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#544 - Much is Expected, Part 2

"His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." - St. Matthew 25: 21

"I have counseled parents to guard their doors of their homes and make them strongholds for the children! It is the young now who have become the major source for the onslaught of satan to destroy the future of your country and many countries throughout the world. I say 'many,' My children, because as the days go on, the major disaster of the World War and the chastising celestial comet set upon mankind shall leave in its wake too few souls upon earth.
     "The final count shall be in the few of those who are to be saved. My children, at this very moment of time upon earth, each and every person of conscionable age has been marked with the sign of the cross and the redemption, or they have accepted on free will the mark of the beast, eternal damnation!
    "For all those, My children, who have been given the light, much is expected of them. Please, My children, hasten to go forward with the Message from Heaven. There is no time to lose. My Son will provide you with many arms to reach each and every soul before the great test, a crucible of suffering, shall be set upon mankind.
    "My children, the time is running out! Why are you not listening to Me?" - Our Lady, August 14, 1978

"Pray, My children, for strength. It will take great courage to remain in the fold in the days ahead; but your courage shall be the cross and the knowledge of the truth.
    "Remember, do not become a worshiper of the creature, but of the Creator; for the creature is the world, and the world is satan. The Creator is your God, and His world is the Kingdom of Paradise. This choice will be yours to make. Each and every one of you will have to make that choice soon. No man shall be lost unless he is lost of his own free will.
    "Remember, My children, those who have been given graces, much is expected of them. You must continue to go forward. Do not slacken in your work, your mission. Do not become complacent nor content in your own salvation, for that will be pride, and pride can make you fall. Therefore, in all charity, reach out for your brothers and your sisters. Your lives must remain free from contamination of worldly pleasures and seeking, for the world has now been given to satan." - Jesus, June 18, 1980

"The world has continued upon its disastrous course. The evil is accelerating. The good people, many of them are becoming complacent, and a lethargy has set in among some. My children of light, do not become self-satisfied in your gifts, for those who have received graces in abundance, much is expected of them. You must go forward now without slackening the pace of the work. Continue to send out the Messages from Heaven. Each and every child upon earth must hear the word from his God before the end.
    "My children, My Mother has counseled you well. You will listen to Her counsel and act upon it. Your reward will be great in Heaven for all of the assistance you render to My Mother in Her travels upon earth to rescue the children of God from satan, the armies of hell now loosed upon your earth.
    "Do not listen to the scoffers, those who are derisive in their criticism. My children, I assure you: man will always reject what he does not believe in or understand. Faith, My children, is a gift from your God!" - Jesus, June 10, 1978

"Shall you stand, O Red Hats and Purple Hats, before My Son and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? I say unto you: you cannot cover your sin. My Son looks into your heart, and you, too, who have received glory in your vocation upon earth--you, too, without merit, shall be cast into the abyss of hell. Woe to the teachers who have gone forward with itching ears, implementing, experimenting with My Son's doctrines and teachings, casting aside all tradition for a modern way. And this way is from satan!
     "A delusion is allowed upon earth now. It is a manner of separating the sheep from the goats. All who have given themselves to satan shall accept this delusion, no longer having the heart nor spirit for truth and light.
     "My children, you will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and your world. For those who have received graces in abundance, much is expected of them." - Our Lady, May 20, 1978

"Yes, My child, time is running out. But do not be affrighted by the message given to you, My child. Mankind has had many warnings, many years to make restitution to the Eternal Father.
    "Pray for all men of sin. Go to your brothers and your sisters, those who are in the world without counsel. For those who have received many graces, much is expected of them.
    "And when you go about the world, beware that no pride or arrogance comes in upon you, or you will lose your grace. Because when you do good among man and mankind, you do it for the Eternal Father, Who watches you in secret. Therefore, you will not let the left hand know what you're doing with your right hand.
    "You understand, My children, I give this counsel to all who have joined in the Mission from Heaven to give the Message from Heaven to all mankind, as you are approaching--as you are now in--not approaching, My children, but in the latter days." - Jesus, August 14, 1981

"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Send My Mother's message throughout the world. For you who have gathered with Her to pray and do penance, much more is expected of you. All who have been gathered to the bosom of My Mother, and all who have come beneath Her mantle have not arrived there by accident, but by a special calling. This calling was not always upon your own, but because of graces extended to you through the prayers of another." - Jesus, June 14, 1976

"Do not be prideful, My hierarchy. Admit when you make a mistake. Admit and start again. You owe nothing to the world and man, but you will stand before the Eternal Father. He will chastise those He loves, but He wants you to be humble of heart. Admit your mistakes and start over.
     "I cry to you. Tears of anguish fall upon mankind, for you do not know what you are doing. You are fast onto a road of damnation for many.
    "There are many dead souls walking in living bodies now. Whatever shall become of My straying sheep?
    "Pray now, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Do not become prideful in your mission upon earth, for much is expected of you now. For those who have many graces, much shall be expected of them." - Jesus, October 6, 1978

"My child and My children, do not waste valuable time speculating on dates or the methods of the Eternal Father, but be prepared at all times, for the first great trial is coming upon you, and it will come when you least expect it. Do not become prideful in this knowledge, My children, for those who are given much--much, far much is expected of them. It truly rains teardrops from Heaven.
    "The Message from Heaven will be given to all mankind. Convert the unbeliever. Do not compromise the Faith, but convert the unbeliever. Do not be joined unevenly; do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers and heretics, for one bad apple may destroy the crate." - Jesus, June 18, 1979

"Many are selling their souls to get to the head. Satan is in My Son's House now. No evil is ever triumphant; however, the Eternal Father permits this trial to mankind and the Church for the separation of the sheep from the goats. In this trial all that is rotten shall fall.
    "The children of light shall go forward with great perseverance, knowing that they will carry a heavy cross. For no man shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless he picks up his cross and follows My Son. The road shall not be an easy one, My children. It will be filled with thorns amid the roses. However, as you progress in sanctity, you will find, My children, that you will relish this opportunity through suffering to gain graces that may be applied to the salvation of another soul. When many graces are given to a human being much is expected of him.
    "The Eternal Father is in full control of what is happening upon earth. As man has been given a free will, in this manner shall he be tried and tested." - Our Lady, May 3, 1978

"Many upon earth, My children, have given themselves over to lives of luxury and sinful pursuits. Unless they turn back while there is time they will lose all of the opportunity to recover the graces needed for their redemption. Redemption, grace, and peace.
    "A cleansing, a gradual cleansing of the earth shall soon start. My children, are you ready now? Have you prepared your household? Do you safeguard your children with the sacramentals given to you? Or has the enemy come to you with derision, and calling you a fanatic, have you taken them from about you? Your protection then is gone and you can be lost!
    "Do not be deluded by those agents of hell, or those who have been unwittingly and unsuspectingly become enmeshed with the agents of hell. They will come to you with all seeming good intentions. But remember, My children, that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. I say unto you now as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, the Commandments of the Eternal Father must be followed. If you break one you break them all!
    "My children, you will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. You will seek all kinds of opportunity to do sacrifice and penance for the salvation of souls. For those who have been given in abundance, much is expected of them." - Our Lady, June 9, 1979

"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents--and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth.
    "At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening? Not those who were years--earth-years away. All Heaven was crying in that time, for the Eternal Father had made it known how His message would be received. To this day, to your earth-year of 1986, you have not been given, My children, the full secrets as given to the children at Fatima.
    "Therefore, I must make it known at this time to you. If you are perceiving and interested in My Church upon earth, I do not have to explain Myself too fully; for you will already know of the chaos that satan has wrought when he entered My Church. And why did he enter, you say? This I want it made known, My child, and you will not be affrighted as you are now. And you will speak out for Me and My Mother and the Eternal Father in the Holy Spirit; you will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is growing short.
    "And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the Third World War, and also the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem to go about their way, perhaps pridefully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but some may pridefully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand that once you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and sisters." - Jesus, June 18, 1986

"My Mother begs for a stay of execution within the world. How well My children will follow the course of Heaven to Heaven, given through the many visits of My Mother to you--how well you will find this course, and others will not find this course--so, My children, as you have received the grace, and many graces, much now is expected of you and all who have heard the messages from Heaven. I beg you, as your Mother, to keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Have pity on your brothers and sisters, O My children of the light. Have pity on them and pray for them; many have no others to help them to come back from the abyss.
    "Yes, My child, as I explained to you in numerous years and apparitions that the world may not accept and cannot understand, I have told you that many souls are falling into hell as fast as the snow falls upon your earth, as fast as the drops fall from the rain. That, My child, is symbolical indeed of the state of your country and the world." - Jesus, May 28, 1983

"You have been given, My children, many graces through your sacramentals: graces for cures, graces for conversions. Many of you shall experience a supernatural manifestation for your edification and strength. But do not become prideful, for pride is a true barrier, a more formidable barrier against holiness and sanctity than even outright licentiousness!
    "Remember always, My children: those who receive graces in abundance, much is expected of them. You cannot slacken in your mission, My child and My children, but you must continue to go forward as candles searching in the darkness for Our lost sheep. We ask you to be a true and fervent disciple of My Son's Church, His House upon earth.
    "Do not abandon My Son's Church because of the antics--because of the personality of some or many of My Son's representatives in the priesthood. Do not judge My Son's House, His Church, by man's reasoning. But remember: you must remain in your parish churches, partaking of the Bread of life in the Eucharist. My Son is always with you in the Eucharist." - Our Lady, October 6, 1979

"Many of the good have become complacent. They have now brought themselves down from a pinnacle to wallow, we will say, in their self-exaltation of being saved. However, I repeat again to all My children, that to those who have received much, much is expected of them. They cannot sit back and with a smile not consider what goes on beyond their sight. They must work in the world and not retire from it, self-satisfied with their own salvation. They must go out among the nations, because, My children, everyone now cries for peace and security where there is no peace and security. There are more murders: the abortions continue, accelerating at a higher rate.
    "And your country, My child, the United States, and Canada also, will receive the heavy hand of the Father soon upon them. We can no longer protect them from what is to come about within the next several months. Yes, My child, there will be blood flowing in the streets of the United States. There will be carnage such as has never been seen before in the United States and Canada. Do not take lightly the threats of those murderers in the European states that have felt this carnage. They are now setting up their plans to bring destruction to the heart of the Americas." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986

"The words of the warnings from Heaven, the messages, are going throughout the world. When the end comes--and I do not mean the end of the world; I mean the great Chastisement--each and every man and woman of the age with conscience shall have heard the word and made his choice.
    "My children of light, you will continue. Do not become prideful and slacken your pace or think that your work has been finished. You shall continue working ceaselessly until the great Chastisement. For those who have received great graces from Heaven much is expected of them. And O for the man who, through pride or covetness rejects these graces! I say unto him, he has lost the key to the Kingdom.
    "I say unto the clergy, My Son's priests and the clergy of the world: you have been blinded because of pride and arrogance. Your minds are confused with worldliness, humanism, and modernism. Pray on your knees! Take your heads out of the fog now while there is time, for your time is running out. Redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Eternal Father now." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979

"Many are now selling their souls upon earth to get to the head. Like thirty pieces of silver I hear the clink of coins being tossed to sell out My Church. Remember, O pastors, the day shall come when you shall stand before Me in judgment, and shall you say to Me that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I will say unto you: away from Me, you vipers! as I cast you into the flames.
     "Our hearts are torn because many have been misled. We ask a great burden for many to accept: a burden of perseverance. And this is a burden when the opposition is great, a burden filled with eventual graces to accept martyrdom upon earth.
    "My children, many graces shall be given, and for those who receive these graces much is expected of them. It is a narrow road to Heaven. Many start out but fall away." - Jesus, December 7, 1978

"We will ask for more victim souls upon earth. It is sad but a fact that only a few will be saved in the final count. It is sad but a fact that We must now depend upon the few who receive the grace to carry the light now through the darkness that becomes more deepened by man's sin of pride and obstinacy.
    "I ask parents to restore discipline to their homes. I demand My pastors to restore discipline to My Church upon earth. You will not convert the masses, but you will set yourselves to be destroyed by the enemies of God, because you do not pray, because you do not seek means of mortification. I say unto you as your God, in the name of your Creator, that as you sow, so shall you reap. And many of you are preparing to reap the whirlwind!
    "Do not be affrighted, My child. For all who receive great graces, much is expected of them. There is a price, My child, to pay for Heaven. This price We ask of all is suffering, the way of the cross. No man shall ever be greater than his Master." - Jesus, November 20, 1978

"My child, I want to tell you at this time that We are not unaware of your physical suffering. It has been given to you, My child, because those who have received great graces, much is expected of them. And We accept you, My child, as a victim soul with other victim souls to save your Vicar and My Son's Church upon earth." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985

"For to whom much is given, much is expected; and discipline and obedience means suffering and sacrifice. Unquestioning love, unquestioning obedience, that is the only way to Heaven. Accepting all suffering, and offering this for good cause. Too few know, My child. I know Theresa has given you the full discourse on the value of suffering, that one day you will release to the world when you complete your second book. That will be left for My Church.
    "The sufferings now upon earth, My child and My children--all who are now disciples of the end days, remember one day your names will be written in Heaven. Is this not worth suffering for, persevering for, and waiting for, My children?" - Jesus, May 30, 1981

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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