Heat Wave Kills At Least 44; Massive Power Failures

    NEW YORK - Cooler temperatures Wednesday eased a suffocating heat wave in the eastern United States, but not before at least 44 people died from weather- related causes.   In Philadelphia, city health officials raised the number of heat-related deaths to 22 -- mainly elderly residents with heart conditions -- as more autopsies were completed.

    The New York City Medical Examiner's office said 10 people had died from heat-related causes since the grueling weather set in over the July 4 Independence Day holiday weekend.  Six of the hypothermia deaths, when body temperature exceeds 105 degrees Fahrenheit, occurred in Manhattan and four in Brooklyn.  Five people were reported to have died in New Jersey, two in the Pittsburgh area, three in New England and two in Washington.

    A cool front Wednesday brought relief from days of stifling heat and humidity and utility companies said electricity demand up and down the East Coast was expected to fall by the end of the day.  The utilities restored power to hundreds of thousands of people who were cut off, apparently when equipment failed due to the surge in demand for air conditioning.  A power failure Tuesday evening plunged Washington Heights in upper Manhattan, one of New York City's poorest neighborhoods, into darkness.

The Bayside Prophecies tell us:

 Great Heat To Come Soon

    Jesus - "My Mother has directed you well through this stage of man's progressing towards sanctity.  However, you must remember this:  words were given, and actions have taken place.  Our Lady told you several years ago that there would be great floods, and there were great floods; that there would be a great heat, and that will come soon; and after that there will be a great plague.  You had a plague now, My children - two diseases unknown in cure for mankind.  Did not My Mother, pass along to you that knowledge that there would be diseases that your scientists will not be able to explain nor stop?  They will find not cure for it.

     "Now, My children, I tell you this:  I do not wish to come to you as a visitor with dire warnings, but the object of My coming is to warn you that you may do something and correct the evil that has been perpetrated by the few.

Devastating Plague Within Six Months

    "There will be one more most devastating plague upon you.  That will come within the next six months, My children.  You ask, My child, why is this allowed?  My child, you have forgotten the real reason for all this:  man will benefit from it in the end.  For I once said to you many years ago that penance is difficult, but after penance there is a great joy.” (6-18-83)


The Elements Coming Down In Fury

     Our Lady - "All Heaven is joining in a major force to try to avoid in your generation the terrible floods, the great heat, and the plague.  Yes, My child and My children, the crops will rot; babies shall cry, as there will be no food to feed the hungry mouths.

    "Disaster is coming upon mankind far greater than what has been experienced in this past year.  As you will recognize, the scientists and men of knowledge all comment on this past year being a frightful one.  The elements seemed to get loosened and come down in fury upon mankind.  Remember, My children and My child, I have always told you that satan can control the elements.

     "Man, if he falls, he falls of his own accord, because he could not give up his riches, his life of pleasure, and seek for a far simpler way to Heaven that can be found in a spiritual childhood and a spiritual adulthood.  Man in his seeking for knowledge is ever seeking but never coming to the truth.” (5-21-83)


The Heavens In Upheaval

    Jesus - "My children, as time proceeds further onto the road that leads to the great Chastisement, as man goes further into darkness of spirit, there will be set upon the world great trial.  You have entered into the time of great sorrows.  You will find the heavens in upheaval; plagues, floods, great heat will befall mankind.  My children, it will be a test for all.” (6-4-77)


Hurricanes, whirlwinds, floods, great heat and plagues upon mankind

     Our Lady - "My child and My children, I have wandered with great speed to and fro across you earth gathering My children who will listen to Me in the last stages of My pleadings to mankind.  Yes, My children, I say the last stages, because you are fast approaching the close of your era.

     "O My children, if you only realized and acted upon My counsel!  If you only realized what is coming fast upon you!  Be it known to you in the past that there will be many eruptions of nature resulting in hurricanes, whirlwinds, floods, great heat and plagues upon mankind.

     "All of this I have repeated to you over and over, because My Mother's heart is torn for you.  My children, many of you have become blinded by sin.  Many have closed their ears to My pleadings.  Many go about as scoffers and look upon My mission as a subject for ridicule and derision.  O My children, sad to say, it has been written in the Book of Life and has been said again and again, that many are called but few are chosen.” (4-1-78)


You have given yourselves to sins of the flesh . . .

    Our Lady - "My child, the example given by Theresa and all who have given their lives in vocations, this example must be returned to My Son's Church.  Because you do not pray enough; My children, because you have given yourselves to sins of the flesh, many wars have descended upon you, many trials of earthquakes and floods and great heat have come upon you.  My children, there is a most terrible calamity approaching mankind, and I beg you, as your Mother, to avoid this, to get down now upon your knees and do penance, atonement, and sacrifice to the Eternal Father Who has already been offended too much.” (10-2-76)


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