We receive many wonderful emails but these are extraordinary:
Could you tell us how you use the internet to
spread Our Lady's Messages? Feedback
Email #4 2-19-01
Message Type = Praise
Comments = I truly love this site. I would like to have daily messages
E-Mailed to me. Since I have found
this site I set my little mission to be giving out St. Benedict medal for each
window and the Crucifix to glue on the door, a rosary and a copy of bayside
prophecy to each catholic here at our senior complex. Many have not even heard
of such a thing. I give packets to each new catholic resident and some non
catholic that wants to have them. I
have never however received any rose petals as I could add those to.
I now have 2 going to church with me. One is very crippled but hasn’t
been to church in years and one that is set on becoming a Catholic.
You are a blessing for me to lean on.
God Bless you,
Email #3 2-19-01
This email is a follow up to email #1
Message Type = Praise
Comments = I had sent my comments of praise on the website and regular updated
messages which I receive promptly on my e-mail address everyday, on Friday,
February 9 and on Monday (12/2) when I opened the message on “e-mail” and I
found my message published along with a comment, I just couldn't believe it - it
is like one of the innumerable wonders that is taking place at Bayside.
I, in my simplicity and appreciativeness, just sent a message and to
think our Blessed Mother chose my message to be published brought tears of
immense joy to me.
Our Blessed Mother is so thankful and grateful even for the very small
things we do for Her and rewards us so bounteously.
As mentioned I take a print out of these messages, file them
in a plastic folder under the caption ‘TREASURES FROM HEAVEN” with a small
footnote “handle with utmost care”. I
even gave one of these folders to a nun with a request to pass it on to other
nuns and priests.
Every first Saturday evening, after the Mass, we have an hour
of Eucharistic Adoration and I am given the great privilege of taking up the
Rosary. For reflections before each
decade, I always read out relevant portions of messages which I receive from Our
Lady of Roses -each time a different topic - Eucharist, Rosary,
Communion, Jesus’ message on His Blessed Mother, Matrimony, Surrogate Mothers
and Test Tube Babies, Dress Conduct & modesty of women, Family life, Role of
Parents towards children, etc. and many of them are full of awe and
feel enriched with these messages and are also putting into practice the
appeal given by our Blessed Mother.
Besides this, every Saturday, a few of us gather to recite
the Cenacles comprising of Rosary, Litany, Consecration to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary and listen to a message of Our Blessed Mother read to them.
We also sing a few hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the end a small
message of Our Blessed Mother is given to them for reflection.
We are a small group and I try to inculcate in them the power of the
Rosary and the numerous graces that are bestowed on those who recite the Rosary
devoutly, and at times when only a handful turn up and if I, a sinner, feel so
disappointed, how much more disappointed Our Blessed Mother would feel!!
We also have a small Chapel attached to our Church, St.
Luke’s, Madras, where we have six days a week, from 7.00 AM to 6.00 PM
perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
Once I caught on to this website there has been no going back
and I have grown in leaps and bounds in my spiritual life and I pray that Our
Blessed Mother of Roses would bless everyone and their families who work for Her
at this website and at Bayside.
Please remember me and my family members - Mum, Sister,
Brothers & family, very specially in your prayers and, particularly,
regarding our property matters spanning over 22 years.
We trust in Jesus and Mary.
I look forward to receiving a few Rose petals blessed by
Jesus and Mary.
Yours in Jesus and Our Lady of Roses
Email #2 2-12-01
Dear TLDM,
I work the midnight to eight shift. I
am in a car all night driving around. I
get the message out about your web site by placing flyers on doors and windows
of businesses. I leave post it notes in magazines on bank machines etc,
etc, car windshields. It’s my honor to do this!
I was a lapsed Catholic for over 25 years, when I
returned to the church, I could not believe what I was seeing! Placing the Host in the Hand!
Even myself a former Heathen knew this was wrong! It disturbs me every time I go to church to seeing people
and these Eucharistic Ministers handing out the Host, like they are handing out
candy! Another thing that bothers me is everyone seems to be
going to Communion, but no one seems to be going to confession.
Don’t get me wrong as Saint Paul said, There is still much sin in me,
But I'm trying to do what is right! I fail every day and I ask God for his Mercy and
Forgiveness every day. Those of us
in the position we are in, should be more Zealous in getting out these messages,
especially to our Priest’s and Bishops.
Yours in Christ.
Former Heretic from Massachusetts.
Email #1
Dear TLDM,
I spotted this website by cheer chance or perhaps I may
say, Our Lady of Roses drew me to this website through the Rosary to which I am
very dedicated - I am a Roman Catholic. The riches I’ve drawn from this website is immeasurable.
In fact I get regular updated messages on my e-mail address and I collect
all these messages put them in a folder under the heading “TREASURES FROM
HEAVEN” and circulate to my Church friends and all of them have not even heard
about Our Lady of Roses. In my small way, I try to spread the messages especially on
“ Communion in hand is a sacrilege” There’s
a synod 2002 being held in the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore and I am
collecting relevant data especially on reverence to the Eucharist, receiving
Communion on the tongue, more holiness among the Religious, dress conduct of
women, etc.
I have contributed a small amount last year based on your
appeal and have received four rose petals and regular literature.
I would be extremely thankful if you could send me a few
rose petals blessed by Jesus and Mary for distribution to my family
members/close friends.
I ask Our Blessed Mother to bless all those who work
untiringly to make this website reach millions far and wide.
I pray daily or world peace and that Blessed Mother’s messages will be
accepted and mankind will change for the better.
Yours in Our Blessed Mother of Roses,
Here is a person who keeps a copy of the messages in a folder, spreads the
messages of Our Lady of the Roses to others, supports the web site, and prays
for the success of Our Lady's Mission. This is absolutely fantastic!
Maybe you can tell us how you use the internet to spread Our Lady's Messages? Feedback
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