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#445 - Christ the King
"These shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, because he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with him are called, and elect, and faithful." - Apocalypse 17:14
"O My children, how light you make My heart with the many Rosaries you send up
to Us. We look down upon a pagan world, and My heart bleeds for the blindness of
those souls being led to the slaughter. They are like sheep playing
"Why must you insult My Son? Can you not bend your
knees? Is He not your King?
"There is great disobedience to Our Vicar. These
disobedients are among his most trusted. Why do you seek the riches of this
world? Why have you forgotten your God?
"Sin has now become a way of life in your country.
Mothers, what will happen to your children outside your home? Protect your
children; for there is no salvation outside, the anchor of a good home dedicated
to Christ the King." - Our Lady, November 21, 1970
"If you know in your hearts, O pastors, that souls are in
danger of being corrupted, misled, and even destroyed, and you do nothing about
it, because you do not wish to offend your superiors, because you value your
life in this world too much and your good living; I assure you, O pastors, you
shall stand before My Son and He shall not know you. You will be disowned,
banished from eternal life in Heaven, and you shall join your father who is the
father of all liars, satan, and the prince of darkness.
greatest evil being now committed in My Son's House is denying His divinity,
defiling His sacred Body, casting mockery upon it, allowing immorality to enter
into My Son's House." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Many offenses are being committed in the House of God and
the hearts of many: offenses to tear down the divinity and true existence of My
Son in the Father." - Our Lady, May 10, 1973
"You were given a foundation of Faith based on Tradition and
knowledge of the prophets. You cannot start this new religion, for it will lead
you to one religion that is not of My Son, that will not have His true
foundation, and you will take My Son's Body and defame it, no longer giving the
knowledge of His divinity. What manner of foul escapades are you planning, O you
of little faith? Whatever shall become of you?" - Our Lady, August 5, 1976
"Cover your body before My Son! Do not defame and disgust Him by
your presence and your acceptance of His divinity! Why, you are naked like
pagans! Cover your heads! You do not follow the modernism and modes of an evil
generation. No! The angels demand that all respect be given to the divinity of
the Son of God in the houses throughout the world. Do not be misled by false
pastors--those who care more for their worldly living and their
easy living, and those who will not stand forward because the faith has become
weak, and defend My Son before the enemies of God! No! They, too, will be cast
aside with the goats. Fair warning I give. I cannot say that the Father is
satisfied with the teaching of those He has chosen to guide the children and
sheep of the world. No! I must say, there is great sorrow in Heaven." - Our
Lady, August 14, 1974
"My children, you are aware of one arm of the
octopus that you know as communism. I assure you, My children, that is but one
small arm of the octopus that is reaching out in all directions upon earth to
engulf man and enslave him. These arms reach out to promote a one-world
government and a one-world religion, a religion that shall not have My Son as
its head.
"The greatest harm to mankind is being
promoted through the channel of My Son's Church. Many who wear the red hats have
not turned to My Son. They reject His divinity; they reject Him as part of the
Godhead. They reject Him as their God, and they have joined forces with the
prince of darkness and his consorts."- Our Lady, December 28, 1976
"You cannot worship, you cannot follow two masters, for
one you will love, and the other you will hate or learn to hate. And is there
not much hate against My Son in the world now? Is there not much derision and
laughter and abominations against His divinity? Do you not take His sacred,
purified Body and cast it into the water font? Do you not, in your arrogance, do
you not, O pastors, protect My Son's Body, His Body that is being carried to be
mocked and abused in a form of worship from satan?
"O pastors, evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of you?" - Our Lady,
February 1, 1977
"When you, as a nation, give yourselves over to
debasement, immorality, and turn your backs upon your God, denying His divinity,
and denying His very existence among you, My children, the Eternal Father has no
other recourse but to chastise you." - Our Lady, August 5, 1976
"My children, I have come to earth from the beautiful realms of
Heaven to warn you as a Mother. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix
between God and man--neither seeking to take the glory from My Son,
as many make accusations of. No, My children, I come in support of My sacrificed
Son, for He is being resacrificed by mankind. My children, I have been through
this whole ordeal in the past, and I watch now as you recrucify My Son. Is this
how you have set yourselves about to repay Him for His sacrifice: by blaspheming
His name, destroying His divinity, destroying the sheep?" - Our Lady, March 18,
"The lessons of your Faith have been given to you for
all time without change. My Son is forever, for God is, God was, and God always
will be. My Son is your God in the Father and the Holy Ghost. Do not cast aside
your knowledge in faith of the Trinity. Do not cast aside your knowledge in
faith of My Son's divinity. Do not recrucify My Son upon your earth and in His
Church, His House. You call upon you a heavy hand of punishment from the Eternal
Father!" - Our Lady, December 24, 1976
"Many victim souls are needed, victims in reparation for the
offenses to the divinity of My Son." - Our Lady, December 24, 1974
"Do you not recognize, My children, that satan will seek
to distort and deny My words? Open your ears! Pray for the light! As shepherds,
why do you choose to cast Me aside when I have been sent to you by the Father?
"The offenses to the divinity of My Son
are great!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1974
"It was, My children, a sinister plan from the depths of
hell to remove the knowledge of the divinity of My Son from among you. A Church
in darkness wears a band of death about it. All that is rotten shall fall!" -
Our Lady, February 10, 1978
"My children, you must protest the offenses being committed
against the divinity of My Son. Prayer is a great weapon, but unless you act and
pray too, My children, you proceed nowhere. You become lax, indifferent; apathy
sets in. Each and every individual of conscionable age shall be tested." - Our
Lady, November 1, 1977
"My children, you have all looked for the easy road to My Son's Kingdom.
The road to Heaven is not a road of acceptance of what pampers and you find is
satisfying to your worldly being. You must deny yourself of these enticements
which have been created by satan. I look upon your world and have found that sin
has become a way of life with you. Come out of the darkness!
"The hope that you can offer to those who have been led
astray is the knowledge that when the Father forgives, He forgets. He does not
wish that one of His children be given to satan. Your world and leaders--and
yes, those in My Son's House--have forgotten the value of prayer. They will not
recover and ransom souls with idle talk. They must now go down on their knees
and make atonement for their offenses against their God, starve their bodies of
the demons that they have allowed to enter upon them.
"Shall My Son find even a small flicker of light, of
faith, in the hearts of His children when He returns? Woe unto an unrepentant
generation! The numbers counted will be in the few." - Our Lady, November 20,
"Before the coming of My Son, My child, many martyrs will be among you. It
is the will of the Father, the Eternal Father in Heaven, that all must carry
their crosses to gain the Kingdom." - Our Lady, November 22, 1975
"Your country must bring back public prayer. Your country must make atonement
for the offenses being committed against the God, your Lord, the King of Heaven
and earth, your Creator.
"Man upon earth has chosen to give honor to man. After
the great cleansing, the fruits of man's hands shall fall! Much will be reduced
to ashes and rubble. He will rebuild in the manner the Father directs, under the
direction of the Father." - Our Lady, August 21, 1973
"I have asked you in countless visitations to earth to pray and pray again
that Russia would not send her errors
throughout the world. But you did not listen, carried away with the cares of
your world, being materialistic, casting aside spirituality for power and greed.
What will you gain if you obtain this power and you leave your earth without
merit and cannot enter the eternal Kingdom of Heaven?
"There are scoffers, there are many who go about
saying, 'And when is He coming, My Son, upon earth? He Who says He is King, when
shall He return?'
"I say unto you, scoffers and unbelievers: He shall
come when He is ready to come; for if He does not come there will be no flesh
left upon your earth!" - Our Lady, March 15, 1978
Veronica - Now Our Lady is turning over to Her left side. And now--oh,
She's holding in Her arms a small child. It's a little Boy. He's very pretty. He
has golden hair; it looks like a light brown. And He's sitting now in Her arm.
He also has a beautiful crown on His head. It's made of red velvet with golden
trim. And He's dressed like a little King. He has on a red velvet little cape,
and His gown is quite long. But He is barefooted, because I can see His feet;
they're underneath the gown.
"Oh, Our Lady . . . yes."
"Oh! Oh, He's weightless! He's very light. He's very
pretty. Oh, He's very beautiful, but He has no weight. Oh! Oh, yes! Oh!
Our Lady . . . He's--little Jesus, He is weightless. A little Boy. Oh, He's not
two years old."
Our Lady says:
Our Lady - "Yes, you're right, My child. He is not two years old. He is a year
and one-half."
Veronica - Oh! Now it's growing dark. The blue lights are all about the trees.
Oh, the blue lights are all about the trees, but it's growing dark. And Our Lady
now is going behind the trees. I can barely see Her.
She has now the Baby still in Her arm. He's very
beautiful. I'm still looking into His face. And He doesn't have the face of a
usual child. His face . . . His face has the . . . only one word--the "wisdom of
the ages" in His face. - August 14, 1973
"The direction to the Kingdom has been given to you all the duration of
life on your earth. It is a simple plan of love. You do not offend and hurt
those you love; so why have you chosen to offend and hurt Jesus and our Mother,
Mary?" - St. Theresa, March 25, 1973
“My children, kneel before your God in the Eucharist. Do not stand like you
stand in meeting halls, but kneel and give Him a just love and observance of
honor.” - Our Lady, July 14, 1979
“All honor must be given to My Son in the Eucharist. Man must kneel. My Son’s
House is the House of God and a house of prayer, and it must not be turned into
a meeting hall.” - Our Lady, July 25, 1979
"I have asked you to get down on your knees. Clergy in My Son's House, His
Church, restore the altar railings, that man may be on his knees. For many shall
crawl on their knees in desperation seeking to flee, but nowhere shall they
escape the flames. Restore My Son's Church while there is time. Return the
railings! Have the people make atonement upon their knees to their God!" - Our
Lady, May 30, 1981
"You must understand, My child, that man is now trying to build another new
religion, a new church, and it will not be of My Son. It will be a new religion
that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator. And know, My children,
that when one man, or a select group of men, gain so much power over individuals
and an individual, know that no evil can be controlled then, and the eventual
end is destruction, death, suffering." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976
"My children, retain your Faith; do not take the light from within your homes.
There are many candles of light now burning throughout your world. These candles
shall not be extinguished by the darkness. The gates of hell shall not prevail
against My Church.
"Though the world and My Church shall go through a
crucible of suffering, you will emerge from it victorious and stronger. However,
My children, the one fold and the one shepherd is not as man thinks it will be.
It shall not be under a dictator, or a one-world religion, or a one-world
government, for I am the Good Shepherd. I am your Shepherd and I shall gather My
"No man shall set himself to rise above his God and
command the power of his God. Man is not a god in himself. I hear claims of
this, My children. It is a falsehood from satan! Man was made in the image of
his God, but he is not a god! There is only one God." - Jesus, February 10, 1977
"My children, I must enlighten you on a sad fact. You shall not win converts by
joining in their errors and misrepresentations. Prayer is the most powerful
weapon against evil. You cannot condone a wrong; you cannot compromise your
Faith. You must not join the enemies of My Son. All who do not accept Him as the
Messiah, all who reject Him in His House--they are of the Antichrist!
"There is a conspiracy of evil throughout your world,
My children. This conspiracy seeks to unite all under what they call one fold
and one shepherd. But they are deceived. My Son is the shepherd. He will come
and set all to right in due time. But evil man has set himself up as an idol for
worship. He caters now to the basic carnal nature of mankind. The cross of My
Son is being bent to the left. The cross of My Son is bending, heavy under the
weight of traitors!" - Our Lady, December 6, 1975
"You ask, My child, how a state such as this could come upon human nature? My
child, it is because of this very basic human nature and frailties that man, in
exercising his own free will, has brought the world of mankind to the brink of
destruction; because man has rejected the teachings, the teachings of old, the
teachings that never shall grow old, for they are the basic foundations from
your God, the Eternal Father, your Creator. And now you reject your Creator, and
in your arrogance and pride, you seek, as did Lucifer, to dethrone your Creator,
and set up a world government of man.
"O My children, you are heading toward the fatal abyss. O My children, now the
world is proceeding in the same path as Lucifer started, and was cast forever
from the Kingdom
of God. Lucifer, in his arrogance, was given
much knowledge, but he used this knowledge against his God! He, too, had a free
will." - Jesus, September 28, 1977
"I cannot at this time give you the full import of the existence of this web of
evil throughout the world. It is the major plan of satan to bring about a
complete one-world government and a one-world religion. And it will not be of My
Son. It will be a church of man based on humanism, modernism, and satanism." -
Our Lady, October 1, 1977
"Your world, mankind, is now developing into a one-world government and a
one-world religion that will cast aside My Son. Woe, I say unto you, as I cried
before, that unless you pray, unless you act now, 666 shall entrench himself in
Rome, the Eternal City of Rome, and then it shall become
the seat of the antichrist forces. My children, remove the blindness from your
hearts and your eyes. Can you not recognize what is happening?" - Our Lady,
December 7, 1977
"I ask all to become apostles of these last days because it will be necessary
now for man to understand and acknowledge the supremacy of His God in Heaven. I
ask that all who have been born into and baptized into the true Faith to go
forward as apostles of light, disciples for Heaven in these latter days. The
knowledge must be given to those who cannot comprehend, who have hardened their
hearts and closed their ears--the knowledge must be given to them that My Son is
the Messiah; My Son has been upon earth, and He shall return again as He
ascended." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"Seek the light, My children. It is a simple way. I am the way, I am the light.
I've left a legacy to you. Nourish your souls with My Body and Blood. Do not
abandon Me at the tabernacles of earth. My children, you must eat of the Bread
of life. And I am the way." - Jesus, October 6, 1977
"My children, the way? I am the way. The way, the plan was given to you. It is a
simple plan of childlike submission to truth, doctrine, and Tradition. Man seeks
to build a new way for himself based on humanism and modernism, and all of the
other defilements, division, and destruction of souls that shall accompany these
efforts." - Jesus, November 19, 1977
"Arrogance, pride is always the beginning of the end. It is only in the simple
hearts of man, the simple hearts, the child-like candor of an adult, that the
truth will be found and the way. I am the way! No one shall come to the Father
but through Me, for I am the way. All who deny My visit to your world, all who
have not accepted Me as the Messiah, they are against Me, and as such, will seek
to destroy all who uphold the truth." - Jesus, August 5, 1974
"My children, the world, your world cries peace, peace, when there is no peace,
for they are looking for peace without their God. In their arrogance, as satan
whispers to them, they believe that they have risen far above their God and can
establish a utopia upon earth. They run about like chickens without heads,
crying peace, peace, and love and brotherhood. Better that they get down upon
their knees and ask their God for enlightenment." - Our Lady, November 1, 1976
"Peace will not be given to mankind until he makes atonement to a dishonored
God. The saints in Heaven cry out for vengeance upon a wicked generation." - Our
Lady, June 18, 1976
"Your world which cries for peace, the words come from the mouths of those who
are lying. For while they cry peace, they make provisions for destruction. Peace
will not be restored to mankind until My Son in the Trinity is restored to your
homes and the hearts of your families." - Our Lady, June 18, 1981
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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