The Third Secret of Fatima:
Satan in Church; Plead with Pope to have Lucy tell the Third Secret of Fatima word for word…
16th Anniversary of Our Lady's Apparitions at Bayside, New York - June 18, 1986 (excerpts from the vigil message)
Our Lady - "My child and My children, I came to you many years ago, at
Fatima, with a plan for the salvation of mankind. And I must say to you this evening, as your
Mother, that none of My words must be kept hidden any longer, for it is urgent that the world
make this final atonement. The hourglass now is almost empty; days can be counted by hours. For
at this very moment We see a most terrible explosion, with the loss of many lives about to take
"O My children, you do not understand what I have given to
other seers upon earth to bring to you. Not only words of consolation but words of truth. The truth
sometimes does hurt, My children; but I, as your Mother, must treat you at this time as adults,
being able to reason with the God-given reasoning that Heaven gave unto you when you were conceived
by the Holy Ghost. I say this for this reason: The Eternal Father is much disturbed at the numbers
of abortions being committed throughout your country and the world. These numbers go upwards to
fifty to sixty million in one year throughout the world. And this is too much for the Eternal
Father; and also, for the souls who are now victim souls - victims to try to save their brothers and
sisters who have gone astray from gaining their rightful deserts of destruction and death. These
victim souls, that have become victims of their own accord and their own placement, they are the
ones who have kept the just punishment from coming upon you and mankind.
The Third Secret word for word
"I wish at this time, My children, to repeat again the need to
write, to speak, to meet with the Holy Father in Rome, and plead with him to have Lucy come forward
and tell the Third Secret word for word, as I give to you each evening on My appearances upon the
grounds of Bayside, and Flushing Meadows.
"O My children, if you knew what was in store for you
in the near future - and that means, My child and My children, this year - you would understand why
I feel, and why I cry tears that fall upon you. If I could, I would as your Mother, make all
atonement for you, but it is the will of the Eternal Father that you come forward now and stand up
to protect your own souls, and, also, the souls of your children and your families.
"Mothers, and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark
days. Materialism has replaced spiritualism, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed
upon your earth. There will be more floods with death; more volcano eruptions with death; more
accidents that are not accidents; until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there
is a higher power working at this time to bring you to your knees.
Atonement on first Saturdays
"My child and My children, I have asked in the past for certain
days of atonement: the First Saturdays, the first Saturday of each month. Can you not give this to
Me, My children, in order to place it before the Eternal Father? For you must pray for sinners. I
beg you, My children, as your Mother, your loving Mother, who cries tears of sorrow upon you all,
please remember this: The time is growing short. I have wandered throughout earth trying to warn
you, My children, depending on a small handful of loyal souls to bring these messages to you upon
these grounds, My child. We chose you to come forth, in illness and in health, in order to save your
brothers and sisters.
"As a victim soul, My child, We cannot promise you
happiness upon this earth. But We will give you - if you remain steadfast and true, My child, in
your own free will - We will give you a reward that far surpasses all of your imagination, your
inclinations; and anything that is beyond the human mind to understand now, you will be given in
return for yourself. Do you understand this, My child?
"You will continue, My child, to send the messages
throughout the world with great haste. Satan has come with his agents to try to stop you. They are
now planning a measure of retaliation. Be prepared, My child; when it happens you will know that it
is straight from satan.
"I ask you now to give the warning in poetical form, given
to the world some years ago. It must be applied now.
The end is not as far as you can see;
Already there is apostasy.
Man cast his lot and gathered the coals
To stoke the fires that burn the souls.
The days are numbered, the hours are few;
So work and pray, and try to do
The work that's given in the light,
Until that sad time when all is night.
"My child, you said that well. it is a riddle, as
the Father gives many riddles: but those who have the grace will understand and act upon it.
"Now, My child, for reasons that you are not to give out, I
wish at this time that you take three photographs. They are very, very important, My child. They
will contain a date for the next catastrophe. You must know for reason because you must move from
your house at that time. You will take the pictures now, My child, and I will be with you
Jesus - "My child and My children, I do not wish to elaborate nor add to My Mother's statements to you this evening of facts and what is to be. But there is one incident that has appalled us all in Heaven that must be made known to mankind, because I feel in My heart for My Mother, Her great hurt and sorrow that Her Message at Fatima was not completely given to mankind. This evening I speak to you, My child Veronica, for you to tell the world that to hide a fact is often destructive. And this fact will be make known now - with or without Lucy - or others who cannot speak out because they are under obedience to their elders. You will repeat this, My child, though it may shock you.
Satan sat in on Vatican II
"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as
promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents - and satan
himself, the deceiver of all mankind - sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come
in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth.
"At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event,
but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening? Not those who were years - earth - years
away. All Heaven was crying in that time, for the Eternal Father had made it known how His message
would be received. To this day, to your earth - year of 1986, you have not been given, My children,
the full secrets as given to the children at Fatima.
"Therefore, I must make it known at this time to you. If
you are perceiving and interested in My Church upon earth, I do not have to explain Myself too
fully; for you will already know of the chaos that satan has wrought when he entered My Church. And
why did he enter, you say? This I want it made known, My child - and you will not be affrighted as
you are now - you will speak out for Me and My Mother, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Spirit;
you will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is
growing short.
"And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the
Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules, given by My Mother many years ago, of
prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there
will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: the
Third World War and, also, the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem
to go about their way, perhaps pridefully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but
some may pridefully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and
penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand, that once
you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and
Lucy has been silenced
"My child and My children, this message will not be greeted
gleefully by your clergy. But since Lucy has been silenced, it is necessary that the world
knows the truth. I will also send this message out through one more seer in the world, and if it is
not abided by I have nothing to do but to allow the Chastisement to fall upon mankind."
Veronica Lueken of Bayside, New York (United States)
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