China and other countries have plucked the Eagle bare . . .

No Warheads Secret After China Spying
    The Cox committee report says China stole secrets on every deployed US nuclear missile warhead. "It does make one wonder how ... others who possess this information could so readily have dismissed it or not acted upon it." China now has 20 long-range missiles aimed at the United States. It also outlines how China uses thousands of US 'front companies' to obtain American technology for military purposes. - Washington Times

    Veronica saw a vision of an Eagle stretched out flat on his stomach, his head hanging weakly to the side and struggling to get up, his feathers plucked out all about him.  There were three creatures by him.  Two of them were leaving his vanquished form. These two had the forms of a dragon (China) and a lizard (England).  The lizard had a most unusually long tongue.  There was the other creature, the third, that looked like a bear (Russia), still beating on the fallen Eagle. (12-7-70)

Miraculous photos are being given from Heaven. We now have a photo of a sunset, and in the clouds are the letters: U.N., and on the other end of the photo - a dragon. These letters appeared "from nowhere" onto Polaroid photo when a lady was photographing the sunset before the entrance of Red China into the U.N. (2-1-72)

Mideast War
    Veronica - Now Michael is pointing over to the right side, past the flagpole. The sky is becoming very red, very orange looking. And I see...I'm looking's like looking to another part of the world. Yes, I see many people are dying. I see, oh, terrible fighting, and also the fighting...the people are marching, from the left into the country. They have yellow skins; they're of the yellow race. And now also from the south I see dark - skinned people, and I see the world "Africa" A - F - R - I - C - A. "China and Russia from the north."

    Veronica again saw the Eagle. The Demons had made a straight path up from Hell.  They are trying to push the Eagle from behind.   They are trying to push the Eagle over the edge.  I see a Power, England, but I cannot fully understand the involvement with Satan.  They pretend to be friends.   They are to be watched.   It is a conspiracy.  It is the uniting of the forces to destroy the United States!   They are doing their work well so far...   But Our Mother stresses the Power of Prayer to hold back the darkness.  These are desperate times.  Do not be deceived by the momentary cries of peace.  I see the false prophets increasing in number, cunning in their deceit, even to the Elect! (12-24-70)

    Our Lady - "Trust not in the ways of man, but place your full trust in your God! Many materials, destructive to the soul are being shipped here from England. These soul destroyers are included in the practice of witchcraft and devil worship!"
    "Who opened the doors to this brood of vipers?.." (12-31-70)

    Our Lady - "My child, I want the world to know that Michael is the guardian of the highest Heaven. You must also tell the priests within My Son's Church that they must return Michael to his rightful place as guardian of the Church, or they will be subjected to terrible trials. What has happened to nations throughout the world, through Russia, shall happen to the United States and Canada. Russia, My children, is not entering where you can see them. They are infiltrating now into every side of your nation: north, south, east, and west - on the outer fringes and the inner fringes.
    "My children, much of the evil now that is spreading in the United States and Canada was promoted by these men and women of satan, known as Communists, who have been allowed to enter not only into your country and the countries of the world, but also into My Son's Church upon earth." (5-17-86)

Major invasion of U.S. and Canada
    Jesus - "Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security. But now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth; they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada.
    "My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind. This is the message: THAT RUSSIA PLANS TO INVADE THE UNITED STATES WITH MISSILES!
    "There is much that you don't know, My poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don't know what is happening within your governments. Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced.
    "Russia will also utilize the manpower of China as they make their thrust forward." (3-26-83)

Armaments gathered throughout Russia
   Our Lady
- "Day by day, man is killing now. Many countries shall be embroiled in wars, until we have the greatest war ever seen, nor shall ever be seen again, the Third World War, which shall engulf the nations. And many nations shall disappear from the force of the armaments being gathered now throughout Russia.
    "Yes, My child, no matter how the world reacts to the truth, you will shout it from the rooftops that Russia has not accepted any overtures from Rome. Unless Russia can be dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mary, unless they will recognize the truth, they will continue to go throughout the world sowing seeds of discord, discontentment, and war. You know, My children, that war is a punishment for man's sins, but also, war is an indication of the loss of the knowledge of God.
    "My children, I cannot enforce Myself upon you. I can only plead with you as a Mother of mercy to turn back now while there is still a little time. Your time is growing short. I repeat again: there is only one grain left in the hourglass.
    "My child and My children, do not be affrighted. Were it to be that I can come to you as a Mother of glad tidings, I should be the first to come to you and throw My arms about you, and solace you with the great knowledge that you have received a time permitted only by the Eternal Father to settle your estates, and your way of life to change it, to be on the narrow road to Heaven. Do not forfeit your life, your eternal life, by wishing or coveting material gains of this world, for none shall follow you over the veil to plead your cause.
    "The enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again. Tears shall be banished, and mothers shall not sorrow until they die of grief for the loss of their children and their sons." (8-21-85)

The illustrious Eagle has fallen
    Veronica - And now I see above it, a huge black bird. Oh, it's not a nice - looking bird. It's not like the eagle. It looks like a vulture or something with its wings spread. And now the vulture is getting ready to fly. Oh, my goodness and it's heading to do war with the eagle, the eagle that has no strength, it has been plucked by Satan. Oh! Oh, it looks like there isn't a feather left on the eagle. Oh! It's a sad - looking sight. Oh! (3-22-75)

    Our Lady - "Parents, I counsel you and warn you again as parents that you will now have sole ownership for the redemption of your child's soul; and if you fail in your obligation as a Christian mother and a Christian father to your children, you will shed bitter tears when you know they are gone before your eyes, cut down in the bloom of their youth by the enemies of God - and there are many now in your country. America the beautiful has fallen to satan. The eagle, the illustrious eagle, has fallen to satan, plucked by sin and corruption from within!" (9-7-77)

America has fallen to paganism and sin . . .
- "I hear all cries of peace, peace and security, going throughout your world, My children. But there is no peace, there is no security. And your country, the United States of America, the great eagle has been plucked by satan and his agents. You see lying now before you a majestic eagle, the once proud symbol of America, fallen because of paganism and sin.
    "It is known through history, that once a country has given itself over to all manner of paganism and sin, it is not long before that country falls into a system of dictatorship, bringing great sorrow, even murder to the masses." (5-26-79)

Communism - The scourge of mankind
    Our Lady
- "Parents must have firm discipline in the home. Parents must supervise the teaching of their children. The forces of evil are gathering fast to the eagle.
    "Communism is the scourge of mankind, the enslavement of a nation. The serpent is in your country, O America the Beautiful. The eagle has been plucked!" (8-5-77)

    Our Lady - "Your country, with the symbol of the Eagle - the proud bald Eagle, so pure and white, has been plucked! It is but a skeleton of its former glory, slowly starved of the light." (9-28-79)

    Jesus - "Your nation, the United States of America, has been now - the proud eagle has been plucked by satan; and as such shall be cleansed by trial and suffering and war. Humanism and modernism has set you on the road to satanism. Your country and many countries of the world now have adopted the worship of false idols.
    "Satan, the master of deceit, has poisoned many minds. Satan, the ruler of the world of darkness has now entered into the highest places of governments, and even within My House, My Church upon earth. But I shall cleanse them, as I have cleansed them in the past." (6-18-80)

    Our Lady - "The eagle, your country, has fallen to satan. You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Your country will send itself into bondage. Satan shall rule in your leaders, all because you reject My Son! Already Our sheep wander. Whoever will go forward and gather Our lost little ones?
    "There is in your country and the world a great conspiracy of evil. You will pray much and make many sacrifices for the recovery of the souls of many who have lost their way. Sitting upon their heads are the mitres of, mitres of authority, My child. It is only because there are few who pray for them. Remember, My child, do not forget your clergy, for many shall go deep into the abyss, and spend many years in purgatory because they have no one to pray for them. Your priests need many prayers. Many are misled and many have sold their souls to get to the head. My children, wake up! What do you gain if you gather your treasures in the world, and store none in Heaven? You will leave the world with nothing and if you come to Us without merit We must reject you. And you will be cast into the fires or spend many long years purging yourselves in the land of waiting.
    "My child, the great delusion in your world today is the darkness of spirit created by talk leading to evils of humanism, modernism and the worst of all evils, satanism. The evil, My child, is so great that man has set himself up as an idol.
"In your country and the world, My child, I repeat, there is a great conspiracy of evil. Truth - where is the light of truth? Souls are tarnished because they are not being fed the pure waters of truth. My Son, My heart, is pierced to see the many abominations being committed in My Son's House. Pray a constant vigilance. The prince of darkness and his agents cannot stay when you pray. Your country, no longer beautiful of spirit, has given itself to murders. Father against son, mother against daughter, child against parent. Oh, woe to the parents who lead their children into sin. Whatever shall become of your children? Your example is poor. Your teachers bring darkness to the soul. There must be, My child, a complete reversal of man's ways that offend the Father. Unless this is a accomplished in a measure of time allotted by the Father, there will be sent upon you a great Chastisement!" (11-23-74)

    Jesus - "Your country, the eagle, has fallen and been plucked by satan. The great bird no longer flies high. No, I say unto you: because of your immorality, your materialistic seeking, your scientific pursuits to outdo the Eternal Father in His plan for mankind, you bring upon yourselves great trial and punishment." (11-19-77)

    Our Lady - "Sin is truly insanity, My children. Satan is the father of all liars, and deceiving spirits are now loosed upon your earth. Satan is a murderer and will promote murders far in excess of what has been seen in the past.
    "I cry to you, My children that immorality is the gauge, the measuring point for the fall of a nation. Your country, My children the United States, has fallen to satan. The great eagle has been plucked by sin. Corruption has entered into the highest places of your government and in My Son's Church. I say unto you, and I say this with counsel from high, the Lord high God in Heaven, the Father of all creation, that as you sow so shall you reap!
    "My children, why did you avoid giving My counsel to the world? O you of little faith in the high places of My Son's House, His Church, why did you not give My Message to the world as I gave it to you? Pride and arrogance! That is why, My children." (12-31-77)

    Our Lady - "Terror shall grip the nation. I have tried to warn you, My children, that the United States is as like the eagle plucked bare by its enemies, plucked bare by misrepresentation, plucked bare by sin. Your country is very sick, My children.
"You ask Me, My child, why this cannot be stopped? You must now trust in My Son, Jesus. And when you become affrighted, you will say: My Jesus, My confidence!
    "Yes, My child, no war has ever made a pretty picture.
    "We do not stress anything that could be called political, My child and My children. By no means is this as it is meant to be. By no means! I wish to alert you all to what is coming upon you. And when it happens you will know that too few cared, too few failed... to learn a lesson from their past; too few do not give offerings of atonement to the Eternal Father.
    "There is a balance now being held above you. It falls - the balance falls heavily to the left. But when that is evened out, you will know and understand this message." (3-26-83)

    Our Lady - "The agents of Satan have gained control in the major media of your country. The great eagle has been plucked. It will not rise again unless a major miracle of return to the Father, return to the Faith, is accomplished." (9-7-74)

Copyright © 1999 These Last Days Ministries. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 02, 2020 .