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#553 - Not Alone in the Battle

"Behold, the hour cometh, and it is now come, that you shall be scattered every man to his own, and shall leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world." - St. John 16: 32-33

Our Lady - "You are not alone in your trial, for We have sent among you all the emissaries of Heaven.
    "You will watch now, Veronica, and I will let you see the ladder."
    Veronica - I saw a ladder, a very long ladder--beautiful! From the top of the ladder--it looked like it was red velvet coming down the steps, and I could see angels. They seemed to be floating, though they were going backwards; they were floating up the right side of the stairway, of the ladder. Oh! And then at the top was Our Lady. She was standing there on the top step, and in Her hand was this golden scepter. It seemed to have a ball on the top, but it didn't seem to have a cross. I was looking for the cross, but it didn't seem to have a cross on the ball.
    But Our Lady was dressed beautifully. She had on a white dress and the bottom was lined with stars, very beautiful, brilliant stars. And Her cape was blue. It was like blue velvet, with a golden tassel tied about Her neck. The dress was very full. She was standing at the head of the stairway, and I noticed that the angels were coming down the stairs. And then there were a lot of people that I recognized as saints. I saw Saint Alphonse and Saint Theresa. Oh, there were all kinds of people, of all nations. I could see both colored and white. There were all creeds and all colors. And I knew they were saints because they were all dressed alike in the same type of robes. Oh, there were so many!" - November 1, 1971

"I repeat again, live every earthly day in the spirit. At this moment I cannot divulge the full plan of the Father. Prepare! Prepare! Retire from a world that is now the kingdom of satan. Gather your loved ones about you. Protect them with a vigil of prayer, the Rosary.
    "You are not alone in the battle. We send all the graces necessary for your salvation. Redemption! Grace! Peace! All for the asking. The power of God reaches out to prayer." - Our Lady, November 1, 1970

"Much of the mission must be kept a secret, My child. You must understand, there are those who have not been given full knowledge of the mission, and they cannot, without this knowledge, understand.
   "Please, My child, work fast and quickly. Do not slacken in the pace. Send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. The children of the light must all be enlightened.
     "The medias now have taken up the call to arms for Heaven. There are many armies rising throughout your earth, My child and My children. You are not alone. Unite under a banner of Faithful and True to the Eternal Father in Heaven." - Our Lady, September 28, 1977

"If your country will do penance, return to a life of prayer, they can escape for a time the planned punishment and Warning. The scale is not balanced to the right, but leans heavily to the left. Know that the peak of iniquity is being reached and I will no longer be able to hold back the punishing hand of My Son.
    "You, My child, are not alone in your suffering. We have sent into the world many voice-boxes with similar message to mankind. The Gospel of truth is being sent throughout the world with great speed." - Our Lady, November 1, 1974

"Now, My children, a great war rages against the forces of evil. It is a war that is far greater than any human nature war experienced by mankind, for you are now in the latter days. It is a war of the spirits, the fight between the good and the evil, the time of Armageddon!
    "Laugh, you who scorn My message--derision and mockery you may give, but if you do not accept and act upon the warning from Heaven, you shall not be counted in those saved.
    "Remember, My child, it would be best for your mission if you do not listen to the public opinions. I understand, My child, in your human nature, your desire for recognition of the mission. But know now, My child, as I have counseled you in the past, that you shall not accept the roses until the end of your mission. Your road will be filled with thorns. Accept the cross, My child, without complaint; carry it to the end.
    "You are not alone, My child. As the battle accelerates, you will find many companionable spirits. The joy of unity will be among you. Yes, My child, there is a plan from Heaven to unite all of you together. Those who will be saved will be counted in the few, My children, but better that there be few with quality than quantity without the salt." - Our Lady, December 24, 1976

"It is only to deceive and destroy the soul that the agents of hell, the followers of the prince of darkness, will try to convince you with honeyed words and the power of their rank, that there is no hell. O My children, how sad that you are following this road. Blindness, blindness of the spirit! How soon many will find the fires of hell engulfing them!
    "Sin--the greatest of sins are being committed on your earth. Sin has become a way of life. Turn back! Turn back, for many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
    "My child, I have not slowed My steps. I am now appearing to many throughout your world. You are not alone in this battle. The forces of evil are ravaging the souls. We must strengthen ourselves by reaching quickly the souls throughout the world. Satan never sleeps. That is his advantage over mankind. Shout, My child. Shout the Message from Heaven to the rooftops!" - Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and all of the countries throughout the world. You will be called fanatics! You will be called insane! You will be laughed at with derision! Accept it, My children, for as My Son was rejected, you, too, will be rejected. But My own will know me; My own will know My Son, and you will band together and wait for the return of My Son.
    "My children, you are not alone. All of the personages of Heaven have joined in this battle. The saints have waited for this day, and I assure you, My children, before this battle is over many latter day saints shall wash their robes in the Blood of the Lamb." - Our Lady, September 7, 1977

"Pray much for your priests. Many have fallen from the road. Many--sad, My child, but many are making their way fast into the abyss. And many follow them like sheep to the slaughter. Even those will be saved if there are enough prayers and sacrifices made for them.
    "We place a great burden, My child, upon the few who have been given the graces to understand. Know, then, that We do not send this suffering upon you and others without reason. You cannot enter the Kingdom, My child, unless you are willing to carry the cross.
    "I have never, My child, forced you to accept any mission. You must do this of your own will. This decision will mean a very heavy cross for you.
    "Yes, My child, I knew before you answered what it would be, for that was why the Father chose you long ago. There are many now, My child, like you throughout the world. You are not alone in the battle. All must unite against the common enemy for the Father." - Our Lady, February 1, 1974

"My children, I warned you for many earth-years that there would be a total war of the spirits upon earth. This war you are fighting is supernatural. It is a difficult war, because only faith--ask and you shall receive the way; seek the light and you will find it, and your eyes will be opened. Many shall be able to look into the unseen world with grace.
    "My child, your groups are becoming numerous throughout the world. Heaven is sending many forces to join you. You will receive much help in the battle ahead. You must not become discouraged. Remember, My child, We depend much upon you.
    "There are many who understand the supernatural, My child. You are not alone in the battle.
    "There will be upon earth great opposition to this message, My child. It is natural in the reality of satan's plan to try to take every soul from the Eternal Father in Heaven. He is going about now throughout your world, and when you remove him from his present body, he will proceed on into another." - Our Lady, September 13, 1977

"Do you not recognize, My children, the signs of your times? No! You fail to recognize these signs, because you no longer recognize the Book of life as a guide for you. The Revelations have been cast aside and replaced by myths and the illogical reasoning of mankind. 'Scientific reasoning,' they have called it, My child. But no, it is the deception and darkness of satan.
   "My child, you are not alone in the battle ahead. The Father has allowed Me the time to gather many little armies throughout the world. Their banners are known to all who proceed in the light. Their banners will be rejected by all who proceed in the darkness.
    "I have told you, My child, many times, that your road will be filled with thorns. All who seek to stand and defend My Son shall receive these thorns. But how pleasurable and how magnificent will be the reward for all those who persevere in the days ahead!" - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"My children, continue with your prayers of atonement. Many are needed. You are not alone in your struggle. The world will receive the message. My word will go throughout your world and then the hand of chastisement will fall upon mankind.
    "How long, you ask, My child, shall it be? This decision lies only in the hearts of mankind. When the abominations have reached a peak of great iniquity, know then that the end is at hand.
    "Death, famine, destruction, seeds of evil flourishing to the extent that you will fear that mass insanity has set upon your world. Sin, My children, is insanity. Wars are a punishment for your sins! Awaken! Take the darkness from your hearts! Make atonement for yourselves, for no man can say he has not offended his God!
    "We send you the graces necessary for your salvation. Accept them, nourish them, and share them with your brothers. My Mother shall be with you to guide you through the days ahead. Work with great haste, My child. The message must go quickly." - Jesus, December 28, 1974

"You must all, pastors in My Son's House, pray more. You do not pray enough. You do not meditate! And what have you done to the good books given to you to help you in your prayer life? You have cast them aside and run about like chickens without heads. And looking for what? To gather the sheep by humanism and modernism. And I say 'chickens without heads,' for you flap your wings in pride; you stomp about in your arrogance; and you have no heads, for you have lost them to satan!
    "O My children, would I, as your Mother, could I, as your Mother, but bring you words of cheer and consolement! But do you, as children of the light, not understand how My heart is torn, torn by the many insults, the abominations being committed in My Son's House?
     "The armies of Heaven upon earth now are gathering, My children. You are not alone in the battle ahead. You will never be alone, for My Son and I, the Eternal Father and the light are always with you. And you, My children of light, will all see Us again. You will see Us with your human eyes, many with their human eyes, and many shall rise to join My Son when He returns, which, My children, will be soon, much sooner than any who hear My voice can expect.
    "I give you this great encouragement and hope in the days ahead, My children: that all who believe, that all who will hold their candles of light and search through the darkness to bring the knowledge from the Eternal Father in Heaven to the straying sheep, they will be saved." - Our Lady, October 2, 1976

"My children, My Son, His heart is pierced by the manner in which many come to His House with disrespect, apathy, and using His House as a meeting place for all manner of abominations. In due respect on this night of the feast of the high angels in the eternal Kingdom, they demand--and Michael commands--that women must cover their heads during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not through custom that this is asked of you. Do not be deluded by satan, My children. Women must cover their heads in respect for the Sacrifice of My Son, in respect for all laws of your God and not of man; for man now, My children, is setting up his own laws, his own rules, and man shall destroy himself in this manner.
    "The foundation is solid, My children. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church. Though those who follow the light must go through a crucible of suffering for the restoration of My Son's Church, know, My children, that the eventual victory is with My Son.
    "My children, you are not alone in your struggle. There are many armies of light now rising, with Michael to guide them, throughout your world. Persevere in the days ahead, My children, for you are truly children of the light. And, My children, you must remain within yourself, and not give yourself to the world, for what do you have in common with children of darkness?
    "You must expect to have a road filled with thorns, My children. Pick up your cross and carry it; follow My Son. The road to Heaven is a narrow road. Many turn and leave it and find the way back most difficult.
    "Your years upon your earth are very short, My children. Do not sacrifice your life eternal; do not sacrifice your entrance into the Kingdom of Paradise, the Eternal Father and the saints, the angels, and all who have received the light and treasured this light on the road to Heaven." - Our Lady, September 28, 1976

"Yes, My child, I am visiting many places upon your earth. Many reject Me. They are meeting with the same cross, but know that you are not alone in the struggle, for the Father has given Me the candle and I search through the darkness for My children.
    "There are many seers now throughout the world. Do not be afraid to accept the message, My children. If it is not against the Father and His will, if it does not detract from holy Church set up by My Son with the lawful successor of Peter whom He has chosen, you shall have no fear of the message, for the Holy Spirit is working among you now." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"I repeat: rank has no place with the spirit. Many mitres are on now the road to hell. Reject your Faith for worldly gain and power and you reject your God. If you surrender My Church to the enemies of your God, you surrender your soul to satan and eternal damnation.
    "The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! You have set upon you a trial. The time of great sorrows is upon mankind. You shall go through steadily a cataclysm and a crucible of suffering. All who are of well spirit will go through this trial with much perseverance and purpose.
    "Remember, all who are of well spirit will understand and prepare for the days ahead by following the directions given in the past by My Mother. We have not abandoned you to yourselves, for We support you under the mantle of My Mother, and over My Sacred Heart I place the drops of My blood. I shed this blood anew. I am, as your Savior, recrucified by My own." - Jesus, April 10, 1976

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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