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#775 – Greed

“And that which fell among thorns, are they who have heard, and going their way, are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and yield no fruit.” – St. Luke 8:14

"O My Jesus, how well the darkness covers the land! We look upon hate, greed, paganism, and murder. The darkest of sins are being committed!” – Our Lady, May 19, 1971

"Though you may stand alone, persevere, My children, to the end, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours.
    "Fight not among yourselves. Just pray, for you are all brothers. Satan seeks to separate My children with discord. Heed not his diabolical plan that blinds you to the truth. Sacrifice your pride, your avarice, your greed. Be humble in heart, for only as little children shall you enter the Kingdom.
    "Worldly honors have sorrow as a companion. Store up your treasures in Heaven.” – Our Lady, July 15, 1970

"Soon you will be witness to a great spectacle from Heaven. Heed this and learn by it. When it comes upon you, it will leave no doubt in your mind on who governs the world about you. You will know the God that, in your greed and avarice, you have forgotten--you have chosen to forget--for your love of money. Yes, you will all prepare yourself for this event, for it will not be long in coming." – Our Lady, October 2, 1971

"Yes, without prayer and penance, there will be a great War, a war of such magnitude that without the intervention of the Father not many shall be left to inhabit the world of earth!
    "Man has created the instruments for his own destruction. And why has he done this? For greed and power. Love and brotherhood--are they akin to greed and power? No!” – St. Michael, August 21, 1974

"For money, the world bargains for souls. For money, many shall lose the Faith. For money, many will sell out their trust as pastors. For money, your country and the countries of the world shall bring themselves to the edge of destruction by the promotion of a great War, a war that will affect the lives of every man, woman, and child.
    "It will be a time of great tribulation for all, a tribulation so great that were not My Son to take pity on you and intervene, no life would remain upon your planet. Pray, pray, My children, for you do not know what lies ahead of you.” – Our Lady, September 13, 1974

“Much of your money from the world’s capitals arrives in New York. These monies are being gathered to start another war. There is a group in your nation called the Illuminati. They are made up of the major money holders, and for money they have sold their souls and the souls of thousands.” – Jesus, October 1, 1988

“You must inform My children in your country that they must put into your government God-fearing men who follow the rules of the Father. If you bring murderers into the house, robbers and thieves, they will rob you until nothing remains. You will be stripped of all earthly wealth and this wealth will be turned over to one small group to govern the lives of many!
    "If your country will do penance, return to a life of prayer, they can escape for a time the planned punishment and Warning. The scale is not balanced to the right, but leans heavily to the left. Know that the peak of iniquity is being reached and I will no longer be able to hold back the punishing hand of My Son.” – Our Lady, November 1, 1974

“The tempo of wars, the coming of the agents of hell, the destruction of souls--all has been brought about by man in his greed, his avarice, his immodesty; and as such, the numbers shall be counted in the few when the final count is made. It will all be on thy decision. You cannot follow the middle road. You must make your choice now: Jesus in the Trinity or Luciel, the master of deceit and darkness." – St. Peter, August 5, 1972

"I look upon all manner of abominations being committed in My House. Do you think you will go much longer without chastise­ment? Awaken from your slumber, My clergy! You deceive no one!
    "For your errors and your greed and your giving yourselves to the flesh, succumbering to all of the creations of satan, you gain noth­ing but an eternity in hell!
    "The Eternal Father will chastise those He loves. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
    "I repeat, you will hasten to make amends to the Eternal Father--NOW! You will all go back and read the words of My Mother given to you. All will come to pass. None shall escape judg­ment. All will be held accountable for their actions. All will be held accountable for their laxity in the formation of the souls of the young.” – Jesus, November 22, 1975

"The Eternal Father has been merciful to you. He has watched with a saddened heart as man, in his arrogance and greed, has gone down the road to perdition. Those who have the power to do good and to fortify the young souls against the evils of your day and age--they, too, have turned their backs, for they have sold their souls to get to the head.
    "All that is rotten shall fall! A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it!
    "My pastors, those who have dedicated themselves as teachers of the young souls, you are scattering the flock! Turn now from your worldliness and your seeking of materialism. What have you gained for yourselves or those whom you have taken a vow to protect and guide to the eternal Kingdom of the Father? You are leading them down, by your example, the road to perdition!” – Our Lady, August 14, 1975

"I will come soon, because if I do not, there will be no flesh left upon your earth. Your countrymen and the leaders of your world have now, in their greed and avarice, made instruments of destruction--satan-inspired destruction of the human body! The value for life, the human life, is gone. Death shall be rampant--murders and abominations, all because man has given himself to a life of sin. Wars are a punishment for man's sins.
    "What can I tell you, My children? Shall I cover you with hope and optimism and delude you in the face of reality? I give you hope over the veil. What can I promise you upon your earth? Mankind himself now holds the balance for his own destruction.
    "The Eternal Father does not send this destruction upon you, but you will provide this yourselves.
    "The Ball of Redemption shall come upon you, guided by the Eternal Father--the final chastisement.” – Jesus, December 6, 1975

"Parents shall suffer greatly for any laxity in the rule of their children. As I warned you in the past, I repeat anew, to counsel you that Lucifer and his agents from hell--Lucifer walks the earth now seeking to take command of all governments of the world, to destroy the world. Lucifer seeks to take Our children's souls, the spirit of light from them, and take all with him into the abyss.
    "Yes, you are all now being tested. Sadly, the young, the children, the youth of your world are the major victims now because of the greed of many who have given themselves over to humanistic seekings, joining with all manner of evil under the guise of humanism, communism, socialism, and satanism. As I warned you in the past, Lucifer and his agents must enter into the body of a fallen soul to work his will.” – Our Lady, September 14, 1979

"My children, I tell you now as your Mother that My tears fall upon you, for you do not know what you are doing. You are bringing upon you a great punishment.
    "Are you so blind that you do not recognize the acceleration of sin among you? Murders abound, thievery, all manner of carnage, destruction of young souls, abortion, homosexuality, condemned from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father. Yet sin has become a way of life. Sin is condoned now, even unto the highest judges of your land and your lands throughout the world. As you have sown so shall you reap. Sin is death, not only of the spirit, but of the body. Wars are a punishment for man's sin, his greed, his avarice. Pride and arrogance is bringing down into hell mitres from My Son's House.” – Our Lady, August 14, 1981

"We send among you now many present latter-day prophets to bring you the Message from Heaven. We say unto you now, prepare your household, for the sword is descending upon mankind! As you sow, so shall you reap.
    "You have sown in the hearts of your children corruption, greed, avarice, vanity, materialism, humanism, modernism, loss of morals; and now what will you get but murder within the home! Sin has become a way of life. Life will have no value. Charity has grown cold in the hearts of most. My children, I repeat again: Only a few will be saved in the final count. The rapture is approaching.” – Our Lady, October 1, 1977

"The murders of the unborn, My child, in abortion have gone far beyond any murders in your history and the history of your world. All who have given themselves in even small measure to the murder of these Holy Innocents shall be condemned to the eternal fires of hell. You, as a man and human of nature, cannot judge the heart. The Eternal Father is always the final judge, but you must by example make known the misery, the rejection, and the chastisement that the Eternal Father will send upon your city, your country, and the world, for the murders of the unborn.
    "There is a life, a spirit of life, My child, breathed into the body at the moment of conception. A life is born, a life has been sent by the Eternal Father with reason. For greed, for avarice, for a worldly gain, you murder the creations of the Eternal Father! You bring upon yourselves destruction!
    "Your country, My children, America, the once beautiful, has become a nation of sin, corruption, vileness--lacking charity, modesty, piety, and lacking the knowledge of God the Father Eternal. Your children--the children of your country and the children of your world--their souls are being starved for the light.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1975

"The way, a simple way, was given to mankind. I gave the keys to the pastors of My Church, My House upon earth, and these keys have been tarnished through greed and avarice and the lust for power. My House now is producing bad fruit, and I shall soon shake the tree. All that is rotten shall fall! Remember, My children, the world and My Church shall not be as one. Conform and you will die on the vine!
    "I ask you this: do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you.” – Jesus, May 27, 1978

"I have asked you in countless visitations to earth to pray and pray again that Russia would not send her errors throughout the world. But you did not listen, carried away with the cares of your world, being materialistic, casting aside spirituality for power and greed. What will you gain if you obtain this power and you leave your earth without merit and cannot enter the eternal Kingdom of Heaven?” – Our Lady, March 15, 1978

"My Mother repeats what is in My heart to My pastors. For you who were given great grace, much has been expected of you. I have looked into your hearts, My pastors, and I have found you wanting. Measure for measure shall you receive the just recompense of your actions. You, as pastors of My sheep, shall give full account for the loss of every soul! By your example you have scattered My sheep, and I must now give you a final warning. In the time allowed now, you must do all in your power to restore My House.
    "Because of your arrogance, because of your greed, your pride, you have succumbed along with your sheep to all of the evils of the flesh. Many souls have gone into hell because they pursued all the treasures of your earth and did not look upward and bring their treasures to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. I repeat to you: What does it matter if you gain the whole world and have suffered the loss of your immortal soul?” – Jesus, May 15, 1976

"My children, keep, I repeat, a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Send the Message from Heaven quickly throughout your world and your country, for the time is running out.
    "Your country is fast heading to a full bloodbath of war because of corruption and greed.
    "All will make a firm effort to read the past counsel of My Mother throughout the years and Her visits upon earth. My Mother has promised to be with you until I come again in body and spirit to you. No one shall be abandoned if he asks to be saved, My children." – Jesus, September 13, 1977

"Do not cast aside Tradition for modernism and humanism, for these are the creations of satan! You cannot separate Faith and Tradition, for one stands together with the other to unify My Church. It is the foundation of My House. I gave you the direction that has withstood the test of time, and you, in your arrogance and fallen nature of mankind, have now taken it upon yourselves to change My Church.
    "By your fruits will you be known. By your fruits are you now known. Learn from this simple lesson. All that is rotten shall fall. The gates of hell shall never prevail against My Church. I am with you to the end of time.
    "The Eternal Father watches the battle ahead, allowing man who has chosen to go fast onto the road to satan and destruction to plunge there faster in his greed and his avarice.” – Jesus, October 2, 1976

"There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the earth by the agents of 666, Lucifer. Because many minds have been poisoned by satan, scientists and men of power are deluded.
    "Their minds have been clouded because they search not for the truth, but in greed and avarice they search for power and money, esteem, enslavement of their brothers. And for what? Each and every one of you must end your life upon earth at some time sooner or later. Tomorrow will be the end for many.
    "The Eternal Father in Heaven knows the day and the hour for the coming great Chastisement. A partial part of this knowledge has been given now to a few voices upon earth who, like John, go forth crying out like voices in the wilderness: Get ready now, for the punishments are approaching!” – Jesus, August 14, 1979

"Lust and greed, avarice and vanity cloud the minds of men even in the highest places of rank in your world, in your government. Man has given himself to seeking pleasure, pleasures of the flesh that send many into hell . . . unbridled passion, debasement among men.
    "As I warned through My Mother in the past, 666 is loosed upon your earth. He has entered My Church to do final battle with My clergy.” – Jesus, March 18, 1977

"You have reduced My Church, O pastors, to shambles and a mockery. And what shall I do to you, you who will come before Me and say that your teaching has been pure? I shall cast you out and send you into oblivion in the fires! And many will come before Me and say, 'Lord, Lord! Did I now prophecy in Your name?' O ye workers of iniquity, you cannot hide your hearts from Me. In My name you will destroy souls? You offer in a starving world half a loaf, giving the whole loaf poison.
    "Children of the world starving for the light and the truth, I am the Way. I am the Light, and My Church is the light for mankind now, even though My own pastors have darkened it by their actions and their avarice and their greed and their vanity and pride! Know that when they have given over My Church to the world, and as satan deludes them to unite all into a one-world religion and a one-world government, you are enslaved and it is the end!” – Jesus, April 2, 1977

"My child, you must not have fear at speaking the truth. It is for the salvation of souls and the recovery of your country. America the beautiful must not fall to Communism, My child. America the beautiful shall not be sold into slavery. Cast out the money changers in your government!
    "What manner of government is there that condones sin? Abomination upon abomination--giving monies for the murder of children, giving monies for the murder of the elderly!
    "Your government, My child, has been infiltrated by men of sin." – Our Lady, September 13, 1975

"Remember, My children, in this battle of the supernatural, you must utilize every manner of grace, every sacramental. You must proceed with purpose and determination on the road to the Kingdom of your God. Every obstacle will be placed in your way. It is not an easy road. All who enter Heaven will enter by merit.
    "I repeat, do not spend your short time upon earth gathering the world's riches and power, for they are as nothing when you leave your body. Better that you store your graces in Heaven, gathering them to redeem you when you come over the veil.
    "Many live in dire poverty of material goods, and this We allow, for We foresee that riches often condemn a man to hell. Values must be changed among mankind. Spiritual re-awakening, or else a complete spiritual darkness will bring about the Ball of Redemption.” – Jesus, December 7, 1977

"Man is creating many new gods, gods to feed his human nature; and it is a basic carnal nature. Idolaters abound. When you worship in abundance things, My children, you are worshiping idols! If you spend your time gathering things, money, power, you are worshiping idols. Remove yourself from these worldly pursuits.” – Jesus, March 18, 1978

“The desire for riches condemn many souls. All power gained through riches is but of short duration. Shall you trade that for eternity?” – Our Lady, December 24, 1972

"What does it gain a man if he gather all of the world's riches and suffers the loss of his soul? Your earth-years are few. Each man must pass beyond the veil and be judged. And do not fall for the delusion of there being no judgment, for, My children, you will find out too soon.” – Jesus, September 14, 1976

"For money, the world bargains for souls. For money, many shall lose the Faith. For money, many will sell out their trust as pastors. For money, your country and the countries of the world shall bring themselves to the edge of destruction by the promotion of a great War, a war that will affect the lives of every man, woman, and child.” – Our Lady, September 13, 1974

"Money has often, My children, been called the root of all evil, and money shall be the god for many as they bargain with their souls. I repeat again: what do you gain if you gather all of the world's riches and power and come across the veil--as you do, will do, sooner or later? What good will it be for you to come without any graces stored in Heaven? You seek then immediate condemnation in judgment from the Eternal Father. You will be banished, forever lost, to the city of the damned with satan!” – Our Lady, July 25, 1978

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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