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#766 - Measure for Measure

"For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting." - Galatians 6:8

"My child, much has been given to you in knowledge. The Eternal Father has set a measure. Measure for measure shall the world reap the whirlwind.
    "There shall come upon mankind a Chastisement of tremendous magnitude, a Chastisement that has never been seen, nor will it ever be seen again by the eyes of man. In the mercy of the Eternal Father, there will be given to you a Warning, a visual warning, and then if mankind sets himself against the Eternal Father, choosing to continue in his life of sin, he will receive a just judgment from the Eternal Father, and he will be cleansed of his sin by a baptism of fire! The Ball of Redemption spoken of by My Mother is on its way. Measure for measure, your days are counted. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer.
    "I do not come to set fear in your heart, as My Mother has not come to set fear in your heart, but We bring to you the knowledge of what is to come. Your future is now! Live your life daily, expecting what is to be an eventuality." - Jesus, September 6, 1975

"You say, My children, that these are not unusual times, that this has happened in the past. Oh no, My children, these are times such as man shall go through and shall not experience, by the time it is over, again. These are the days of the days, these are the days approaching the coming of the Day of the Lord. Have you, My children, prepared your household? Have your set it in order, or will you wait and wait and blind yourself with a false optimism until the destruction comes to you?
    "In Rome, My children, the Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. Measure upon measure, Rome, the Eternal City, shall be purged by suffering for its turning away from their God. Measure by measure, America the beautiful shall be purged by trial and suffering for turning away from God. Measure for measure, all countries of the earth shall go through a crucible of trial and suffering for the rejection of their God." - Our Lady, May 14, 1977

"I, Michael, guardian of the Faith, give fair warning to mankind that the Eternal Father, Creator and Master of all, has looked upon you and found you wanting. Measure for measure shall man be brought to his knees by trial. There shall be set upon mankind a great tribulation such as has been never seen since the beginning of man's creation, and those that pass through this great tribulation shall come forward cleansed in the Blood of the Lamb." - St. Michael, May 14, 1977

"Satan now seeks to defile everything holy and sacred to My Son.
    "Satan will use human beings who have become walking shells and dead spirits to trample the meaningful cross of My Son beneath their feet. As you seek to harm the Mother, you hurt the Son, and in this manner shall you be repaid measure for measure for your evil.
    "Because as a generation you have given yourselves over to sin and abominations even reaching into the House, the Church of My Son, you bring upon yourselves a just punishment. All who remain of well spirit will have nothing to fear. They will go through the approaching trials with great confidence and love for My Son." - Our Lady, May 30, 1978

"The Message from Heaven has reached those who have been operating in darkness. Many now have chosen, on free will, to cast aside Our admonitions. They are now planning for the entrance of the evil one, the man of dark secrets, onto the Seat of Peter. The harbinger of evil burrows deeper into the structure of the holy House of God. Unless all high priests in the holy House of God get down on their knees now and beg pardon and do penance for the offenses they have committed against their God, they will not be spared the abyss!
    "Your country and many parts of the earth are contaminated with filth. The evil has come and implanted unfruitful seed in the souls of the youth. We hold responsible--the greatest measure of responsibility will be given to the parents. The permissive behavior and laxity of the parents will provide the measure for their own judgment.
    "We see the greatest of evils being perpetrated in the holy House of God. The example being shown by the high men of the holy House of God is abominable! The harvest of Lucifer will be great. My heart has now uncountable thrusts from the hands of My children on earth." - Our Lady, September 14, 1972

"Recognize the signs of your times, My children, and act upon them. Have you prepared your soul and the souls of your children? Many shall be removed from your world.
    "The Ball of Redemption approaches. You have been spared by the prayers of the few. These few are counted by the Eternal Father, measure for measure.
    "We must continue to caution all parents to maintain the Faith in the heart of their homes and their children.
    "The evil has accelerated. Immodesty and impiety are prevalent in your world. A country is known by the moral values, My children. In the history of your world, if you consult and look, My children, you will find that your country and many in your world are now proceeding along the same course taken before the fall of an empire!" - Our Lady, February 10, 1976

"The world is rejecting My words, My child, as they did many years ago when I made My visit to the little children in the country Portugal. Yes, My message to the world was not acted upon, and they, too, received a just chastisement by war. Wars, My child, are a punishment for mankind's sins.
    "The abominations are multiplying. The measure of chastisement will be measure for measure, brim overflowing of the chalice. My child, they polish the chalice on the outside, but the cup is filled with abominations." - Our Lady, November 23, 1974

"Your world, the souls of the Father, are wallowing in their sin. Sin has become a way of life. You will hasten now and harken to My words. If you refuse this chance, the time given for your repatriation by the Father, there will be no recourse but to set and cleanse the world with fire.
    "A great War is progressing to explode upon your world when you will expect it the least. Your world cries peace, peace, love, when there is no peace; love, when the meaning of love is no longer known.
    "My Mother has shed many tears upon an ungrateful generation, an unworthy generation that has taken Her sacrifice and cast it back into Her face! Woe to those who share a responsibility in desecrating and offending the heart of My Mother! Measure for measure shall he receive his just reward!
    "Mercy and charity is not practiced among you. Awaken now from your blindness! My clergy, you are swimming fast down a current that will take you over into the abyss. Return to My teachings of truth. They are simple in knowledge, but they are truth. Scatter My flock and I shall gather you and cast you fast headlong into the abyss!
    "Shepherds, return to your rule! Shall you stand before Me and say your teaching has been true in My sight? I repeat, I shall gather you and spit you out into the abyss! No rank shall be left, no excuse for the desecration and destruction of those entrusted into your care will be accepted. You are receiving from My Mother a warning, one of the final warnings being given to mankind. You will act upon it NOW!" - Jesus, December 24, 1974

"My Church is becoming fast the meeting place of all heretics. My Church, My House upon earth, is being defiled. Young souls are being sent out into the world to meet with all manner of evil and contamination. And what of Our leaders? Parents, do not depend on your leaders. You must, as parents, now assume full responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls.
    "There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the world by the evil one. The forces of 666 are gathered for the final battle with mankind. All hell now is loosed upon earth. Recognize the signs of your times, and do not be caught asleep, My pastors. Measure for measure shall you make an account to the Eternal Father for your laxity, your permissiveness, and your sin. We look upon Our clergy and are much distressed to find you wanting. Shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? Amen, I say to you: I shall turn you away. I shall spit you out into the fires, as you have joined the venom.
    "In the Eternal City of Rome, I watch the gathering of the vultures. All bishops will now come forward and affirm their faith now! You are following like sheep to the slaughter. You are bringing division in My House. A House divided shall not stand; it shall fall! I, your God, I am your foundation. The foundation is solid, but the walls are crumbling. And what are you doing about it? You are reconstructing these walls. They are becoming an edifice of man, not of your God." - Jesus, August 21, 1976

"Shall a warning be given to mankind? I say yes, My children! Many minor warnings have been given in the past, and have gone by unnoticed, by the Eternal Father. These warnings were given by the Eternal Father to awaken mankind. There shall be tremors and earthquakes in places never before seen or experienced. Great tidal waves shall descend upon a great city and it shall fall into the sea. Measure for measure, mankind shall be given his chastisement to cleanse him in a crucible of suffering because of his aberrations, because of his arrogance, because of his turning from the truth, the light, and from the Commandments given by the Eternal Father.
    "I repeat much that I have given in warning to mankind in the past, and soon My words will be few. I want you all, My children, to go back and read these warnings and act upon them." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976

"See the carnage that man has wrought upon earth, and understand why, measure for measure, the world will be cleansed by trial." - Our Lady, August 5, 1978

"Measure for measure, each man shall receive the recompense of his sin. Nothing is hidden to the Eternal Father Who is your final judge. You will all now retire from your world that has been given to satan. The time will come when many will look with envy upon those who have died." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

"Mothers must teach their children the true Faith. Fathers must fulfill their mission as fathers to their children. The ex­ample in many homes is poor and will not be tolerated by the Eternal Father. Measure for measure, you shall reap what you have sown.
    "Parents must give to their children the knowledge of the Commandments of the Father. No excuse is accepted for casting aside these Commandments.
    "Discipline your souls, My children, your spirit! Dis­cipline your human body. Do not allow yourselves to be swallowed up in the mire of destruction." - Our Lady, March 18, 1975

"My child, the sins of the world are far greater now than they were in the time of Noe. Therefore, the punishment, the Chastisement will be meted in accordance--measure for measure of man's sins and abominations against the Father.
    "The great heat will be sent upon mankind. The plague will follow." - Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"My children, I have warned the nations that the abomination of murders of the young must be discontinued. For measure for measure We are counting these abominations, and the punishments and chastisements shall be metered in accordance with the numbers of murders of the young. No city shall escape the just wrath of an angry God." - Jesus, June 18, 1977

“I cry, My tears fall upon you, My children. O how blind many are! I love each and every child that has been placed upon earth, but My heart is burdened by those who have been aborted. The Eternal Father sent the little ones upon your earth for a reason, and they were murdered! This shall not be allowed. They were murdered! Any country that allows the murders of the young and the unborn shall be destroyed. Any country that allows homosexuals to roam and to seduce the young shall be destroyed. Any country that has defamed My Son in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be destroyed.
    “My child and My children, I know how concerned you are with the sternness of the message, but you must understand the truth must be told. It is only by truth that you can be saved.” - Our Lady, June 30, 1984

"Your country has set itself onto the road to destruction, for they--our leaders have not taken action against the murderers set loose in your society. The murders of the young, the innocent unborn, have not gone by uncounted by the Eternal Father. Measure for measure shall you be given the reward of your--"
    Veronica - Oh, as Our Lady is pointing now up, I see--oh, my goodness! Oh! Oh, my! I see that--I know it's a comet. It, it's a round ball of fire, and it's traveling at a very fast pace through the sky. And it's so hot! I can feel the heat, the great heat of this long tail. As it's going through space, it's shooting out a tremendous fiery tail. Oh!
    Our Lady - "I repeat, My child, your country shall not escape the destruction of the fires, as you will be planet-struck.
    "As in the days of Noe, My child, many shall reject the Message from Heaven." - July 25, 1975

"My children, you are approaching the Day of the Lord. There will be set upon mankind a time of great tribulation. Time for your world is running out. My Mother has gone throughout your world shedding tears of pity upon mankind, begging the Eternal Father for additional time for your repatriation. How many have listened to Her counsel and acted upon it? How many have found the warmness of heart and charity of heart to pray for the priesthood upon earth? My children, I assure you in certainty, that there are many who wear the cloth of the clergy that are descending fast into hell and purgatory. Surely, in your charity of heart, you can do penance for them while they are upon earth. The Eternal Father has set the rule for mankind for the redemption of each and every soul.
    "My children, no man must set himself to question the direction of My Mother. No man can understand in his human nature the plan of the Eternal Father and how He accepts, measure for measure, extra penance and atonement from mankind. There is truly a balance now kept in this struggle against the evil forces from hell now loosed in fury upon mankind." - Jesus, May 28, 1977

"Measure for measure, the Eternal Father shall meter to you a just form of punishment. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
    "There is no excuse accepted now by the Eternal Father among the clergy, who now offend the Eternal Father by misleading the children of God upon earth. The experimentation and changes must be stopped and reversed! There is no other course." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979

"You will give out the message exactly, My child, as My Mother has given it to you, with no elaborations and no additives. The wording must be exact.
    "My Mother repeats what is in My heart to My pastors. For you who were given great grace, much has been expected of you. I have looked into your hearts, My pastors, and I have found you wanting. Measure for measure shall you receive the just recompense of your actions. You, as pastors of My sheep, shall give full account for the loss of every soul! By your example you have scattered My sheep, and I must now give you a final warning. In the time allowed now, you must do all in your power to restore My House.
    "Because of your arrogance, because of your greed, your pride, you have succumbed along with your sheep to all of the evils of the flesh. Many souls have gone into hell because they pursued all the treasures of your earth and did not look upward and bring their treasures to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. I repeat to you: What does it matter if you gain the whole world and have suffered the loss of your immortal soul?
    "Shall you, as pastors, stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? No, I say to you! I will cast you out, send you down into the pit where you belong, for you have degraded your vocation!" - Jesus, May 15, 1976

"You will all pray for your clergy, your cardinals, your bishops, Pope John Paul II. The forces of 666 are now in command even in the Eternal City of Rome. However, the Eternal Father knows the outcome.
    "The pages are turning fast as written down by John. The Revelations are fast coming through the pages to the end of time as you know it. I do not say the end of the world, I say the end of time as you know it.
    "O My children, it is of your free will that you put yourselves onto the road to perdition. Many clergy now are also on the road to perdition and taking many souls with them. My Son will ask for full accounting, measure for measure of His clergy." - Our Lady, August 14, 1979

"O My children, I repeat and repeat My warnings to mankind, hoping that as I go throughout your world shouting these warnings from Heaven, another will listen and carry the message to others throughout your world. I have brought you in the past the truth in knowledge from the Eternal Father that there is to come upon the world a great Chastisement. Measure for measure, man shall do penance willingly or unwillingly.
    "My children, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. All that is rotten shall fall. The world's peoples and My Son's hierarchy are being tested. Too long has man used My Son's Church to deceive, for many have entered not in good spirit but to destroy. And now their fruits are being noticed, as they came from bad seed." - Our Lady, April 2, 1977

"Strength in the Holy See! Man wearing the robe of the cleric must be excommunicated so that he may not contaminate the world with errors of modernism. You shall not remain with a soul when there are millions and thousands of souls to be saved.
    "Discipline, rigid discipline must be restored. The founding Fathers gave you the example and the knowledge, but you want change. The Father expects no change. Truth is truth. It is only satan who wishes to destroy the truth in change. The rock has always withstood the test of time. But one will be entered into the House of God, and woe to man when he places him upon the Seat of Peter, for then the great Day of the Lord shall be at hand.
    "Your future is balanced now; your days are counted. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Measure for measure." - St. Pius X, March 18, 1974

"The hand of God will fall heavy upon your world. For a man to let himself fall into perdition in his lay life . . . but when this perdition has entered into the House of God, it calls for a speedy and fast destruction! For all that is rotten will fall. Weak vines will break, boughs will be bent, but the cross of the living God shall not be bent by the will of man and to satisfy the desires of a corrupt generation! No-o-o! For woe to those who promote evil in the House of God! They will be held accountable in full measure for the fall of the souls entrusted to their care.
    "The penance upon the world is being meted at this time, and it will be heavy. Man now holds the balance for his own future, if he has been given this future." - Our Lady, May 30, 1973

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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