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#509 - What Does It Profit?

"For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?" - St. Matthew 16:26

"What you suffer on earth is not important. It's how you are laying up your merits to enter into the Kingdom.
    "And I repeat again, My child, as I say to you, that it will be easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than it will be for a rich man to enter Heaven. I say this for a reason, and to those to whom it is directed, they will fully understand. What does it profit a man if he goes about the world gathering all the riches of the world and loses his soul? Think of that well, O men of the Kingdom of God, who have lost their way while they seek the riches." - Jesus, September 27, 1986

"We wish, My child, that all who have given themselves to the work from Heaven, the mission upon earth, to go forward fearlessly, with great perseverance and courage. Know at this time, My child, and in the future, that no man has precedence over your life. Your life is the eternal life in the Kingdom of the Father. What will it profit one of My children if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul? Many will sell their souls to get to the head. And what have you gained but eternal damnation in the kingdom of the prince of darkness!
    "There is, My child, great evil in the world. When the world and My Son's houses are united into one, know that the end is at hand. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's House!" - Our Lady, November 1, 1974

"My children, all who are of conscionable age shall be held accountable for the salvation of their soul! You cannot place the lives of your children, their spiritual lives, into the hands of others, for these hands have been despoiled. Many children just beyond the cradle are being now degraded and desanctified and destroyed morally by their elders for profit and gain.
    "O woe! It has been said of old that money is the root of all evil, and money has become the god among mankind, for many are selling their souls to get to the head. And what does it gain a man if he gathers all of the world's treasures upon earth? He must leave them behind and stand naked before his God, unless he has covered himself with graces for his entrance over the veil." - Jesus, June 4, 1977

"The foundation for a young life is found in the family. We find much lacking in the example of many parents. They have for­gotten their role as parents, and they are feeding their children well with the contaminating abundance of your nation and the world; however, their souls are being starved for the light.
    "The role for the prosperity within a family is simple, My child. It is one of a dedication to the Eternal Father. What does it matter, My children, if you gain the whole world's goods and suffer the loss of your eternal soul? Your pilgrimage is but a short one upon earth. Have you stored your reward with Us, or have you given yourselves to the pleasures of the flesh and satan?" - Our Lady, March 18, 1975

"My child, you will be mocked for this message. You will be scorned by many, but you are bringing the truth.
    "The enemies within the Eternal City have opened the doors wide and allowed the enemies of God to enter. They consort with the devil."You will cleanse your city. You will send out the traitors, excommunicate the wrongdoers who do not repent of their sin. What does it gain a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? Your gathering in worldly wealth shall give you no passport to Heaven.
    "Come out of the darkness! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop! All that is rotten shall fall. Blood shall flow in the streets--revolution upon revolution! Do you not know--have you learned nothing from the past history of mankind--that the Father will chastise those He loves?
    "Awaken! You have fallen asleep, Our pastors! You shall not follow as sheep to the slaughter those pastors who have given themselves to satan, those pastors who have sold themselves to the world of satan. Many will sell their souls to get to the head." - Our Lady, September 27, 1975

"What does it gain a man if he gather all of the world's riches and suffers the loss of his soul? Your earth-years are few. Each man must pass beyond the veil and be judged. And do not fall for the delusion of there being no judgment, for, My children, you will find out too soon." - Jesus, September 14, 1976

"Pastors, cardinals, bishops in My House, My Church, what are you trying to rebuild, a church of man without angels to guide you? What are you trying to renew? Has not My Church, My House, withstood all of the trials of time? It will stand again, but My concern as your God is the number of souls that are being lost to Heaven in this trial! The Eternal Father does not want one sheep lost to Him! Each and every soul upon earth is precious to Him.
    "Pastors, when you come before Me for judgment, shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I will cast you away from Me into the fires of eternal damnation for your laxity and for your consorting with evil! Many are selling their souls to get to the head, and what does it gain a man if he gather all of the world's treasures? Not one of them can he take with him over the veil! Store your treasures in Heaven for your reprieve. It will be your true passport to Heaven. Without it you are lost!" - Jesus, August 14, 1978

"As in the days of Sodom, as in the days of Noe, My children, history repeats itself. You have learned nothing from the past, for you rebuild your future on sin to the point, My children, where you have eliminated a future.
"I hear words of mockery and derision; I hear words of My children who do not wish to accept the Message from Heaven. And why? Because they have hardened their hearts and closed their ears. And why? Because they love their sin! Many will sell their souls to get to the head. And what does it gain you, for one day you must come across the veil and be judged.
    "Do not fall into the error that is fast going throughout your world that there is no judgment, that there is no hell or a purgatory. My children, you are being deluded! There is a hell, and there is a purgatory, and there is the Eternal Kingdom of God, your Father. Many are called, but few are chosen. Many spend long years being purged." - Our Lady, May 26, 1976

"You must expect, My children, much opposition and persecution. Were you of the world of materialistic man, they would accept you as one of their own. But We, My children, accept you as one of Us. You are born of the Spirit.
    "What does it gain a man, My children, if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul? The Kingdom of Heaven will be forever closed to him. An eternity of damnation in hell, or many years of purgatory await him. You cannot bargain with man and your God!
    "You must accept a full consecration of yourself and your families to the Immaculate Heart of My Son and Myself, My children. It is not that I ask this of you with pride, but humility. I, too, My child, am but an instrument of the Father coming to you as your Mother, for I am truly your Mother and a Mother of great sorrow." - Our Lady, December 31, 1974

"Parents--mothers, fathers, protectors of souls--why have you given yourselves to the world, entering into the darkness and taking your children with you? What have you gained if you gather the riches of earth? For you will go into the veil--beyond the veil and face in judgment the Eternal Father! What merits will you have but those you have given to the world? What have you given to the Eternal Father? Your merits beyond the veil are not counted in earthly measure, but they are those of the spirit. Have you covered yourselves with a spirit of darkness or of the light?
    "As human beings, My children, the Eternal Father has given you a free will! No man shall be forced into the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. He will have made his own choice." - Our Lady, August 5, 1975

"My children, all who are of conscionable age shall be held accountable for the salvation of their soul! You cannot place the lives of your children, their spiritual lives, into the hands of others, for these hands have been despoiled. Many children just beyond the cradle are being now degraded and desanctified and destroyed morally by their elders for profit and gain.
    "O woe! It has been said of old that money is the root of all evil, and money has become the god among mankind, for many are selling their souls to get to the head. And what does it gain a man if he gathers all of the world's treasures upon earth? He must leave them behind and stand naked before his God, unless he has covered himself with graces for his entrance over the veil.
    "My children, remove the blindness from your heart and understand the counsel from Heaven. It is through grace that you hear this counsel, and it is through grace that We ask you to carry this counsel forward to your brothers and sisters. You are not your brother's keeper, but you must fight for their lives, their spiritual lives, because the shepherds have fallen asleep, or fallen into spiritual darkness. You who have the light, you who have been chosen from among the multitudes to be light bearers must now go forward and search through the darkness and recover your brothers and sisters who otherwise will be lost.
    "There are many good shepherds still among you, My children. Do not despair. I will always be with you in the tabernacles of the world, and I will always be with you in spirit. And one day, My children, I will return to you in body and spirit." - Jesus, June 4, 1977

"I repeat: wars are a punishment for man's sins. And the wages of sin is death. I look upon you, man of earth, and find that many of you are already dead. You are dead souls in a living body. You have all but a short time to rekindle your spirit with the light. You cannot bargain your soul, for you will discard the light. You cannot sell your soul to satan for gain in your few years of pilgrimage upon your earth. You shall not sell your soul to get to the head.
    "Pastors in My House, I look upon you and find you wanting. I do not have to single you out, each and every one, and divide you now on your merit. You are already dividing yourselves into two camps. There will be great discord and struggle and trial within My House, and there will be great discord, struggle, and trial among the human race.
    "My children, do not sell your souls for your temporary pilgrimage upon earth. Gather the supernatural graces being given from Heaven to you. There is no easy passport into My Kingdom. The way has been given to you. The cross is heavy, but the reward is great for your perseverance and your maintaining your Faith.
    "What does it gain a man if he gathers all of the world's riches, and comes before Us with no merit to enter into the Kingdom eternal of his God?
    "The judgment of the Eternal Father is not akin to the judgment of mankind. He does not reward you for gathering the material. He does not reward you for gaining the highest pinnacles of success in your world upon earth, but He does reward you for following the rule He has given you." - Jesus, December 24, 1976

"Your actions are observed by the Eternal Father Who looks into your heart. Pure thoughts, pure mind, pure spirit--what goes into the heart will come out. The eyes are the mirror of the soul; therefore, you must cast your eyes on objects of godly nature, not soul corrupters. Remove these from your home, or one day you will weep bitter tears for your children, but too late, too late!
    "Your schools, your homes, your government, your medias of communication and entertainment are debased, and going farther into darkness--all for the love of money and power. What does it gain a man if he wins the whole world and the treasures of the world, for he will leave them behind when he leaves his body, and his eternal spirit must stand before the Father and be judged: Heaven, hell, or purgatory. You laugh; many laugh at the knowledge given to you of the existence of the supernatural--Heaven, hell, and purgatory. But those who laugh shall cry, but too late, too late, My children.
    "It is better to remove your children from among these corrupters if necessary. Teach your children in the home. By example you may save or destroy." - Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"Discontent, arrogance, pride--O Red Hats, what have you brought upon My sheep, but you have scattered them? You promote confusion. You take the very heart of Me from My children. You turn them away from the living Bread. Woe, woe, woe to you, Red Hats, and you, Purple Hats, who follow to your own destruction! Open your hearts to the truth; take away your blindness. Remember I am your God, and as such, you shall stand before Me, and shall you say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I say unto you, O ye of little faith: I shall take you and spit you out as venom into the flames, forever damned in the abyss!
    "You have been warned and you have been warned, and I say unto you, O Red Hats in My House: you will now take stock; you will look about you and take the blindness from your hearts. You will stop filling your coffers at the expense of the loss of My sheep. What does it gain you, O Red Hats, if you gather all the world's treasures and come before Me with not one merit of grace to enter you into My Father's Kingdom?
    "These warnings from Heaven have fallen upon many deafened ears and hardened hearts, but oh, I say unto you: there will be much gnashing of teeth and tears, but too late, too late!
    "Do not travel along the wide road with the fallacy that you can offend your God and then be accepted as you are, a contaminated piece of human humanity with a darkened soul and spirit of evil, that you can enter into the eternal Kingdom of your God. I say no unto you; I will not know you. You will defend My House; you will defend My teachings; you will defend Me; or I say unto you, O Red Hats, I shall not know you!" - Jesus, November 20, 1976

"I have wandered countless earth-years throughout your world, offering the plan for your salvation and to save you from destruction. How many have listened to My pleas? The evil the Father finds abominable. Your country, your world, is in far worse a condition of soul than it was in the time of Nineveh, Sodom and Gomorrha, and Noe. What, then, can you expect for your future?
    "You have cast aside of your free will the Book of life, Bible; you have chosen to follow satan, the father of all liars. You have followed him as you listened to his call--all for the pleasures of the flesh and the gain of money. Many have sold their souls to get to the head." - Our Lady, April 6, 1974

"My Mother has come to you because of the necessity of your times. She has been shut out and cast aside in many places, for mankind has hardened his heart to the truth. He prefers to blind himself in worldly pleasures and pleasures of the flesh, never keeping in mind that his life upon earth is but of short duration.
    "What does it gain a man if he wins the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul? Life is eternal over the veil, and not one of you, My children, shall escape the judgment. No man shall fall into the abyss unless he goes there of his own free will. Believe and you shall be given the way." - Jesus, October 2, 1975

"Many have sold their souls to satan to get to hell faster. Many have sold their souls to gain what? Worldly riches and power of temporary nature! What does it gain you if you gather every treasure upon earth and lose your soul? When you leave your body, you will be judged. Every man, woman, and child of conscionable age will be judged. And I tell you now, not one bit of your silver or gold shall buy your way into the Kingdom of Heaven. You will only enter by merit." - Our Lady, September 7, 1977

"In your schools of learning, My children, your seminaries, they are polluted with error and sin! Whatever shall become of you? Many now in My Son's churches are closing their eyes to the error and deceit! They allow contaminated souls to teach the young! And why? Not because there is a fear or love of God; because he has a fear and love of his fellow man! And why, but for worldly gain!
    "What has happened to your vocation, pastors? What will it gain you if you set yourselves away from the Eternal Father by gathering all of the world's goods and wealth? You cannot come across the veil with one fraction of what you gather upon earth! The ways of man are not akin to the ways of your God. He will not accept your gold and your silver. He will not accept your worldly power and control of lives upon earth. And He will reject you, O pastors, if you are responsible even in the smallest measure for the destruction of souls!
    "As My Son was forced to cast out of the temple thieves, so shall He come among you and cast you, O pastors, fling you from without His House! O ye of little faith, you are burrowing like rodents into the foundations of My Son's Church! You run to and fro, crying peace, love, and brotherhood! There shall be no peace, or love, or brotherhood without Faith and Tradition and Truth! And you seek to separate Faith from Tradition. And what have you but lukewarm souls and apostates!" - Our Lady, October 2, 1976

"All manners of abomination are being committed in My House under the guise of false humanism and modernism. Were you not warned in the past about the errors that can be set loose by these methods? You reject them because of science. You rationalize sin until sin has become a way of life upon your earth. And what does it gain you as you run about, going to and fro gathering your coins, filling your coffers, building great palaces. And for what? To be destroyed because of sin, lacking a true purpose. And what form of religion and worship are you building? A utopia of man? No! I say unto you: you are fast plunging to your own destruction.
    "You will not change My Church to suit the basic foul carnal nature of mankind, but you will change mankind in the manner that I directed you through the ages, and bring mankind to Me by the light." - Jesus, September 28, 1976

"Cardinals and bishops, you run to and fro, experimenting with your own human reasoning, neither asking nor bending your knee for Divine guidance. For you have become blinded by the pleasures of the flesh, seeking worldly gain; and many are selling their souls to get to the head. Again I say unto you as your Mother--in the words of My Son I repeat to you: what does it gain a man if he gather all of the riches of the world and you--lose his place in the Eternal Kingdom of his God. You cannot have both!
    "My child and My children, you will continue to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. You must continue to pray for your clergy, your bishops, your cardinals, and especially My poor children, My poor wandering sheep. My Son's heart is torn for you, as the Eternal Father even weeps for the just punishment that will be soon sent upon you." - Our Lady, October 2, 1979

"Beyond the farthest star is an eternity of happiness with the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven. Is it worth, My child, for any man to make the decision of living upon earth, so short in years, a life offensive to the Father that he cannot enter then into the Kingdom of God? Shall you trade your souls for worldly gain and the few short years of pleasure--the destruction of your soul upon earth?
    "My tears are great, My child, for so few search for the truth. And so many are taking this truth from among them.
    "Believe, believe, My children, and you will be given the way. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it will be given to you. However, you must care, My children. You must want to come to Us. No love can be forced upon you." - Our Lady, September 7, 1974

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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