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#439 - Glory and Honor, Part 1

"For that which is at present momentary and light of our tribulation, worketh for us above measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glory." - 2 Corinthians 4:17

"Accept all of your trials upon earth, My children, knowing that they can be used well for your presentation of your soul when you come over the veil before the Eternal Father for judgment. Gather your graces while you are upon earth. Store them in Heaven! It is the only treasure that you should seek. Everything else, My children, is passing. Every life when placed upon earth has a set time for removal. While you are upon earth you are there to do honor and glory to your God in Heaven. You must know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this world, so that you will be happy with Him forever in the next." - Our Lady, June 1, 1978

"Your world, the earth, is now covered in deep spiritual darkness. It is a sad fact, My children, that man has not profited by his past nor learned through a sad experience. Therefore, I have come to warn you over and over that unless you turn from your ways that offend your God and return the state of earth into even a small resemblance of its glory under God, you will receive a most terrible Chastisement. And many shall die in the Ball of Redemption.
     "My children, it is a sad fact also that human nature must often be brought to a chastisement to awaken mankind from his slumber. The Eternal Father watches with great anguish as man proceeds in becoming more debased and immoral." - Our Lady, May 3, 1978

"I give you the greatest of hope in your world of darkness that the victory shall be with Heaven. Know that the greatest trials suffered are but a small forfeiture for the great glory of being victorious over the adversaries loosed upon your earth. They come as creatures of night, but they must possess the bodies of humans. Understand this in the supernatural, My children: no man, woman, or child of reasoning is free from the attacks of satan.
     "Do not discard your sacramentals as being outdated or outmoded. Know the insidious plan of satan to remove your armor from you so that you will not have the necessary protection for your spirit, your soul, My children. The world will look upon you and call you with laughter and mockery, fanatics. The world will point their fingers at you and say that you are deranged. But know, My children, that I, too, knew the mockery of My own. But know that the greatest glory of all is a living martyrdom for your God, for great will be your glory in Heaven." - Jesus, September 7, 1976

"I am Theresa of the Infant Jesus. I sought not the riches of this world, but hid myself with poverty of body but richness of spirit. I found in my obscurity a far greater glory in the light from Heaven.
     "Follow my little way. Join me here in this glorious Kingdom. How worthless the things of the world when placed next to the glories of Heaven." - St. Theresa, October 2, 1970

"Do not be afraid, My child, to repeat all that I have made known to you. They will call you a prophet of doomsday. Ah, but, My child, how sad it will be when they recognize all that was given to them, the knowledge that they chose to cast aside, caring more for the things of their world than for the joys and treasures of Heaven that cannot ever by despoiled or removed. A life eternal with happiness and glory discarded for the pleasures of the world of satan! O My children, is it not any wonder that My tears fall! They fall as teardrops from Heaven. I am truly a Mother of great sorrow!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1974

"My child, what has happened to the processions in honor of your God and the memory of the suffering My Son? We do not see any down upon earth. Can this not be restored for the glory of Heaven?" - Our Lady, September 13, 1974

"In order to follow My Son, My children, it will truly be the way of the cross. It is not an easy road, but the final conclusion of your stay upon earth will be as dramatic as any scene that man can ever experience upon earth. I assure you, My children, over the veil you will see a glory and a beauty beyond anything man could ever vision! I assure you again, My children, it is well worth the battle that you remain upon the narrow road, rejecting the things, the enticements of the world, and storing your supernatural graces in Heaven for your entry into the Kingdom." - Our Lady, April 1, 1978

"There will be many saints coming out of the great tribulation. They will be called the latter-day saints, My children. There are crowns of joy, stars, and lights awaiting many who will come over the veil as martyrs.
     "The children must be guided by the family. The truth, the Faith, the Tradition must be instilled in their hearts by the mothers and fathers of a family. Do not expect your children to go beyond your doors and be instructed in truth, for the world has been given to satan. Many who should be showing a firm and true ex­ample have gone the easy way of the flesh, for they care more for the treasures and glory of this world, earth, than what the future has for them." - Our Lady, December 6, 1975

"I admonish My pastors, those who have gathered My flock, My sheep, to take a good look at yourselves. Contemplate in prayer; retire from your world which has been given to satan. You must make your decision now, if you will fulfill your role upon earth as pastors, as leaders of My flock. If not, you will be taken from among them. Your soul in darkness shall continue fast into the abyss.
     "Many who have been given the highest honors in My Church have used their positions of leadership to destroy the knowledge of the light from Heaven, to destroy souls by misleading. Errors abound in My House, errors built with motives of self-gain and glory. What will it get you? What do you gain when you destroy your soul?
     "I do not have to repeat anew the warnings given to you in the past. You will act upon these warnings and restore My House! I have given you a firm foundation of Faith. What are you build­ing now? Churches of man?" - Jesus, December 6, 1975

"You, My child, Veronica, will continue the work that has been given to you. I have made a promise to you, and We intend to keep this promise, My child. So remember when the days ahead are filled with rocks and thorns, the glory beyond the veil will make up for all the suffering of My children who remain true to Me will endure in the days ahead.
     "You will continue without stopping to bring the words of My Mother to the world. Every soul will be given a free choice. Should he fall, it will now be of his own choosing." - Jesus, September 14, 1971

"Do not surrender your soul for honor and glory of your world, a temporary state of honor and glory that you must discard when you come over the veil. You will stand before the Eternal Father in judgment with nothing of worldly nature or value, but only what you have stored for your entrance into the Kingdom.
     "You must then, My children, live in the spirit. You must live in your world but not be of the world, for the world now has been given to satan. The world will discard you, reject you, scorn you because you are not of the world. They will not understand your words, and laugh, be derisive, because you are speaking a language foreign to them, for you are speaking a language of the spirit, My child and My children. Therefore, you will not be affected by being called different or even, scornfully, crazy, for, My children, whatever the world will call you--accept the cross, for We are waiting with Our arms extended to receive you when your mission is finished." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976

"My children, I have come to earth from the beautiful realms of Heaven to warn you as a Mother. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix between God and man--neither seeking to take the glory from My Son, as many make accusations of. No, My children, I come in support of My sacrificed Son, for He is being resacrificed by mankind. My children, I have been through this whole ordeal in the past, and I watch now as you recrucify My Son. Is this how you have set yourselves about to repay Him for His sacrifice: by blaspheming His name, destroying His divinity, destroying the sheep?
     "I cry unto you as your Mother, O pastors, you shall all be made accountable to My Son for your errors. And in your arrogance you are setting up a new religion that falls far short of the plan of My Son given to you in the beginning." - Our Lady, March 18, 1978

"The sin of pride and the arrogance of many in My House, Church, have set a pattern of soul-destruction among the young. I have asked that all who have been given the glory from the Eter­nal Father to follow My road as pastors, shepherds of Our sheep--there is much lacking in their direction. I do not have to give a listing by name; the plan of the Eternal Father shall reach those who permit and commit evil in their vocations.
     "We ask that all remain steadfast in their missions. We ask that all do not leave now, but remain and await the Warning that will soon be given to mankind. We do not wish a separation or a division among Our sheep. You shall not compromise your Faith. You shall not be misled into error in the name of humanism and modernization.
     "Heresy abounds in My House. All manners of aberration and impurities are being tolerated by My pastors. I say unto you that you must now clean your House! No man who has been chosen from among the multitudes to be a representative from Heaven shall use his rank, his vocation to gain worldly treasures and fall into the pattern of worldly living to the sorrow of those souls entrusted to him. You must awaken now from your slumber. I repeat: cleanse My House now, or I shall set a Chastisement upon you!" - Jesus, March 18, 1976

"For you who have been given graces, much is expected of you. You must not fall asleep and just wait for the outcome of your mission. You must work and you must pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Your labors must not cease while you are upon the earth. Great shall be your reward in Heaven.
     "I promise you, My children, your labors shall bear great fruit for the eternal Kingdom of your God. You shall all gather one day with Me and We shall reminisce of the days upon earth and the glory that your efforts and your struggles through this mis­sion have brought to the Eternal Father, and the many souls that you have rescued from the abyss." - Jesus, March 18, 1976

"The way has been given to you in the past, and the way does not change. It is a simple way. The rules have been given and you change them for what? Were they imperfect? Have you considered the Eternal Father to be in error? I say unto you, you blaspheme in your consecration. I say unto you, you will return My House to its former status of honor, glory, discipline. You must, as shepherds, give a firm example of holiness.
     "My children, the saints in Heaven cry for all of the abominations being committed in My House upon earth, the Church. We do not want a separation within the ranks. United you will stand; divided you will fall!
     "There was great unity in My House upon earth, but man became unpious, unholy, and with itching ears he has listened to doctrines set forth by demons. Now, My shepherds, you will close your ears to your modernists and those who seek change and who will build a church of man. No, I say unto you, this shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father! You are permitted a long rule for reason. The Eternal Father hopes, in His merciful heart, that you will come out of your slumber and see the light. You are walking in darkness." - Jesus, July 15, 1977

"Therefore, I warn you now as your God: You will stop your intricacies within My Church. You will stop experimenting. I gave you the rules to follow many years ago, two thousand years approximately. And why now, two thousand years later, do you deem it necessary to change My Church upon earth? I, your God, say to you, you will be judged accordingly. You will return My Church to its former glory, and in that manner you will have more vocations and more entering the seminaries, and not fleeing from them as they hear the heresies and all other innovations that are going on within My Church. This is My last and final word to My clergy: Change now or suffer a just punishment and banishment.
     "My child, that message must go out strictly without change. You must not be worried nor affrighted by any of the message because it is a dire necessity. I can no longer stand by and watch, day by day without change, what is happening in My Father's palace upon earth. I say it in glory to the Father and the Holy  Spirit: it is His Church on earth." - Jesus, June 18, 1986

"The battle, my child, will accelerate very shortly, for there will not only be a great War of weapons of mankind, but it will be known soon throughout the world as a religious war. It will be the war against the Antichrist, who is here now!
     "Your newspapers, even those who call themselves Catholic, have fallen. They have now been given to the enemies of God, for when they seek to destroy the Church of the Son of God, they are enemies of God, and they are of the Antichrist.
     "Make it known, my child, that you all now are proceeding in the days of the Revelations. All will come to pass as given in the Book of life. There are many seers now throughout the world who will carry the message forward. Many must accept martyrdom, but the glory beyond the veil far exceeds the suffering of earth time." - St. Michael, August 21, 1974

"My child, make it known to all the workers of Heaven that We do not promise them riches, peace, or full tranquility upon earth, as they store their graces, their riches in Heaven. The greatest of glory and love shall be given to them over the veil.
     "I cannot promise any worker that he or she will be free from suffering while they are upon the earth. When you learn the value of suffering, My children, you will find that you will look forward for this opportunity to gather graces for other souls. You will understand this in time." - Our Lady, September 28, 1978

"There is a plan to deceive the nations. A delusion is allowed by the Father. This is the delusion that you accept upon earth that casts the darkness into the souls of mankind. This delusion I can give you, My child, in few words. It is a delusion evolved from humanism, brotherhood, modernism, all covered by the evils of satan. Deception upon deception. O heresy, mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you? Why have you cast aside the truth?
     "The cross of My Son is now becoming the cross of man. Man does not set himself to honor God through My Son, Who is God! No!  He has set up man to worship as an idol.
     "Return to the light and cast aside this deception, My children, for you only bring upon yourselves a punishment far greater than ever has been seen upon earth, and never shall be seen again. For when you go through this great Chastisement, there will be few creatures left upon earth." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974

"My child, there is much confusion in the world. We ask obedience--yes, We ask, My child, obedience. But this story I must repeat to you. It is one of truth. Your obedience is to the Father in Heaven. Abraham, directed to give his son as sacrifice: it is the law of God, as written by Moses, that thou shalt not kill; but when the Father had asked this sacrifice, he, Abraham, listened unto God, and knew that the law of God first and above all is, 'Thou shalt honor the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, with thy whole mind, and with thy whole body.'" - Our Lady, April 13, 1974

"My children, kneel before your God in the Eucharist. Do not stand like you stand in meeting halls, but kneel and give Him a just love and observance of honor." - Our Lady, July 14, 1979

"There cannot be a Church of My Son looking like a Quaker meeting place. It is the House of God, My children and My child; My Son's Church is a House of God, and all come to honor Him. They do not come to have a social gathering.
     "There must be holiness returned to My Son's Church. This responsibility weighs heavily on the shoulders of the clergy, the hierarchy. I assure you, My clergy, unless you act immediately upon the counsel from Heaven, many mitres shall fall into hell." - Our Lady, July 14, 1979

"Pray on your knees to honor My Son, to make reparation for those who do not honor My Son." - Our Lady, November 21, 1970

"Obedience, My child, obedience--how sad that the true meaning has met with distortion. Satan has used the rule of obedience to bring about the destruction of souls. There is, My child, only one majesty Who commands your obedience. This is the Father--the Father, the most high God in Heaven, the Kingdom of light. You must not honor man before your God. You must not sell your soul to man! For you, therefore, are selling your soul to the devil." - Our Lady, December 6, 1974

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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