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#776 – You will be Mocked

"And after they had mocked him, they took off the cloak from him, and put on him his own garments, and led him away to crucify him.” – St. Matthew 27:31

"Many cast stones at My Son as He walked about for the Father. Many also mocked Him and laughed in derision. This will be the road for all disciples of My Son as your earth proceeds into deeper darkness of spirit.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1971

"Man has the balance, man has been given in free will the balance for his own fall, or restoration of a nation to its former glory under God. Like rodents, the enemies of your God have eaten away at the foundations of the Faith. But in a short time they will be destroyed, and a new House will rise, a Church stronger in faith and sanctity and holiness. But this cannot, My children, take place until a great Chastisement is set upon mankind.
    "You will all retain and wear your sacramentals for reason. Do not underestimate the power of prayer or the sacramentals. Do not be misguided or misled by the scoffers who have committed themselves to satan with derisive vocabularies of calling sanctity fanaticism, and holiness derangement.
    "My child and My children, understand well that as I was persecuted upon earth, do not expect any less a lot. For the cross is always heavy, and unless you carry this cross you cannot reach Heaven. For the way of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom." - Jesus, June 18, 1981

"The United States of America is fast approaching on the start of the Third World War. My children, your newspapers and your medias give no account of these secret missions. There are men going from the State's Department back and forth, hinder and yon looking for peace, peace, where there is no peace, and peace where there shall be no peace unless they follow the directions of the Eternal Father and the messages given from Heaven in the past years--not alone on these grounds, My children, of Bayside and Flushing Meadows, but also to various seers, young and old, about the world. The world is crying, peace, peace, and there will be no peace unless the world will recognize My warnings of caution from years ago in earth's time, and they do something about it.

"I have promised you peace, My children, if you will go forth with your Rosary in one hand and the brown Scapular about your neck. How many have cast aside their armor because they fear or they are afraid of the mockery of those who have already hardened their hearts to the truth. And their eyes and hearts are eternally blinded, for many of them shall fall into hell, and many of them shall be wearing their red birettas.” – Our Lady, July 1, 1985

"You will not, My child, speculate in dates. It does not matter a date, but to be prepared, for I have given you enough signs and direction to prepare yourselves for what lies ahead. You will be scoffed at; you will be slandered; you will be mocked. There is only one way, My child, to the Kingdom Eternal: that is by carrying the cross.
    "All suffering is for a purpose, a reason known to the Eternal Father. You will accept all in good heart, My child, for one day it will all be made known to you.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1975

"The road before you and all who are destined for the Kingdom will be one of trial. Prepare yourself to be scorned, to be mocked, and to be cast aside by your own.
    "No, My child, I cannot take this cross from the world. The world must go through a heavy Chastisement. The time can only be counted with the balancing of the scale. When the weight of iniquity has reached its heaviest, you will know that the wrath of the Father will fall heavy upon mankind.” – Our Lady, December 29, 1973

"Discipline must be returned to the orders. Many must now retire from the world that has been given to satan.
    "Know now, my brothers and sisters of religious orders, you will be mocked, you will be scorned, but you will please the Eternal Father and receive your reward in the Kingdom. Shall you trade your eternal life with God the Father for a few short years of plenty upon your earth? Many have sold their souls to get to the head." – St. Francis, May 28, 1975

"Go about and look for a poor wandering soul, the one in darkness. Yes, you will be mocked and turned away. You will follow the same road as I. I have lived life on your earth. If you don't care, so many will be lost to Us.” – Our Lady, May 30, 1971

"Wear your sacramentals. Do not cast them aside because you are mocked by your neighbors. Wear them proudly, for they are the keys to your salvation now. They are your armor against the evil that is raging now in force, great force, upon your world. Satan knows that his time is growing short, and he will do great battle with Our children.
    "Pray for your dedicated, your priests and your sisters. Many have gone fast into darkness of the spirit, for they have chosen to follow the modes of the world. Bring them quickly the Message from Heaven. We do not wish one child to be lost to Us.” – Our Lady, July 15, 1975

Veronica - I see a . . . it looks like a . . . oh, a very small white light, like, but it's starting to spin. Now it's going through the sky. It's almost like a shooting star, but it's got a, a great white tail behind it. And now it's coming--it's turned on its course, and it's coming right down towards us. And it's--oh, my! Now it's not white; it's starting to get colors--yellows and orange and almost like a blood-red. It's very big. Oh, it, it, it looks like a huge sun. Oh! Oh! Oh!
    Now Our Lady is pointing over.
    Our Lady - "See, My child, the Ball of Redemption--mocked now by mankind, but soon an actuality."
    Veronica - Oh, my! Now this huge ball of fire is going back into the sky. I could feel the heat; it's very hot. Oh!
    Our Lady - "Yes, My child. Not only the great War, but the great celestial destructive agent. Those who are left will have gained their crowns, made clean by trial, chosen to join My Son in victory.” – December 24, 1974

"All who hear the call of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, must not hesitate, for many will not have this opportunity again.
    "The word will be preached by many throughout the world. The Father has sent among you many voice-boxes to bring the words of truth and the words of guidance.
    "Yes, the road, the narrow road is one of suffering. You will be mocked, you will be spit at, you will be laughed at, made an object of scorn, but you will pick up your cross and follow the way of your Lord." – Our Lady, March 24, 1974

"The antichrist, the forces of evil, have gathered, My children, within the Eternal City. You must make it known to mankind that all that is coming from Rome is coming from darkness. The light has not passed that way. The appearance in public is not Paul VI, it is the impostor pope. Medication of evil has dulled the brain of the true Pope, Pope Paul VI. They send into his veins poison to dull his reasoning and paralyze his legs. What evil creature have you opened the doors to the Eternal City and admitted? The agents of satan!
    "You plan to remove the Eternal Father from your heart and the hearts of those whom you seek to deceive. You scatter the flock.
    "My children, you must now pray for the light. You must know the truth. All that is given to you is being sent from the traitorous heart of those who have seized power in the Eternal City of Rome.
    "My child, you will be mocked for this message. You will be scorned by many, but you are bringing the truth.
    "The enemies within the Eternal City have opened the doors wide and allowed the enemies of God to enter. They consort with the devil.” – Our Lady, September 27, 1975

"You cannot worship, you cannot follow two masters, for one you will love, and the other you will hate or learn to hate. And is there not much hate against My Son in the world now? Is there not much derision and laughter and abominations against His divinity? Do you not take His sacred, purified Body and cast it into the water font? Do you not, in your arrogance, do you not, O pastors, protect My Son's Body, His Body that is being carried to be mocked and abused in a form of worship from satan?
    "O pastors, evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of you?" – Our Lady, February 1, 1977

"My children, there is no honor among thieves, those who rob the light from your souls. My children, your country, the United States, has given itself to satan--corruption and evil, defilements in the home, corruption in your government!
    "My children, understand: you cannot have two masters. One you will love and the other you will hate. Has My Son become now hated in your world, one to be mocked and scorned anew? Has My Son's Church met now with a new ruler? Have you torn down My Son's Church and erected one of man? Yea, I say unto you: Your time is short.
    "My child and My children, I have wandered throughout your world crying tears of pity for you. I have counseled you for many earth-years, and how many have accepted this counsel and acted upon it? Too few, My children. Can you not understand that when the Ball of Redemption is sent upon you three-quarters of your world shall be gone?” – Our Lady, November 1, 1977

"Carry your cross, My children. Be not affected by the mockery and insults you will receive when you defend My Son. We will always be with you, so face the world with His cross in your hand. It will not be an easy mission, but the final outcome will far exceed all the greatest joys of expectations.
    "Yes, they will hate you, as they hated My Son when He brought the word. They will laugh at you as they laughed at Him. Prepare for this heavy cross." – Our Lady, December 26, 1970

"Everything about you has been created by satan to destroy your soul, to turn you from God. You will not have both. You will be subjected to mockery, but walk with your eye on the sky and your heart in Heaven, for then you will be on the straight road to the Kingdom.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1971

"Do not discard your sacramentals as being outdated or outmoded. Know the insidious plan of satan to remove your armor from you so that you will not have the necessary protection for your spirit, your soul, My children. The world will look upon you and call you with laughter and mockery, fanatics. The world will point their fingers at you and say that you are deranged. But know, My children, that I, too, knew the mockery of My own. But know that the greatest glory of all is a living martyrdom for your God, for great will be your glory in Heaven." – Jesus, September 7, 1976

"My children, you are facing now a great trial. Unless the world recognizes the supernatural, they cannot protect themselves from what is now loosed upon earth. I repeat: satan, not the lesser demons of hell but satan himself, now walks your earth. Earth year of 1940 was his beginning; he entered upon your country in 1971. Satan, the prince of darkness, the father of all liars, the master of deceit, is now here to claim his own.
    "This message, My child, will be met with scorn and mockery, but you must continue upon your way. Every voice throughout the world shall hear this message, and then, My children, shall come the end. The gospel of truth will be sent throughout the world, and then, My children, shall come the end." – Our Lady, November 1, 1977

"My child, you must have no fear in exposing this demon from hell. Yes, My child, do not be affrighted to receive the mockery of those who do not believe. You must shout the truth that this man is not an ordinary man! He is supernatural. He can change his appearance right before your very eyes! He can cast his voice into animals.
    "The world will call this crazy, My child, but much is happening to those who do not understand, and they, too, will be called crazy when they are enlightened!” – Our Lady, September 13, 1977

"All manners of aberration and evil have entered upon My Son's Church. Recognize the forces of evil about you. A great delusion has been sent upon mankind, so that all who have given themselves to satan shall run fast into the pit. Satan knows that his time is growing short, and in this manner must gather those who have given their souls to him. O My children, do not be influenced by the mockery and those who cast aside the warnings from Heaven.
    "Many will sell their souls to get to the head. There are many traitors in the city of Rome. Without your prayers, many mitres shall fall into hell.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1976

"My child and My children, you are now approaching grave days. My Mother has prepared all of you for the trials ahead. Needless to say, I shall not repeat again the counsel given to you by My Mother. This counsel has been rejected by many, and for all of Her heart that My Mother has extended to you, many have returned this gift with bitterness, mockery, and derision and blasphemy.
    "My children, you must now go forward as disciples of the Eternal Father, sending the words of Heaven far and wide throughout your world.” – Jesus, July 15, 1978

"As in the days of Sodom, as in the days of Noe, My children, history repeats itself. You have learned nothing from the past, for you rebuild your future on sin to the point, My children, where you have eliminated a future.
    "I hear words of mockery and derision; I hear words of My children who do not wish to accept the Message from Heaven. And why? Because they have hardened their hearts and closed their ears. And why? Because they love their sin! Many will sell their souls to get to the head. And what does it gain you, for one day you must come across the veil and be judged.” – Our Lady, May 26, 1976

"In the struggle to retain My Son's Church, His House upon earth, it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in your midst!
    "As in the past, My children, man goes on his way as he was, never learning from his history.
    "As in the past, My children, I have wandered your earth choosing among you voice-boxes to use as instruments for Heaven.
    "Now, My children, a great war rages against the forces of evil. It is a war that is far greater than any human nature war experienced by mankind, for you are now in the latter days. It is a war of the spirits, the fight between the good and the evil, the time of Armageddon!
    "Laugh, you who scorn My message--derision and mockery you may give, but if you do not accept and act upon the warning from Heaven, you shall not be counted in those saved.” – Our Lady, December 24, 1976

"The Father will direct the war of the spirits unto the ultimate victory over evil and the return of earth to the state in which the Father originated its being. After the trials and the cleansing, man will be set in glorious triumph over evil and follow the plan of the Father.
    "I have given you the sacramentals, and you must wear them. All who discard them to accede to the mockery and jest of those who follow the road of satan must then join the ranks of those who will fall. Without your armor, you will not be protected against the infiltration of the agents of hell. These agents of darkness, these agents of the prince of darkness exist as beings, beings that you are unable to see with your human eyes.” – Our Lady, September 13, 1973

"My children, because there are too few prayers and acts of penance, the Eternal City of Rome is under siege. Communism shall be the scourge of all mankind, but it is only one arm, one talon of the octopus. There are many forces in the world other than the major force of evil.
    "It is sad to say, My children, that mankind by his actions shall bring about his own destruction.
    "It is most difficult, My children--I understand, as your Mother, the difficulty you have in offering yourselves as victim souls for the repatriation of mankind. You must all make yourselves insensitive to the mockery and the abuse from others who have entered into darkness and refuse to allow the light to come in.
    "My Son, in His travels upon earth, was rejected. Many scoffed and even cast rocks at Him. This did not discourage Him upon His way, for He was in all obedience with the Eternal Father and the Spirit of life and light, and He always kept His heart and His eyes upwards toward Heaven. His goal gave Him His strength and His perseverance upon the way.” – Our Lady, May 27, 1978

"Pray much, My children, for you do not know what lies before you. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice! I have wandered throughout your world shedding tears, bitter tears of sorrow upon My children who have failed to listen to My pleas. I have come to save you from what you have led yourselves to--your own destruction. I have given you the plan for your salvation. I have set Myself as victim for you before the Father, begging an extension of time for your repatriation. Many We have reached, but many have turned away in mockery, and have hardened their hearts and deafened their ears to Our pleas. All Heaven will watch the battle ahead. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption." – Our Lady, December 24, 1973

"Graces in abundance, My children, are given to you to strengthen you in the battle ahead. You will truly be the legions of Christ. Do not expect comfort. Do not expect glory. No, you will scratch the earth and burrow in the dirt. Your glory shall be in life everlasting with the Kingdom.
    "You must now all gather in the light. For wherever two or more are gathered in My Son's name, know that He will be among you to guide you.
    "Call upon your guardians often, My children. You have forgotten your angels. Do not listen to the mockery of the world. They seek to take the reality of the guardians of Heaven from you so that they can send you to Lucifer.
    "When you have great sorrow or trial, call to your guardian. Ask My Son for His help in the Father. Do not seek comfort among man, for he has none to give you, for man has become arrogant. Man has become self-seeking and lovers of pleasure. Man has become uncharitable.” – Our Lady, June 16, 1973

"Those who have heckled and doubted shall be put to shame and confusion. For nothing remains hidden in the darkness, but must come forward into the light to be exposed at a certain time." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980 

"You shall, as you go, My children, throughout your world bringing the Message from Heaven, you will be called all names, but, My children these names may hurt your heart, but do not be concerned of these thorns, for I, too, walked your earth and was subject to the same trials. Can you not follow Me upon My path and carry your cross without complaint?” – Jesus, November 21, 1977

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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