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#774 – Tested in the Fire

“Every man's work shall be manifest; for the day of the Lord shall declare it, because it shall be revealed in fire; and the fire shall try every man's work, of what sort it is.” - 1 Corinthians 3:13

"I do not have to repeat the full Message from Heaven given to you countless times in many places throughout your world by My Mother. She has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man; She has come to you as your Mother to direct you, to bring you through the world of darkness, a darkness that already has claimed for satan the souls of many.
    "I cannot promise you at this time a major change in your present struggles to retain My Church. You must all approach the days ahead with the knowledge that it is deemed by the Eternal Father that all mankind shall be tested and tried in a crucible of suffering. The sheep shall be separated from the goats, and We shall pull from the chaff the good kernels, those who will retain and restore My Church.” – Jesus, July 24, 1976

"In your complacency, My children, you just wait and watch and do nothing to save your souls or the souls of others. Do not wait until this enters upon your home. Prepare your home for this. Safeguard your children's souls while you have the chance.
    "I have promised to be with you in the dark days ahead. I intend to stay with you in the dark days ahead and guide all those who will not shut Me out of their hearts. My Son will be with you, and He cries for your understanding in the dark days ahead--that you will not go the easy road and desecrate His Body.
    "The dark days ahead will be a test for all. It will be like placing the metals in the fire and the separating of the sheep from the goats.
    "All cannot enter, yea I say none can enter unless they repent of their sin and cast aside the evil that they have allowed to become a way of life with them. And this must be done on free will.” – Our Lady, September 7, 1972

"Among your earth peoples now are many false prophets. You must beware of those who come as angels of light but are ravenous wolves with black hearts. Many shall use the name of My Son to destroy. Beware! Watch and pray.
    "When you submit your will to your God in Heaven, you will be led along the lighted road. No man shall fall unless he falls now of his free will. You are all being tested like the metals in the fire. Only those who are willing to suffer for My Son and accept the trials that standing before My Son will bring them, will enter the Kingdom. The numbers after the final count will be in the few.
    "When My Son ascended to the Father, I spent many years spreading His word. I know the frailties of human nature. I know the heartbreak, the suffering, for I spent many years on earth. Therefore, I always beg for mercy, My children, to the Father for My errant children on earth. That is why I have been placed here as a Mediatrix between God and man. My Son has deemed this necessary.
    "Many places have now been closed to Me. I have expected this for some time, My children. But the work for the Father will continue as long as there is the light in the world.” – Our Lady, August 14, 1972

"Man has set himself on a road steeping his soul in darkness of spirit. Charity has grown cold. Aberrations of the body are accepted as normal when they are abnormal. Man is practicing all the vile corruption set upon your world by satan! Unless mankind makes a reversal of his present course, there will be no recourse by the Eternal Father than to allow you to use the instruments of destruction you have created to destroy you.
    "Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer.
    "For countless earth-years, My child, My voice has cried a similar message of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice, to fall upon deafened ears and hardened hearts. Shall you ask for the Father to send the Chastisement upon you? Awaken, My children, from your slumber!
    "My child, you must find more time for quiet meditation. Do not be concerned of the opinion of mankind. I have asked My children to retire from this world of yours that has been given to satan.
    "Your sacramentals shall give you courage in the face of adversity. Know that all will be tried as mettle in the fire.” – Our Lady, March 29, 1975

"The Eternal Father is long-suffering, My children. He does not want one to perish. And now, those who have been given that flicker of light to retain in the world of darkness must go forward now with the Message from Heaven.
    "Your city New York has been tested, and will be tested further, My children. The cancer of sin has fanned out from your city, the metropolis of New York. The influence of this cancer is evident now in the corruption of your nation and many nations of the world.
    "All who join in the forces of light will be tested as metals in the fire. Persevere, My children; persevere and you will win your crown.
    "Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes. Take yourselves out of your world now, which has been given to satan. It is the empire of satan now--the world, My children. You will be living in it, but you must not join the world. For the world is a world of the flesh and the devil.” - Our Lady, September 28, 1977

"Understand well: when I appointed the Apostles there were no names given as cardinals or bishops; but Peter was the first Pope, the leader, and would you say not that the Apostles were the first bishops? And after that they chose from out of multitudes, seven whom you call deacons and listed as deacons, but they were truly priests at that time. But you do not need the procedure now. If you are willing to ask the Eternal Father, and if you do not give yourselves over to doctrines of demons, you will have priests sufficient to carry out the ministry. But what do you do now? You will seek to make instant priests, against the will of the Eternal Father! You will delude others to think that your deacons can take the Sacraments and give them as in the priesthood! A priest, My children, is a chosen man of God. A true legally-ordained priest is far superior than any man, as he represents Me in the Godhead.
    "I am your God, and I say unto you: continue to change My Church and you will fall! You will build a secular church, bringing in all--even heretics, even homosexuals. All aberrations condemned by the Eternal Father, you will permit in the name of humanism. Nay, no! I say unto you as your God: you will be given a short reign, for I consider you then an abomination, and as such, you will be removed.
    "All will be tested like metals in the fire, and all that is rotten shall fall. Return, My clergy, to a life of prayer, holiness, and true purpose of your vocation." – Jesus, May 23, 1979

"The Eternal City is falling into deep darkness of spirit. The candles are lighted, the battle will rage. Your Vicar will carry his cross to the end.
    "The power of prayer is great. The mercy of the Eternal Father knows no bounds. You are all being tested. Every man shall be tested as metal in the fire. You will continue under the direction of My Mother, retiring from your present state of world conditions that have been given under the power of satan. It is the will of the Eternal Father that you continue with perseverance and patience in the days ahead. It has been ordained from the beginning of time. All must come to pass.
    "My Mother has been sent to your earth as an emissary from Heaven, a Mediatrix between you and the Eternal Father. However, it is with much sorrow that We have observed the manner in which She has been rejected by many.
    "Measure for measure, each man shall receive the recompense of his sin. Nothing is hidden to the Eternal Father Who is your final judge. You will all now retire from your world that has been given to satan. The time will come when many will look with envy upon those who have died.” – Jesus, August 5, 1975

"The struggle to vanquish the evil one will be a battle of faith. Human wits cannot be victorious in this battle. Only a supernatural form of manifestation shall remove him.
    "Do not repeat, My child . . .
    "The world, when it is renewed and restored, shall remember the battle fought by those who have worn the colors from Heaven. The armies from Heaven led by My Mother shall vanquish the head of the serpent.
    "It is a test for all mankind; the good and the evil shall test all mankind as metals in the fire. The sheep shall be separated from the goats in the days ahead, My child. The road to Heaven is a narrow one, and it is a constant struggle with the cross to remain on it.
    "Accept all trial and suffering, knowing that the road in this way will lead directly to the Kingdom of Heaven." – Jesus, November 20, 1979

"We ask obedience, My child, to your elders but not when it is misleading. You must search out the sheep and the goats. We do not expect you to join the goats. Remember, My child, all will be judged with a firm hand.
    "You will pray for all men of sin. Satan has poisoned many minds.
    "All the children of earth are being tested like metals in the fire. Many have turned from the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom and have set themselves upon the road to damnation.
    "Corruption and evil abound upon your earth. Murders, murders in abundance--murders that call for the wrath of God upon mankind! None shall escape the Ball of Redemption.
    "From these sacred grounds chosen by the Father, you have held the balance for your state and your country. The many prayers that rise to Heaven from the hearts of Our children on these grounds have given you a measure of reprieve.” – Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"My child and My children, as you go forward upon the Mission from Heaven, you will experience all the fury of satan. All in the days ahead will be tested as metals in the fire. With every war, there are casualties, My children. The weak will fall away. And so it is now in this war of the spirits that the weak will drop by the wayside. You must all go forward in confidence and perseverance. When self-pride and seeking for human gain enters upon the mission, the seeds will not flower and develop constructively.” – Jesus, May 30, 1977

"My children, why do you not learn the value of suffering? The books of truth have been removed from among you. You must read the lives of the founders of My Son's House and those great saints who cry in Heaven for vengeance upon satan and his agents--now! For many souls are being taken into the abyss.
    "The Eternal Father has set before you the rules and discipline for your salvation. They will not be replaced by the rules created by man to feed his worldly inclination for soul-destruction. Many will sell their souls to satan to get to the head.
    "The House of God, My Son's House, will proceed through great trial. All that is rotten will fall. Satan now rages and will do full battle in the House of God.
    "The greatest hope, My children, I can offer you is that the eventual victory over the evil will lie with your allegiance with My Son. The Father has full mastery over your world, permitting this time of trial in order to separate the sheep from the goats. You will be tried as metals in the fire." – Our Lady, February 10, 1974

"Yes, My child, many shall be given crosses and many shall not be able to stand up under them. You will all be tried like metals in the fire. It is truly the way of the cross, My child." – Our Lady, October 6, 1976

"O My children, listen to Me now: your children, protect them. Bar your doors to all but your immediate family and your closest workers within the circle of light. I tell you again this for reason.
    "Yes, My child, the trials of the past shall not be placed upon you again, but you understand now the full power that satan has been allowed in these latter times. It is a testing ground for all, and all will be tested like metals in the fire.
    "I understand, My child, your grief at this knowledge. However, My child, you must accept the will of God, for it is for the eventual victory over satan.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1981

"My children, I cannot at this time bring you a great message of earthly joy and gain, but I can assure you that at the end of the trials--and I say trials, My children, for you will all be tested as metals in the fire--you will all be tested so that the process started by the Eternal Father of separation of the sheep from the goats shall be finished.
    "My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Do not cast aside the sacramentals given to you in the past. And be of good cheer, My children, though the world is in deep spiritual darkness." – Our Lady, February 1, 1977

"I have asked you all to make atonement to the Eternal Father, to live a life of prayer. You must be in the world, but not of the world. My Son has asked much of many of you who hear My words and will read My counsel. But for those who have received much, much is expected of them. The test is great.
    "To be a disciple for My Son, the test of love and obedience is great. No man or woman chosen for the path to Heaven shall go without test. You will be tested as metals in the fire. If you love your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your wife, your husband, your children before, and place them between the border of spiritual salvation or destruction of the soul; if you place them first before My Son, you cannot be a disciple for Heaven, and your salvation shall be in the balance. The road to Heaven is a narrow one. The roses are given at the end of the road, My child and My children.
    "I ask those who can now--are enabled to hear My voice, I plead with you, as your Mother, to listen to Me and follow this direction, or you will receive a great chastisement. You must now go down upon your knees and make atonement, sacrifice and do penance for your country, for your nation, and for the countries of the world. You are upon now the brink of great destruction. That is why, My child, I took you to the corner, the edge of the chasm, and showed you.” – Our Lady, June 13, 1981

"My child, it is not without risk that you will continue as an instrument of the Father. The world about you is now controlled by the agents of satan. However, know now that the Father has the world in control, but He will now allow you to be tested like metals in the fires. The sheep will be separated from the goats." – Our Lady, March 18, 1974

"Spiritual darkness covers your world now. The test is here, My children. It is the time of trial for mankind, the separation of the sheep from the goats.
    "Do not be affrighted, My child and My children, at this knowledge. No man or woman or child has ever fallen into hell unless of his own free will. The way to Heaven is a straight and narrow road, My children. Once you leave, it is most difficult to return. Remember, My children, many of you who leave the road will expect to come back in time, but I know that many shall not be given the second chance." - Our Lady, December 7, 1977

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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