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#436 - Saints Who Appeared to Veronica, Part 2

"And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints." - Romans 8:28

Veronica - . . . a very large circlet of light. It covers the whole sky all about the outside of the trees. In the center, Jesus is coming forward with Michael and many other people. I call them people; I know who they are now from their figures--they're saints. They're following Jesus. Right behind, the whole sky now is covered with a multitude of people. Oh, I recognize some of them. Ah, there's Saint Theresa and her sisters. And I see Saint Martin de Porres. He's standing over on Jesus' left side. And oh, Saint Peter--he's wearing a very regal headdress. I know it's the papal tiara, the very large beehive type of hat. He's dressed very beautifully, all in white and gold. And there are many nuns and what appear to be priests coming forward. It's a very large gathering of people, souls. I don't know how to express it. They look human, almost, except that I can't see their faces very well. The light is very brilliant. - November 1, 1976

Veronica - I see now . . . the arm--oh, I see it, an arm. Oh! That slab--it has the cloth lying on the slab . . . . And walking out through this tremendous light--it's Jesus. Oh! He's now coming out of the light, though; He's not glowing, like inside the light by the cave.
     Now He's coming out, and He's got slippers on His feet. And He now has a robe on Him; it's white. It's very soiled looking, but it's a white robe. And I notice these bandages are hanging from the slab, the rock, onto the ground. The ground is dirt, dirt; it's just dirt on the ground inside the cave. I can see now, because the light now has left the cave. And Jesus now has started to walk. He's going up the hill; He's walking very slowly up the hill.
     And now--oh, there's a lady; she's coming down to the side of the cave. And she's looking in, and now she says, "Oh!" And she runs over now, and she's picking up the pieces of the cloth. And she's looking around the cave, and she's running out now.
     And she's running up the hill. And she's running over--oh, "Where have they taken Him? They have stolen Him from us." And she--now she's reaching out, and she's fallen down on her knees and saying: "Please! Where is He?" Now--
Jesus - "Don't . . . do not place your hands upon My garments. I have not ascended in the Father."
Veronica - Now the lady is looking up, and she's smiling. And now Jesus is placing His hand over her head, and He says:
Jesus - "Go, Mary, and tell all what you have seen."
Veronica - Now Jesus is walking; He's climbing up the hill. And Mary now is--she's fallen on her face, just like she's praying. No--now she's getting up, and she's running down the hill. And I can see her--she's running down the hill now, and she's running towards these buildings. There are one, two . . . five buildings. They don't look like regular buildings; they look like houses made from clay, or like a hut, sort of like clay. And now she's running into one. - April 21, 1973

Veronica - Now over the flagpole there is--oh, it's Michael. Michael is coming forward. It's very, very windy. Now Michael has over his--he has a short sort of a garment on, but over it he has a cape. It has a gold clasp that's holding it together. But the wind has caught it now. It looks like it's velvet, a velveteen cape. And it's blowing.
     But Michael now is holding a spear. The tip of the spear is very golden. Now Michael is taking the spear, and he's pointing back towards the church. He said:  
St. Michael - "Open the doors and allow me to enter. Bring me back to stand guard over the House of God. You open the doors to demons with your permissiveness." - March 18, 1973

Veronica - Michael is coming forward now, directly over Our Lady's statue. And he's pointing his spear down. He's holding the balance in his right hand, and now with the balance held high up in the air, he's saying:
St. Michael - "Who is like unto God! Who is like unto God!"
Veronica - Michael is standing there, and he just gives a feeling, a presence of great strength. And should I be only as a human, less graced by Our Lady, I'm certain I should die right here on the spot from fear, at hearing Michael. He's tremendous, covering the whole sky. But I have no fear, for I have learned to know Michael, and to love him as one of the greatest warriors of Heaven. - August 14, 1976

St. Michael - "I give you now, my children, the Queen of Peace; for I shall back away and open the heavens and bring forth to you your Mother, Who has been awaiting this moment with you.
     "Look up, my child, and tell what you see."
Veronica - Now Michael is pointing up high into the sky, and I see what appears to be a comet. There's a large comet. It has colorings of red and white and yellow. And the tail behind it is streaming red and yellow and white, and smoke. Now I see a huge hand, a human-like looking hand being raised now. And as it is raised like that, it holds back the comet. Now Michael has now placed his face over and obliterated the sky. And he is now touching his first finger to his lips.
St. Michael - "My child, listen and repeat after me.
     "The Queen of Heaven shall give you a history that must be written down and recorded for all mankind."
Veronica - Now Michael is beginning to--I can't explain it. He seems to be fading out, like he--like, almost like a smoky figure fading out. And he's touching his lips.
St. Michael - "No, my child, I am not fading out; I am only going to place myself so the glory of all, and the attention of all shall be given to the Queen of Heaven and earth." - November 1, 1985

Veronica - Oh! Oh! Oh! Now I am . . . Our Lady is taking me into a bedroom. Oh! I see sisters--they're nurses--in the bedroom. Oh, and there--I can see him in his bed--is the Holy Father. The nurse now has a needle, and she's rolling up now the sleeve. He has on . . . it looks like a robe, the Holy Father, and she's giving him a needle in his arm. He . . . and he looks very sick. Now the needle was placed into his left arm, into his left arm. Now as the needle is placed into his left arm, Pope Paul is reaching over onto a table near his bed. He's reaching for his crucifix. He's placing it across his chest.
     Oh, next to him now is Padre Pio! Next to Pope Paul! Now Padre Pio is coming down over to the left side of the flagpole. Oh, I can see him very clearly. He has on a brown garment, and it's tied; it's very loose, and it's tied about his waist. He said:
St. Padre Pio - "My spiritual children: hear me, for I bring you the word of truth. Demons roam in the houses of God! Prayer must chase them out! Atonement, prayer, and sacrifice! I speak out for an imprisoned Vicar." 
Our Lady - "The balance is being added to the left. Therefore, when your world has reached the peak of iniquity, you will be planet struck. A glorious mystery will be sent upon earth through the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant children. However, this will be the final act to bring you back before the cleansing with fire." - April 14, 1973

Veronica - Now behind Our Lady there's a man. Oh! He's wearing a brown monk's habit. Oh, It's Padre Pio. Oh! Now his hands are raised in front of him. He's smiling. I'm looking now at his beard. His beard is very white, but he has a very young face. He's smiling. Oh, he's so happy! And he's placing his hands in front of him, like this. Oh, and now he's taking some cloth--it looks like, it looks like he has on a pair of mittens or gloves with the fingers cut out. Now he's removing them from his right hand, and he's holding his hand forward. Oh, and I can see his hands. They're very badly bruised. Oh, my! Oh, it's very sore looking. He has a hole right through his--the center of his palm. - June 18, 1974

Veronica - Padre Pio is present with us now. He is speaking in a tongue I don't understand. I know it must be Italian. I don't understand. Now I hear the words being repeated:
St. Padre Pio - "My spiritual children, you must unite in a common cause.
     "Your world shall be chastised soon. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You have been given an extension of time to gather the souls, my children. Do not expect to follow my road and the road of the Savior without suffering. It is truly the way of the cross.
     "Use more time in daily prayer. Not enough pray, my children.
     "Place more attention upon the Holy Sacrifice. It is being celebrated in a manner that is not approved of by the Eternal Father. Take the time to honor your God with your heart. My brothers and sisters, the Holy Sacrifice cannot be done in thirty minutes, or even in sixty minutes, properly. There is no time in Heaven, and you shall not place a time upon the Holy Sacrifice on your earth."
Veronica - Oh, he's, he's also--the good Father, Padre, has injuries on his hands, too. He's holding them up now, but he's smiling.
     Oh, I can see him so clearly. He's much clearer; even the light is not so bright that I can't see his face. He has grayish, dark hair with gray, mostly gray, and a nice beard. And he has a very sweet smile. Oh!
St. Padre Pio - "Receive your Savior often, My child, and you will be comforted." - April 5, 1975

St. Paul - "Listen, My child, how satan has corrupted the word."
Veronica - And now he's becoming quite angry and pointing, jabbing with his finger the Book, and saying:
St. Paul - "Observe: Women shall be meek in the presence of their husbands. We hear the call of 'liberation'! Whom shall woman be liberated to but satan!
     "A man, as a figure of the Christ, my child, shall be the head of his household. So it is from the Lord.
     "A woman shall adorn herself not in pearls and braided hair, but in goodness and piety and good example to her children. A woman will not expose her body as a pagan. What manner of example has she given to her children? Woe to the parent who brings scandal to her children!
     "Woman, remove your arrogance! You are searching in darkness. As a sign of reverence, you will cover your head. It is not that I call it custom, My children; it is that the angels demand this in the presence of the Sacrifice, Mass!" - St. Paul, March 22, 1975

Veronica - Now coming through the sky there's a man. He's dressed in a long white gown. He has hair that's reaching to his shoulders. It's gray, gray-brown in color, and he also has a medium beard. Oh, I recognize him--Saint Paul. Oh!
     Now Saint Paul is carrying a very large book. And he has a, Our Lady said, a quill in his hand, a quill, and he's writing now on very hard parchment placed on the book.
Our Lady - "My child, you are observing the manner in which much was written down by your prophets." - March 18, 1976

Veronica - Now directly behind Him, I can see these men, two of them. They're quite elderly. Their beard and their hair is snowy white almost, and they're carrying what appears to be Bibles, large books. Jesus says, "Tomes. They are called tomes."  And now behind them are other figures dressed like monks or priests. Oh, they're very numerous. And Jesus is saying:
Jesus - "These, My children, are the true defenders of the Faith."
Veronica - Oh, there are many figures now. I recognize coming down from the sky, Saint Paul, Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Luke, John, and then there's a word appearing over a group that's standing on the left: "MARTYRS." And they're all dressed in white, but they're carrying like bishops' staffs--you know, crosiers, those hooks, you know, the long sticks. And they're wearing about their heads, though, a very strange wreath-like--they look like grass wreaths or some kind of a plant; they're green. They look like, just like the crucifixion wreath upon Jesus' head.
Jesus - "They, too, My child, carried their cross." - September 7, 1976

Veronica - The sky is beginning to open, and I see a great many people there. Oh, I recognize some! I see Saint Theresa, and looking over, and there's Saint Catherine. Oh, my! And Pope John!
     Pope John - "Oh! Ho, ho!  Oh, no, I am not any thinner yet!"
Veronica - Oh! Oh! And then, over . . . he's pointing over now, Pope John. He's got a lot of rings on his fingers! And he's pointing over, and he's pointing--it's a very large book. And he's saying:
Pope John - "The Bull! The Bull!"
Veronica - Oh, he means to find out about a Bull? Oh, a book? A Bull?
Pope John - "Rules and Regulations . . ."
Veronica - Pope John says: 
Pope John - "Rules and Regulations must be followed. This modern world has given itself to satan. Rules and regulations must be followed."
Veronica - Now he's smiling. He's very . . . well, he's always smiling. He's a very happy man. Oh! - February 1, 1975

"I left behind with you many writings, warning of what was to come about when I left your earth. Why have you cast them aside? They were inspired from the Father. You are traveling now onto the road of modernism, and rationalizing your offenses against the Father." - St. Pius X, October 2, 1973

"I recognized, my child, the evils that were to fall upon the world. Search for the knowledge I have left to you. I, too, was enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Read well the legacy of truth that I left to you. Modernism must be erased from your world!" - St. Pius X, September 7, 1974

Veronica - And now pointing over, I see another . . . I see another man. He's--oh!
     "Pope Pius XII," he said. Oh! And he now is pointing over to the book, also.
Pope Pius XII - "Rules and regulations, my child, they must be followed. You will not change the rules to suit the man. The rules have already been written down. There is no reason to have them rewritten. It is satan who is rewriting the rule. Awaken from your stupor! Take the cobwebs from your minds! You are blinded to the truth. A sad state exists in the House of God. Awaken from your slumber!"
Veronica - He looks like he's a small man. He's thin and has a close shaven head. It looks like his hair is quite thin, and he's wearing one of those beanies--a yarmulke, I guess you'd call it, on his head. And now he's smiling, and he's waving his head yes, like this.
     Oh, and he's also dressed very beautifully, all in white. And I can see his white slippers--just beautifully, like white satin. Oh, it's just beautiful. - February 1, 1975

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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