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#726 - "My Own Will Know Me"

"I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue. Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits. For my spirit is sweet above honey, and my inheritance above honey and the honeycomb." - Ecclesiasticus 24: 24-27

"You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Already, My children, My own have been marked, and My own will know Me.
    "As disciples of the Eternal Father in these latter days, My children, you will go forward with the message to your brethren. Do not be concerned by rejection. You must expect rejection, for it is better, My children, to expect less, and then you will receive more with a glorious and lightened heart." - Our Lady, May 20, 1978

"My children, retain your Faith; do not take the light from within your homes. There are many candles of light now burning throughout your world. These candles shall not be extinguished by the darkness. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church.
    "Though the world and My Church shall go through a crucible of suffering, you will emerge from it victorious and stronger. However, My children, the one fold and the one shepherd is not as man thinks it will be. It shall not be under a dictator, or a one-world religion, or a one-world government, for I am the Good Shepherd. I am your Shepherd and I shall gather My sheep.
    "No man shall set himself to rise above his God and command the power of his God. Man is not a god in himself. I hear claims of this, My children. It is a falsehood from satan! Man was made in the image of his God, but he is not a god! There is only one God.
    "My children, these will be glorious days for you. There will be a battle ahead, but My own shall know Me. And the Faith shall be kept within the hearts of mankind, even in the terrible days of battle." - Jesus, February 10, 1977

"Rome shall soon have a bloodbath; Rome shall suffer in revolution. And why, My children, why must this chastisement come upon the Eternal City? Because they have turned from their God! Too few do penance and atonement! Prayer has been discarded for all materialism and worldly knowledge. Men shall be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the fires sweep them away!
    "My children, I have asked you all to become light bearers through the dark days ahead. You will meet with great trial in your mission. There will be scoffers and those who greet you with derision, but, My children, remember, My Son carried His cross in the same manner. My own will know Me, My children. If you are rejected, wipe the dust from your feet and keep going. My own will know Me.
    "Already, My children, those who are to be saved have been marked with the sign of the cross. The numbers now are being counted. The sheep are being separated from the goats. This is a battle of the spirits, and man in his free will shall be given the chance to accept the light or reject it." - Our Lady, June 16, 1977

"You ask, My child, why so much is permitted, so much evil? It is because, My child, there are many straying sheep. Were We to allow the full chastisement at this moment, too many of Our children would be lost to Us. The Eternal Father is straining and permitting the time to gather these sheep.
    "When the Chastisement comes upon mankind, My children, there will be a punishment never seen before in the history of your earth, and shall never be seen again. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
    "My child, Veronica, do not hesitate to give a full message to the world. My own will know Me, My child. Know that those who do wrong do not want their sins to be exposed. It is not that you judge, but the warning must be given to mankind." - Our Lady, December 31, 1975

"My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and all of the countries throughout the world. You will be called fanatics! You will be called insane! You will be laughed at with derision! Accept it, My children, for as My Son was rejected, you, too, will be rejected. But My own will know me; My own will know My Son, and you will band together and wait for the return of My Son.
    "My children, you are not alone. All of the personages of Heaven have joined in this battle. The saints have waited for this day, and I assure you, My children, before this battle is over many latter day saints shall wash their robes in the Blood of the Lamb." - Our Lady, September 7, 1977

"You are living now in the times known in your world as the Antichrist, against My Son. All who reject My Son as the Messiah cannot enter into the Kingdom! What fallacy is there being permitted in My Son's House! You are uniting unbelievers for your own destruction. My Son founded His House upon earth. You will not bring in unbelievers and change it! You will not convert souls by permissiveness. You will destroy! You feed the bodies and you destroy the souls.
    "We shall rise up among you--My Son has a plan--the latter day saints, the saints of the last days. Our armies, My child, are building up to fight satan. Know that the eventual victory is with Us. With this knowledge, go forward with great hope and perseverance. Accept all of the scorn of the world, all the rejection of mankind; for, My child, My own will know Me.
    "The voice of truth, the Message from Heaven, will go throughout the world. And then will come the end." - Our Lady, July 15, 1974

"Do not be concerned, My child, of the world's opinion and mankind's rejection, for My own will know Me. I am truly the light in a darkened world, My child. I say this not in pride, but in fact and reality. I bring the light, the Message from Heaven, in the will of My Son. I come to you as a Mother, a Mother of great heart, with great hope. I come to prepare you, as your Mother, and to warn you that you must now change from your ways that offend the Eternal Father much.
    "A great delusion has been set upon mankind. You must not follow into this net! There is an octopus of evil spreading slowly throughout your world. The center, the nucleus, a group of leaders, bent, My children, on world conquest.
    "It is not a conquest for souls, but for the destruction of souls. It is a conquest not for the Eternal Father in Heaven, but satan. It is a world gathering of man and mankind.
    "When the world and My Son's Church becomes one, know that the end is at hand." - Our Lady, December 6, 1975

"Do not be concerned, My child, of the message of the 27th of September. Surely those who know Me and are My own shall recognize Me. Those who have set themselves as enemies to My Son, they will reject the truth for fear of exposure. Do not be concerned, My child, but continue to send out the message.
    "Each man has a covenant with his God, My child. Each man has a responsibility for his soul and the souls of all whom he has given charge of.
    "You must write again to the cardinals in Rome, My child. Give them the warning, for one shall be removed in the coming year and unless you pray for him, My child, My children, he will fall into the darkness and the pit of damnation. His death will come suddenly without warning.
    "No, My child, I do not wish you to reveal his name at this time.
    "When he is removed, My child, another shall replace him, far worse than he in his state of soul.
    "All things, My child, shall come to pass as given in your message." - Our Lady, December 24, 1975

"My child, politics will not influence the advance of the man of sin. When your leaders recognize the existence of a supernatural world, My child, much more shall be accomplished in saving your city, your state, and your nation. As long as they accept everything upon a human basis, My child, they will never be able to defeat one who is supernatural. This may be a puzzle to some, My child. My own will know Me." - Jesus, October 6, 1977

"My Mother will continue to counsel you in the days ahead. You must persevere, and when you feel yourself weaken you must repeat over and over again: My Jesus, my confidence! You must live now in the spirit. Take yourself away from the wiles of the world of satan. Seek pursuits of the spirit.
    "You will not be an outcast. My own will know Me, and they will gather. You cannot serve God and the world, for you will soon grow and learn to hate one and love the other. And woe to the man who loves his worldly possessions so that he rejects his Faith and sells his soul to get to the head!
    "There will be gnashing of teeth and much woe set upon the earth by 666, satan and his consorts. Protect your families, your children. Eat of the Bread of life. Do not allow My Church to close. I repeat: a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. But you can save My Church by your prayers and your efforts." - Jesus, May 3, 1978

"In these great days of battle of the spirits, My child, many saints shall emerge.
    "My own, My child, shall know Me.
    "Many, My child, have rejected My message. Many have rejected the photographs. Why? The Father looks into their hearts. Many shall reject them, for if they were to be accepted, My child, they would have to change their ways. And many do not wish to change, so great do they love their sin.
    "Sin, My child, has become a way of life in your country and in the world.
    "The children are the victims of their elders. Parents, guard your children well, or your tears shall flow. As you sow, you shall reap!
    "You will, My child, be given much assistance in the days ahead. Go forward on your mission with perseverance and great confidence. Accept the will of the Father. Give yourself completely in trust to Him." - Our Lady, February 1, 1975

"My child and My children, I need not repeat to you the necessity to retain tradition. It was like a valve, a safeguard from the eruption of My Son's Church, a schism, a division within My Son's House upon earth. I cry unto you, your Mother, as I hasten back and forth bringing you the message, the counsel from Heaven. You must recognize--bishops, cardinals, and pastors, you must recognize what is happening now in My Son's House. There is being rebuilt before your very eyes another religion, another church of man. No angels are helping in this building.
    "My children, do not become discouraged. When you meet with trial, you will say, My Jesus, my confidence! I wish all of you to go forward as saints of the latter days, disciples of My Son, and bring the Message from Heaven to all. Do not become discouraged along the way by those who scoff at you or reject this message. Believe Me, My children, when I say to you that My own will know Me.
    "Your mission now, My children, is to give each and every one you meet with this message, regardless of race, color, or creed. The message I bring from Heaven is for all mankind. Terrible judgments shall be set upon your world. These judgments will not consider race, creed, or religion.
    "O My children, I will not go into a long discourse now with you about charity and love for your neighbor, but you must understand: you cannot judge your neighbor. You must pray for them. However, you cannot become weak and permissive. You must stand forth as bearers of the light, carriers of the truth. You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus. Though man in his arrogance and pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it forward. Retain the Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind." - Our Lady, September 7, 1978

"In your world, there are many now on foot traveling about as apostles of latter days. My children, you are all united as bearers of the light to mankind. I am now gathering My own about Me. My Mother is a Mediatrix between God and man. She will remain with you until the world comes to its completion in the Eternal Father's plan. All that is rotten shall fall; the wheat shall be separated from the chaff, the sheep from the goats.
    "There shall be set upon mankind the Day of days, a day such as never has been experienced since the beginning of earth's time. The world shall rattle and groan. Eyes shall look upward and the firmaments shall burn. Skin will blow off the bones as if it had never been, so intense shall be the heat of the Ball of Redemption.
    "My children, I hear voices of disdain shouting, sadism! Is this a sadist God Who promises such destruction upon His creation?
    "I say unto you, as your God, I bring not your destruction. You will bring about your own destruction, for I leave you, as your God, to the exercise of your free will. In your free will, if you reject your God and the plan for man's redemption as given from the beginning of time, I say unto you, you will destroy yourselves." - Jesus, May 18, 1977

"Friday must be a day of self-denial now and forever more! It has been written as a fast day.
    "Woe to evil man! My hand will fall heavy upon them. Do they no longer consult the Holy Spirit or be guided by pure faith. Woe to man that seeks the well-being of the body! I shall strike them with a sword that shall cut them asunder from My Kingdom! I shall not gather the tears of My Son to save them from falling on an ungrateful world. I have created, and I can destroy. Heed Me now! The final curtain has been rung down.
    "My beloved little children that have remained true to Me, weep not. I gather you close to My bosom, into the light of My Kingdom. Disturb not your soul with the discord of ungrateful man. I know My own, but I am long-suffering.
"My Son has shed His Blood on an unworthy generation. Heed My word; you have called down My wrath! I have called upon you for atonement, to be turned away. You will answer to your Father, and I shall spit you out as venom from the flames." - Eternal Father, February 28, 1971

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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