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#87 - Divinity of Jesus Christ

"But He held His peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked Him, and said to Him: Art thou the Christ the Son of the blessed God? And Jesus said to him: I am. And you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of the power of God, and coming with the clouds of heaven."  - St. Mark 14:61-62

"My children, I have come to earth from the beautiful realms of Heaven to warn you as a Mother. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix between God and man--neither seeking to take the glory from My Son, as many make accusations of. No, My children, I come in support of My sacrificed Son, for He is being resacrificed by mankind. My children, I have been through this whole ordeal in the past, and I watch now as you recrucify My Son. Is this how you have set yourselves about to repay Him for His sacrifice: by blaspheming His name, destroying His divinity, destroying the sheep?" - Our Lady, March 18, 1978

"The lessons of your Faith have been given to you for all time without change. My Son is forever, for God is, God was, and God always will be. My Son is your God in the Father and the Holy Ghost. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of the Trinity. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of My Son's divinity. Do not recrucify My Son upon your earth and in His Church, His House. You call upon you a heavy hand of punishment from the Eternal Father!" - Our Lady, December 24, 1976

"Many victim souls are needed, victims in reparation for the offenses to the divinity of My Son." - Our Lady, December 24, 1974

"Do you not recognize, My children, that satan will seek to distort and deny My words? Open your ears! Pray for the light! As shepherds, why do you choose to cast Me aside when I have been sent to you by the Father?
    "The offenses to the divinity of My Son are great!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1974

"It was, My children, a sinister plan from the depths of hell to remove the knowledge of the divinity of My Son from among you. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. All that is rotten shall fall!" - Our Lady, February 10, 1978

"My children, you must protest the offenses being committed against the divinity of My Son. Prayer is a great weapon, but unless you act and pray too, My children, you proceed nowhere. You become lax, indifferent; apathy sets in. Each and every individual of conscionable age shall be tested." - Our Lady, November 1, 1977

"Already, in many of My Son's churches, side by side, are they sacrificing My Son, and also satan sacrifices unwilling victims to his black mass. My children, you must fight to retain the divinity of My Son, and not have satan encroach upon it. It is a war far worse than man has ever seen in history. These are the days spoken of and written of by the prophets of old." - Our Lady, October 1, 1977

"If you know in your hearts, O pastors, that souls are in danger of being corrupted, misled, and even destroyed, and you do nothing about it, because you do not wish to offend your superiors, because you value your life in this world too much and your good living; I assure you, O pastors, you shall stand before My Son and He shall not know you. You will be disowned, banished from eternal life in Heaven, and you shall join your father who is the father of all liars, satan, and the prince of darkness.
    "The greatest evil being now committed in My Son's House is denying His divinity, defiling His sacred Body, casting mockery upon it, allowing immorality to enter into My Son's House." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977

"Many offenses are being committed in the House of God and the hearts of many: offenses to tear down the divinity and true existence of My Son in the Father." - Our Lady, May 10, 1973

"You were given a foundation of Faith based on Tradition and knowledge of the prophets. You cannot start this new religion, for it will lead you to one religion that is not of My Son, that will not have His true foundation, and you will take My Son's Body and defame it, no longer giving the knowledge of His divinity. What manner of foul escapades are you planning, O you of little faith? Whatever shall become of you?" - Our Lady, August 5, 1976

"Cover your body before My Son! Do not defame and disgust Him by your presence and your acceptance of His divinity! Why, you are naked like pagans! Cover your heads! You do not follow the modernism and modes of an evil generation. No! The angels demand that all respect be given to the divinity of the Son of God in the houses throughout the world. Do not be misled by false pastors--those who care more for their worldly living and their easy living, and those who will not stand forward because the faith has become weak, and defend My Son before the enemies of God! No! They, too, will be cast aside with the goats. Fair warning I give. I cannot say that the Father is satisfied with the teaching of those He has chosen to guide the children and sheep of the world. No! I must say, there is great sorrow in Heaven." - Our Lady, August 14, 1974

"Even in My Son's churches I have watched My children approaching the Sacred Species, My Son's Body and Blood--His divinity being desecrated by young women, young men, and even middle-aged, wearing satan's emblems! How foolish you are not to recognize the cross and the sacramentals given by the institutionalized churches the Roman Catholic Church of My Son--even though sadly I have often cried at the many denominations that came from the first Church of My Son. However, the cross is your salvation, and many of My children are wearing Lucifer's symbols. You wear a horn about your neck, and you say it is the Italian horn of plenty. It is not! It is the horn of Lucifer!" - Our Lady, November 25, 1978

"You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. I admonish all parents now to spend at least fifteen minutes of your day reading the Bible to your children and your family. It is now a command from the Eternal Father! For the little children no longer know or recognize the angel guardians. The little children have no conception of the truth of the divinity or the existence of My Son. The little children are now being taught the ways of satan." - Our Lady, November 21, 1977

"My child and My children, protect the young from false prophets, those who go about the world denying the divinity of My Son. They must understand that My Son is NOT Saint Michael. Saint Michael is a spirit. My Son rose from the grave, both body and soul, and ascended into the Kingdom of God. But He is God, and you shall not deny His divinity in the Godhead. All who do are deluded by satan and shall be called false prophets.
   "Remember, My children, though you cannot understand the mystery of the Trinity: three Persons in one God, but all the same in the Godhead. You must understand that false prophets abound upon earth, and many bring doctrines of demons to your children; therefore, parents have a full measure of responsibility for giving the knowledge of the Faith to their children." - Our Lady, May 26, 1979

"My children, you are aware of one arm of the octopus that you know as communism. I assure you, My children, that is but one small arm of the octopus that is reaching out in all directions upon earth to engulf man and enslave him. These arms reach out to promote a one-world government and a one-world religion, a religion that shall not have My Son as its head.
   "The greatest harm to mankind is being promoted through the channel of My Son's Church. Many who wear the red hats have not turned to My Son. They reject His divinity; they reject Him as part of the Godhead. They reject Him as their God, and they have joined forces with the prince of darkness and his consorts."- Our Lady, December 28, 1976

"You cannot worship, you cannot follow two masters, for one you will love, and the other you will hate or learn to hate. And is there not much hate against My Son in the world now? Is there not much derision and laughter and abominations against His divinity? Do you not take His sacred, purified Body and cast it into the water font? Do you not, in your arrogance, do you not, O pastors, protect My Son's Body, His Body that is being carried to be mocked and abused in a form of worship from satan?
   "O pastors, evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of you?" - Our Lady, February 1, 1977

"You will not deny the divinity of My Son. You will no longer offend the Father in the Son, in the Holy Ghost within the House of God and in your world, for you call down a heavy penance upon yourselves.
   "I have not come, My children, to set fear into your hearts. I have come only as a Mediatrix and a Mother. I have come to warn you that you have offended God much, and the scales must be balanced soon. Many graces will be given to those who come and ask for them. None will be forced onto the road of satan, for they will go willingly before the final count." - Our Lady, August 14, 1973

"When you, as a nation, give yourselves over to debasement, immorality, and turn your backs upon your God, denying His divinity, and denying His very existence among you, My children, the Eternal Father has no other recourse but to chastise you." - Our Lady, August 5, 1976

Next Directive - #88 Martyrdom

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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