UFO closes Russian airport

Monday, 29 January 2001 16:57 (ET)

MOSCOW, Jan. 29 (UPI) -- An unidentified flying object hovering above the runway of an airport in Barnaul, in eastern Siberia, forced the airport's closure for almost two hours, Russian news agencies reported Monday. During the incident, which occurred on Friday night, the crew of an Ilyushin 76 cargo jet refused to take off after spotting the glowing object hovering above the end of the runway. Another freighter preparing to land at Barnaul airport also spotted the object and the pilot diverted his jet to an alternative airfield. The object flew off and vanished some 90 minutes after it was first spotted, the reports say.

The Bayside Prophecies tell us:

This is a mystery . . .
     Jesus - "I warn you now: All of those - what they call flying saucers, My children - they are not flying saucers. They are vehicles from hell transporting demons from place to place. Though they be spirits, there is a mystery of the living dead that you do not know. They must be transported; they cannot go upon their own. This is a mystery that I shall, perhaps in the future, give you the knowledge of." (6-30-84)

A delusion to mankind . . .
     Our Lady - "You will circulate fast, My child, the photograph of the vehicles of hell - the flying saucers. They are gathering in great multitudes upon your earth. Know now that they are of an illusion - a delusion to mankind. It is but one of the false miracles of satan." (12-31-74)

False miracles in the air . . .
     Our Lady - "Your world, My children, is now filled with demons. They will promote accidents that are not accidents, destruction, and even false miracles in the air. And I repeat to you, My children: your UFO's are not unknown to your God, for they come from satan. They are one of the false miracles of the latter days. They are vehicles from hell, transporting demons, though these demons of the spirit can act upon their own. I cannot, My children, give you full details at this time on the reason for calling them transports from hell. In time this will all be given in knowledge to you." (5-27-78)

Photograph of the transports . . .
     Our Lady - "It has been deemed necessary by the Father, to give unto you a photograph of the transports from hell. You will inform your men of knowledge - scientists - that the vehicles known as UFOs are but transports from hell sent to deceive and confuse mankind and set him in quest of another world that does not exist." (9-13-74)

Upheavals in nature . . .
     Our Lady - "They are performing now prodigies and wonders to confuse and confound mankind. You call one of the UFO's. They are supernatural manifestations from hell. They are created in the minds of some by the demons, who are capable, because of great power upon earth to control now the elements, nature.
     "And also these demons shall promote accidents that are not accidents. Your seasons shall turn. Upheavals of nature shall be more prevalent. They will increase in intensity until mankind is brought to his knees." (2-1-73)

I only created life upon earth . . .
     Jesus - "The UFO's you wonder of are part of the plan of satan. They are false images to promote the fallacy that there is life upon other planets. There is no life, for I only created life upon earth." (2-10-78)

They are to delude you . . .
     Jesus - "Many manifestations shall take place upon earth. One already has taken place: the UFO's that you call unknown flying objects. They are creations of satan and are supernatural. They are to delude you into believing that there is life beyond earth. That is a fallacy and a lie." (6-1-78)

Like a cat and mouse game . . .
     Jesus - "Many manifestations of supernatural nature shall be set upon mankind. I say unto you again: test the spirits.
     "I warn you again not to listen to those voices coming from the depths of hell that say that life is existing upon the other planets of your universe. This, My children, is not true. Were it any different, I should have told you so in the Book of Life. Know, My children, your battle shall rage upon earth.
     "Satan is creating many false miracles, and one of these are the supernatural manifestations that you call UFO's. My children, they are truly transports from hell. However, hell shall not be found on another planet.
     "Pray, My children. It's like a cat and mouse game with satan. You must always be looking that he does not extend his lures before you with delusion, confusion and lies. My children look always upward and you will be given signs from Heaven. Raise your hearts in prayer, prayer from the heart - not just from the lips." (3-25-78)

No vehicles from other planets . . .
     Our Lady - "While We speak of agents of hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets - extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of hell in transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell: satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports.
     "There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it. They must find out something for themselves, My child, before We will help them to the ending of this great sorrow upon earth. Anything that results in murder and death is sorrow upon earth, My child, just as the great wars that are prevailing." (11-1-85)

Miracles of hell . . .
     Our Lady - "Do not discount My warnings, My child, of the miracles of hell which gather about the grounds - the transports of hell are ever present. The world has chosen to call them - flying saucers. Know, they are transports of hell." (12-6-74)

Dishonest miracles . . .
     Our Lady - "There are loosed upon your earth countless numbers of demons. The gates of Hell are opening wide.
     "The false miracles of your days promoted by Satan are much in evidence upon your world. Science give many explanations but they have not come forward with the truth. Your flying saucers are but a super - natural manifestation from Satan!
     "It would be better, My child, if the clergy would spent their time in not disproving the honorable miracles from God the Father, and seek out the truth of these dishonorable, dishonest miracles - that they call miracles - of Satan! The miracles from Hell are transports - transports of demons!" (7-25-74)

Destruction and terror for many . . .
     Our Lady - "My child, I gave you sight of the transports from hell. This night shall be one of destruction and terror for many." (12-31-73)

Phenomenon from satan . . .
     Our Lady - "There is loosed upon your world now many transports of hell. Many children of earth will witness this phenomenon from satan. Be not deluded. They do not exist, but they are a supernatural phenomenon from the abyss - satan!"
     Veronica - Our Lady speaks of the flying saucers loosed upon the earth." (11-1-74)

Test the spirits . . .
     Our Lady - "I repeat the message of the past, My child: the flying saucers you speak of, they are transports of hell! They are supernatural; they are a creation of satan to bewilder and confuse mankind. Many prodigies shall be viewed upon earth, in the atmosphere. Beware of all false miracles. Test the spirits, My children." (12-7-76)

Stratosphere covered by demons . . .
     Jesus - "As I discoursed with you in the past, I told you that satan and his legion of demons are loosed upon the earth. If you go up to your stratosphere now, there is hardly an inch that is not covered by the demons.
     "Do not look for land, do not look on another planet for life, for there is none. Only those who deluge you tell you this. What you saw, My child, in the past, called a flying saucer by mankind, We have allowed many to see this. They are transports from hell. However, We have never seen a demon, My child, who has taken on a human form, except through the spirit.
     "No, My child, We did not allow you to see any formation of any nature on this celestial object that you saw many years ago by the doors of St. Robert Bellarmine church. Therefore, do not be deluded that there are beings coming from other planets. This is not true, My children.
      What you have now, because of the sins of mankind, all hell is loosed upon earth. Satan now knows that his time in growing short. That is the truth, My children, I tell you all: your time is growing short." (6-18-92)

Flying saucers are from hell . . .UFO photographic evidence
     Veronica - Oh! Oh - h - h! I see - oh, it's a very large pit, I guess a hole. And sitting down there at the edge of the hole are some horrible looking things; they look like animals, but they have almost the figures of people. And they're sitting around now, what looks like a glass. And the glass is reflecting up through the hole, and it's almost like a looking glass because it's - the rays - there are rays being shot out from this glass, and the rays are going up, up this hole. And I'm watching the rays. And they're shooting out onto the grounds. And as they're going up, riding these rays are these horrible, ugly things; these...I know they're demons - I know.
     Now Our Lady says: - "Watch, My child, what else is exiting from the hole."
     Veronica - Oh, my goodness! There are things that look like bright lights, but they're like dome - like on the top. And they don't have any windows; they're just great lights. And Our Lady now is standing at the edge of this hole and She's pointing, and She's saying:
     Our Lady - "Man will not accept the truth. These are transports of hell."
     Veronica - Oh, Our Lady's referring to these things that are being seen on earth. Our Lady said:
     Our Lady - "Make it known, My child, that the false miracles of the end time are now at hand. Satan seeks to confuse you. Make it known, My child, that there is no life beyond your earth as you know it. Man will go out into space; better that he uses these efforts to find his way back to God.
     "Intellectual pride, My children, has been the downfall of many. You will not enter the Kingdom unless you strip yourselves of this pride and return to Us as little children." (5-30-73)

Seeking to take over your minds . . .
     Our Lady - "Already satan is working his way into your consciousness, seeking to take over your minds. He is now promoting false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images from hell. My children, if you reject the knowledge of the supernatural, you are now playing right into his hands. While he remains hidden among you, he can go about and, like a ravenous wolf, gobble up My children as they fall from grace.
     "Do not laugh or mock this message. My children. I speak to you with common words that you may understand the crucial times that now approach you. It will be a time of testing for all mankind. Every single individual of an age with conscience shall be tested." (6-18-78)

The following is a poem given on November 24, 1973:

No Extra - Terrestrial Life . . .
     On June 18, 1979 Our Lady said: "These theories of extra - terrestrial life, these theories have been developed by Lucifer, even unto the false miracles of the end days which you know as UFO's. They are from hell; transports of hell, supernatural transports. They are to deceive and confound the populace. I repeat, they are of supernatural origin. There is no life beyond earth, only the life given by the Eternal Father as a gift to mankind, eternal life after the death of the body in the Kingdom of Heaven."

UFO's - Transports from hell . . .
     On December 24, 1973 Our Lady said: "In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdoms of God. Know that is it satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls."

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