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#760 - "My Hand Grows Heavy"

"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." - Hebrews 10:31

"My hand grows heavy. How long shall I extend it and not descend it upon you? My Mother has gone throughout your world crying tears, tears that fall upon a degenerate and ungrateful generation. Come out of your darkness now, for there will be sent upon you a great Warning of great magnitude. There will be sent upon you a Chastisement. No flesh shall escape. Are you ready to accept the reward from your foul deeds?
    "My shepherds, your sheep are straying. They are dying. They are starving for truth.
    "Return to a life of dedication. Return to a life of perseverance and trial, and not give yourselves to the enemies of your God. Return to a life of true charity and prayer. You cannot bargain with the Father in Heaven. You may bargain with satan and lose. You will bargain with satan and lose." - Jesus, May 17, 1975

"The Eternal Father now has taken into His hand a most luminous ball. It is a red ball of fire. It is growing very heavy in His hand. It no longer sets at the base of His throne, and He shall poise now to throw this. It will be thrown, My child, at the world—a ball of fire." - Jesus, October 5, 1985

"My hand grows heavy! I tolerate with sorrow the abominations that now continue to add on in man's pursuit of worldly pleasure and gain. Man, in his allegiance with evil, has set himself now fast onto the road to his own destruction. I say unto you that the day will soon be upon mankind, the time of great tribulation such as mankind has never experienced since the creation of earth, and shall never see again at its completion. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth in these days!" - Jesus, May 14, 1977

"My child, Veronica, I do not mean to frighten you. But I am in dire suffering for the abuse to My Mother. I will not accept this much longer. Unless man makes a complete change from his ways that offend the Eternal Father, We will no longer try to keep His heavy hand from upon you. Your country, the United States, has been graced; but your country has fallen from the pedestal that she had been placed on by mankind. Spirituality has been cast aside. Prayer life has fallen, even in the convents. How can you, My clergy, lead others when you have adopted a mode of humanism catering to mankind? You do not feed the spirits of My children upon earth. As such, you cannot enter the Kingdom!
    "The Eternal Father never changes, My children. You cannot build a paradise upon earth. That point shall never be reached, because you are doing this without your God." - Jesus, June 18, 1993

"The time given by your prophets of old, the time of times is here. You will all, My children, wear your sacramentals in the battle, the days ahead. What was to happen in the future shall be now. Your world will be baptized by fire. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
    "False teachers and teachings abound in your world now. False teachers roam in My Son's House. You must now, pastors, reverse your ways, for they offend the Eternal Father much. I cannot hold back the hand of My Son; it grows heavy." - Our Lady, May 26, 1976

"As I have traveled through countless earth-years upon your earth, I have begged for penance and atonement, crying tears of pity for mankind. The hand of My Son grows heavy. The voices of the saints cry out for a just punishment upon a degenerate generation. O My child . . ."
    Veronica - Oh, Our Lady now is placing Her hands over Her face. She's so sad.
    Our Lady - "My child, many seek to comfort Me in My sorrow, but many more must comfort My Son in His sorrow. The abominations being committed by mankind, even entering into the House of My Son, His Church, have torn His heart anew." - Our Lady, June 16, 1977

"Look, My child, upon a sad sight. Mankind is wresting from My Son His very heart. The chalice is filled to overflowing from the abominations of mankind! The Eternal Father, His hand grows heavy! I do not know, My child, how much more time can be given to you and Our children of earth in the light, to gather Our sheep.
    "You will, My child, continue without slackening your work. There are many souls to reach before the great Warning.
    "Sin has become a way of life in your country and your world. The peak of iniquity is being reached. Abomination upon abomination are filling the heart of mankind. Man has given his heart to satan. He has bargained away his eternal soul. The sins of the flesh condemn many to the eternal fires of hell, My child." - Our Lady, March 22, 1975

"Many do not know the existence now of My Son upon earth in the Eucharist, for you, O pastors, in your permissiveness, in your negligence, have allowed errors, falsehood, and defamation of My Son to take place within His very House! Whatever shall become of you?
    "My Son's hand grows heavy. I cannot hold it back much longer. Your country shall receive the cross, My child!" - Our Lady, May 15, 1976

"You have chosen of your own free will, O men of darkness, to send back to the Father souls that have not completed their mission. The score is being counted and you shall receive the fruits of your abominations. Turn back now and make atonement for your murders!
    "Your city, My child, is a cesspool of sin. The cities in your country and the world have become cesspools of sin. Remember Sodom! Remember Gomorrha! The sin being committed now upon earth is far more grievous than during those times. Therefore you will be redeemed by a baptism of fire. The hand of God grows heavy; The Father will not tolerate these murders." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"It is in your human nature that mankind will not accept anything against his nature. Therefore, do not be misguided by those who say that I bring fear into your hearts! I only bring the truth of what is to be. If you do not change your ways now and make restitution for the offenses being committed against the Sacred Heart of My Son, the Father--His hand grows heavy!
    "The prayers of a few have held back the just punishment, but the sands of the hourglass are slowly running out." - Our Lady, October 6, 1974

"As I have told you in the beginning, the time is approaching for the Chastisement to mankind. Your country will go through great trial. We have asked; We have begged; My Mother has come to you with Her Message from Heaven, which you have chosen to reject from your own free will. All those who have listened will go through this crucible of suffering with great hope in their redemption.
    "Know that there will be sent upon you a fiery Ball from the heavens. Many will die in this great flame of the Ball of Redemption. I do not give you fear, but I give you fact, My children. Prepare your souls and the souls of those you love. The time of great sorrows is approaching." - Jesus, May 28, 1975

“As I said before, My Son’s Church is in great crisis. The enemies of God, with Russia as the head, now seek to destroy the knowledge of the Eternal Father in the Trinity. My Son, they seek to take My Son from history and try to defame Him for their own gains.
    “And, My children, warn others throughout the world that they must not use My Son’s name in profanity and anger. My Son’s name is being abused to the point now where the Eternal Father has His heavy hand near the Ball that sets at the foot of His throne.” - Our Lady, July 1, 1985

"My Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, has held in abeyance the heavy hand of your God, that must soon be set upon you in order to save your generation. For I assure you, My children, in the destruction you are fast heading into, there will be little flesh left unless We rescue you from your own-made destruction.
    "The Eternal Father in Heaven is most merciful, and My children, none shall be lost except they choose this of their own free will." - Jesus, November 22, 1976

"It is not only here in New York, My child, that My Mother has appeared. She has tried to make Her presence known in other places, but has been rejected. I cannot say how this hurts My heart; for I love My Mother as the Queen of Heaven--that She is, and also the Queen of all hearts. And most of all, She wishes to have the hearts of Her children upon earth, each and every one of them. For all that is lost, She cries constantly. Were it not for My Mother and your Mother, you would have received the Ball of Redemption much sooner than you expected. But My Mother held My heavy hand back, as the Eternal Father listened to the saints crying out from Heaven: 'When, O when, my Lord, shall a just punishment come upon the evil ones upon earth, who are sacrificing the saints?'" - Jesus, June 18, 1987

"Many have sold their souls to get to the head! Many have nourished their bodies but have starved their souls! And how? Because you have cast aside the truth! You go forward with itching ears, listening to heretics and liars! Doctrines of demons abound upon earth, and these doctrines of demons have entered into My Church. I say unto you as your God: I shall place a heavy hand upon you.
    "A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Your world shall go through a crucible of suffering. It will be the time of trial for all, the separation of the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff. All that is rotten shall fall. For I repeat again: It is better that there be a few with quality than a quantity with nothingness!" - Jesus, February 1, 1978

"My Mother has traveled throughout your world crying tears from a Mother's heart upon you, begging you to turn back now before it is too late. You cast aside Her counsel, man of science, and this evil of free will used to turn the Spirit of light away from mankind and plunge him into the spirit of darkness. Mankind shall receive a great punishment. How many years has My Mother pleaded for your repatriation! The heavy hand of chastisement hovered over you, held back by the few. And now We see those who were lukewarm growing cold; the good, apathetic; and the bad becoming worse.
    "As you go forward in your sin, you shall promote major insanity throughout your world: murder, corruption, immodesty, immorality, all manner of foul deeds being committed to destroy the temple of your God, your bodies profaned! My children, all will go through the test. Every man, woman, and child of conscionable age shall meet this test, and all that is rotten shall fall!" - Jesus, June 16, 1977

"Listen well, My child. All is in the power of the Father. What is to befall man, he has brought this upon himself. He has brought about the need for cleansing. You will all approach the days ahead with great trust, with great love in the mercy of the Father.
    "Much will be given to you now in records of photographs. There is much, My child, that I ask you keep now until the Father directs the release of these facts.
    "A constant vigilance of prayer must be kept now. The Father watches and waits now for the abatement of the commissions and acts of abomination that He sees on earth. There is a heavy hand placed upon a generation that refuses to turn back from the road that has been paved by satan. When you reject your God, you must be chastised." - Our Lady, August 21, 1973

"My children, no evil is ever triumphant. By their fruits will they be known. No evil is ever triumphant. My children, I despair of heart, for many are rejecting My Son. What manner of folly is this to reject My Son? You cannot enter Heaven. You must believe My Son in the Trinity or you will not see the Father over the veil.
    "O My children, since the beginning of creation, never has the state of man's soul been so defiled upon earth. In the days gone by, if you read the testaments of your good Book, you will find that man was always warned of his folly, and man was warned of his coming punishment, and the heavy hand of his God then descended upon him.
    "O My children, you do not learn from your past, but you commit over and over again the same mistakes and the same follies. But now mankind has accepted a more sophisticated form of sin, so diabolical in its nature that it could only come from the black heart of the depths of hell and satan!" - Our Lady, May 30, 1977

"My children, the choice is yours. The Ball of Redemption is nearing mankind. You are being warned, and you must act upon this warning now. What was to happen in the future shall be now!
    "My children, and I say My children, though many have rejected Me, I say unto you, you must now turn from your ways that have offended the Eternal Father much. The heavy hand of chastisement shall be placed upon you.
    "I repeat the words of My Mother to the clergy: Conform with the world and you will die on the vine. I am the vinedresser. The vine is the tree of life, eternal life. You were My branches. But this tree now is being shaken, and all that is rotten shall fall!
    "You are all living now and passing through the latter days, the days counseled by My Mother to you in past messages through various seers throughout your world. You have been prepared well. And now as you go through this crucible of trial and suffering, you will learn by it. And if you have strengthened yourself through My Mother's counsel, you will pass through this crucible with strength and courage." - Jesus, November 1, 1977

"The lessons of your Faith have been given to you for all time without change. My Son is forever, for God is, God was, and God always will be. My Son is your God in the Father and the Holy Ghost. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of the Trinity. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of My Son's divinity. Do not recrucify My Son upon your earth and in His Church, His House. You call upon you a heavy hand of punishment from the Eternal Father!
    "All manner of evil is being condoned with permissiveness by the pastors in My Son's House. All manner of abominations are being committed in My Son's House. Clean out the errors; restore the light within My Son's House, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.
    "My children, the forces of evil are gathering within the Eternal City of Rome. They exercise great control over the human element, and satan now exercises great control over the supernatural. The Eternal Father will allow him his time, as you will all be tested as metal in the fires. Shall you bend, in your free will, your human free will, shall you bend the cross and distort it into a cross of mankind? Shall you bend My Son's cross? O evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of you?" - Our Lady, December 24, 1976

"My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst. He shall maneuver and pit you and play you against each other in his plan to destroy My Son's House. Recognize what is happening now upon your earth. I say unto you, O pastors in My Son's House: if you do not listen, if you continue to proceed upon your present course, you ask for the heavy hand of My Son to come upon you. Your world shall be cleansed with a baptism of fire. My children, have you not learned anything from your past? As in the time of Noe, with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, have you not learned that a degenerate generation calls upon itself a heavy hand of chastisement from the Eternal Father?
    "Yes, My child, I understand your deep grief and sorrow. O My child, We are like voices crying in the wilderness: get ready and keep on the narrow road, for the time is growing short." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976

"My children, I repeat: what was to happen in the future shall be now! It is for you to help change this by getting out the message in great haste.
    "I gave you, with the consent of the Eternal Father, a photograph of great knowledge written from the hand of a child, and you did not listen. In your blindness you cast it aside. And I say unto you again: consider this picture, this photograph as a puzzle for the human race to figure out. If not solved in time, in due time, I will set the answer upon the world Myself. It will be a heavy hand upon mankind." - Jesus, September 13, 1978

"I have given you the sacramentals and My beads of prayer. Your prayers must now rise to Heaven. I have sought through countless apparitions on your earth--and I have come to many lands--to hold back the darkness. However, man has shut Me out, not only from his earth, but from his heart. How can I keep the heavy hand of punishment from falling upon you when you have chosen to harden your hearts?
    "My child, Veronica, I place great dependence on you and all who have joined in My armies throughout the world to gather the souls. The path of man has gone far from the path that would lead to the Kingdom. He has now traveled the wide road, and this road has brought him to his own destruction." - Our Lady, May 10, 1973

"Man has sought to become a king among nations. And man has sought to destroy My Church upon earth. And he builds himself one that cannot be recognized as being in the light, for it is a church now of humanism. And woe to those who have set themselves up to worship idols, and have commanded through satanism. My children, have you all progressed into insanity? For surely you have been counseled in the past that sin is insanity, and you now shall reap your own harvest in suffering.
    "My children, I hear all cries of peace and brotherhood. And where is the peace, and where is the brotherhood, as you progress along the road to your own destruction?
"Charity has grown cold in the hearts of most. And those who profess a vocation in the clergy have become neither lukewarm nor active, but they go downstream to their destruction like ducks, neither caring whether the abominations destroy souls in My House. They call forth the heavy hand of the Father upon them! All manners of violations to all humanness and dignity is taking place even within the portals of My Church--violations against sanctity." - Jesus, October 6, 1977

"O My children, I have cried out to My pastors to gather My sheep, to teach them and enlighten them, and what do We find? That Our pastors have fallen asleep! Cardinals, bishops, awaken from your slumber! A heavy hand shall be placed upon the world, and you shall not escape punishment for the loss of even a single soul to Heaven!
    "Woe, woe, woe to the man who is responsible for the destruction of a young soul! My children, it would be better if that man had not emerged from his mother's womb, or a millstone had been tied about his neck and cast into the sea, before he committed his foul deeds.
    "My children, do not scoff and turn your backs upon what is happening about you because it has not touched your life. If you do not act now, every life shall be touched by the agents of hell." - Jesus, November 21, 1977

"My hand grows heavy. How long shall I extend it and not descend it upon you? My Mother has gone throughout your world crying tears, tears that fall upon a degenerate and ungrateful generation. Come out of your darkness now, for there will be sent upon you a great Warning of great magnitude. There will be sent upon you a Chastisement. No flesh shall escape. Are you ready to accept the reward from your foul deeds?
    "My shepherds, your sheep are straying. They are dying. They are starving for truth.
    "Return to a life of dedication. Return to a life of perseverance and trial, and not give yourselves to the enemies of your God. Return to a life of true charity and prayer. You cannot bargain with the Father in Heaven. You may bargain with satan and lose. You will bargain with satan and lose." - Jesus, May 17, 1975

"But I wish to bring across to mankind that I, too, can no longer allow these—the carnalities, the abominations that men are committing upon earth to continue. My hand is coming down and it will strike!" - Jesus, June 18, 1982

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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