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#638 - "I Will Not Abandon You"

"Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." - St. Matthew 28: 19-20

"My children, I am going throughout the world now, gathering the straying sheep. I have asked you to light your candles with Me. My Mother's heart is torn. I see the many souls being ruined by Lucifer, falling fast as, as the snowflakes, into the abyss.
    "If I would be permitted by the Father to open your eyes to what lies ahead, you would spend all your time on your knees.
    "Do not, My children, accept the easy road that leads to damnation. I have given you the truth. My Son has given you the grace. Recognize the battle that is being fought now in the universe. It is, My children, the Armageddon.
    "You are not directed to the light. The example by your teachers is not of the light. Weep not for Me, My child, but for the children of the earth.
    "You and your country were placed under My protection. I will not abandon you. My Son will not abandon you. But the choice must be made by you. We cannot force you to come to Us, for the Father has given you a free will." - Our Lady, June 8, 1972

"I have roamed, My child, the nations of the world. My tears have fallen in every land. I have come to rest here in hope. Will you turn Me away from the few places of refuge that I have found? Will you cast Me aside and place your eternal life in the hands of Lucifer, the fallen angel who We cast from Our Kingdom? Only you will be given this decision to make, and you must make it now. Now! You will make it now, for you will not count on tomorrow.
    "I have chosen this dark city [New York City] to come to, My children, for I have made a promise, and I keep this promise. I will abandon no soul to the abyss.
    "You are not alone in your trial, for We have sent among you all the emissaries of Heaven." - Our Lady, November 1, 1971

"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Reread the words of My Mother. For She has come many times to earth in the time of great urgency to warn you; and, as in the past, only few act upon Her counsel, and now it is almost too late for mankind. The Eternal Father has been most patient with you. You have become a degenerate generation, calling down for a great penance upon mankind.
    "We do not seek to place fear in your heart, but to bring to you a message of warning and counsel. My Mother shall not reject you, even in your debasement. I shall not reject you, My children. The Eternal Father, in the Spirit of light, shall not reject you. But will you reject Us in Heaven now? You will be the loser. Reject the light, accept the darkness of sin, and you lose eternal life in Heaven." - Jesus, September 28, 1979

"While man has cast aside the knowledge and the belief of the supernatural, satan and his agents have had the time now to take a firm hold upon your children. O My children, all manner of foul and debased acts shall be committed by your children. The teachers now are agents of hell.
    "My children, you must now act upon My counsel. Each and every one who hears My voice must act. It is too late now to sit back and expect your neighbor, your brother, your sister, to go forward as a solitary agent. You must now gather together to fight the evil.
    "My children, I have promised you always that I will be with you. You shall not be abandoned in the days ahead. The greatest lesson man will learn in the days ahead is: should he place his trust in another man, he is doomed for disappointment and sorrow. You will always keep your eyes turned upward and say, My Jesus, my confidence!" - Our Lady, November 19, 1977

"I repeat: rank has no place with the spirit. Many mitres are on now the road to hell. Reject your Faith for worldly gain and power and you reject your God. If you surrender My Church to the enemies of your God, you surrender your soul to satan and eternal damnation.
    "The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! You have set upon you a trial. The time of great sorrows is upon mankind. You shall go through steadily a cataclysm and a crucible of suffering. All who are of well spirit will go through this trial with much perseverance and purpose.
    "Remember, all who are of well spirit will understand and prepare for the days ahead by following the directions given in the past by My Mother. We have not abandoned you to yourselves, for We support you under the mantle of My Mother, and over My Sacred Heart I place the drops of My blood. I shed this blood anew. I am, as your Savior, recrucified by My own." - Jesus, April 10, 1976

"My children, keep, I repeat, a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Send the Message from Heaven quickly throughout your world and your country, for the time is running out.
    "Your country is fast heading to a full bloodbath of war because of corruption and greed.
    "All will make a firm effort to read the past counsel of My Mother throughout the years and Her visits upon earth. My Mother has promised to be with you until I come again in body and spirit to you. No one shall be abandoned if he asks to be saved, My children." - Jesus, September 13, 1977

"The battle is now on, My children. You will find yourself divided soon. Those who remain true to My Son will be given the light in these dark days. We will not abandon any to Lucifer. All who call for Our help and assistance will receive the graces to carry them through.
    "You will wear your Rosary and remain close to My Son's tabernacles throughout the world. Spend not your time questioning the ethics or the reasoning of mere man who used My Son's House; but retire within the spirit and come to My Son in His House, looking at Him through the spirit and not through worldly eyes. He will always be there in His House.
    "Our lawfully ordained, blessed priests will always have the power to bring My Son in physical Body to you. The trappings, as such, My child, placed on the procedure by man are as nothing, for you will live in the spirit, not in the aspect of worldliness and decoration.
    "All that has been destroyed and removed in My Son's House are but symbols, indications of the major illness in My Son's House, caused by the entrance of the evil one whom you call Antichrist, the adversary of satan and darkness." - Our Lady, October 7, 1971

Our Lady - "Your journey upon earth is but of a short time for all. Every man shall be tested. The word of God the Father is eternal and will go throughout the world; and sadly, My child, we are heading to a great climax."
    Veronica - Now Our Lady is coming over by the tree. Oh, I'm so happy!
    Our Lady - "My child, did you not think that I would abandon you in your trials? Yes, I am always on the sacred grounds in the will of the Father, but I shall not abandon you. For I know that a fence has been set upon you as a test, a test of perseverance and fortitude.
    "My Son has you all, My children, in His heart. Your tears, your pleas, and even your joy does not go by unnoticed by the Eternal Father, My Son, and the Spirit." - May 17, 1975

"Many graces will be given from this hallowed land of My Shrine. Your country will go into great darkness, but We will carry the light. Many will light their candles with Me and carry the light. Perseverance, My children! Confidence! We will rescue you; We will not abandon you. You must have perseverance in these trials.
    "You must not be apathetic to the situation in your country, My children, for if you sit back you will be removed from your homes in your land. You must organize a solid front--yes, link to link, soul to soul, across your land--a solid Rosary, My children. Prayer and sacrifice: this is not too much to ask of you in face of the reality of what is coming upon you.
    "We will manifest to many in these latter days.
    "The Father has allowed a delusion to enter upon your world. In this way He shall separate the sheep from the goats. For all who cry 'Lord' shall not enter My Son's Kingdom. The Father looks into your heart. You cannot pretend what is in your heart, My children, for you may fool the world but you will not fool your God." - Our Lady, November 20, 1971

"My message must be spread throughout the whole world. When the cataclysm is upon you, all will have had the chance to make ready. The Father has a plan. I have come here to your city with hope, to set here an oasis in this city of sin. Remember the fate of Sodom? All must make a firm decision to stand by My Son, casting aside the guiles of satan and accepting the armor I have given you.
    "I promise, as the Mother of Jesus, not to abandon you. I will not abandon you, and I shall be with you for your entrance into the Kingdom. Wear your armor: the medals, the Scapulars. For many will flee with what is on their body. You will need them all.
    "Send a chain of Rosaries throughout your land. All We have given through the ages to protect you, satan is working to take away from you so you will be defenseless. Open your hearts and come to Us in belief. Do not let satan take the protection of Our angels from you. Your children do not recognize the angels. Tell them of the angels." - Our Lady, May 30, 1972

"And I must also warn you that you must be very cautious of how you guard your home in the future. Do not be affrighted, My child. I will be with you always. My Son will not abandon you.
    "But you must remember, My child, for all the suffering that is received, think and read your Book of life and love, the Bible. Know that all who followed My Son had suffering, whether of mind, spirit, or body. It is not an easy road, My child, to Heaven. It will never be an easy road." - Our Lady, June 18, 1992

"My child and My children of the world, as My Mother counseled you in the past, We will not abandon you. We will be with you as long as there is a Rosary recited in your country. I say now, My children, these Rosaries must reach throughout your country and the world, for the world is fast hurtling towards a great catastrophe for mankind." - Jesus, June 18, 1992

"Lucifer is the prince of darkness and the father of all heresy and liars. I say this with great anguish, for Lucifer has entered into My Church, My household. The battle is great upon earth, and when the battle reaches into My Church, it will be a testing ground for all of earth and the world. For when My Church and the world become one, know that the end is at hand.
    "My children, My Mother will counsel you in your trials and the time of tribulation. She will not abandon you in your struggles. You must all pray more. Detach yourselves from your worldly living and pray. It is your contact with Heaven. You must all lead and live and practice more spiritual life. Worldliness and worldly pursuits are as nothing to you. There is not one worldly, materialistic thing or person that will be able to save you or give you necessary merit when you come over the veil for judgment.
    "Every man, woman, and child of the age of conscience has his soul to save. What will it gain a man if he gathers all of the treasures of the world, sells his soul to get to the head?" - Jesus, August 5, 1978

"Continue on your mission of saving souls. Time is not measured by days nor hours, for there is no time in Heaven. The end shall come to you as a thief in the night. Be prepared and follow the direction of My Mother carefully. I repeat: She will not abandon you in the days ahead. But follow Her direction and you will not go through this crucible of suffering without hope." - Jesus, August 21, 1975

"My children, unless you restore My Son's House to its former glory, with holiness and piety, discipline and dedication, the doors will close, for a House in darkness wears a band of death about it.
    "My children, the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's House. My Son is always with you. If you are seeking Him, He shall not abandon you, My little children. Ask and you will be given the way: believe and you will find the light.
    "Continue to keep a vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and the countries and nations of earth. Prayer is your strongest weapon now against the adversary." - Our Lady, July 25, 1977

"All who remain in the light will have no fear in the days ahead. They will find solace and refuge in My Son's Sacred Heart. Bring My Son into your homes in monuments and daily remembrance. You will find this a great rock in a world that will go into darkness. Your homes must become a fortress in the battle ahead.
    "Instruct your children well in the salvation of their souls. Know that when they leave beyond the doors of your home, they will be subject to satan. Teach them, My children, parents, the value of prayer. Prayer must be returned to your homes. Your example must be one of purity. Your example must be one of fortitude. And most of all, My children, remember you must show and practice love for the Father.
    "I will not abandon you. I will always be here. Come to Me often. Visit My Son often in the tabernacles of your world. He grows very lonely, My children; there are so few visitors now to His House. Won't you come often and solace Him?" - Our Lady, June 16, 1973

"Remember, My children, My Son is always with you. He has a home in every land. He will always be with you. Though they seek to remove the physical true Presence, they cannot invade the world of the spirit. That will be the light that will guide you in the darkness." - Our Lady, November 1, 1970

"My heart is heavy. I feel the last drops of blood have left My heart, and My Son's has already filled the cup. I want you now, My children, to keep a constant vigil of prayer. I will be with you to guide you.
    "My Son has made you His messenger, and this We expect of you: the carrying out of the mission of love that We have entrusted to you as Our voice-box. Though We may seem distant to you, all you will have to do is call. Lift your hearts and thoughts to Us, for We are always with you, even in the days ahead." - Our Lady, March 24, 1971

"I give you My heart, My children, for all who will join Us in this battle. I hold deeply in My heart all who will help Us in this battle to save Our children. We will reward you with the greatest of expectations. The greatest acknowledgement of your God would be to save His children. Gather your brothers and sisters--do not lose one--and build a strong link to Us. Yes, ransom these souls whom Lucifer has bought.
    "You will not be alone in this battle, My children. We are always with you. We are watching. And I repeat, the ultimate victory will be Ours." - Jesus, September 28, 1971

"Now We admonish you to save your soul and the souls of your loved ones. We are always with you. Just raise your hearts in prayer to Us. Your prayers and sacrifices will be needed for your priests." - Our Lady, May 19, 1971

"My children, We are always with you, but you must think your way to Us. This may be confusing at first, but really quite simple; for prayer is a form of soul meditation through the thinking process. What you hear within is the Spirit within. What you see in vision is a temporary lifting of the veil that separates life in your world and life in the Kingdom to come. My Son and I, through love of the Father, rose without having to lift this veil. Science will never compensate or penetrate this veil. No man will be greater than his Creator.
    "Remember always, I bring you compassion from the heart of My Jesus. We cry for every soul that will be lost. I plead with you, My children, for prayers. We will send forth a shower of roses, a shower of graces.
    "Make known to everyone this hallowed place of roses that I have chosen. It is not just by chance that this ground has been chosen to make holy, but followed from the plan of the Father." - Our Lady, October 6, 1970

"I cannot urge you enough to continue your prayers. This you must do from love. Your prayers are needed sorely for your priests, for they are under heavy attack by the evil ones, Antichrist and his accumulated disciples. Yes, his evil will be as hypnotism to the weak soul.
    "My heart cries in pity for what lies ahead for your countrymen who go blindly on their way sowing the seeds of their own destruction.
    "We are sending personages from Heaven to help you in the battle ahead. You will not be alone, for We are always with you." - Our Lady, May 30, 1971

"Pray for your enemies. Love those who castigate you, My child. Accept the way of the cross, My child. It is the short road to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father.
    "Know, My children, that I am always with you. My Mother is with you. We will guide you in the future. Your future is now. The days grow short. Accept your cross, My children, and go forward searching as candles in the darkness.
    "As disciples of the Eternal Father, you will truly be the light of the world. I give you, My children, the simple honor of following Me as lights in the world.
    "My heart will shine in your darkened world; My Blood shall be your salvation." - Jesus, May 28, 1975

"In order to reach the Kingdom of the Father, you must divest yourself, remove all pride and worldly searching. You must become as confident, as trusting as a child. Know that all is yours for the asking. Believe and you will be given the way. My Son in the Eucharist is always with you to strengthen you.
    "You will pray, My children, for your hierarchy. They, too, will be tried. And sadly, many are found wanting at this time. Pray much for them, My children." - Our Lady, March 29, 1975

"My children, many have said My message is a frightening one, but what can I tell you but the truth? Gladly would I come to you with words of cheer, but I can only extend to you words of courage and caution.
    "My visits upon earth are increasing, My children. Many armies for Heaven are being raised up.
    "Do not despair or become discouraged in the battle ahead, My children. I promised you always that I shall be with you. My Son is always with you, but I shall accompany Him as We watch the battle continue, the battle of the spirits.
    "My children, understand: it is a great test for all mankind. You who have been given the knowledge of what is happening now upon earth must go forward as apostles, disciples of My Son, and pass this knowledge on to all. If you are too concerned of your own pride and personal comforts, My children, you will not be able to work as an apostle and disciple. It must be a full dedication in the spirit." - Our Lady, July 15, 1978

"The way, a simple way, was given to mankind. I gave the keys to the pastors of My Church, My House upon earth, and these keys have been tarnished through greed and avarice and the lust for power. My House now is producing bad fruit, and I shall soon shake the tree. All that is rotten shall fall! Remember, My children, the world and My Church shall not be as one. Conform and you will die on the vine!
    "I ask you this: do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you.
    "Do not abandon Me at the tabernacles of the world. I am your Bread of life. He who eats of Me shall have life. Without Me you will only find death, death of the body and death of the spirit, My children." - Jesus, May 27, 1978

"O My children, would I, as your Mother, could I, as your Mother, but bring you words of cheer and consolement! But do you, as children of the light, not understand how My heart is torn, torn by the many insults, the abominations being committed in My Son's House?
    "The armies of Heaven upon earth now are gathering, My children. You are not alone in the battle ahead. You will never be alone, for My Son and I, the Eternal Father and the light are always with you. And you, My children of light, will all see Us again. You will see Us with your human eyes, many with their human eyes, and many shall rise to join My Son when He returns, which, My children, will be soon, much sooner than any who hear My voice can expect.
    "I give you this great encouragement and hope in the days ahead, My children: that all who believe, that all who will hold their candles of light and search through the darkness to bring the knowledge from the Eternal Father in Heaven to the straying sheep, they will be saved." - Our Lady, October 2, 1976

"You have been given, My children, these warnings in preparation for the plan of the Luciferians to take over fully your country and the world. You must act upon this. I have given your armor to you. You have prayer, you have My Son. Do not accept false messiahs going throughout the world. Do not reject the institutionalized Church of My Son, just because there are some who have lost the way, just because some have entered into My Son's Church to bring about discredit and destroy from within. Do not judge My Son's Church by the man and the men who run it, but remember My Son is always with you.
    "Prepare, My children of light, for a great time of persecution. It will come about that all who follow My Son shall be labeled as 'crazy,' 'fanatical,' 'having hallucinations,' and all other manners to commit them and take them from society, a society that is ruled by Lucifer." - Our Lady, November 25, 1978

"Pray, My children. A constant vigilance of prayer must be kept throughout your country and the world. Do not abandon My Son in His Church. Do not be deluded by those who call the Mass invalid. My Son is there. He does not want the doors to close in His houses, His Church, for He is the door. Though robbers and thieves often enter, He is still the door. Come and seek Him in His House. You will not be abandoned, My children. Only the man of sin shall be given over to a reprobate sense." - Our Lady, September 13, 1978

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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