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#731 - Adversity

"And calling the multitude together with his disciples, he said to them: If any man will follow me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." - St. Mark 8: 34

St. Theresa - "Graces are given in the most strange ways, my sister. You will learn to love adversity, for it is the secret to piety."
    Veronica - I don't know if I repeated it, but it's very fresh in my mind that Saint Theresa has said that we should accept all adversity. We should look forward to even minor irritations, for they can be used as a point of grace, to receive grace that can be transferred to the suffering souls in purgatory. I understand that Theresa made it known to me that it is something that you will understand in time with practice. It is a simple way to Heaven. And Theresa also said now tonight and before, in the past, that you must be quite simple, childlike, in your approach to the world and on your way to Heaven, with the confidence of a child and a trust in the Father, accepting all in the will of God, giving your whole soul and human life into the will of God, accepting the Eternal Father as your guide as you would in a loving father.
    Theresa says there is no reason to fear the Father in Heaven, for He is all-loving. All punishment that is given to mankind has been indirectly willed by mankind. He has made his own punishment because he has turned away from the direction, from the direction from God the Father. It is a form of just chastisement and cleansing; for over the veil you must be as pure and holy as an angel to enter the eternal Kingdom of God. - February 10, 1978

"Your sacramentals shall give you courage in the face of adversity. Know that all will be tried as mettle in the fire.
    "Yes, My child, this great War will come upon you suddenly. Wars, My children, are a punishment for the sins of mankind.
    "Must We send upon you trial and adversity, My children, before you will come to My Son at the tabernacles of the world?
    "You must gather, My child, all of the peoples of earth. Bring them here to pray as a solid wall against the darkness. You hold the balance to hold back this darkness, My child." - Our Lady, March 29, 1975

"My children, guard your homes well, and you shall not cry for your children. But you must watch that the enemy does not enter into your home, even in the guise of an angel of light. It will be now the full responsibility of the parents to retain the Faith in the hearts of their children.
    "Lucifer, 666, does full battle now to My children upon earth. This battle is allowed. It is the day that has been written of and spoken of in the past. The day is upon you, and the time of Armageddon at hand.
    "My children, pray constantly. The prayers do not have to be--come from a book, but you will pray from your hearts. Lift up your hearts in belief. Believe and you will be given the way. I bless you all, My children, and I send you the grace of perseverance in the face of adversity and persecution. My children, pray constantly. I cannot counsel you enough, for prayer is one of the greatest parts of your armor." - Jesus, December 7, 1978

"No matter what the struggles to keep the light in your country and the world, you will go forward as soldiers of light, carrying your banner Faithful and True, in the face of adversity.
    "My child and My children, I had promised you relief from the suffering now being inflicted even on little children, of AIDS. This will come in due time. This is actually based, My child and My children, on the acceptance of mankind of the Eternal Father and My Son as their leaders.
    "You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man. I repeat, sin has become a way of life.
    "My child and My children, if I could open up the sky above Me and show you a picture of the tears that fall upon you! It's truly raining teardrops from Heaven. For many of you are blind to what lies ahead. There will be a time of great tribulation upon mankind. Will you be able to persevere during this time?" - Our Lady, October 6, 1992

"Now, My child, I have one more thing to tell you. There has been much publicity afoot in your country and the world about the existence of satanic cults. I must tell you they do exist. They worship satan, and they are the opposite of all Christianity. They will do the opposite of what is asked in the Bible. Therefore, they kill with no remorse. They steal your children and brutalize them.
    "How can they do this, My child, you ask Me? How can they be so hard, so cruel, so merciless? Well, My child, the enemies of your country and the world have done their work good. They are using an infiltration with drugs. Your children are being educated for the use of these drugs.
    "My dear parents, please! Listen to your Mother. Listen to what I have to say to you, for I tell you the truth. The Eternal Father sees all, and makes us knowledgeable as to what is happening upon earth that will bring its eventual destruction. Your children are being educated in the schools to take all Christianity from their lives, and believe not in the supernatural things of God, but the diabolical processes of satan, in cults.
    "My child and My children, at this time in the United States of America and Canada, there can be counted at least nine thousand satanic cults.
    "My child, I see you are shivering. You are frightened. Yes, you have reason to be, My child. But do not be affrighted, My child; they will not harm you. They will not harm you, My child. Remember that. You must remain calm in the face of adversity." - Our Lady, June 18, 1987

"The greatest of trials, My child, will be given to those who have been chosen for special missions upon your earth. It is truly the way of the cross. My Mother and I are united with the symbol of My cross before mankind." – Jesus, September 14, 1976

“Many martyrs shall be made, My child, in the days ahead. Many shall gain their crowns through suffering. It is truly the way of the cross, My child, to Heaven. Do not let a moment go by, My child, without using, without putting your suffering to good cause.” – Our Lady, September 14, 1976

"Pray for your enemies. Love those who castigate you, My child. Accept the way of the cross, My child. It is the short road to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father.
    "Know, My children, that I am always with you. My Mother is with you. We will guide you in the future. Your future is now. The days grow short. Accept your cross, My children, and go forward searching as candles in the darkness.
    "As disciples of the Eternal Father, you will truly be the light of the world. I give you, My children, the simple honor of following Me as lights in the world.
    "My heart will shine in your darkened world; My Blood shall be your salvation.” – Jesus, May 28, 1975

"Do not be misguided by those who, in the spirit of darkness, take the knowledge of the supernatural from you. Yes, in order, My children, to stay in the light, you will be rejected by many. You will be scorned; you will be called insane, because, I repeat: there is nothing in common between the light and the darkness. As they rejected Me upon your earth, you, too, must go the way of the cross. But carry your cross, My children, with purpose and fortitude. And I assure you, as your God, that the road you follow in the light will be well worth your perseverance. The joys of Heaven are for all, but all do not attain this height, My children, for they are not willing to sacrifice and do penance and to follow the way of the cross." – Jesus, November 1, 1976

"My child, the way to Heaven, it is not easy. It will be set with frustration, with trial, with suffering. It is truly the way of the cross, My child. Were it otherwise, I would surely tell you so.” – Our Lady, May 17, 1975

"I ask parents to restore discipline to their homes. I demand My pastors to restore discipline to My Church upon earth. You will not convert the masses, but you will set yourselves to be destroyed by the enemies of God, because you do not pray, because you do not seek means of mortification. I say unto you as your God, in the name of your Creator, that as you sow, so shall you reap. And many of you are preparing to reap the whirlwind!
    "Do not be affrighted, My child. For all who receive great graces, much is expected of them. There is a price, My child, to pay for Heaven. This price We ask of all is suffering, the way of the cross. No man shall ever be greater than his Master.” – Jesus, November 20, 1978

"I bless you all, My children, as the Father blesses you in the Holy Spirit. We dispense among you the graces for your salvation. None will be lost but of his own free will. Remember this: the way to Heaven will be the way of the cross." – Jesus, August 5, 1974

"You will all continue your present course in sending the Message from Heaven. Do not be slackened in your pace by public opinion, My children. You must give the Message and go on. Your emotions must not be tied up by longing for the acceptance of the Message, My children. That is all part of the way of the cross." – Our Lady, December 31, 1976

"Life, My child, is but a pilgrimage for all, a vale of tears. You cannot have happiness, sublime happiness upon your earth, for then you will not be following the way of the cross. Life is but a vale of tears, but with these tears you will wash your soul.
    "Persevere, My children, in the days ahead. The attacks from satan will be great, but recognize them and pray him out with a constant vigilance of prayer.” – Our Lady, August 21, 1975

"Be persevering, My children. Be confident in the Eternal Father. You will not be given any more trial than you can proceed through. Your burdens may be heavy, but know that you are going truly the way of the cross." – Our Lady, January 31, 1976

"Your lives upon earth shall be a constant struggle to avoid the snares of satan. This is the way of the cross, My children, and every man, woman, and child shall travel this road in order to be purified and to enter the Eternal Kingdom of your God. I say unto you, My children, never since the time of Sodom, and never since the earth went through the trial of being cleansed by great waters, shall man see what will soon come upon him for his sin, for his succumbering to the pleasures of the flesh, and for discarding his God for all of the creatures and spirit of darkness, allowing the prince of darkness, satan, your adversary, to gain control of your country and your world.” – Jesus, September 7, 1976

Veronica - Our Lady said that each and every person who bears the light must now go forward willing to suffer for Christ, Her Son. Each and every person who is carrying the light must be willing to sacrifice all, whether it be human emotions, safety, or comfort. It is the true way of the cross, Our Lady said. Sacrifice, penance, atonement. – November 19, 1977

"The world must know the value of suffering. All who came into Heaven came here by the way of the cross. If one would understand the great value of suffering she would ask this regardless of her human inclination to avoid pain and suffering. The graces gained from physical suffering when offered for a just cause, a meritable cause, for those in purgatory the graces are threefold.” – Jesus, February 1, 1978

"My Mother has been coming to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. She sends you and strews among you many roses. Many have thorns; the thorns are always with the roses. And you will always find, My child and My children, the cross beneath the roses. The road to Heaven is the way of the cross. Pick up your cross and follow Me. The way is narrow, and very few remain on it. Many are called, but few can be chosen.
    "Remain constant, My children. Fidelity--remain faithful and true, and you will be saved." – Jesus, July 25, 1979

"Man has the balance, man has been given in free will the balance for his own fall, or restoration of a nation to its former glory under God. Like rodents, the enemies of your God have eaten away at the foundations of the Faith. But in a short time they will be destroyed, and a new House will rise, a Church stronger in faith and sanctity and holiness. But this cannot, My children, take place until a great Chastisement is set upon mankind.
    "You will all retain and wear your sacramentals for reason. Do not underestimate the power of prayer or the sacramentals. Do not be misguided or misled by the scoffers who have committed themselves to satan with derisive vocabularies of calling sanctity fanaticism, and holiness derangement.
    "My child and My children, understand well that as I was persecuted upon earth, do not expect any less a lot. For the cross is always heavy, and unless you carry this cross you cannot reach Heaven. For the way of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom." – Jesus, June 18, 1981

"Little did the world recognize the three plagues which originated from the mind of the Eternal Father. These plagues were called the Legionnaires' Disease, Herpes, and AIDS. But, My children, as I told you in the past, many years ago, My child and My children, the bad shall be glorified and the good shall suffer. However, these diseases that came upon mankind originated through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father. Sufferings were brought upon those who must cleanse their souls to avoid hell.
    "You ask, My child and My children, why must also the good suffer? As it was in the beginning of time, so it will be now, that no one shall be above the crucifixion or beyond it. In order to reach the eternal life of Heaven, you must take up your cross and follow My path.
    "My children, I shall not allow the scientific world to find a cure for AIDS, because of the horrible nature of what brings on this disease called AIDS. It is being flaunted now as though the good were to be stomped upon, and the bad shall receive the glory." - Jesus, August 21, 1985

"Remember, My child, I, as your Mother, fully understand the great sorrow in your heart, for did I not give My Son to the Eternal Father? Did I not have My heart torn asunder by this loss? Yes, My child, I also had a human nature. I could cry; I could be sorrowful. I felt a great sadness, My child. I feel, and I give to you the simple lesson: It is only through experience, My child, that can we have true compassion for the sufferer." - Our Lady, September 14, 1976

"Yes, My child and My children, My Mother has meant to preserve you upon earth without hurt, without suffering, but this cannot be. The sin of Adam and Eve was so great that it has placed man upon the earth to suffer.
    "But once you have learned, My child and My children, the true value of suffering you will understand that through this suffering, accepted in good spirit and with firm meaning as reparation for the souls in purgatory, the Eternal Father shall bless anew those who have given themselves as victims, victims offered to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother." - Jesus, May 28, 1983

"Yes, my sister, no suffering is ever wasted. For you must accept it in the right light, knowing that even our dear Jesus suffered upon earth at the hands of those He loved." - St. Theresa, October 2, 1989

"You must all understand and practice penance. You must understand the value of suffering; for each and every act of suffering, discomfort, can be offered for the sins of mankind. Even the smallest act of penance can save another." - Jesus, October 6, 1979

"It is through suffering that you will gain a measure of perfection." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"Many graces are given through suffering, My child. Many souls can be recovered if you will accept in good spirit the crosses and trials upon you. Offer them in abundance for the recovery of your sisters and brothers. You will find the road filled with roses. The cross will not hurt when you have a reason for the suffering." - Jesus, June 8, 1972

"Understand, My child, that when you are doing a mission for Heaven, satan will send three times the number of agents against you. You will be under constant attack. However, you will call upon your guardian angel for more protection. Do not seek to fight this battle alone. We have sent you Tusazeri. Call upon him more often.
    "You are, My child, too concerned upon the opinion of man. Better that they reduce you to a grain of sand, for the graces you receive are great in abundance. It is in mortification that the purification of the soul is speedy." - Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"Now, My child, I give you My peace in courage and perseverance. The strength will be given to you to continue your mission, but know that the battle rages now for souls. Satan will send great forces against you and all who work for My Mother. But know now that Her voice will not be stilled throughout the world, for We will rise up great enemies against these forces of satan. As they seek to send enemies among you, We shall crush them." - Jesus, October 2, 1974

"Each time that you spot your soul, We shall have to send severe penance.... We do not wish for you to do penance across the veil; therefore, in your human state you must suffer much. It is this manner that is used by the Father to prepare you when you come over the veil. That is the secret, My child, of suffering.
    "For We keep, as you would say in your human language, a sheet for scoring: those of merit, and those that do not add to merit. Each side with non-merit We cleanse by suffering, trials. Learn, My children, the value of suffering. They are sent to you for reason, for much of your suffering is your salvation." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974

"My children, you may expect great opposition in the promotion of My Mother's mission. You will go forward with great perseverance and courage. The grace will be given to all to remain steadfast in the truth.
    "You may expect to be persecuted as I, too, was allowed by the Father to go through this trial. Know that this battle will rage with great ferocity, but the final outcome will be a triumph for all Heaven. You are being tested, and you will be given great trial. Stand fast in your Faith, keep the truth in your heart, and remain on the narrow path. Cast aside all your human inclinations for worldly gain or recognition. You will be treated and you will be forced to grovel, but do this and you will save souls. They will trample you, but know that the prophets before you had to be trampled before they rose above their persecutors. Your example will save many souls, My children, so continue with the Mission from Heaven." - Jesus, July 25, 1974

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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