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These Last Days News - August 10, 2015
Concurrent satanic rites reportedly took place in the U.S. and St. Paul’s Chapel in the Vatican on June 29, 1963, barely a week after the election of Paul VI
"How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 13, 1978
Fr. Malachi Martin's accusations
In The Fatima Crusader article, Malachi Martin, a scholar, Vatican insider, and best-selling author, said, “Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome.”
From 1958 until 1964, Jesuit priest Malachi Martin served in Rome where he was a close associate of, and carried out many sensitive missions for the renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and the pope. Released afterwards from his vows of poverty and obedience at his own request (but still a priest), he ultimately moved to New York and became a best-selling writer of fiction and non-fiction.
Martin had first made reference to a diabolic rite held in Rome in his 1990 non-fiction best-seller about geopolitics and the Vatican, The Keys of This Blood, in which he wrote:"Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the ‘superforce.’ Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’. . . an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia—rites and practices— was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites." (p. 632)
These allegations have largely gone unnoticed, possibly because he was so crafty in his descriptions that he might even have been referring to the coronation of Pope Paul VI. But he revealed much more about this alleged ritual in one of his last works, Windswept House: A Vatican Novel (1996). In this story, he vividly described a ceremony called “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer” supposedly held in St. Paul’s Chapel in the Vatican, but linked with concurrent satanic rites here in the U.S., on June 29, 1963, barely a week after the election of Paul VI. In the novel, before he dies, a pope leaves a secret account of the situation on his desk for the next occupant of the throne of Peter, a thinly-disguised John Paul II.
According to The New American, Martin confirmed that the ceremony did indeed occur as he had described. “Oh yes, it is true; very much so,” the magazine reported he said. “But the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic form.”
Martin's accusation of a satanic ritual at the Vatican was also confirmed by John Loeffler, host of the Steel on Steel radio show. Mr. Loeffler personally asked Fr. Malachi Martin (who had been a regular guest on his show) about the reported dedication to satan within the Vatican:"You know Malachi confirmed—the first part of his book, Windswept House—he confirmed the dedication of the Vatican to satan in a secret ceremony that occurred unknown even to the Pope at that time, that he managed to pick up. And I did ask him, 'Was this true? Did it happen?' And he [Fr. Martin] said, 'yes, it did.'" - John Loeffler (July 29, 2000 radio show)
Fr. Malachi Martin said more members of the clergy are becoming aware of the situation. An archbishop several years ago also accused high members of the hierarchy in Rome of practicing satanism. The Italian newspaper Il Tempo and other major daily papers reported this stunning news (Italian newspaper articles).
\Windswept House
Windswept House is a sweeping novel, set on the grand global stage and the unfolding of the next stage of civilization, the ominously-named New World Order. It tackles head-on a number of heavy issues from abortion to the Third Secret of Fatima, but the essential message seems to be this: Satanists lurk in the shadows, from the heart of the Vatican down to the local parishes, manipulating those duped by the false spirit of Vatican II. They are doing their damnedest to subvert the Roman Catholic Church.
In Windswept House, Martin was quite explicit about the conditions in the Vatican, opening the novel with the above-mentioned satanic ritual. In it, Satan was formally enthroned in the Vatican in the Chapel of St. Paul (by all reports a dark and appropriately spooky place). The ceremony was coordinated via telephone with another simultaneous rite in South Carolina.
But these are minor quibbles. Like The Keys of This Blood, Windswept House is written for a wide and not necessarily Catholic audience, but both books give an odd feeling of being intended for John Paul II himself. It’s as if Keys was written to show the Pope that Martin understood what the Pontiff was doing in the geopolitical arena and address his concerns for the Church’s internal situation. (One may be reminded of Machiavelli’s The Prince, written also by a courtier exiled from court.) Windswept House, however, is a much more dramatic and desperate plea to the Pope.A Dark Vision
Just how bad did Martin judge things to be? Extremely so:"Suddenly it became unarguable that now during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it; of bishops and priests who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the “Black Rites” of Wicca, and who lived in lesbian relationships . . . every day, including Sundays and Holy Days, acts of heresy and blasphemy and outrage and indifference were committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be priests. Sacrilegious actions and rites were not only performed on Christ’s Altars, but had the connivance or at least the tacit permission of certain Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops. . . In total number they were a minority—anything from one to ten percent of Church personnel. But of that minority, many occupied astoundingly high positions or rank.... The facts that brought the Pope to a new level of suffering were mainly two: The systematic organizational links—the network, in other words that had been established between certain clerical homosexual groups and Satanist covens. And the inordinate power and influence of that network." (pp. 492-3)
At the time of his passing on July 27, 1999, Martin was at work on what he said would be his most controversial and important book. Primacy: How the Institutional Roman Catholic Church became a Creature of The New World Order was to deal with power and the papacy. This work was to analyze the revolutionary shift that lies at the heart of what many see as the breakdown of papal power. It was to be a book of predictions about the Vatican and the world in the first decades of the new millennium.
Fr. Malachi Martin never recanted any of his claims that the scene in Windswept House was based on an actual satanic ritual in the Vatican in the first days of the reign of Pope Paul VI, nor that there exists a general satanic conspiracy within the Roman Catholic Church.
The murder of Pope John Paul I
The Blessed Virgin Mary's apparitions in Bayside, New York stating that satan has entered into "the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome” would also explain some very dark secrets surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I, who mysteriously died of a “heart attack” slightly over a month after election. Regarding the alleged “heart attack,” his niece affirmed:
“In my family almost no one believes it was a heart attack that killed my uncle. He never had heart trouble or any illness of that kind.” (San Juan Star, October 3, 1978) http://www.thesanjuanstar.com/
And Pope John Paul I’s brother:
“John Paul’s brother Edoardo, in Australia on a trade mission, reported that the Pope had been given a clean bill of health after a medical examination three weeks ago. He was frail in health as an infant and as a young priest, but there were no reports of heart trouble.” (San Juan Star, October 9, 1978)
From Time magazine (October 9, 1978):
In an earlier age so untimely a death might have stirred deep suspicions: “If this were the time of the Borgias,” said a young teacher in Rome, “there’d be talk that John Paul was poisoned.”
But the Vatican replied that such allegations were “irresponsible.” (San Juan Star, October 18, 1978)
The fact is, Our Lady’s message at Bayside New York affirmed, “man has fallen very low, even (resorting) to murder.” (October 6, 1978) And on May 21, 1983: “We will go back, My child, in history, a short history, and remember well what had happened in Rome to John, Pope John, whose reign lasted 33 days. O My child, it is history now, but it is placed in the book that lists the disasters in mankind. He received the horror and martyrdom by drinking from a glass. It was a champagne glass given to him by a now deceased member of the clergy and the Secretariat of the State [Cardinal Villot (right)].”
Sound incredible? Please note that a 1975 ruling from the Vatican ordered that no autopsy could be performed on a Pope. How convenient. What does the Vatican have to fear from an autopsy? Not just Our Lady's message points to foul play. There is a best-selling book by David Yallop that also alleges that Pope John Paul I was murdered: In God’s Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I.
This is just one more symptom of what the real Third Secret is all about.
"But, My children, as I said in the past, I repeat again, that satan and his agents, the band of 666, has entered into the highest places of the hierarchy; and therefore he has captured some of Our formerly noble hierarchy to do his bidding." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 1, 1978
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Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies... https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/ These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
"Satan, the evils of satanism, only appear when sin has become a way of life, and the evil has brought an immense blanket of darkness to an area. 666, satan in human form, is wherever darkness is. He is the prince of darkness, the father of all liars, the master of deceit. And I say, My children, the master of deceit, for he is cunning beyond all human understanding." Our Lady, November 21, 1977WORSHIP OF SATAN
"There are many nations now that promote the greatest of sacrileges. Through their medias and their permissiveness, they have brought forth satanism—the worship of satan, the adversary, to the debauchery of young children." Our Lady, March 18, 1983GENESIS 3: 15
"You will continue, My child, to bring the sheep to My oasis, the sacred grounds of grace. The wall has been set now to stop you, but no wall shall transcend the supernatural.
"You understand now, My child, how needless it is to set yourself to worry, for you drain your human strength. The will of the Father, the most high God in Heaven, will be done. Satan is not above the Father. He will do great battle, but I, your Mother, shall crush his head.
"To give Me honor does not detract or take from the honor to My Son. I say this, My child, to you and My children in all humility. I, your Mother, I, too, am but an instrument of the Father in Heaven. My Son has chosen to send Me to you as a Mediatrix between your world and the world of the Father." Our Lady, December 24, 1974WORSHIP OF SATAN
Veronica - Oh! Our Lady is also pointing over with a very angry look on Her face. And I see—oh, a terrible . . . oh, it's—oh, my goodness! I know what it is; I see . . . I know they're human beings, but they're wearing black garments and slit holes in their faces. And Our Lady said:
Our Lady - "See, My child, the worship of the prince of evil. You are shocked, My child? Do not delude yourselves that this does not exist upon your earth now, the worship of satan. Pagans! Pagans in the House of God! Pagans roaming your nations, leaders of your nations giving themselves to satan!" June 15, 1974SON OF SAM
"I have always asked you, the Eternal Father has written it in the good Book, your Bible, to always test the spirits. My children, the evil, the spirits of darkness always reveal themselves with time. They cannot conceal their farce and lies. My children, you will understand now that satan is trying to conceal his nature and his being to mankind to deceive you. If you do not believe in the existence of Lucifer, satan, and his agents, demons, he can go forward working his will among you unseen, unknown, unbelieved, but creating disaster and death to souls.
"My children, the man you call 'Sam' is satan in a human body. He has powers beyond what most human beings could understand." Our Lady, November 21, 1977ILLUMINATI
"There is a group in the United States and the world, a group that started many years ago, calling itself the Illuminati, coming from the word 'light bearer.' Naturally, My children, this light that they bear stands for Lucifer, and as such they have gone through the world secretly known as Luciferians. They have brought into your country, the United States, and your neighbor Canada, a group of witchcraft practices. Well have they laid their plan to destroy your children with drugs, using your school systems, your medias of communication, your newspapers, your televisions, your radios: every means of communication has been infiltrated by the members and sub-members of the Illuminati, a conglomeration of individuals and powers and principalities throughout the world, and banking systems. As you well know, My children, money has always been the root of all evil, and many have sold their souls to get to the head." Our Lady, November 25, 1978CONSPIRACY OF EVIL
"There is now a conspiracy of evil in your country, the United States. Recognize the meaning of Illuminati. It has been now interwoven with the churches of satan and the massive international organization of Wicca. They are now fighting My Son's Church. It is satan who guides them, for these people who have entered into the organization of Wicca and Illuminati, they are dead bodies and dead souls!
"You ask, My children, how this can be? Much that will take place now in the near future you will see and be astounded at. Remember, My children, that Lucifer has great power. However, his time is growing short, and realizing this he has accelerated his evil." Our Lady, December 7, 1977ROCK MUSIC
"Listen well, My children, and understand that I ask you to remove all diabolical musical recordings from your homes. Your children are bringing demons into your homes because, at the time that these records were produced, called 'rock, hard rock'—they were produced in the temple of satan, consecrated to satan. You do not understand, My children, but many of your companies, your record companies, are under the control of Wicca, the international organization of witches and warlocks. Do not laugh! It is true! Lucifer has given them power over mankind. However, the power is allowed by God the Father in Heaven to test all of mankind." Our Lady, November 25, 1978
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D28 - Hell
D29 - Purgatory
D129 - Third Secret, Part 1 - 666 in Rome
D130 - Third Secret, Part 2 - Satan entered the Church in 1972
D131 - Third Secret, Part 3 - Satan in highest realms of the hierarchy
D132 - Third Secret, Part 4 - Bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal
D133 - The Apocalypse / Revelations
D149 - Satanism, Part 1
D150 - Satanism, Part 2
D166 - Drugs
D205 - Sin is insanity
D207 - Deceit and Deception
D216 - Pornography
D217 - Missing Children
D222 - Paganism
D245 - Demons
D246 - Doctrines of Demons
Evidence for the REAL Third Secret:
Cardinal Oddi on the REAL Third Secret of Fatima: "The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against the apostasy in the Church"
https://www.tldm.org/news7/ThirdSecretCardinalOddi.htmFr. Alonso, official achivist of Fatima: The REAL Third Secret of Fatima warned of apostasy in the Church
https://www.tldm.org/news7/ThirdSecretFatherAlonso.htmEvidence of the REAL Third Secret: The "deception of the century"
https://www.tldm.org/news3/impostor.htmWarnings from Beyond: A Swiss exorcism reveals existence of an impostor to Pope Paul VI
https://www.tldm.org/news4/warningsfrombeyond.2of3.htmJacinta's vision of the Holy Father, "the poor little one," was Pope Paul VI
https://www.tldm.org/news/vision_of_jacinta.htmThe approved apparitions of Our Lady of Akita, Japan and the Third Secret
https://www.tldm.org/News10/Akita.htmEvidence of the REAL Third Secret: The murder of Pope John Paul I
https://www.tldm.org/news3/johnpaulI.htmThird Secret tells of a spiritual chastisement: loss of faith, faltering and punishment of the pastors, diabolical disorientation
https://www.tldm.org/News10/ThirdSecretSpiritualChastisement.htmCardinal Oddi's hypothesis on the REAL Third Secret: "Let me advance a hypothesis: that the Third Secret of Fatima pre-announces something terrible the Church has done"
https://www.tldm.org/News10/CardinalOddiThirdSecretHypothesis.htmSister Lucy talked about the "diabolical disorientation" in the Church as 1972 approached
https://www.tldm.org/news5/1972.htmEvidence of the REAL Third Secret: "Satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy"
https://www.tldm.org/news3/highest_realms.htmEvidence of the REAL Third Secret: World's most famous exorcist has said, "legions of demons that have installed themselves in the Vatican"
https://www.tldm.org/News6/exorcism1.htmEvidence of the REAL Third Secret: Man who shot Pope John Paul II says, "Without the help of some priests and cardinals I could not have done it"
https://www.tldm.org/News7/CardinalsHelpedMehmetAliAgca.htmEvidence of the REAL Third Secret: Jacinta told Mother Godinho the Third Secret, but...
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