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#475 – The Saints Cry Out, Part 1

“And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord (holy and true) dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” – Apocalypse 6:10

“The world will go into deep darkness. Prayer will be your only recourse. The light will flicker throughout the world, and man will be plunged into heavy darkness. My Mother will be here on these sacred grounds.
     "The saints cry out in Heaven for retribution against evil man. The balance has fallen heavily to the left, and man now will receive the just recompense of his evil.
     "All who have remained in the light will pass through this great cataclysm without fear, knowing that it is in the plan of the Father to shake from the trees all the rotten fruit. Amen, amen, I say to you: This generation shall not pass without chastisement!" – Jesus, November 1, 1973

Our Lady - "My child, sit with Me while I have discourse with you on the conditions of your world that bring great sorrow to My heart, and My Son's heart.
"As I have traveled through countless earth-years upon your earth, I have begged for penance and atonement, crying tears of pity for mankind. The hand of My Son grows heavy. The voices of the saints cry out for a just punishment upon a degenerate generation. O My child . . ."
Veronica - Oh, Our Lady now is placing Her hands over Her face. She's so sad.
Our Lady - "My child, many seek to comfort Me in My sorrow, but many more must comfort My Son in His sorrow. The abominations being committed by mankind, even entering into the House of My Son, His Church, have torn His heart anew.” – June 16, 1977

"No man is above the Eternal Father. Every man shall stand before Him. He must give a good account, in merits, of his conduct upon earth. The veil is before all. All must enter and be counted.
     "In your world, My children, the sheep are being separated from the goats. The forces of evil are fighting the light. We watch while the saints cry out for vengeance. How much blood shall be shed to wash your world! Blood shall flow in the streets. Madness shall take hold of mankind until there will be no trust, no love in the hearts of those who have not turned to the light and the Eternal Father. Murder shall become a way of life! How much shall man set upon himself in evil before he awakens to the fact that he has set about his own destruction!
     "Many have been baptized, washed clean in the Faith, and now have chosen to destroy.” – Our Lady, September 6, 1975

"I could bring to you a truth, My children, a truth that goes by unnoticed: that you cannot have Heaven on earth, or you could not share in Heaven in Heaven, My child. I offer you a key to the Kingdom, My child and My children. All you have to do is seek and you shall find the truth. I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children. There is reason for that, which I shall not go into this evening.
     "Our hearts are torn asunder here in Heaven. The saints cry out, 'When will justice be meted to mankind? How long, O Lord of Lords, must we wait for the return of the good souls to Heaven? Seeing them crucified on earth makes our hearts grow heavy. How long, O Lord,' the saints cry, 'shall this carnage be permitted?' My child and My children, by now if you have only read a portion of My Mother's travels and Her words to the world, you will have an idea how much time is left.” – Jesus, October 5, 1985

St. Michael - "Harken to my words, O man of sin! You shall not defile or defame the Mother of God, the woman of virtue and purity whom you seek to dethrone in Her place among you. Vengeance, the saints cry out for vengeance! How long will you survive the Ball of Redemption?"
Veronica - Oh, my goodness! Oh, there's--up in the sky, there's that tremendous thing, a ball of fire. It looks like another giant sun. Oh, my! It looks like a giant sun; it's so big! And it's spinning. There are two suns! It looks just like two suns. They're almost the same size. Oh, the one on the left is spinning, though; it's heading towards the other one. Oh, my! Oh, it's like two suns in the sky. They're tremendous! Oh, the ball on the left is coming very fast. It's an absolute ball of fire, and it's giving out like trails of gases, like it's vapors, because they're not solid. It's like flames and smoke and vapors.” – September 7, 1974

"Veronica, My child, and all the children of the world, I do not this evening intend to go through a long discourse on all of the sins that are rising to Heaven, with the saints crying out for retribution because of them. They cry out, 'When, O when, dear Lord, shall You give fair retribution to mankind upon earth, who put the saints to death?'
     "My child, you do not understand the full meaning of that message, but in due time I will make it known to you.
     "I want you, My child, to tell the world that, as your God, there shall be great suffering placed upon mankind in the near future--more so than the plague that was allowed to be sent down upon you, AIDS. We warned you over and over again, through years of visitations upon earth, My Mother going to and fro to warn you that those who have given themselves over to debasement by the practice of homosexuality, birth control, abortion and all other aberrations that bring sorrow to My Mother's heart--this must be stopped now. There shall be no excuse accepted in Heaven by the saints, nor by My Mother and I, or the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost, for what you are doing upon earth now.” – Jesus, June 6, 1987

"There will come upon the world a great trial. This trial will enter into the House of My Son. Perseverance will be fruitful.
     "The truth has been given into every man's heart by the Father. He has in his will the power, as a human, to accept or reject the truth. He will do this in bargaining for the pleasures and riches of a temporary world, discarding the eternal treasures of Heaven.
     "My children, why do you not learn the value of suffering? The books of truth have been removed from among you. You must read the lives of the founders of My Son's House and those great saints who cry in Heaven for vengeance upon satan and his agents--now! For many souls are being taken into the abyss.
     "The Eternal Father has set before you the rules and discipline for your salvation. They will not be replaced by the rules created by man to feed his worldly inclination for soul-destruction. Many will sell their souls to satan to get to the head.” – Our Lady, February 10, 1974

"My Mother and the saints in Heaven cry bitter tears of remorse and anguish for you. Your country and the world, My children, has become obsessed with immodesty and filth--all creations of satan, all soul destroyers. And how many of you go along your way--not My way, My children, but your way--to your damnation with your permissiveness, with your self-satisfaction, with your lust, and your desire for the material! Have you destroyed your soul so that you no longer recognize that one day each and every one of you must die in your body and come out of your body in your soul, your spirit eternal, that will live on forever?
     "My children, understand Me now: you do not die. Only your body must go back into the dust, but you do not die. You live on. But the choice is given to you whether you shall join Us in Heaven, or whether you must do penance in purgatory, be purged until your garments have been washed white and clean enough to enter the place of the Lamb. My children, there is also a place of eternal damnation, the abode of the prince of darkness, satan, the deceiver, the father of all liars.” – Jesus, December 31, 1976

"As a voice-box from Heaven, My child, you will not be free of the cross. Many victim souls are needed now throughout your world. The saints in Heaven cry for vengeance upon an ungrateful mankind.
     "I have traveled throughout your world with the warning from Heaven. Many have accepted and many have rejected. However, this message shall be given to all. Man has been given a free will and shall accept or reject, and it will be his punishment if he rejects.
     "The Eternal City of Rome shall go through a great convulsion. You will notice, My children, the many symbols of the noose. The noose means Judas. In the Eternal City of Rome, the forces are gathering to oust your Vicar. I cry bitter tears of remorse, for much has been given to your Vicar to suffer from those he has trusted. The Red Hats in the Eternal City of Rome have been given fair warning that they have set themselves onto the road to perdition. Sadly, they are taking many souls with them. The Red Hat has fallen, and the Purple Hat is being misled.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1976

"I bless you all, My children, and send among you the Paraclete. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer. And pray for your bishops, who now will enter upon a great test. Satan will sit among them in your city of Philadelphia. Therefore, you will all gather to them with your prayers and acts of penance, for you must balance the scale for them and not bring additional suffering to the hearts of My Mother and the saints in Heaven who cry out for a just punishment upon a deceitful and destructive mankind." – Jesus, June 24, 1976

"It is not only here in New York, My child, that My Mother has appeared. She has tried to make Her presence known in other places, but has been rejected. I cannot say how this hurts My heart; for I love My Mother as the Queen of Heaven--that She is, and also the Queen of all hearts. And most of all, She wishes to have the hearts of Her children upon earth, each and every one of them. For all that is lost, She cries constantly. Were it not for My Mother and your Mother, you would have received the Ball of Redemption much sooner than you expected. But My Mother held My heavy hand back, as the Eternal Father listened to the saints crying out from Heaven: 'When, O when, my Lord, shall a just punishment come upon the evil ones upon earth, who are sacrificing the saints?'” – Jesus, June 18, 1987

"Oh, the greatest of sorrow is upon Our hearts because of the loss of the little ones. Your country, My child, and many countries throughout your world, shall do great penance for the murders of the young, the abortions, the murders being committed in your country. The saints in Heaven cry out for punishment upon a wicked generation. Never in the past, in all the slaughters of history, has there been such wanton killing of the young and the innocent! I say unto you, as your God, you shall be brought down to your knees! You, evil mankind, you shall be cleansed in a bloodbath!
     "Your Eternal Father has watched, has waited with great patience for you to turn back and restore My House, to turn back and gather Our sheep.” – Jesus, February 1, 1977

"I realize, My child and My children, My counsel is often stern. But can I not impress upon you in any way the urgency of this Message from Heaven, the coming great War upon you, and then the Ball of Redemption?
     "My child, you understand well in My discourse in private with you the great numbers of deaths that will occur in your country. Therefore, My child, I do not ask you to tax your heart. But I ask you to make the decision of your own that you will continue unto your rest, giving as a voice-box from Heaven the Message that comes to all mankind from the Trinity through your humble Mother and all of the angels in Heaven, and the saints who cry now out for a just punishment upon mankind, so long have they observed the abominations committed against My Son.
     "Pray, My children. I repeat: Retain your sacramentals, make many sacrifices. Do not involve yourselves with worldly pleasures and pursuits, for the pleasures of the flesh have condemned many to hell." – Our Lady, August 14, 1979

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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