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#455 - Conversion, Part 1

"To you first God, raising up his Son, hath sent him to bless you; that every one may convert himself from his wickedness." - Acts 3:26

"I send upon you graces in abundance, graces for the asking, the power of cure and conversion through prayer, instruments for the conversion of sinners. All sacramentals blessed on the sacred grounds of My Son--I say My Son, for I give no credit, My children, to Myself as the Queen of Heaven, but do honor to the Father of Heaven and earth, for the graces He chooses to send you for the conversion of your souls." - Our Lady, February 10, 1973

"We have allowed you to accept a heavier cross, for in this way I have fulfilled a promise to you that your children will be saved. One will enter into your family on conversion.
     "I have asked all My children to bring the light to those who are in darkness. By your example you may convert and bring others back to My Son." - Our Lady, December 24, 1972

"I have asked you to pray for the conversion of Russia. Have you not prayed for her as a nation, for the peoples who are led in darkness? And these errors are being sent throughout your world. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. The leaders of your country are slowly succumbing to the evil. The example among your leaders is poor." - Our Lady, August 14, 1975

"With the extension of the Rosary, many shall now receive the power through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to bring health of body and health of spirit to each soul. You will find that your Rosary beads shall turn color again. The stems will become pure gold. So do not cast aside your Rosary, thinking falsely, as satan would whisper into your ear that they're not good anymore and must be thrown away. That you will understand, that every Rosary that has been blessed by the presence of the Mother of God, Jesus, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Ghost, know that these Rosaries are very powerful. So you will keep them with you always, for they will have the power for cure and for conversion--cure of the ailing body and conversion of the sickened soul." - Our Lady, June 18, 1984

"Those who have little knowledge of the Book of life and love, the Bible, will fall easy prey to false witnesses who go about the world now, deceiving even some of the elect. You must read your Bible so that you will not be deluded by the written word. The Bible cannot be taken as sectional or piece by piece, but you must know the whole, for satan has poisoned many minds. And satan, too, can expound the Scriptures.
     "My child, you must not use the little strength you have to try to convert all upon earth. You will have to give this to the angels to do most of this work of conversion. Employ them now, My child, and you will find the road much easier for you." - Our Lady, May 26, 1979

"There are evil powers, My child, being set up to enslave your world. I have begged you, I have asked you through countless years to pray much for the conversion of Our adversary. One nation--Russia, My children--shall be your scourge, as they shall go across the world, ravenous in appetite, destruction as their means for enslaving the world!
     "Pray, My children, that they should but destroy your body and not your soul." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975

"My child, there will be very many victims upon earth: those who are willing to sacrifice their own pleasures, their own human pursuits, to give them over to the salvation of souls, their brothers and sisters, who are marked with the mark of satan and are seeking to take it away. There is only one way: conversion, and then cure of the sick soul." - Jesus, July 25, 1985

"Satan has been given much power. Luciel, cast out of Heaven onto earth, is doing great battle now with Our children. He knows that his time is growing short. His plan, My children--and listen well--is to capture the ruling body within My Son's Church.
     "You must not, O pastors, you must not compromise your faith; do not be misled. O pastors, you have forgotten your teachings. You must renew in a manner that is not new. You must go back, I say, go back and start anew with Tradition! You cannot separate Tradition, for you held the truth. You were given the grace, the greatest of gifts to mankind, to be born into or come into by conversion, My Son's Church. And now you go about, O you of little faith, to chip away and chop at the wall until it crumbles. But you shall not remove the foundation, for the foundation is My Son. You are recrucifying Him in His own House!" - Our Lady, April 10, 1976

"The Messages from Heaven, My child and My children, are given for all mankind. Much emphasis has been placed through time on the message to the clergy in My Son's House for reason. They are being deluded and misled by satan.
     "This has come about only because arrogance and pride has entered upon them. They no longer pray but have succumbed to the errors of humanism and modernism. Holiness must be returned to the vocation. And this can only be acquired by restoring prayer in My Son's House and especially the prayer life that is so lacking now in the clergy.
     "In your well-meaning actions of opening My Son's Church to all without conversion, you have allowed yourself to associate with heretics and unbelievers. In this manner you are compromising your Faith. My children, recognize what is happening now in My Son's Church.
     "The sin of mankind has not stopped at the doors of My Son's Church, but has entered. Many of the high clergy, the hierarchy, have succumbed for the riches of the world, for many are selling their souls to get to the head. Unless they repent of their actions and seek to restore My Son's Church to its former glory, many mitres shall fall into hell! All who cry 'Lord, Lord!' shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." - Our Lady, July 25, 1978

"The clergy upon earth, in all denominations, cannot give themselves over for experimentation, change with errors. For many souls shall be lost to Heaven. Clergy in My Son's House in Rome, under the direction of the Seat of Peter, you must recognize that the world is closing in upon you, and you will die on the vine if you conform with it.
     "Convert the unbeliever. All Heaven cries for conversion. Do not go forward with the delusion any longer that you will bring souls into My Son's House, His Church, by change. You will find you will lose souls, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.
     "Go forward for the redemption of mankind out of this present world of sin. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice We ask for all mankind now. Your future is now. What the Eternal Father had planned originally for your future shall be now. The decision is now with mankind. A great Chastisement approaches upon you." - Our Lady, July 25, 1978

"Only a few will be saved. As it was in the day of Noe, so it will be now in your time. The peoples will be eating and drinking and making merry, and marrying and giving in marriage, and divorcing. People shall run to and fro, seeking knowledge and the material. Recognize, My children, the signs of your times. The scrolls have unfolded; the pages are turning fast. All must come to pass.
     "I repeat, My children: the world shall not be destroyed. It is the promise of the Eternal Father that never again shall the world be completely destroyed, but gradually all will be evened. The forces of evil shall run their course, as it will be a measure of testing for human mankind. All that is rotten will fall.
     "Many are now proceeding as sheep to the slaughter. They travel with their leaders, neither thinking nor caring nor reasoning for the truth. They are truly, My children, like ducks fast going downstream and caught in a whirlpool to their own destruction. It is a game most disastrous of playing follow the leader. And who are your leaders, My children? They are souls that have been taken over by satan, and now are under his rule. Pray for them. Until they leave their human bodies, they still can be recovered. Pray for their conversion." - Our Lady, August 5, 1976

"The Father sends many graces upon you. He has chosen this center of atonement with great purpose. Many will be saved. Many miracles of cures and conversions will go forth through the world from these hallowed grounds. The cause of Heaven shall not be stopped. The well of curing will arise, and man will not stop the waters from flowing.
     "Know well, man, that you cannot defy the Father, for it is in the will of the Father that this land be claimed for the salvation of souls. All who come to these hallowed grounds, My child, will receive graces in abundance, graces of cure and conversion. The crippled shall walk, the blind shall see. Those in darkness shall come forward into the light.
     "My child, is it necessary for Me to repeat My words? Have I not reached the world with an essence of the truth? The truth lies in every man's heart, for every man has been given an inbuilt conscience from the Father. However, of your own will can you shut off your contact with your Father, for you give yourself to the world." - Our Lady, February 1, 1974

"You are living now in the times known in your world as the Antichrist, against My Son. All who reject My Son as the Messiah cannot enter into the Kingdom! What fallacy is there being permitted in My Son's House! You are uniting unbelievers for your own destruction. My Son founded His House upon earth. You will not bring in unbelievers and change it! You will not convert souls by permissiveness. You will destroy! You feed the bodies and you destroy the souls.
     "We shall rise up among you--My Son has a plan--the latter day saints, the saints of the last days. Our armies, My child, are building up to fight satan. Know that the eventual victory is with Us. With this knowledge, go forward with great hope and perseverance. Accept all of the scorn of the world, all the rejection of mankind; for, My child, My own will know Me.
     "The voice of truth, the Message from Heaven, will go throughout the world. And then will come the end.
     "The Father has deemed it necessary, My child, to increase the numbers of photographs miraculous. They will be of great consolation to many. They will be a means for the human eye to see. They will verify and make known the truth, for the faith has become so weak that man will not believe unless he sees. And this We are giving to you, My children. The Father sends you graces in abundance, graces for cure and graces for conversion. Gather them while there is time, for the time is growing short." - Our Lady, July 15, 1974

"There is great danger of separation from Rome, My children. For mankind is searching, searching into a world that they can never fathom. We see upon your world many organizations and secret societies. They are of satan.
     "As in the days of Noe, My child, so it is in your time. Many have given themselves to the worship of false idols. Many have given themselves to the worship of satan. Abominations are being committed in the lay lives and also within the houses of My Son. Permissiveness will not guarantee conversion, My children. Your example has sent many from the path.
     "All who have been chosen by the Father to be given the grace of Baptism shall have, from that day forward, a covenant with the Lord." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"My child, I have been here all day. There have been many devout souls coming with great pleas that have touched My heart. Many will receive cures of conversion, and of bodily ailments. However, many will also be asked to carry the cross as victim souls to the merciful love of the Father.
     "The creation of the Father, earth, is in great distress, My child. There is a great Warning approaching earth. Many who receive My message will cast it aside as creating fear. How sad this is, for they are misled.
     "There are many false teachers among you, My children. You have the Faith. You must keep the truth in your hearts. The Book of life has been changed to suit the basic carnal nature of mankind. You must not read the new Book of life recently published. You will search through your stores and recover the truth in writings. This must be before the year of 1964 in your earth-years." - Our Lady, August 5, 1974

"You use in your world the word 'death.' My children, there is no death. There is no death. Your life will continue. The life hereafter will be eternity and forever. Satan has sought to remove the reality of hell from among you. You can sin when you think there is no punishment. Recognize the truth! You are walking in blindness.
     "I promise all who come to Me on My hallowed grounds to comfort them in their suffering. Many graces of cure and conversion will be given from Our hearts. There is nothing the Father would not do to rescue you, My children. Do not turn away from Us so your ears are closed to Our pleas. Close your eyes to your world; close your ears. Listen with your heart, and you will receive the light.
     "You will find that love is in unity. My children, unite now against the common enemy of your God. Turn from the enticements of your body he has set forth." - Our Lady, June 8, 1972

"My child, make it known to all those who have accepted Our invitation to come to these consecrated and sacred grounds that there will be an abundance of cure and conversion--cure of the spirit and cure of the body, return to the Faith. All this will be accomplished by your prayers and your tests of faith."  - Our Lady, July 1, 1974

"You will extend all your sacramentals. I will place upon these the power for conversion and cure, the power to retrieve from the wiles of satan those who would otherwise be on the dark road leading to the prince of darkness." - Jesus, July 25, 1973

"My child and My children, I must caution you now to repent of your sin. The United States of America has fallen from grace. Your country, My child, and many countries of the world are paganized, giving themselves, their peoples, over to all manner of sin and evil that must be cleansed. It will be cleansed through penance or suffering--suffering that will bring not only death to the body, but death to many souls before they can recover with conversion.
     "Do you not know, My children, that you must look for the light from Heaven to know the truth. The medias of the world are controlled now. You will know nothing of the actual factual truth. You will be given only what those in command wish you to know." - Jesus, May 23, 1979

"My children, you must all unite in prayer, link for link, using the sacramentals given to you from Heaven, the beads of prayer, your Rosary, the Scapular of life; for I promise you all who wear the brown Scapular shall never feel the fires of hell. Even the greatest of sinner will be converted and saved if he will wear the brown Scapular when he passes over the veil, when he leaves, My child and My children, his body at the moment you call upon earth death." - Our Lady, August 14, 1979

"This will tell you, My child and My children, that the major Chastisement shall be a Third World War, which is in the planning now. Russia has not been converted. And why? Because the Message I gave many years ago to the little children, and to those who had the heart to seek for the truth, I told them that unless they prayed the Rosary and wore their brown Scapulars, death shall be a place among the living: death such as no man could perceive in his human mind, to see the destruction of missiles and other contemptible, technological implements, made strictly from the knowledge of satan.
     "In the Church, My child, cry with Me. My tears fall upon you and your children, and all of the children of the world, because of the fact that many shall die in the great flames of the Ball of Redemption; and also, the technological weapons of the enemy, Russia. All of these munitions are being sent throughout the world. They are building up armaments beyond what man could conceive. This you must know because only you, My children, who hear My words and act upon them, shall be saved." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985

"You will not concern yourself, My child, of the opinion of man. Your mission is to give the message as a voice-box of Heaven. When this is done, you will pray and leave the rest to the Father. Souls can be converted by prayer and example. Speak once and if not hastened, speak no more, but pray. We do not condone evil, but you must keep in heart that it is not always their decision. Speak once and if not hastened, speak no more." - Our Lady, July 15, 1973

"Your world has been plunged into deep darkness of spirit. The separation of the sheep and the goats continues.
     "You ask, my child, why do the wicked prosper? The Eternal Father has the answer, my child. Each soul is important to Him. The wicked must be converted. Every chance must be given to them to recover their souls." - St. Michael, November 1, 1975

"My children, your doctrines of faith have been given to you, the dogmas of your religion, and you cannot change them without bringing destruction upon yourself and My Son's Church.
     "My Son died for mankind upon the cross--He died for all men, but all shall not enter unless they are converted from their sins. The word 'many,' My children, is always more appropriate, for all have not entered and all shall not enter into the Kingdom of eternal life. Many have fallen into hell, forever damned." - Our Lady, May 27, 1978

"My child and My children, do not be affrighted. Were it to be that I can come to you as a Mother of glad tidings, I should be the first to come to you and throw My arms about you, and solace you with the great knowledge that you have received a time permitted only by the Eternal Father to settle your estates, and your way of life to change it, to be on the narrow road to Heaven. Do not forfeit your life, your eternal life, by wishing or coveting material gains of this world, for none shall follow you over the veil to plead your cause.
     "The enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again. Tears shall be banished, and mothers shall not sorrow until they die of grief for the loss of their children and their sons.
     "My child and My children, I want you to understand that We have been patient with only the patience that God the Eternal Father in the Holy Ghost could manifest to you. No human being can understand the suffering that We have resolved Ourselves to for your salvation and the salvation of all of the souls upon earth." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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