Catholic Church Membership Up; Most Protestant Churches Down...
"My child and My children, you are all
My children. I judge you not by color or race, and I do not judge you by
your creed; however, should the knowledge of the One True Church be given to
you, and the way to Heaven along the narrow road be given to you, you will
follow it or you will be rejected." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985
U.S. membership has increased in the Catholic Church — the
nation's largest Christian body — but the No. 2 Southern Baptist Convention,
along with most mainline Protestant denominations, reported continuing decline,
according to new figures released by the National Council of Churches.
Both the Southern Baptists and Catholics reported membership
losses in last year's Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches; in
the 2010 edition, however, the Catholics reported a rebound, with a 1.5 percent
growth rate, to more than 68 million members.
Southern Baptists held on to the No. 2 spot, at 16.3 million
members, but that figure represented a 0.2 percent drop from 2009 and the second
consecutive year of decline. The Presbyterian Church (USA) experienced the
greatest loss among the top 10 denominations (3.3 percent), down to 2.8 million
The NCC's annual Yearbook is regarded as one of
the most reliable recorders of church membership in North America. The figures,
from 2008, are the most recent compiled. However, 11 out of the 25 largest
churches did not report updated figures.
The Rev. Eileen W. Lindner, editor of the Yearbook since
1998, said many experts cite “an increasing secularization of American
postmodern society, and its disproportional impact on liberal religious groups”
as the cause of decline in some American churches.
Jack Haberer, editor of the independent Presbyterian Outlook
magazine, said the trend has been long in coming.
“Baby boomers who are also Christians, in general, have been
drawn more to churches that are more informal, less institutional and more rock
'n' roll-ish,” Haberer said. “Presbyterians and other mainline denominations
have been very slow in reading those trends and thinking through a way to
accommodate without compromising the theological integrity.”
Though some congregations are no doubt shrinking, the Yearbookreports
total church membership was up 0.5 percent in 2008, to 147.4 million members.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reported membership growth of
1.7 percent, to 5.9 million members. The Assemblies of God is the only other
church in the 10 largest denominations to post an increase, up 1.3 percent, to
2.9 million.
U.S. membership has increased in the Catholic
— the nation's largest Christian body — but the No. 2 Southern Baptist
Convention, along with most mainline Protestant denominations, reported
continuing decline, according to new figures released by the National
Council of Churches.
Both the Southern Baptists and Catholics reported membership losses in last
of American & Canadian Churches; in the 2010 edition, however, the
Catholics reported a rebound, with a 1.5 percent growth rate, to more than
68 million members.
Southern Baptists held on to the No. 2 spot, at 16.3 million members, but
that figure represented a 0.2 percent drop from 2009 and the second
consecutive year of decline. The Presbyterian Church (USA) experienced the
greatest loss among the top 10 denominations (3.3 percent), down to 2.8
million members.
The NCC's annualYearbookis
regarded as one of the most reliable recorders of church membership in North
America. The figures, from 2008, are the most recent compiled. However, 11
out of the 25 largest churches did not report updated figures.
The Rev. Eileen W. Lindner, editor of theYearbooksince
1998, said many experts cite “an increasing secularization of American
postmodern society, and its disproportional impact on liberal religious
groups” as the cause of decline in some American churches.
Jack Haberer, editor of the independent Presbyterian Outlook magazine, said
the trend has been long in coming.
“Baby boomers who are also Christians, in general, have been drawn more to
churches that are more informal, less institutional and more rock 'n' roll-ish,”
Haberer said. “Presbyterians and other mainline denominations have been very
slow in reading those trends and thinking through a way to accommodate
without compromising the theological integrity.”
Though some congregations are no doubt shrinking, theYearbookreports
total church membership was up 0.5 percent in 2008, to 147.4 million
members. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reported membership
growth of 1.7 percent, to 5.9 million members. The Assemblies of God is the
only other church in the 10 largest denominations to post an increase, up
1.3 percent, to 2.9 million.
The 10 largest Christian bodies reported in the 2010Yearbook:
Catholic Church: 68.1 million, up 1.49 percent.
Baptist Convention: 16.2 million, down 0.24 percent.
United Methodist Church: 7.8 million (U.S.), down 0.98 percent.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 5.9 million (U.S.), up 1.71
Church of God in Christ: 5.5 million, no change.
Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc: 5 million, no change.
Lutheran Church in America: 4.6 million, down 1.62 percent.
Baptist Convention of America, Inc.: 3.5 million, no change.
of God: 2.9 million, up 1.27 percent.
Church (USA): 2.8 million, down 3.3 percent.
have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth,
the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus. Though man in his arrogance and
pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it forward. Retain the
Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind." - Our Lady of the
Roses, September 7,
"I gave
you a simple plan with the construction of My House, My Church, upon earth.
But now you want to reform it, until you will split My House asunder with
many denominations, many new denominations. I ask that My Church be
universal, apostolic, and the saver of souls. However, there are rules to be
followed, doctrines to remain unchanged." - Jesus, September 7, 1978
Four marks of the True Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic…
The following is taken from the booklet, "Faith and common
sense", + Imprimatur: Most Reverend John F. Whealon, Archbishop of Hartford:
After Christ left this world, His Church did spring
into action, fully prepared to carry on His work. This Church was not something
vague in character. Christ said precisely what He wanted it to be. His Church
was to be built upon the Apostles. It would continue down to the end of time in
the same way, ruled by the successors of the Apostles. That is perhaps the
clearest thing of all.
He also intended it to be one Church, not a number of
churches. The Church He had in mind was to be for all men. It would work for
their sanctification and salvation. These qualities were so clearly built into
the Church that they were marks setting off the true Church of Christ from all
other institutions claiming the name. Catholics say that these marks are unity,
catholicity, holiness and apostolicity.
When we examine the early Church as it appears in the
time of the Apostles, we find that it had all these qualities. One Church and
only one is in existence today which clearly shows the same four marks. This is
the Catholic Church.
Around the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome are
inscribed the words, “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church.”
Those words are as true of the present Pope as they were of St. Peter. The Pope
is the successor of Peter, and he has the same authority as the Prince of the
Apostles once had.
That is a truth which can be amply proved by the facts. No other religious
society can trace its heritage back through the centuries to St. Peter.
Pope Paul VI, the present Bishop of Rome [Note: Paul
VI was Pope at
the time this article was written], is a successor of St. Peter. Year by
year the succession can be traced back to the time of the great Apostle himself.
Some of the Popes lived for only a few years or months; some have had very long
terms of office. Some of them have been great leaders in world affairs; some
relatively obscure. But they are all known to history.
Today in the Catholic Church the Pope holds the
fullness of power the same as Peter did in the early Church. He is not like a
democratically-elected president whose power depends on the consent of the
governed. Like Peter he has been made the shepherd of the flock by the Lord, and
he has the same absolute power as Peter.
Under him in the administration of the Church are the Bishops and priests. Their
power comes from God, as once the power of the Twelve came from Christ. St. Paul
said to the presbyters of Ephesus, “Take heed to yourselves and to the whole
flock in which the Holy Spirit has placed you as bishops to rule the Church of
God” (Acts 20:28).
There is no doubt that the Catholic Church today is
apostolic in the line of succession of its Bishops and the Pope, and that it
possesses an authority which was once given to the Apostles.
UNITY OF RULE, BELIEF, RITUAL St. Paul told the Ephesians to remember that they
had “one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism” (Eph. 4:5). The Catholic Church does have
that unity of rule, belief and ritual.
All Catholics everywhere recognize the authority of the
Pope, the Vicar of Christ. He is the representative of the Lord, and presents
the final judgments or decision on matters of faith and morals. Catholics do not
accept the official pronouncements of the Pope only when they agree with them.
They accept them at all times because they recognize his authority.
All Catholics believe the same faith. There is no
difference in the essential doctrines which various priests teach. One Bishop
does not have his own truths about religion which are different from the beliefs
of another Bishop. Both are explaining the doctrine of the Catholic Church, not
their own ideas about doctrines. The manner of preaching may be different; the
doctrine is the same throughout the world. There is “one faith” in the Catholic
So also there is but one “Baptism.” The term embraces
all those essential rites which the Catholic Church practices. The most
important rite of the Catholic Church is the Mass. The Mass is the re-enactment
of the Last Supper, as was commanded by Christ. All Catholics are obliged to
attend Mass every Sunday and on the important religious festivals of the year.
This obligation is world-wide. So is the Mass. Our soldiers serving in foreign
countries are always at home when they go into the Catholic churches of those
nations; they find the Mass essentially as they knew it in the United States.
The Mass is celebrated in every Catholic church throughout the world and
consists of the same essential rite of the consecration of the bread and wine
into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
The seven sacraments–Baptism, Confirmation, the
Eucharist, Penance, Matrimony, Holy Orders and the Anointing of the Sick–are the
same throughout the world. They are administered in the same way in all places.
Every Catholic is obliged to make use of them at appropriate times; there are no
national differences.
Not only does the Catholic Church have that mark of
unity which Christ wished His Church to have; it also has the mark of holiness.
Christ instituted His Church to make men holy and to bring them to heaven. The
Catholic Church does just that. None of its teaching ever leads men away from
God; none ever twists human nature into some frightening form. All its practices
and teachings tend to make men better.
Moreover, the Catholic Church provides men with the
means to become better. It does not simply offer the “consolation of religion.”
It does something about man’s ceaseless struggle to become better. To those who
are conscious of sinfulness, it does not merely say, “Repent in the secret of
your heart and try to do your best in the future.” It says, “Go to the sacrament
of Penance; have your sins forgiven, and receive the grace which that sacrament
provides to help you avoid these sins for the future.” At the bedside of those
seriously ill, the Catholic priest does not merely exhort the Catholic to be
sorry for his sins and cast himself upon the mercy of God. The Catholic Church
has a rite, the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick which forgives sins and
brings the spiritual and physical help which men need in grave sickness.
“Is any one among you sick?” asks St. James. “Let him
bring in the presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him
with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick
man, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he be in sins, they shall be
forgiven him” (James 5:14-16). That is what the Catholic Church does for her
Finally, the Catholic Church is world-wide. That is a
fact today as it has been a fact for all these centuries past. The membership of
the Catholic Church consists of people of all nations, from every part of the
That is not an accident or the result of good salesmanship. It is the result of
the very nature of the Church of Christ. He sent His Apostles to make disciples
of all nations. The doctrine and practices which He left them were of such a
nature that they appeal to all nations. There has never been a nation which
found the doctrine of the Catholic Church contradictory to its own culture or
When Pere Marquette journeyed down the Mississippi,
preaching the Gospel, he found Indians who were anxious to listen to the story
of the death of Christ upon the Cross. They were baptized and accepted
Christianity wholeheartedly. When St. Francis Xavier reached Japan, he found the
natives eager to hear the message. So firm were they in their faith that for two
centuries during persecution they held on to that faith despite martyrdom. The
Catholic Church is an ancient faith in Japan today, not a recent development.
So it has been everywhere. The Catholic Church has not
been the product of one culture or one nation. Catholicism followed the Spanish
armies into this country, and the Spanish armies were defeated. It has little to
do with the English colonization of the eastern seaboard. Yet today the Catholic
Church is the largest single religious body in the United States and a native
part of our culture. The Catholic Church is universal in its appeal. That is why
it is called “Catholic,” for catholic means universal.
These are the qualities which mark out the Catholic
Church today as the one religious organization in the world which is identical
with the Church which Jesus Christ founded. It is one, holy, catholic and
apostolic, just as was the Church in the time of the first Apostles.
These four marks point out the Catholic Church as the
true Church of Christ in another way. Only God can work a miracle. Now these
four qualities in a society are obviously miraculous.
Take unity, for example. We have erected a society called the United Nations to
make something of that unity. But it seems the more nations we have in it, the
less unity there is.
Political parties meet in convention to draw up a
“platform” of action. But the platform cannot be too definite. There have to be
compromises in deference to sharply conflicting views. The more divergent the
factions in the party, the less agreement can be reached. All things human show
the same tendency to disintegrate under the pressure of expansion.
The truths held by all Catholics are numerous and
detailed; sometimes they are involved. For example, all Catholics believe in
transubstantiation. Transubstantiation is the term applied to the change of the
whole substance of bread into the Body of Christ and the change of the whole substance
of wine into the substance of the Blood of Christ, the appearance of bread and
wine remaining. That is a very definite belief, though a rather involved one. It
is not the kind of truth people would come to know and believe on their own. All
Catholics hold it with equal belief and with complete acceptance.
So it is with many other points of Catholic belief. The
unity of the Catholic Church is something which is not matched anywhere else in
the world. It is not that the Catholic Church is a little more united than other
societies. It is that the Catholic Church is unified in a way which no other
society was ever united. The ordinary laws of sociology do not apply here. That
is what we mean by a miracle. Such unity cannot be explained on any natural
Take the case of the Church’s apostolic tradition. It
is just not reasonable that a society which has lived so vigorously as the
Catholic Church should not have burned itself out by this time. Every other
society which was in existence when Christ founded His Church–the Roman Empire,
nation of the Gauls, the great universities of Greece–has passed away. Groups
have broken off from the Catholic Church during its almost two thousand years of
existence. They have followed the curve of disintegration which governs all
natural societies. They have waxed strong for a while, grown old and they have
passed away.
As the man in the Gospel who was born blind said after
receiving his sight, “If this man were not from God, he could do nothing” (John
9:33). If the Catholic Church were not from God, it could not continue to
possess, as the Catholic Church does, the four marks which Christ’s True Church
must possess–apostolicity, catholicity, unity and holiness. Any church may claim
these symbols of authenticity and authority. But only one may truly possess them.
have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth,
the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus. Though man in his arrogance and
pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it forward. Retain the
Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind." - Our Lady of the
Roses, September 7,
"I gave
you a simple plan with the construction of My House, My Church, upon earth.
But now you want to reform it, until you will split My House asunder with
many denominations, many new denominations. I ask that My Church be
universal, apostolic, and the saver of souls. However, there are rules to be
followed, doctrines to remain unchanged." - Jesus, September 7, 1978
Our Lady of
the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies... These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
"O My children, I will not go into a long discourse now with you about charity
and love for your neighbor, but you must understand: you cannot judge your
neighbor. You must pray for them. However, you cannot become weak and
permissive. You must stand forth as bearers of the light, carriers of the truth.
You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon
earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus. Though man in his
arrogance and pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it
forward. Retain the Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind." - Our
Lady, September 7, 1978
"As in the past, rejection has been the start of a fallen man. Sin has become a
way of life with many. You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend
the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom. No, I say to you:
many are called, but few are chosen.
"Ask and you shall receive, believe and you will be given the way. But you
must merit the Kingdom. Your birthright was a start, but you must make your way
to the Kingdom. Others may gain these graces for you by prayer and acts of
sacrifice, but you will accept or reject the key." - Jesus, May 26, 1976
"My child
and My children, you are all My children. I judge you not by color or race, and
I do not judge you by your creed; however, should the knowledge of the One True
Church be given to you, and the way to Heaven along the narrow road be given to
you, you will follow it or you will be rejected." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985
CROSS "There is
only one religion that can save your country and all of the countries of the
world: the religion of the cross and My Son's sacrifice upon that cross." -
Our Lady, November 25, 1978
children, pray much! We do not want to see a division in My Son's House. The
Roman Catholic Church must remain one! But this does not mean, as the church of
man states, that you will bring all manner of heretics and separated brethren
in. No, My children, that is an error, a delusion from satan. You cannot change
My Son's House and bring them in and change for them! They must change and come
back to the original rule given by My Son and those who were with Him in the
building of the foundation.
"I repeat, My child and My children: separated brethren must change. They
have protested in the past; they have taken themselves away from the truth and
the one true Church. They must reject the errors they have made in the past and
come back and start again. They cannot bring their errors into My Son's House.
"You are opening the doors now for all manner of heretics, separated
brethren. They do not come to unite in good spirit and heart; they come to take
over. They seek to change you, O pastors, who are being deluded. And what do I
see in My Son's House but separated brethren upon His pulpit! Even from the
temples, the synagogues of satan, upon His pulpit! And for what?
"And who are My pastors now that have joined in this plan of destruction? Who
ordained some of them? Not legitimate hands. They come to destroy. They come in
like rats, burrowing, undermining My Son's Church! Do you think you are not
watched? Are you above your Creator that you think you can deceive the world
permanently? No, I say unto you! You are being given your time, for you who have
given yourselves to satan are now exposing your true nature to the world." -
Our Lady, March 18, 1977
are many deceptions taking place among you, and one being the falsification of
the manner of the salvation of souls. When I was upon earth, I established the
rules and I gave you My Church, My House. However, now I watch as many have gone
forward with itching ears and novelty, and they are setting upon the world a new
religion." - Jesus, May 20, 1978
be deluded, My children, by the agents of satan among you in human form who
preach doctrines of devils. The truth has been given to mankind through the
ages. The Holy Roman Catholic Church of My Son will stand. The members shall be
reduced to few. Only a remnant, My child, shall carry the banner Faithful and
True. But the gates of hell shall fight a heavy battle against My Son's Church,
but they shall not succeed." - Our Lady, May 14, 1977
children are wandering into the web of satan, going farther from the House of My
Son. The truth is being removed from their hearts. They are setting among
themselves groups. They shall not remove from their lives vows of My Son. As the
only sanctified House upon earth, their souls will be destroyed when they are
not given the Bread of living life. This Bread will only be obtained in the
sanctified House of My Son. Satan seeks to remove the tabernacle from among
you." - Our Lady, August 5, 1973
encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops
and all the clergy. Also, send this page to as many people as possible.