fallen leaders who seek to defy and defile Me and My House!  Those who remain in the light will recognize this truth.  These loosed demons can be driven away by the guardians—the angels—assigned to My House to defend My House!  Yes, even those who have fallen from grace will be rescued if they repent of their ways now and turn back to Us!  Soon there will be a sword placed upon the world." - Jesus, February 1, 1972

"The Eternal Father sends each life with reason. The spirit of life is breathed into that body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception the soul is united to that body. Though it grows from a small seed, it is living and must not be destroyed! It is murder, My children, to destroy the seed.
     "All who commit this, this terrible act of murder, My children, cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they repent of this foul crime. They must in their repentance accept a penance upon earth for their acts that bring great sorrow to the heart of the Eternal Father.
     "Man has been given a free will and is using this act of mercy of the Father to allow him to go his way, for the Father shall not force any into the Kingdom, My children. You must want to come in. You must use the balance of your lifetime to gather the necessary strength through graces to stay on the nar­row road to the Kingdom. It is most difficult to return once you leave that narrow road." -
Our Lady, December 27, 1975

"Pastors, leaders of Our sheep, My Son begs you to listen now while there is time! The Red Hats have fallen, The Purple Hats are being misled. Take the blindness from your heart. You shall not be obedient to sin and heresy, My children. Shall you honor man before your God? Shall you honor man and dishonor your God? Woe, I say unto you, My children, the day will come when you shall stand to be judged, and shall man come forward and give you the grace to enter into the eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven? No! You shall be claimed by the prince of darkness and cast into the pit! The eternal fires of damnation shall claim all who do not repent of their sin now." - Our Lady, December 24, 1975

"What can I say at this time? How can I promise fur­ther reprieves for an unrepentant generation?
     "How many warnings are given to mankind to go unheeded? O My children, if I could just cast away the darkness and allow you to look into your future, the future that you have forced to be now! What was to happen in the future shall be now.
     "I shall say anew, there will be the time that you will be given to great trial. Your world shall be bathed in blood. Your world shall go through a great crucible of suffering. The Eter­nal Father does not seek to bring fear into the hearts of His children. He sends you an admonition that must be heeded. The Eternal Father has watched and found that you are wanting." -
Jesus, December 24, 1975

"Those who call themselves pastors in My Son's Church upon earth have given themselves over to worldly pursuits and living, while they scatter Our sheep.
     "I say unto you as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, that I plead your cause constantly before the Eternal Father to give you time to repent of your sin, or you shall receive very soon a just punishment, a just chastisement.
     "Many minor warnings have been given to mankind and they go by unnoticed. The greatest trial now upon mankind is produced by the working of Lucifer released from hell with his demons upon earth." -
Our Lady, February 1, 1978

"The murder of the unborn promoted in your city of evil has been watched by the Father with great anger. The unjust in your city and state will be dealt with severely. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for them. Many will enter into hell, claimed by Lucifer, without the time to repent and make amends to their much offended God.
     "Never cease your prayers, My children. If I could open your eyes to your future, you would run fast from your worldly pursuits and retire within a life of prayer as victim souls to the Father, victims to His merciful love, victims for the salvation of all souls. Woe, I say to you now: many will die in the great flame of the Ball of the Redemption. The Ball nears: many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption!" -
Our Lady, July 15, 1973

"As We look and search the world for faithful and true pastors, We find that each and every cardinal and bishop has fallen into the modes of the world now, consisting of advancement in modernism, socialism, communism, and even satanism. We find there are those over the age of reason that have made a mockery of My name, of My Church, and in the name of satan, they go about as angels of light with ravenous hearts preaching doctrines of devils. You cannot escape a just punishment for your deeds.
     "There shall be set upon mankind a great Warning, far greater than man has ever experienced upon earth; and woe to the man who has not repented before the Chastisement. There will be much gnashing of teeth and woe set upon the earth.
     "My child and My children, I must caution you now to repent of your sin. The United States of America has fallen from grace. Your country, My child, and many countries of the world are paganized, giving themselves, their peoples, over to all manner of sin and evil that must be cleansed. It will be cleansed through penance or suffering--suffering that will bring not only death to the body, but death to many souls before they can recover with conversion." -
Jesus, May 23, 1979

"Were it not for the intervention of the Queen of Heaven, you would have received already your just punishment. Know now that your days are counted. Repent! Turn back from your road of sin. Enter into the light. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice--is this too much to ask of you in the face of what lies ahead of you?" - Moses, March 24, 1974

Listen, My child, and repeat well My words. Amen, amen, I say to you: Man of earth, you have offended the Father. Your abominations have sent many souls into the abyss. Repent now; make atonement, for the time grows short. You will be chastised and cleansed as in the plan of the Father." - Jesus, August 21, 1973

"It is only through great suffering that your nation will emerge from the mire of sin and evil that it has led itself into by disregarding the warnings of My Mother through your years upon earth.
     "My Mother has come to you some time ago warning you of what will happen to mankind if mankind does not make a firm effort to repent of the abominations and sinful ways, sins of the flesh that will bring fire upon mankind--a baptism of fire. Your country and many countries of your world are now going through labors. They will find, without the assistance of the Eternal Father, confusion and destruction." -
Jesus, April 10, 1976

"The leaders in your country, My child, have given themselves to the world. Their abominations affect the lives of many. However, the sword is leveled by Michael and shall be sent through them. They, too, must repent and must make a complete reversal of their ways that offend the Father much, or they, too, shall be cast into the abyss." - Our Lady, September 6, 1975

"Many clergy have given themselves over to pleasures of the flesh. Many have fallen into sin and heresy, and have cast aside the truth of their vocations. Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar. In matters of faith and morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the Seat of Peter, and established through tradition upon earth through My Son's Church.
     "I repeat the words of all Heaven, and those who are upon earth--voices crying out to you in the wilderness: Repent now, while there is time, for your time is running out. Abortion is murder! Adultery, promiscuousness, sexual aberrations shall neither be condoned nor reasoned as being right, when they are wrong! These abominations are condemned by all Heaven.
     "Man shall not seek to create life by artificial means, for you destroy the very nature of your humanity. And you shall receive for such actions a just punishment, in chastisement from the Eternal Father." -
Our Lady, October 6, 1979

"I repeat, My child, your country shall not escape the destruction of the fires, as you will be planet struck.
     "As in the days of Noe, My child, many shall reject the Message from Heaven.
     "We do not send you a message of fear, but a message of fact. Repent; make atonement now while you have the time, for the hour of reckoning is coming. It is at hand, My child.
     "For the love of money and power of short duration, many have sold their souls to get to the head." - Our Lady, July 25, 1975

"Bishops and cardinals in My Son's Church, whatever shall become of you? You have cast off the light and proceed farther into the darkness. You are running about making changes, introducing novelties. And for what? For the ultimate destruction of My Son's Church. No, I say to you, you shall be cast out of My Son's houses. A church in darkness wears a band of death about it; a church that consorts with evil and evildoers shall close its doors.
     "My children, I repeat and repeat to you the warning from Heaven. I go forth throughout your world as a Mediatrix between God and man. Hopefully, I implore you as your Mother, to restore My Son's Church to its former glory. You must repent of your sin. You must cleanse your government of all evildoers.
     "Your country and many countries of your world have allowed themselves to be taken over by consorts of evil. Communism now is gaining fast into all of the countries of your earth. Leaders are capitulating, leaders are falling away from the Faith and giving themselves to worldly living, domination of the human being, and casting aside the God-given rights of the human being." - Our Lady, April 9, 1977

"My child, listen carefully and repeat the story I am about to give you.
     "Many years ago in earth's time, I came among you in the will of the Eternal Father to bring to mankind a warning from Heaven that man must repent and do penance. My warnings have given mankind an extension from the great Chastisement that will come upon mankind.
     "It is sad, My child, for I have begged and pleaded for mankind to mend its ways now because, as in the days past, many are casting aside My warnings." - Our Lady, December 7, 1976

"The encyclical of Pope Paul on birth control is true and must be followed by mankind. There shall be no rationalization of sin. There shall be no excuse for the murder of the unborn. Sin has become a way of life among mankind, but Heaven does not condone murder. Heaven cannot condone sin, though the Eternal Father in His mercy is most merciful and long-suffering and forgiving. But man must repent of his sin now, while there is time." - Our Lady, October 2, 1976

"The Father sends the spirit, the soul, into the body. At the moment of conception a life is created. Therefore, all who murder the unborn have taken upon themselves the judgment over life and death of an individual, a living creation of God. And as such, he is guilty of breaking the Commandment of the Father: 'Thou shalt not kill!' And all who do not make compensation, repent of their sin, are eternally condemned to the damnation and fires of hell!
     "No excuses, no rationalization is accepted by the Father. He is the final judge. You cannot judge each other. However, you cannot shut your heart and your eyes and your ears to what goes on about you--murder by the thousands!" - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"Now, My child, I will tell you one major reason why the Father sent Me to you and chose this site as a center of reparation. It is because of the murder of the young. It is because your city, your nation, has great influence throughout the world. Your example will be followed by many. But you must return the Father and restore discipline in your daily lives, or you, too, will fall to the sword.
     "I repeat, the evil spreads out like a cancer, strangling all in its web. The mariners will stand far off and weep in grief as they see you burning. O city of Babylon, your sins have caused your destruction. Repent now or be lost forever." - Our Lady, March 18, 1974

"We have asked you, My child, to join with other voice-boxes throughout the world in spreading this Message from Heaven. The time grows short. Years or months, My child, what difference is it that We give you the date? It is only important that you be ready, for I can assure you, My children, that the great Warning will come upon you at a time you least expect. And then a prodigy of great proportion--in the merciful heart of the Father, you will receive a great light from Heaven. Many in the world will reject this miracle, for they have joined the forces of evil set to stand and squash, My child, every feat of the supernatural sent by the Father to bring mankind back onto the road to the Kingdom.
            "And after this, if mankind does not repent and change his ways, there will be sent upon him the great destruction in two parts: the great War, that will take from your earth one third of mankind, and then the Ball of Redemption, the second third. And what is left, My child? O sorrow of great sorrows! What is left, though, shall be in the few, but they will join My Son in rising up in glorious triumph to rebuild the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"Man no longer is humble. He will not be on his knees before his God. Therefore, he will be forced to return to his knees!
     "My child, I perceive that you are quite upset. It is not My plan to frighten you. But, My child, what else can I say in the sight of what lies ahead for mankind? Can I tell you there will be peace, when there will be no peace? Can I tell you all will be well when the darkness of spirit covers the earth?
     "I am not One who can lie, for the father of all liars is satan. It is he who has deceived you with lies upon your earth. I bring you the truth from Heaven; but you must repent now, mend your ways, return your earth to its original state of godliness. Turn back now from satan; return to your God and make heavy penance for the many offenses against Him, for He plans great penance upon earth!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1973

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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